Soul Merger

Ch 1

Alissa let her hand rub across the dull green gem that sat on her dagger's pommel. "Evil's Regret" had been in her family for four generations, and now that she was fourteen Father had given it to her!

"Now Alissa, you know that's not a toy," her mom said for the fourth time today.

Alissa rolled her eyes. "I know, Mom. I haven't even removed the peace bond." She turned to show the leather strap keeping the foot long dagger in its sheath hadn't been touched. "I know better than to play with a knife that causes pain."

"Hmph." Her Mom smoothed down her ear feathers. "I suppose you'd learn quickly at least. Still, someone who hasn't completed their merge shouldn't be too eager to use a dagger. You don't want to end up as a dwarf for the rest of your life do you?"

"Ugh." Alissa shuddered at the thought. Even a basic merge like bunny or elf would be better than that. She heard dwarves had to shave every single day to avoid getting all hairy. "I'll be careful."

They continued down the dirt road towards the market. Strawberries and glow fruit should be in season, and Alissa was looking forward to that as her birthday treat. Maybe along with some of mom's special custard.

Her Mom looked down at her. "By the way Alissa, have you thought about what you want for your merge? I know it's a bit early still, but if you've got a clear goal in mind your father and I can start looking into it."

Alissa chewed her lip. It was kinda a stupid question. Every kid was constantly thinking about what they wanted for their merge. At least as soon as they learned how killing a composite souled monster gave you cool powers! But there was one big detail. "Um, well I've actually been thinking about maybe mermaid merge? Like, there's a lot of merges that are nice. But..."

"You don't want to pick something you'll regret later." Her mom smiled. "I understand, dear. I knew I wanted to pick a bird monster since I was a kid, but there were so many choices. Still mermaids are a little common aren't they dear? If you want a form that can breathe underwater, how about a siren?"

"Eh?" She looked up at her mom. "Aren't sirens super super expensive? I mean, I don't want to ask for too much. I know I'm not getting a dragon."

"They're pricey but not too expensive, since we live next to the ocean," her mom replied. "And besides, you're our only daughter, and you're only going to get to merge once! Let's talk it over with your father after we get back."

Alissa nodded happily. "Sure!" She skipped along beside her mom, thinking about what she could do with a siren merge. Breathing underwater was a given, but she'd also get an amazing voice! And depending on the siren she might get all sorts of other skills too. Like water magic or wind magic.

She wasn't sure how she felt about the feathers. She knew mama had issues around molting time. But it would show off how awesome she was. And her family. None of her other friends were going to get a siren, that's for sure!

"We've arrived, dear" Alissa's mom said, breaking her out of her fantasies. They'd made it to the produce market, the elven owner and her mom both grinning at her. She pouted in return before turning to look over the fruits available, making sure to pick the reddest strawberries and the glow berries that shone yellow. Meanwhile her mother and the stall owner chatted about dull stuff, like the council's arguments over government funding.

Finally she'd acquired the best berries and presented them for her mom's approval. Her mom added a few other things, and then paid the stall owner who put the purchases in a bag. "Happy birthday," the merchant said as she passed over the bag.

"Thank you!" Alissa chirped back. She knew the value of a smile. Papa had taught her that a long time ago.

That completed mom led them to a more boring stall that mostly had powdery stuff like flour. Alissa let mom handle that while she looked over the crowds.

Most of the market sellers were bunny merges or elves, with a few dwarves, werewolves, and bulky orc merges for those who needed more physical strength. But among the shoppers were a few more interesting people. A fire elemental merged mage was carefully looking over hard candies, and a delver crew that had a wyvern merge was checking out weapons. The wyvern girl even had wings. Alissa wondered if the woman could fly with them. Maybe a siren merge would let her glide and swim!

Finally her mom finished the bargaining and handed her a pouch with the purchases. "Can you be a good girl and carry these, dear?"

Alissa didn't think much about being forced to work on her birthday, but she reluctantly accepted. "Okay." At least it wasn't too heavy.

With that done they began the walk home along the streets and bridges. "Do you think Papa will have time to play a game with us?" Alissa asked as they started down the final road.

"I imagine he will, dear," her mom said with a wink. "After all, he made sure to cancel all his meetings. I bet he'd be willing to play a game of gin rummy."

"Yay!" She'd learned all sorts of new tricks she wanted to show off. Alissa skipped the way back, occasionally backtracking when her mom moved too slow.

Finally they got to their two story house. Alissa was proud to live in such an amazing house. Most people had to settle for apartments in the megabuildings. She hurried up to the door, and opened it while her mom chuckled behind her. "We're home!"

She froze as she saw the table and chairs had been knocked over, while the door to her parents' room was ajar. The family teapot was broken on the floor, and for a moment she was afraid this was somehow her fault and her mom would punish her. But she'd just gotten here. What had happened?

Her mother's hand fell on her shoulder. "Alissa, stay here," her mom said, pressing down enough that Alissa whimpered in pain. Her mom pulled out the short sword she carried and started carefully walking in.

A loud groan from her parents room, and her mother rushed through slamming the door open. Alissa hesitated for a moment, but when she heard her mother scream followed by a huge crash she dropped her bag and drew her knife. It seemed to pulse with life as she ran into the bedroom.

There was another woman in the room, standing naked at the foot of the bed. Long red hair and batlike wings spread out as the woman leered down at Alissa's mom, lying in the ruins of the vanity. "Now now, I can't properly treat you like this. I'll get to you after I finish with this man."

The demon woman's gesture caused Alissa to look over at the bed. She gasped as she saw her father there, lying on the sheets half naked and covered in scratches. "Papa..."

Alissa's mom tried to stand, but the demon kicked her to the ground in a shower of blood and feathers. The demon woman laughed. "Oh right he must be your husband. Well that makes it better. Now you're sure to have a child!"

The dagger in her hand pulsed again as Alissa ran forwards. That thing was hurting her family.

Her blade was already thrusting as the demon turned towards her. It stepped aside, but Alissa shifted her aim. The demon's laugh turned to a scream as the knife carved into the creature's flesh.

Alissa pulled back and stabbed again. This one hit the demon in the stomach. Blood burst over her hand, as she kept stabbing. She stabbed again, feeling her hand touch flesh. Again, only to bounce off bone. Again, and the knife twisted in her hand as it maneuvered through flesh and around teeth.

The demon was on the ground now but she couldn't stop. She started stabbing down at the woman from above. Again and again as the blood sprayed everywhere.

Pain rushed through her and she dropped the knife. She whimpered as her body started to rearrange. Within her something powerful awakened, and her very soul shuddered as the mental fragments of the creature she'd killed coated it in magic.

That had been the first monster she'd killed.

Alissa had merged with a succubus.

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