Soul Merger

Monsterpedia 37 - Giant Crocodile


Giant Crocodile

Monster Level - IV

Soul Type - Composite

Intelligence - Animalistic

Strength - Very Strong

Magic - Weak

Rarity - Common

Normally giant animals are seen as some of the less dangerous level IV monsters. They can't breath fire, shoot spines, or use magic. Giant Crocodiles are a very big exception. Crocodiles have long been a threat to humans, and at twice the size and eight times the mass, these monsters are even more dangerous. The only good thing is they aren't common or active in cold environments. But if the dungeon isn't absolutely miserable for humans, you will want to keep an eye on the water.

Like their smaller animal friends giant crocodiles are ambush predators who lurk below the surface of waters before striking. They're incredibly good at hiding despite a lack of magic and their massive size, so don't get careless. They can also launch themselves out of the water at least twenty feet, so flying isn't safe either. Their tough hide resists blows as well, but if you have gear capable of hurting level IV monsters at all, you should be okay there.

The biggest weakness of these monsters is their bloodlust. They're more likely to swim close to delving groups revealing their presence, and they won't back down from a fight. It's terrifying when one of your friends gets grabbed and the crocodile starts dragging them back to the water to kill, but if you can overcome the fear this is the best time to strike. With the monster focused on the prey it has caught, you can move in to strike its vitals without worrying about counterattacks.

Giant gator leather has a wide variety of uses, but it's actually less valuable than normal reptile leather. It's too thick to be used in smaller items like wallets, and requires a lot of work to be flexible enough for clothing. Because of the limitations, it sells for less than most hides, so it's not worth hunting. Still it is worth some money, so if you kill one it's worth harvesting.


Benefits : Tough hide, slowed metabolism,

Weaknesses : Reduced reflexes

Giant Crocodile merges tend to lead to darker skin, a green tint to hair, and add a third eyelid, which can creep some people out, but is great for avoiding eye damage. The most obvious physical change is the merge makes people resistant to harm. Cuts and scrapes that would normally cut through the outer layers of skin just scuff up people with this merge. It's not true armor, but it's great while performing general tasks.

The true benefit of the merge comes in a general reduced metabolism. People with this merge tend towards serious relaxation. They need less food, they can hold their breath for twenty minutes or more, and they lose less blood when something does manage to cut them. They also seem to have less issues with anxiety and depression.

However there's a downside to this laid back nature. While they have no issue with acting quickly when needed, their reactions and reflexes are fairly slow compared to most humans. Randomly throw a ball at one and they'll have a hard time flinching before they're hit, much less catching it. This leads people with this merge to trend towards jobs and tasks where they can plan and act in advance, as opposed to ones where they have to rapidly change tactics.

Giant Crocodile merges probably don't grant immortality. But it does slow down aging considerably! Studies suggest 5 years in merge is comparable to one human year. This affects everyone at time of merge, so if you don't want to enjoy decades of being a teenager, wait until you're older for this merge.

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