Soul Merger

Ch 64

The escape from the fifth layer went almost as planned. Fili and Rosalina were tired, and everyone else needed a break from running, but no one was dead, so Alissa considered that a big win.

They moved through the fourth layer more cautiously. Magniel and Kotori pulled the one two mental punch that kept the giant birds away, with Nostramus adding an extra mental kick where needed. That left her free to keep an eye out for traps, giant frogs, or whatever other nonsense the labyrinth would throw at them. And she was certain it would. There was no way they were getting through the lower layers without some blood.

Right now Trevor and Rosalina were walking with her, adding their eyes to hers. Though she figured the kid was actually here to pick her mind, and Rosalina was here to meddle.

"So how hard is it to learn trapfinding?" Trevor asked. As she inspected the pit trap in front of them.

With a quick kick she sent the camouflage down to the bottom of the pit. Of course it was filled with spikes and deadly creatures. The poisonous snakes down there hissed at her suggesting they were monsters, so she stepped back and let Rosalina blast them. "It's not hard to learn the basics, but there's a lot of experience required to get good at it. This labyrinth is easy, but in some of the ones with more complex traps you need to be able to identify multiple triggers and attacks."

He nodded slowly. "So it's not something we should try to pick up cold. It'd be better to hire experts."

Alissa looked at the young man. "You're planning on going back to delving? I suppose you've got the skills and merge for it. Still I have to warn you, it doesn't pay well unless you get lucky or start with a lot of cash."

"I mean, what other jobs can we get?" He looked back at the others. "Maybe some of us can find jobs around town, but most of us don't have connections or skills outside of fighting. Especially the ones that were stolen young. The newcomers probably can do better, but they were mostly orphans right?"

"Indeed. But there's still plenty of opportunity," Rosalina said. "A head for numbers can get you an accounting job with little experience. And there's always room for new sailors. But you don't need to rush off to any jobs."

He gave a weak grin. "You say that, but we don't have any money."

"Dragon materials can be exchanged for goods and services!" Rosalina replied with some cheer. "Well okay they can be exchanged for money which then can be used for those. In any case we're not going to just throw you out to the wolves after rescuing you. That would be quite irresponsible."

Alissa couldn't help but grin. "The Saint of the Slums is going to get a collection together for the needy?"

Rosalina sighed. "I might as well. That title is horrid, but if I can get some value out of it then it will have a use."

"Thank you," Trevor said. "I think we'll probably still mostly end up as delvers, but it will be good to have a rest."

"Hm..." Alissa considered the young man's words. She knew how much being forced into a job sucked, though in her case it was a limitation of her merge rather than circumstances. But recognizing her other options, even if she'd never actually pick them, had helped take the sting off. "There's some other places you could go with combat skills. Professional trade guards are always in demand. And you have experience handling combat in open areas." Another thought hit her and she shook her head. "For that matter the city's short on knightly orders and large cleanup guilds. Maybe you could grab yourself a contract with the City Council."

Trevor looked surprised. "Really? Aren't those heavily contested??"

"Indeed, but after the Rampage there's been a few openings. And guilds don't pop out of nowhere," Rosalina glanced back at the group working through the wetlands. "Usually anyway."

Trevor chewed his lip. "It would still be hard for those that aren't interested in fighting but...."

"I think you're vastly underestimating the amount of paperwork you're going to have to do," Alissa said. "There will be plenty of non combat jobs."

Rosalina shuddered. "So much paperwork. I swear there must be a dragon hiding at City Hall the way they hoard forms."

"I'll have to talk to the others," he said.

Further thoughts were cut off by a loud buzzing. Alissa drew her sword and looked up, worried that some kind of horrid insect had shown up to ruin things.

To her surprise the approaching creature wasn't an insect but a large hummingbird. She guessed it was only a little larger than a human, but it zipped through the air just as fast as the smaller ones above ground did.

Kotori fortunately was there to face off with the bird. "Hey you! Scram! You eat nectar not people! There's nothing here for you. Get lost!"

An ear piercing chirp resounded from the hummingbird in response. Kotori looked confused, while Magniel moved up next to the harpy. "What? Territory? We're not hummingbirds! You're delusional! Besides we're going to leave anyway so-"

With a blinding swoop the hummingbird knocked the harpy and the angel out of the sky. Everyone readied their weapons as Nostrome shouted "The damn thing is too combative. We won't be able to reason with it!"

Rosalina and Trevor rushed to the two fallen fliers' side, while Alissa watched and waited. The bird zipped this way and that, easily dodging arrows and spells from below. Every now and then it'd rush in and peck someone before flying back out of reach. The wounds didn't seem serious, but eventually someone would get unlucky.

Of course Ibaraki was running back and forth as well swinging her club. There was a chance the oni would send their foe flying into the next layer before anyone got seriously hurt. Still if the fight dragged on, other monsters might show up. And they'd be harder to placate if there was already a battle.

Alissa took out her knife in her other hands and crept along the shore, moving into the reeds. The bird was focusing on the main group, which was smart given a solid hit from one of the casters or Clara would be serious damage. But there was only so much it could see.

She crouched down and concentrated. The hummingbird flickered around, making an attack then returning to the defensive. It dodged one volley, then another, flickering back and forth until it was overhead.

"Black Wings" she hissed, pouncing like a cat. She aimed above the bird to land hard on it.

The hummingbird must have sensed she was approaching, because it zipped back, right into her blades. A chirp resounded through her head, making her ears ring from pain, but shock forced the bird's wingbeats out of sync. They both fell down, Alissa doing her best to stay on top as the hummingbird wings slapped her erratically.

The wild ride finally ended as they hit the ground. The giant bird let out a final chirp and fell silent. Alissa relaxed, then froze when she saw a spear jutting out of the creature's body two handspans from her. That was too damn close.

Alissa looked down to complain to the spear's owner only to see a young woman shuddering as merge hit. She felt a little bad for judging the woman now. It probably had been desperation.

She hopped off the bird and waited until the woman finished getting the iridescent hair and feathery patches on her body before offering a hand. "You okay?"

The woman blinked a few time before letting Alissa help her up. "Thirsty."

Alissa offered her canteen. "If this doesn't help Clara's got some fruit juice."

"Why would," the girl froze as she realized she'd grabbed the canteen faster than the eye could follow. "Ah right. Uh, do you know what this merge does?"

"Nope, but I know someone who does." She grinned to see Fili was already approaching alongside the young woman's friends. "We've got a need for a monster expert."

Fili smiled. "I can fill in for one!"

"I suppose you are overqualified," Alissa replied with a wink before moving to see if anyone else needed help.

Fortunately Rosalina had handled all the wounds. The biggest damage was to Kotori's pride, which the harpy was soothing by complaining about hummingbirds and how they were all aggressive macho idiots. Alissa didn't have enough experience to comment, though in this particular case she agreed with the harpy.

As a bonus it seemed the skirmish counted as 'enough fighting' far as whatever perverse forces controlled this labyrinth. They continued on without further incident until they reached the passage to the third layer. There Nostrame and Magniel stepped aside. "I think you should be more than a match for anything along the way from here on," the demon replied.

"Yep!" Ibaraki replied. "Still kinda mean leaving us to finish the trip. We won't buy you drinks if you skip out on us now!"

Clara snorted. "Don't think they'd be allowed out of the labyrinth either way." Ibaraki replied by sticking out her tongue.

Nostrame chuckled. "Indeed. Which is why we shall part for now. But if we find information on that fool priest or that succubus you wish dead we will send word."

"Wait," Alissa realized something. "How do you swap between labyrinths if you can't enter the city?"

The demon waggled his fingers. "Magic." And with that the two left.

"Bastard," Rosalina said with amusement. "That was far too good a line for a demon. It shouldn't be allowed."

"Hoarding good lines now?" Alissa asked.

"Shut up," the dragon woman replied. "We've got a long walk ahead. Let's get started."

Alissa laughed along with the others before taking up point again. The serious danger was past. Now it was just finishing the job properly.

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