Soul Drive: Ignition

Vol 2, Chapter 7: Hiroshinka Preparatory Academy

The night sky settled in as Yutaka's car rolled to a stop in front of a modest two-story house in Toyone. The wooden siding, weathered by time gave the impression the home hadn't had visitors for a while. Hiro stepped out, his sneakers crunching on the gravel path, and he couldn't shake the sensation that he had walked this path before.

"Here we are," Yutaka announced, carefully retrieving their bags from the trunk. "Home until the semester starts."

Hiro followed Yutaka through the creaking front door, the scent of aged wood and a hint of mildew greeted them. They ventured into the living room, where dust motes danced lazily in the moonlight filtering through lace curtains.

"Don’t get too comfortable with unpacking," Yutaka reminded him, gesturing to the suitcases. "You'll move to the Hiroshinka Preparatory Academy’s dorms soon enough."

Hiro nodded absentmindedly, fixated on a framed photograph perched on the mantelpiece. It depicted a younger Yutaka, arm-in-arm with his parents, who seemed oddly recognizable. Shaking off the feeling, Hiro murmured, "Where should I set up for the night?"

"Right, let me show you to your room," Yutaka said, leading him upstairs.

The room was small but inviting, with a single window that looked out onto a garden blooming with the promise of spring. As Hiro settled onto the bed, its mattress hugging him tightly, he closed his eyes briefly and was greeted by something other than a nightmare for once – his parents, alive, living in a home like this one.

"Ready for a small adventure?" Yutaka's voice broke through his dream world.

"Adventure?" Hiro asked, realizing morning had arrived.

"Shopping. For school." Yutaka smiled, the lines around his eyes softening. "And food. You must be starving."

"What time is it," Hiro muttered, he reached for his phone to see twelve-noon flash across its surface. He had slept for twelve hours. "Let me get dressed and I'll meet you downstairs." Yutaka nodded and left the room.


Toyone's main street welcomed them with the scent of fried eggs and rice. They found themselves at the entrance of a small clothing store, its window display showcasing the latest trends in society.

"Is there anything here that doesn't scream rich jerk," Hiro joked, rifling through the racks with low expectations.

"Hiro, your new persona is a rich jerk," Yutaka reminded, holding up a sweater that had gold flakes sewn into the fabric.

"Right," Hiro sighed, selecting a few items that didn't seem too pretentious. He caught his reflection in the mirror, a young man stood before him but it didn't feel like his own reflection.

"Let's not forget lunch," Yutaka said as they paid for the clothes, the shopkeeper's smile crinkling her eyes.

"Great, I'm starving," Hiro replied with a grin, feeling lighter as they strolled to the local ramen shop.

They slid into a booth, the aroma of broth and fresh noodles had been calling to them all the way down the street. Hiro watched the steam rise, as the chef prepared their ramen in front of them.

"This is the life isn't it?" Yutaka mused, picking up his chopsticks. "So simple and fulfilling, never having to look over your shoulder."

"Yeah," Hiro agreed, staring down into his bowl, the simple meal brought him back to when he was living with his Uncle Goro before he discovered the existence of Machs.

"Is something the matter?" Yutaka asked, picking up on Hiro's tone, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, just worried about tomorrow," Hiro lied, not wanting to make Yutaka worry about him. With Yutaka satisfied by his answer, Hiro returned to thoughts about the uncle he had left behind in Osaka, praying he was ok.


The fluorescent lights of the meeting room flickered overhead of the stern faces gathered around a large steel table. At the head stood Nia, her red hair pulled back in a tight bun, eyes scanning over the collection of agents the UN had picked for the assignment.

"Welcome," she began, tapping a small button under the desk that sealed the room and prevented the use of recording technology. "You've been chosen for your expertise, commitment, and ability to operate under the radar."

"This is about the Mach technology, isn't it," murmured an American voice, cutting off Nia.

"Exactly, Hector," Nia acknowledged, nodding at the young man with sandy blonde hair. "We'll be attempting to locate the Mach technology within Japan's borders. The Mach pilots are elusive, but it is in the world's best interest that the tech be found and destroyed."

"Give me access to their mainframe, and they might as well have targets painted on them," Hector quipped, a smirk playing on his lips.

"You're a confident one," interjected Tess Pearce, her British accent crisp. "Remember they most likely have someone like you working for them, the only difference is if we get caught then we get killed."

"Point taken," Hector conceded. He leaned back in his chair, as he took in the reality of the situation.

"If the two of you don't mind I'd like to get back to the briefing," Nia urged, her gaze sweeping over the group. "Our mission is clear: infiltrate Japan covertly, retrieve all remaining Mach units, and destroy the devices. We leave no trace. South Korea has granted us a private airstrip—our gateway."

"Air traffic control will have as registered as one of our diplomats meeting with South Korean officials" informed a Russian agent, his burly frame leaning forward.

"Correct. Once we land, we have borrowed a billionaire's yacht to bring us to Japan—our arrival in the country will be untraceable." Nia's voice was low but carried an unwavering confidence in their plan. "Tess, I want you on reconnaissance. Make sure the Japanese aren't tipped off before we arrive."

"Understood," Tess replied, her eyes locking with Nia's. "I'll make sure they don't see us coming. I'm more than happy to identify anyone who would risk the safety of our team."

"I know, your record speaks for itself" Nia pressed on. Her hands clasped in front of her as the wall behind her filled with images of the Machs. "Don't be fooled by the appearances, these are weapons of mass destruction. Just one of these things could devastate an entire country."

"Have we got any intel on where they are storing the Machs?" Hector interjected. "Chatter on the dark web, financials, anything?"

"Minimal," Nia admitted. "But we do that there has been chatter about someone named Hiro. That's our entry point. Hector, I want you to find out exactly who this Hiro is and why the government is so interested in him."

"Got it. Finding digital breadcrumbs is my specialty," he said, already lost in thought, fingers twitching as if typing on an invisible keyboard.

"Everyone else needs to focus all efforts on finding the Japanese storage facility for their Machs, chance are they won't be keeping them all together for security reasons," Nia reminded them, her eyes softening for a fraction of a second. "We also need to look into Masato Tanka, the prime minister has claimed he was responsible for these attacks and until we can prove otherwise he is a suspect."

"They always find their patsy," Tess mused, her gaze distant. "I doubt one man stole the only functioning Mach units from a heavily fortified government facility."

"That is what we intend to find out," Nia concluded, as the photos on the walls behind her vanished and the door unsealed themselves.

With a final nod of solidarity, the agents rose from their chairs, each disappearing into the shadows, leaving nothing behind, as if they had never been there to begin with.


The silver gates of HPA loomed before them, slowly parting so the sleek vehicle that Yutaka was driving could slip between them. Hiro's eyes, wide as saucers, took in the sprawling gardens that bloomed with a dazzling display of colors, and the cutting-edge buildings that pierced the sky with their unique shapes. The private high school was like nothing he had ever seen before, as if it had been untouched by wars.

"Remember, Hiro," Yutaka said, glancing over at him, "keep your head down, blend in. The less attention you attract, the safer you'll be." He handed over the temporary badge to the security guard who scrutinized it, then buzzed them in with a nod. "You're Yukizawa-san's son from now on. Just like we practiced."

"Right," Hiro replied, though he could feel his heart rate rising. 'Yashiro Yukizawa,' he recited inwardly, 'CEO of Tech Com Enterprises.' The false identity was the perfect cover, according to Yutaka.

"Did you memorize everything?" Yutaka's voice was firm, insistent.

"Most of it," Hiro admitted, his fingers tracing the edge of his bag, while he tried to recall all the details of his fake life.

"Most isn't good enough," Yutaka chided gently. "These people aren't fools, Hiro."

The car came to a halt and Hiro's gaze landed on the figure approaching them. Haruka Hashimoto, the student liaison, approached with a practiced smile, her hair tied back in a neat ponytail that swayed with each confident step.

"Mr. Hayashi," she greeted Yutaka first, before turning to Hiro with a polite bow. "Welcome to HPA, Yukizawa-san."

"Thank you, Hashimoto-san," Hiro replied, trying to project the ease of a privileged teen despite feeling like a fraud.

With a last look at Hiro, Yutaka gave a curt nod and departed, leaving behind a silence that Hiro didn't know how to fill. Haruka led the way, her heels clicking against the pavement like a metronome as they marched forward.

"Let's start with our science lab," Haruka said, her voice echoing slightly in the vast space they entered. Hiro marveled at the rows of advanced equipment, and screens displaying simulations of atomic structures and celestial phenomena. It was more sophisticated than any lab he'd seen before.

"Wow..." Hiro murmured, unable to contain his awe.

"HPA prides itself on providing the best facilities for our students," Haruka explained, a flicker of pride in her voice.

"This is incredible, like being in a virtual reality chamber" Hiro marveled, wondering what else the school had to offer.

"Our virtual reality chambers are on the third floor." She gestured with a graceful hand, leading him to the elevator before they entered a hallway lined with holographic displays of student achievements. The VR chamber was a hive of activity, students donning sleek visors as they delved into digital worlds that seemed more real than their own.

"This place is incredible," Hiro commented, as they made their way across campus.

"Life is what you make of it here at HPA," Haruka stated. "And this..." She waved her arm towards the student center bustling with teenagers, " where life happens. Clubs, sports teams, all the extracurriculars you can dream of."

"Seems overwhelming," Hiro confessed, scanning the list on the holographic display.

"Only at first," she assured him. "But after you get your student card loaded with your hobbies and interests, the list will become personalized to you."

Their final stop was the dorm room, a modest but comfortable space with a view of the verdant campus. "Shared living areas are on each floor and you may have guests in those spaces," she stressed, "No guests are allowed in your sleeping area for any reason beyond a medical emergency."

"Of course," Hiro agreed, staring up at his new home.

"Let's get your ID picture taken," Haruka suggested, guiding him back towards the administrative office. The camera's flash seared a moment in time: He was no longer Hiro now. As he took the newly printed card, the weight of his alias pressed upon him.

"Welcome to HPA, Yukizawa-san," Haruka said, and Hiro took a moment before realizing she was talking to him, a mistake he chided himself for.

On his first night in the dorm, the mattress felt unfamiliar, too soft and luxurious. He lay there, his fingers tracing the geometric patterns on the duvet, watching the shadows on the ceiling, wondering how long he could fake it here. Yutaka's words about keeping a low profile echoed in his head, as he turned on his side to try and get more comfortable. As Hiro's eyelids grew heavy, his mind wandered to Nori. Was he safe? What about finding Kimiko? Could they afford to have him waste time here?

Hiro's alarm blared, its shrill tone causing him to shoot up in bed. He bolted upright, forgetting for a moment where exactly he was. He scrambled out of bed, cursing under his breath as he stumbled into a pair of jeans and threw on a shirt that still bore the faint creases of newness.

He burst through the classroom door just as the last students settling into their seats hushed. The room fell silent as the door opened once more to reveal Yutaka, who strode in with an air of authority. "Welcome, class," Yutaka greeted, voice resonating against the whiteboard. "I am Professor Hayashi, your new guide through the world of computing."

Hiro slunk to the back row, heart sinking. He couldn't risk his face giving away his connection to the new professor. When Hiro raised his hand to ask a question, Yutaka's gaze swept over him without recognition. He didn't know what else he should have expected, after all, while on campus they didn't know each other.

"Oh tough luck new kid," The voice beside him rang out, tinged with amusement.

Hiro turned to find a girl sitting to his right, her hazel eyes curious and bright. Her hand extended toward him, "Um yeah, I guess," he said taking her hand.

"Don't take it personally though. Most of these teachers..." Masumi whispered, leaning closer, "They're here for the prestige, not the teaching." She flipped open her laptop with a flourish, her fingers dancing across the keys. "It's best to stay quiet and just type up your notes. My mom runs restaurants and if she taught me one thing it's always cut through the fat to get to the good stuff."

"Sounds like solid advice," Hiro replied, impressed by her candor.

"Masumi Kimura," she introduced herself, not taking her eyes off the screen. "And you're?"

"Yashiro Yukizawa," he said, trying to seem confident.

"Yukizawa, huh?" Masumi glanced at him, a smirk playing on her lips. "Welcome to the school for every stuck-up rich kid you ever hated in your life, congratulations you are one of us now."

As they worked side by side, Hiro found an odd comfort in the click-clack of keystrokes and Masumi's blunt honesty. It was nice to not have to worry about whether the person he just met was planning to kill or not. They worked together on the assignment Yutaka explained during the lecture, that Hiro hoped he might have made a new friend.

"Thanks for the help," Hiro said as the bell rang, signaling the end of class.

"Anytime, Yukizawa-san," Masumi replied, gathering her things. "See you around."

"Definitely," Hiro agreed, watching her leave. In a school where no one seemed to give him the time of day, Masumi's kindness meant the world to Hiro. It was a new connection that Hiro was desperate for.

After classes, Hiro found himself in the Virtual Reality Center which buzzed with the sounds of students winding down for the day. He spotted Masumi who was donning a sleek, black VR headset and fingerless gloves.

"Yukizawa-san come join me!" Masumi called when she spotted Hiro in the hall, she excitedly waved him over.

"Uh, sure. I'll be right there," Hiro said, picking up a headset from the dispenser as he made his way over.

In an instant, the real world melted away as they stepped inside the room, replaced by an eerie virtual landscape cemetery that felt forgotten by time. Ghostly figures emerged from the fog, their translucent forms reaching out for them. Masumi moved with practiced precision, blasting the ghosts as they came into view, but one by one, phantom hands reached out and claimed her life until her avatar was pulled into the fog.

"Game over for me," Masumi sighed through the comms. "But look at you go!"

Hiro dodged and weaved through the spectral onslaught, his instincts kicking in as he destroyed each ghost while dodging others. Each ghost he banished added seconds to the clock, keeping the game going. Finally, the cemetery fell silent, he lifted his headset, revealing a scoreboard where his name sat atop a new high score and first to complete the entire game.

"Wow... you're reflexes are amazing," Masumi commented, genuinely impressed. "It's like you have eyes in the back of your head,"

"It's not that impressive," Hiro admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I just... game a lot you know? Fills my free time,"

"Of course you do," Masumi laughed, playfully bumping his shoulder as they exited back into the hallway of the VR center and returned their gear.

As they left, Masumi's expression softened, her tone taking a rare dip into vulnerability. "This might sound forward but do you want to have dinner with me?" She looked up to see Hiro's face turn red, "No, not like a date thing but like a getting-to-know-you thing. Sorry I say whatever's on my mind, no filter." she laughed.

"Oh, yeah, I would love to," Hiro stuttered, as he realized the shocked look he was wearing on his face.

"Great." She shrugged. "You interest me. There is just something about you."

"Really?" Hiro asked, a little confused by the way Masumi spoke.

"Yeah, I can't read you like I can read everyone else here," she said, eyes narrowing. "There is just something about you, your look says you come from money. But your actions say otherwise."

"Oh, well," Hiro began, trying to piece together a believable lie, "I wasn't always rich. I learned to survive on some harsh streets before my dad's company took off."

Masumi studied him for a moment, searching his face for any hint of deception. Finally, she nodded, accepting his story. "That does explain a lot. Tell you what, come have lunch with us tomorrow. My friends will love you."

"Sounds like a plan," Hiro replied, he knew he shouldn't be putting himself out there, it could lead to him being exposed. But the opportunity to make real friends and just be a teen again was just too tempting.

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