Soul Drive: Ignition

Chapter 27: Motive

Hiro emerged from the dark, narrow alleyway, his back pressed against the cold brick wall as he caught his breath. The distant wail of sirens echoed through the air, reminding him of the destruction he'd left behind at the Canadian Embassy. He swallowed hard, guilt clawing at his chest for having to kill Daiki, but he knew it was the only way to prevent more deaths. Still, he couldn't stop his body from shaking and the tears from running down his face. With a deep breath, he stepped out into the dimly lit street and began walking quickly towards the train station, determined to get back to Osaka before anyone realized he was missing.

The icy wind whipped around Hiro's face, stinging his cheeks as he pulled his coat tighter around him. He couldn't help but replay the horrific scene in his mind - Daiki's screams of pain, the overwhelming power of their combined Machs, the sickening sound of the explosion: It was on replay in his head. He shook his head, forcing himself to focus on getting home safely.

As Hiro turned a corner, the shrill ring of his phone pierced the silence. His heart skipped a beat – had someone already discovered his absence? He hesitated, then saw the name and answered immediately. "Osamu? Are you okay? Is Kimiko safe?"

"Hiro, stay calm," Osamu replied, his voice tense. "We got away from the embassy before Daiki lost control, but... there's some bad news. Kimiko attacked me once we were safe. She knocked me out cold. I wasn't expecting her to turn on me."

"Wh-what?" Hiro stammered, shock coursing through him like electricity. "Why would she do that? Where is she?"

"I don't know," Osamu sighed. "When I woke up, she was gone... and so was her Mach. I'm sorry, Hiro."

"Damn it," Hiro muttered under his breath, it felt like the world was spinning out of control. He couldn't understand why Kimiko would betray them like this, why would she run again? "Osamu, what do we do, should we meet up and come up with a plan?"

"Hiro you need to disappear, the fallout from what just happened will be huge. This is an international event and the world has seen the full power of the Machs on full display, they will come for you," Osamu warned before ending the call.

Hiro slipped his phone back into his pocket, Osamu was right, there was no way the Canadians would simply let him walk away from this. He had to get to Yutaka's place and quickly, the government still didn't know about him. He couldn't help but worry about Kimiko, wondering how she could possibly recover out there on her own.

As the train station came into view, Hiro's thoughts raced like a whirlwind through his mind – the world had seen the true power of Machs, and everything was about to change. For better or worse, he would have to face whatever consequences lay ahead.


Osamu leaned against his car, the cold metal pressing into his back as he exhaled a breath of relief. He stared at the night sky, the stars barely visible through the city's light pollution. He hoped Hiro made it out of the city while chaos was still unfolding. He knew the world governments would be turning their attention to Canada, giving him some time to do a little investigation of his own.

"Hey, So what exactly is this deal you were talking about in the car?" Kimiko called softly from where she stood a few feet away. Her eyes held a mixture of fear and curiosity, her gaze locked on Osamu.

"Listen, Kimiko," Osamu said, trying to keep his voice steady. "I have your Mach, and I'll give it back to you, but only if you work for me."

"Work for you?" Kimiko scoffed, crossing her arms defensively. "Why would I do that?"

"Because," Osamu hesitated, searching her face for any sign of trust. "I heard the conversations the government has been having. I need to find the truth about Hiro's parents and their research, things just don't add up."

He watched as Kimiko's expression softened, guilt flickering across her features before she quickly masked it with resolve. She knew she owed Hiro more than her life after tonight.

"Alright, I'll help," she agreed quietly. "But only for Hiro's sake, he deserves to know the truth too."

"Deal," Osamu replied, handing her the Mach and a cell phone. "I'll call you when I need you. For now, we both need to lay low."

As Kimiko nodded, clutching the items tightly, she disappeared into the shadows of the night like a ghost.


Meanwhile, Yutaka sat in his dimly lit apartment, his fingers drumming on the table as he spoke into his phone. The mysterious voice on the other end filled the room, echoing off the walls like a sinister whisper.

"Phase two is ready, Yutaka. Our plan is proceeding on schedule," the voice confirmed.

"Good," Yutaka replied, a predatory grin spreading across his face. "Alpha mode is still proving to be unstable but with a few more tests, I am sure I can find a solution."

"Excellent," the voice responded before hanging up.

Yutaka stared at the photos displayed on his tablet: Daiki in his monstrous Mach Alpha form and Hiro merging his soul blades into the powerful soul saber. He couldn't help but smile, thinking about how the results had exceeded his expectations.

As he traced the image of Hiro with his finger, Yutaka's thoughts were a whirlwind of excitement and anticipation. Phase two was about to begin, and the world was completely unprepared for what was to come.


Hiro sat on the train as it sped through the countryside, the landscape outside his window a blur of greens and browns. He absently traced the condensation on the glass with his finger, lost in thought. Daiki's Mach had malfunctioned, causing chaos and destruction, but why? What would the Canadian and Japanese governments do in response to this battle? And what about the rest of the world, now that they'd witnessed the true power of Machs?

"Tickets, please," a conductor interrupted Hiro's thoughts. He handed over his ticket, barely noticing as it was punched and returned.

"Thank you," the conductor said with a polite bow before moving on to the next passenger.

His mind raced, wondering how much time he had before there was a manhunt for him. The Canadians knew who he was; staying in Osaka wasn't an option, as it would put his uncle in danger. He decided Yutaka would know what to do when he got there, they would come up with an escape plan together.

"Yutaka must have some idea about what's going on," Hiro muttered to himself, clenching his fists tightly. "I am sure he is already coming up with plans."


Meanwhile, in Osaka, Masato walked the streets with a determined stride, the stolen Machs hidden in his bag. He approached a well-known Yakuza hangout, its neon lights casting eerie shadows on the sidewalk. Pushing open the door, he stepped inside, the smell of cigarette smoke and alcohol immediately assaulting his senses.

"Hey!" Masato shouted, trying to get the attention of the room. "I need to speak to the man in charge!"

Laughter echoed around the dimly lit room as the Yakuza members looked him up and down, clearly unimpressed.

"Get lost, old man, before we kill you," one of them sneered, blowing smoke in Masato's face.

"Listen!" Masato insisted, his voice shaking. "I have an opportunity for you. Something that will make you more powerful than the government itself!"

"Delusional punk," another member spat, grabbing Masato by the collar. As two of them dragged him to the door, he struggled against their grip.

"Let go! You're making a huge mistake!" Masato shouted, desperate to make them understand.

"Get out of here!" one of the men growled, tossing Masato onto the street like a bag of garbage. Pain shot through his body as he collided with the pavement, but it was nothing compared to the frustration boiling within him.

Masato's fists clenched as he picked himself up from the ground, his muscles tense with anger. He took a deep breath and turned towards the entrance of the Yakuza hangout, determination burning in his eyes. Just as he was about to step forward, a hand grasped his arm, stopping him in his tracks.

"Trust me, you don't want to go back in there," a woman's voice warned. Masato turned to see a beautiful woman with an alluring smile, her piercing eyes locked onto his. "I'm Rei. They'll kill you if you try talking to them again."

"Rei, huh?" Masato replied, sizing her up. "All I want is to give them an incredible opportunity to control the world."

Her smile widened, revealing a hint of mischief. "You don't need those goons to gain that power. The streets are full of people tossed aside by society who would kill for an opportunity to be on top."

Masato considered her words, feeling a spark of hope reignite within him. "So, I assume you're one of those people?"

"Let's just say I'm intrigued." Rei tilted her head, eyeing the bag containing the stolen Machs. "Why don't you tell me your pitch, and we'll see where it goes from there?"

As they walked away together, their conversation faded into the bustling noise of Osaka's streets.


Meanwhile, Hiro stood at Yutaka's apartment door, his heart pounding in his chest. He knew he had gone against Yutaka's wishes, and the thought of his reaction weighed heavily on his mind. With a shaky breath, he knocked on the door.

Yutaka opened it, his face etched with concern. But instead of scolding Hiro, he pulled him into a tight embrace. "I'm glad you're safe," he whispered. "I already know everything."

Hiro's eyes widened in surprise, he didn't expect a warm welcome after what had happened. He hesitated, his mind racing with questions. "What about my uncle Goro? How are we going to explain where I've been?"

"Relax," Yutaka said, releasing Hiro from the hug. "I took care of it. Your uncle is on a singles cruise and thinks you're staying with Kimiko."

"But what about when the government comes looking for me?" Hiro pressed, anxiety gnawing at him.

Yutaka sighed, placing a comforting hand on Hiro's shoulder. "The fallout from the embassy incident will force world governments to come together and figure out what to do about these new weapons. It'll buy us some time to plan our next move while they're focused on Canada."

As they entered the apartment, Hiro felt a mix of relief and dread wash over him. The future was uncertain, but at least he had Yutaka by his side. He hoped they would find a way out of this mess with their lives, but only time would tell.

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