Soul Drive: Ignition

Chapter 24: Duel

Daiki's eyes scanned the injured, his gaze methodical and cold as it swept over each one of them in the Embassy's medical bay. He had pulled a doctor aside to get full details of what was affecting each patient. He knew the Mach user was hiding somewhere in this very room; he could feel it in his bones. Anyone with severe wounds or broken bones he eliminated from the suspect pool.

As Daiki approached Atsuko, her heart raced, though her face remained calm. Her leg throbbed, a reminder of the injury she had faked to blend in. She watched him closely, knowing at any moment she could need to flee.

"Miss," Daiki said, approaching her with a suspicious glare. "Can you tell me why you were at the Canadian Embassy today?"

Atsuko forced herself to breathe evenly, meeting his gaze with practiced ease. "I was here for a visa interview," she replied, her voice steady despite the tension coiling in her chest.

"Interesting," Daiki said, raising an eyebrow. "Why choose Canada?"

"Work, I am middle management at Tokayo International" she answered, her fingers tightening around the portable speaker hidden in her pocket. "My company is sending me there for a project that will take two years to complete."

Daiki studied her face, searching for any sign of deception. Something about her seemed off, her answer felt almost rehearsed but it could just be her nerves. The room grew tense, the other patients and medical staff watching the exchange with bated breath.

"Hmm, and I assume you don't have a bag, documents, or a purse on you. I could assume you lost them in the panic but unless you can produce your application as proof you are who you say you are, I am afraid you must come with me." Daiki said, Atsuko nodded and moved to follow him. Gasps echoed throughout the room, and she realized her mistake, she was standing on what she told them was her injured leg.

With a flick of her thumb, she pressed the volume-up button on her speaker. An explosion shook the building, causing Daiki to lose his footing. In that split second, she activated her Mach, the portable speaker encasing her body in brown armor just as Daiki drew his firearm and opened fire. The bullet ricocheted off her suit, and she stood there, transformed and triumphant.

"Good work but my Mach has scanned the building and I know exactly where you are keeping Japan's stolen Machs," Atsuko taunted, her voice laced with adrenaline. She knew she had revealed herself, but the thrill of the fight coursed through her veins, urging her on.

Daiki stared at her, his mind racing. He'd found the Mach user he'd been searching for. Now that she was standing before him, she clearly wasn't Mach 2, the Mach fighting styles he had devoted to memory wouldn't help him here. How would he defeat this pilot he had no data on?

"Alright then," Daiki said, a hint of admiration in his voice. "Color me impressed. But you'll never make it to the Machs." He activated his own Mach armor from his MP3 player, and within moments, he was encased in a glowing blue suit that radiated power.

"Let's see how you handle this," Atsuko challenged, opening fire on Daiki. He responded by activating his shield, easily blocking her attack.

"Clearly, you're new to this," he taunted, before firing a single shot from his arm cannon. The force sent Atsuko crashing through the wall, debris scattering all around her. Daiki frowned. "I was hoping for a more skilled opponent."

Atsuko got back up, she knew Canada had Machs and clearly they had pilots too. She had anticipated a fight if things went south but this was not the fight she had prepared for. "I will destroy you for the protection of Japan!" she declared, trying to seem in control.

Daiki let out a derisive laugh. "With your low skill? Your government sent you here to die!"

He's wrong, she thought, I just need to move our fight. "I have no intention of dying," she retorted and blasted a hole in the exterior wall. Sunlight spilled into the room as she made her escape, Daiki hot on her heels.

"Running away? I thought you were fighting for the glory of Japan!" he shouted after her, his frustration evident.


Outside, news crews and civilians were gathered, their attention riveted on the spectacle unfolding before them. With a burst of speed, Atsuko attacked Daiki from above, sending him crashing through the concrete and creating a small crater. She hovered above him, her armored form casting an imposing shadow.

"Inside, my suit was at a disadvantage," she explained, the wind whipping over her armored body. "But now that we're outside, it's over for you. Surrender and return your Mach to Japan."

Daiki struggled to his feet, refusing to be defeated so easily. But as he prepared to engage her in combat once more, he realized that Atsuko's suit was considerably faster than his own. He couldn't keep up with her rapid close combat attacks, each blow landing with bone-crunching force.

Is this really it? Am I going to lose here? Daiki's thoughts raced as he desperately tried to find a way to turn the tide of the battle. The crowd watched in awe and terror, their eyes glued to the two armored figures locked in combat.

Gritting his teeth, Daiki staggered back from yet another punishing blow. I can't keep this up, he thought, desperation clawing at him. He had to put some distance between them if he stood any chance of winning.

"Enough!" he roared, slamming a fist against his chest. His suit hummed, and the soul pistol emerged from its hidden compartment.

The large gun was designed to convert his life force into devastating blasts—one of his last-ditch weapons. The more energy he poured into it, the stronger the attack. But using it recklessly could cost him dearly.

"Let's see how you handle this," Daiki growled, aiming the weapon at Atsuko.

"Daiki, don't!" he could have sworn he heard his sister call out. He hesitated for a split second before firing a powerful shot towards Atsuko.

Atsuko was forced back by the sheer force of the blast, while glass windows of nearby buildings shattered under the immense pressure. Civilians screamed and ran for cover as shards rained down upon them like sinister confetti.

As the smoke cleared, Daiki scanned the area for any sign of his opponent, hoping that he'd finally dealt a significant blow. But she was nowhere to be seen. Just when he started to think he had won, Atsuko rocketed back into view, her armor gleaming in the setting sun's light.

"Impossible!" Daiki gasped, his heart sinking. Had he wasted so much energy on an attack that failed to kill?

Anger flared within him as he realized that she still held the advantage. Every moment he wasted merely brought him closer to defeat. As she charged towards him once more, he braced himself, timing his dodge perfectly as she swooped past.

"Missed me," he taunted, though fear gnawed at him. This isn't enough. I need to do something more. But what?

Daiki's heart pounded in his chest as he struggled for breath, each gasp a reminder of the energy he had sacrificed to his soul pistol. He couldn't rely on evasion any longer; Atsuko was relentless, and he needed a way to land a decisive hit. Gritting his teeth, he addressed the AI within his suit.

"Is it possible for my soul pistol to fire a buckshot?" he asked, desperation creeping into his voice.

"Affirmative," the AI responded. "However, the spread would place civilians at risk."

"Damn the risks!" Daiki growled, if Japan won here then it would be over for the Canadians. Yes, some people may die but in the end, their deaths would spell peace for the rest of the world. Canada was going to unite the world and they needed the Machs to do that. He took aim at Atsuko, who was closing in fast and pulled the trigger.

As the blast tore through the air, Atsuko twisted her body mid-flight, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectiles. But not everyone was as fortunate. Several fleeing civilians were caught in the blast, their screams piercing the chaos. Atsuko's eyes widened in horror as she immediately redirected her flight, rushing to aid the injured.

"You monster!" she shouted, cradling a wounded man in her arms. "How could you?" She had dedicated her life to making the lives of her people better and now she realized that she had put these people at risk.

"This is your fault, you brought the battle out here to them," Daiki replied coldly, taking advantage of her distraction to fire another shot. This time, the projectile found its mark. Atsuko cried out in pain, her AI informing her that her shields were now offline.

"Taking cheap shots while I'm saving lives?" Atsuko spat, anger darkening her features. "You're no better than those who treat human life as expendable!"

Daiki felt a flicker of guilt, his sister's cold unfeeling look flashing through his thoughts. Was this what she meant when she said he had been poisoned all those years ago? He took in the scene around him, the destruction, he had come too far to let her words sway him.

"Enough of this," Atsuko whispered, her voice barely audible but laden with resolve. "Soul Clone."

The air around her shimmered, and Daiki's breath caught in his throat as he watched multiple copies of Atsuko appear, each wearing the formidable Mach 12 armor. They encircled him, their eyes locked on him.

"With the authority of the Japanese government you are under arrest for terrorism," Atsuko announced, her voice echoing through the chorus of identical faces. "This is your last chance to power down and come willingly with me."

Sweat trickled down Daiki's brow, his pulse racing at the sight of the ever-increasing number of clones. He knew nothing about this ability and feared that victory was slipping through his fingers.

How am I supposed to fight this? he thought, panic seeping through the cracks in his resolve. There has to be a way... there must be!


Osamu stepped out of the Canadian Embassy, Kimiko at his side, only to be met by the sight of Daiki surrounded by a multitude of Atsuko's clones. Fear gripped his heart as he realized that his partner was in grave danger. He knew he had to act fast.

"Kimiko," he said urgently, "go to the parking lot. My car's there, a green Ford Fiesta; we can escape. But first, I need to help Daiki."

"Be careful, Osamu," Kimiko replied, her voice laced with concern. She nodded and hurried towards the parking lot, believing Osamu would join her after aiding Daiki.

As soon as Kimiko vanished from sight, Osamu slipped back into the Embassy, his footsteps echoing through the now-deserted halls. This is on me, he thought, guilt gnawing at him. I have to fix this. He headed straight for the interrogation rooms, praying that Daiki could hold on long enough for him to retrieve Hiro.

Upon entering Hiro's cell, Osamu found him bruised and bloodied, his wrists shackled to the table. The sight made Osamu wince – he couldn't stand seeing someone so broken. Swiftly, he unlocked the cuffs and offered a heartfelt apology.

"Forgive me, Hiro. For tricking you, and for Daiki's behavior. We need your help."

"Help?" Hiro spat, skepticism etched across his battered face. "Why should I believe anything you say?"

"Because I've already ensured Kimiko's safety." Osamu pulled out his phone, showing Hiro the security footage of Kimiko escaping. "After all this, I'll delete the footage. No one will ever know."

Hiro's eyes flickered with doubt, but kind nature won out. As Osamu produced Hiro's Mach – an old cell phone – Hiro hesitated before taking it. He stared at the device in his hand, torn between the desire to flee and the responsibility to protect innocent lives.

"Please, Hiro," Osamu urged softly. "Either leave us to die with new Mach alone or stay and help save lives."

Hiro's expression remained inscrutable as he weighed his options.

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