Soul Merger

Ch 43

There was a bit more haggling over what counted as proper supplies, but soon the deal was signed and planning could begin. Alissa had heard stories about travel outside the trade routes, but she'd never attempted it. Which led to the first question. "So who's actually wandered into the wilderness, or are we working based off of book learning."

Fili gave a shaky hand gesture. "We did field research but working with a team of fully equipped college mages isn't going to be anything like what we're doing."

To Alissa's surprise Akari raised her hand more confidently. "I've done solo camping. It's part of Miko training. While the area was usually swept for monsters we had to follow all the rules."

"I also know a little," Raiel said. "Though I have more options due to the power of flight, and the fact most monsters don't care about me."

Alissa nodded slowly. "Since you and Kotori will need to come along, that might still be useful. Flying seems like a powerful skill."

"It's the closest we're gonna get to real tracking ability," Clara said. "On that note should we use that blood? No idea if it'll actually help or be a red herring."

"It's our only lead," Rosalina pointed out. "Might as well start with it. If nothing else we'll know if the man is dead. Hopefully it'll point us in the right direction. Though I'm pretty sure I know which way they'll head."

Alissa raised an eyebrow. "If it were that easy wouldn't the Guild have already sent someone."

"Well not everyone has my genius intellect," Rosalina said smoothing her horns. "Also I only know what general direction. Not the details." She rolled out a map. "The Pacio Engraver's Guild has eyes in every port, so ship travel is out, as is following the coast North or South. So they're going East. But you can bet the villages along the main passes are going to be watched. Which means~"

Alissa sighed, along with all the other humans. Clara finished the sentence. "They're going to wander through the valleys by Glacier Mountain until they can break out into open country."

"Yep!" Rosalina replied. "After that I imagine they'll head North. No reason to cross into areas claimed by human supremacists. Unless he's interested in new and interesting ways to die!"

"So we need to prepare for cold weather too," Alissa said. "Right. Let's get that settled then get to sleep. We're going to want to start early tomorrow."

Clara's bloodsense confirmed both that the guard was alive, and that they were likely following the vague route that Rosalina had suggested. Of course instead of blindly going mountain climbing their group instead took a couple of carriages east before hopping off and heading off road.

Their path ahead was obvious but it didn't look like it was going to be easy. The best plan was to follow the rivers and streams that had dug the valleys and passes they wanted to travel down. But there were no lasting paths through the brush and pines. For extra fun it was cold and wet already. Alissa had added a much heavier cloak to her outfit and she was glad she had. It might cost an extra second at the start of a fight, but frostbite would be even worse.

The others had picked out similar cloaks and capes. They'd even found something for Kotori and Raiel. The angel had to use her wings to keep the back of the modified coat warm, and the harpy was constantly complaining about her cape's weight, but a few minutes in the chill air convinced the bird girl that it was the lesser of two evils.

She looked to Clara and Rosalina. "So where are we going first?"

"There's a lake that's a good stopping point a good day's march in," Clara said. "Figured I could lead the way."

"You're going to need to handle orienteering," Alissa said. "I'll move ahead to find the path and keep away trouble. You should just keep me from getting too far off course."

The tall woman paused, then nodded. "Right. Just make sure to actually ask Kotori and Raiel for scouting. It'd be a waste to have them along and then not use their skills. The only way we're gonna catch up is if we follow the trails faster."

Alissa nodded. Clara was right. She might not completely trust either, but she'd need their help.

For now though the path was pretty clear. Follow along the riverside. She looked back at the others. "We ready?"

Everyone nodded, and Akari moved to follow her closely. It might not be the same as delving, but Alissa was glad for the support. If they blundered into anything dangerous, Ibaraki's strength would be needed. Also Akari might know things about overland travel that weren't obvious

But she was more worried about the monsters. Pockets of high magic could keep powerful creatures alive outside of labyrinths. Add in wanderers who slipped out, and incidents like the giant attack they'd faced with the caravan were uncommon but not impossible. Alissa forced herself to peer through the brush and trees along the way, making sure there weren't problems waiting.

Of course there were also the more mundane issues. Like the absolutely miserable path they were working through. The riverbed started nice and wide with plenty of clear banks to walk along. But as they got further up the valley the river became a stream, and the banks frequently became unstable and overgrown. Avoiding blackberry bushes and moss covered rocks took up a lot of their time.

The noon sun was starting to make their extra layers annoyingly hot, when a rustling from further in the forest caused Alissa to pause. She tried to make sense of the noise, but all she could tell was something was running towards them. "Kotori, Raiel, figure out what's making noise that way." She pointed before moving to take a defensible position next to a tree.

"Okay!" Kotori chirped before hopping into the sky, the angel a step behind. Alisa drew her blade, while the others got into a loose fighting formation. Akari was still a step back, not pulling in Ibaraki yet.

"Uh, lots of little guys," Kotori yelled down. "Hard to see through the trees."

Raiel's addition was more useful. "I can feel some monsters. And it looks like they're chasing something."

"So maybe don't shoot the first thing out of the bushes," Clara said. "Got it."

Alissa forced herself to relax a little. Being tense would slow her down when it came time to move. She swapped to a more defensive stance just to keep her reflexes in check. Meanwhile Ibaraki stepped past her and took a swig of liquor. "Bet it's just trash monsters."

The bushes in front of them began to shake, than a scraggly coyote burst out. Alissa snorted as the poor confused creature yelped, then abruptly turned to avoid the 'ambush' their party had set up.

The next thing out of the woods was a goblin, which finished the picture they'd gotten from above. Alissa didn't even have time to move up before a massive crossbow bolt slammed the monster back into the brush. The next one was struck by lightning, while the third spontaneously combusted.

"I don't think we're gonna get any fun," Ibaraki complained as the barrage of fire wiped out the monsters sporadically appearing.

"Probably not," Alissa said. Still she took a step back and checked their flanks. She didn't want any goblins moving in to surprise them.

It was a meaningless effort. The battle ended with a flash of light from Raiel and Kotori removing the last goblin's head as it was shielding its eyes. Alissa hadn't even needed to dodge one of the corpses.

"Well." Akari shook her head as Ibaraki left. "I suppose better safe than sorry."

"Yeah," Alissa said. "We owe you a drink I guess." She looked around for the coyote that had started this mess, but couldn't find it. "I suppose we should loot and move on."

Rosalina stepped up. "I doubt they have anything useful, but now's a great time to break for lunch anyway. Let's roll the corpses, then find someplace less bloody to rest."

The goblins hadn't had anything of note, but lunch had been a pleasant affair. Sadly that turned back into the painful cross country trek.

Alissa was relieved when the river started to widen again and they could see the lake before them. As a bonus the shoreline meant it was harder for things to sneak up on them from the woods. She could relax her eyes a little.

They traveled along, occasionally chatting aimlessly, before reaching the final bend in the lake. The sun was almost entirely behind the mountains now, and the weather was cooling.

She turned back to the others. "Do you think we should press on, or break here?"

Fili leaned on her staff, obviously a little winded by being forced to keep pace with her taller companions. "They've got, what, three days head start? How much will we be making up each day?"

"I think a little less than that," Clara said. "Bet they didn't get nice carriage rides out of the city. So we made up some time right there. They also have to figure out the best path through the mountains. We just gotta follow them."

Rosalina nodded. "True-"

A massive splash caused Alissa to leap blindly backwards. A large maw with fanged teeth came into view as the monster twisted towards her. Then the creature screamed and flinched back as blinding light flashed in front of it.

Alissa continued backpedaling away from the lake as the creature recovered. It was a large monster with a long neck and a small head. Though small was relative, given the thing could probably swallow her.

Fire and lighting snapped out to slam into the creature's body, but it didn't even flinch. "It's got resistances!" Fili yelled out. "I can work past it but stay out of the water!"

Alissa frowned as the creature dodged an arrow Clara shot at its head. This was going to be troublesome. The thick hide looked like it might resist both her dagger and weaken Ibaraki's blows. The creature's eyes should be vulnerable, but it was easily dodging Clara's arrows. Kotori and Ibaraki were trying to harry it from above and below, but snapping teeth kept both at bay.

She needed some way to strike at the weak points. But chucking around energy blasts without magic was a very difficult technique even for a strong elemental merge.

Of course she'd learned the hard way that her merge could pull powerful techniques out of nowhere if her soul was in alignment with the succubus 'template.' But seducing a water monster wouldn't exactly help, would it?

The monster screamed again as steam started erupting around the shoreline. Apparently Fili was boiling the water. The beast lurched out of the water, it's bulky body and massive flippers moving surprisingly fast. Alissa scattered along with the others looking for a good opening.

Raiel blinded it with her little flash trick, letting Ibaraki weave in to smack it's flipper. Kotori's slash at the head wasn't as damaging however. Alissa wished she could fly up there and handle it herself, but she didn't have wings.

... A succubus had wings.

It was a strange idea, but somehow she felt it would work. Of all the things her merge had given her she'd never really hated the body. The mental nonsense that came with it was terrible, but her physical appearance was just a side effect.

She gripped her sword and looked at the creature. The place where the spine met the skull. That was where the skin would be weakest.

Power slipped into her sword and then back into her body. She could feel her shoulders itch, her legs twitch. The thought slipped into her head and she made the leap.

"Black Wings."

It wasn't true flight. It was more of a leap. But she shot into the air, right towards the creature's head.

The monster eyes blinked, before the head ducked down, away from her strike. But that didn't matter. She reached the top of her jump and locked on to her target.

Alissa let her sword lead her dive, power letting her aim her body even as the monster twisted about.

The impact tested her grip, but she forced her sword to slam through its hide, through the muscle beneath, and into the spine below the skull gap.

With a final squeal the creature went limp. Its head fell to the ground, with a massive thud, eyes rolling as it died.

As the rush faded Alissa started to feel the ache in her legs from using the technique. She also noticed the creature smelled terrible.

"Nice work!" Ibaraki said. "Always hate creatures with blubber."

"An interesting technique too," Rosalina said. "Wings definitely complete the look. Not that you need help. How do your shoulders feel though?"

"Fine. It's my legs that ache. Have to practice that," Alissa replied. Was nice of Rosalina to check on her. On that note she turned to Raiel as the angel landed. "Thanks for the save at the beginning there."

Raiel bowed slightly. "I only have the one technique, but I do my best to help."

Fili was poking the monster. "I don't think I recognize this one! We have to categorize it!"

"Guess we're setting up camp here," Clara said.

Alissa nodded as the mage pulled out her tome. "Yeah. But let's do all the monster dissection stuff then find a place further inland. I don't wanna be near the water anymore."

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