Soul Merger

Fili's notes : The Demons' Testimony

[I've combined the notes from both demon interviews. For convenience we've listed them as 'The Scholar' (Sc) and 'The Preacher' (P). The Scholar's transcript was handled via personal recording at the time, while the Preacher's transcript was pulled via standard tower memory reading. As such some caution is warranted around specific wordings.]

P : "Every world dies twice you see. They struggle along on their own to start. Trying their best to survive against the emptiness that awaits before and after. But eventually they all fail. And they cry out for salvation."

Sc : "My research has shown most worlds do not start with what we term as magic. They are locked by physical rules, mostly. However when enough people, I suspect at least a billion, are in distress and psychically call for assistance, magic begins to enter the world. In short, you fucked up and asked for help."

Audience : "Somehow I don't think this is the salvation people were asking for."

P : "Salvation rarely comes as we wish it. Our souls did not ask to be washed here on the tides of magic either, but here we are."

Audience : "We fucked up? How?"

Sc : "I can't be sure. Your pre-Fall literature seems to suggest you managed to severely damage the planet itself, which is quite impressive. Rising seas, cataclysmic weather, oh and a side order of plague and war. Something I'm researching, but as you can imagine there's a lack of details. The Fall, as you call it, distracted people from those issues."

Audience : [...]

P : "And so revitalized your world will suffer through its new birth, until magic finally reaches its full potential! A world of fantasy and splendor. One that will slowly rot away just as all those before it. Because death always returns."

Sc : "You've bought yourself a second chance. Well once magic finally finishes filling your world. It's a bit hard on everyone along the way, but so it goes. After that our planet will carry along.

Audience : "Our planet?"

Sc : "Well our souls aren't going anywhere. They're just going to properly form. You won't have to work to keep your harpy friend's soul from losing bits. Magniel and I just skipped the messy in between parts and incarnated right the first time."

Audience : "So what's with the gloom and doom speech? Yeah, things die. We know that."

P : "You don't think your magical golden age will last forever do you? No it'll rise and fall, and then the world will reach its second death. But there'll be no return from this one. It's all back into the mess of souls to wait for the next failing world. And we do it again, and again, and AGAIN!"

Audience : "So what's your interest in this then?"

Sc : "Simple. The current system is too messy in my opinion. I intend to study this process, and find a way to improve it."

P : "Simple. The current system is too annoying. I intend to find a way to fix it."

[Discussion on this point of high interest ends here. Further transcriptions will be attached.]

[Editor's Notes]

Brian : How the hell did no one find out about this earlier? And why didn't the angel know?

Fili : Apparently demons are better at sharing information. Also these two are pretty old.

Sally : I imagine the Tower suppressed the information that could be used to confirm this theory. With what the angel told us though it makes sense.

Fili : Yeah. We'll have to do some historical research to confirm, but it's a solid start.

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