Soul Merger

Ch 73

Alissa was happy for the stew that Nostramus and Magniel were offering. She was a little less happy about what it signified. "I take it that our target is here then?" she asked as she sat down. The others gathered around as well, Fili sitting next to her while Akari took control of her body again.

"You are correct," Nostramus replied. "He's abusing the ideas of 'research' to summon his device. He's prepared for an attack. And sadly we won't be able to just flood the place with anti demon poison to handle matters."

"Is there any good news?" Clara asked. "You know, as a treat."

"We can get you past the fifth layer," Magniel said with a smile.

Alissa felt the relief hit her system at that. Playing guessing games with creatures that could kill you instantly was better than being ambushed by them. But still, it wasn't a good time. Rosalina spoke for them all. "That's very kind of you. It's unfortunate we'll have to cut our delve a little short, but we are pressed for time."

"Indeed." Nostramus said. "We have a few days before the ritual finishes, but there are some complications."

Sally's voice came through the communicator. "Complications that keep us from just flooding the place with delvers? Because now that we know he's here we can stop messing around everywhere else."

"I'm afraid that having a massive number of delvers pop out would get him to cut and run. The man has no scruples, and is quite willing to go to ground for a few decades if needed." Nostramus sighed. "It's one of the benefits of being immortal."

"Yeah." Sally sighed. "Okay I'll tell everyone, but we'll assume it'll have to be handled by you guys. Do you have a plan?"

"That we do." The demon motioned to Magniel who pulled out a crude map. "He is working on his primary ritual which is here at the top of the building."

Akari's ears twitched. "Guarded by horrible traps and monsters I imagine?"

"Of course," the demon replied. "He's been a very busy man, creating all sorts of servants who don't care about dying."

Trevor folded his arms. "Ones I'm quite good at defeating."

"A minor weakness," Nostramus agreed. "But that's only half the problem. See he's already performed a smaller ritual that will allow him to relocate his operation if needed. The materials and a secret escape route are stored down here," he said, tapping at the sub basement.

Kotori raised a wing. "If it's secret, how do you know about it?"

"He's got demons guarding the exit, so it's rather obvious something is there. After that it's a simple matter of summoning a few spirits to inspect more closely." The man shrugged. "The problem with security is it decreases secrecy."

Alissa considered the situation. "So it looks like the best plan is to split up again. Catch him between our groups." She looked back and forth between her team and Trevors. "Normally I'd say we should take the secret entrance but-" Her eyes flickered to Kotori.

The harpy looked annoyed. "I can still help out! Sorta."

Fili chewed her lip. "She's not really our biggest damage dealer. We should probably invest in something to help her fight in general."

"Point." Alissa felt a little embarrassed. "We probably should have thought of that earlier honestly."

"There's another reason you might want to consider striking the secret passage," Magniel said, eyes flashing. "I believe that's where the succubus is waiting."

Alissa felt her blood churn at that. She wanted it. She wanted it very badly. And that was very dangerous.

She felt Fili give her arm a squeeze and she turned to give her girlfriend a smile before looking across at the others. "Rosalina?"

"We probably should take it," the dragon priest said. "After all, if it's still a succubus we're the better party to face it. However, we're going to make a plan, and you're going to follow it to the letter Alissa dear."

"Fair." Alissa took a deep breath. "So I guess we're breaking into the basement. What are we looking for?"

"A box about three feet square. Those are the materials he would need to start again quickly," Nostramus said. "Of course that's all moot if he doesn't escape, so killing him would be preferable."

"It won't linger," Brian pointed out, his dog ears swiveling.

The demon looked at Akari who vehemently shook her head. "I shouldn't touch her power again. Even if I could get into the right headspace to invoke her. We'll need something else."

"You could try your experimental spell, Fili," Sally's voice rang out.

Alissa looked over at her girlfriend who seemed conflicted. "I'm not even sure it'll work on a living creature," she said. "It was purely a thought experiment!"

"What is it?" Alissa asked.

"Uh, so..." Fili looked embarrassed. "I was impressed by the whole soul taking thing, and I figured it had to be possible to replicate it with traditional magics so I devised a spell that effectively shreds the target's body and spirit into component pieces and throws them into the world's recycling streams. So if it works it should prevent the revival of demons, angels, or dragons."

Alissa blinked a few times. The others seemed to be similarly dumbfounded. After a bit she managed to ask, "So this soul shredding thing-"

"Is probably very painful," Fili admitted. "But so is being set on fire. And since it only gets to the soul once the body is destroyed I decided it didn't matter much."

It was hard to argue with, but messing with souls was... well messy. After a moment though a thought hit her. "Actually isn't this what that asshole wanted? He should be happy to have it tested on him. Then he can leave the rest of us all alone."

Nostramus shrugged. "Sadly I have the feeling he will insist we all secretly desire oblivion as well and refuse to accept a less explosive end."

"Suicidal and desperate for fame. Such wonderful qualities," Rosalina said. "Well I'm willing to help Fili delete him from existence. Or recycle him or whatever." A chorus of affirmations came from the rest.

"I'll take another look over the spell then," Fili said, pulling out the chip. "Maybe Rosalina and Nostramus can help?"

Rosalina smoothed her hair past her horn crown. "Sure. After we find a way to kill off that succubus."

Alissa slid closer to her friends. That was definitely something worth planning out carefully. Because she was going to enjoy the execution.

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