Soul Merger

Ch 7

As soon as she entered one of the more open streets the rain and light breeze hit her properly. Sometimes the chill was bracing, but tonight it mostly made Alissa appreciate the slime. It was much less cold than the elements.

She followed the glowpaste covered signs that delineated the streets until she got to River Street. As she turned to follow the waterline Fili muttered something and hugged her tighter. Alissa gave the mage a light pat on the head, which seemed to settle the sleeping woman.

After a few more minutes her merge enhanced eyesight let her see the small house that was her own. A single story three room affair with a couple of windows. Not quite a shack, but smaller than a lot of the group housing units. It was currently floating a bit since the water was high, but she'd set up a bridge to her front door that would follow the water level. She carefully walked over and unlocked the door.

Her place was simple. A simple table sat next to the kitchen, where the stove was happily putting out heat from the salamander heart in its belly. But between that and the firm walls, the place was warm and dry. Which was a step up from outside. She shut the door leading back into the cold world and took stock of what she needed to do.

First step was to put their clothes in the washing tub. They'd need to be deslimed, but she wasn't going to even start trying to handle that tonight. Then get Fili into the bed. After that she needed to set up the spare hammock and she'd be done.

Actually that wasn't right. She should put Fili on the bed first. Yeah that meant the sheets would get slimed, but that was going to happen anyway. She carefully took her sleeping companion to the bedroom and slowly turned to ease the woman onto the bed. She winced as Fili's robes and her cloak pulled apart like two poorly glued parchments, but Fili only shifted a little in her sleep. The mage didn't even react as she took the woman's pouch and put it on the nightstand.

With a sigh she proceeded to strip off her cloak and leathers and took those to her washroom. A bucket through a trap door in the floor got her the water she needed, and she dumped her clothes into the water to soak. After a moment she put another bucket on the stove to warm. She was gonna need to at least rinse off before she went to sleep.

That done she went to where Fili was resting. "Apologies," she said as she carefully stripped off the woman's robe. Interestingly it wasn't as sticky as the coating between the robe and cloak had been.

As she parted the robe she was surprised to find Fili was actually quite cute. The woman had acted like she didn't like being seen, but she had what could only be called a full bodied if petite figure. And now that the smells of the city weren't covering them up, Alissa could smell a delicate strawberry and lemon scent. Fili seemed like the type of girl who could easily get attention if she wanted it.

Then again Alissa wasn't exactly ugly, and she had issues with people seeing her body.

She put that aside as she slowly slipped the robe off of the mage. Fili murmured and curled up as Alissa rotated her, but in the end she got the outfit off. Beneath the woman was wearing complex underclothes that looked to be made of some pre Fall material. After a moment Alissa decided to let the woman keep those. "Sorry." she murmured as she tucked the woman under the sheets.

The robe joined her clothes in the soak bucket and she then grabbed the warm water and scrubbed off the slime. It wasn't as satisfying as a full bath, but that'd have to come later.

After that it was just pulling the hammock out of the storage box, along with some blankets and setting it up in the corner. She settled into the hanging cot, wrapped herself up, and let sleep take her.

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