Soul Drive: Ignition

Chapter 12: Loss

Yutaka idly stirred his coffee, watching the heavy cream spiral through the rich brown liquid. Across the small café table, Kimiko Suzuki fidgeted with the hem of her jacket, her dark eyes fixed on the old Tamagotchi hanging from Yutaka's bag. The worn plastic casing and faded colors did little to disguise what she believed it to be – a Mach.

"So the Japanese government are the only ones with Machs, huh?" Kimiko asked, feigning disinterest. Her fingers tapped an impatient rhythm on the tabletop. She was calculating, trying to figure out a way to snatch the hidden power within Yutaka's reach.

Yutaka merely smiled, taking a sip of his coffee. He had noticed her gaze lingering on his bag but chose not to comment, curious about her next move. "I'm afraid so," he replied, adjusting his glasses and studying her intently. "Seems you will just have to go back to living your ordinary life."

Kimiko's jaw clenched, frustration simmering beneath her cool exterior. She knew Yutaka would never just let her take the Mach, even for Hiro's sake. And she refused to leave until she could be on Hiro's level, be able to fight back against the monsters out there. I need that power, she thought. I can fight, even if they don't believe in me.

"Fine," she snapped, pushing back her chair. "If there are no other Machs, then I'll just leave but I won't give up. I will find a way to get rid of Machs with or without you." As she rose, her arm 'accidentally' knocked over her coffee cup, spilling its contents onto Yutaka's pants.

"Ah!" Yutaka yelped, leaping to his feet. His face flushed with embarrassment as he frantically dabbed at the spreading stain with a napkin. This was the moment Kimiko had been waiting for.

With Yutaka preoccupied, she seized her chance. Her hand darted out, snatching the Tamagotchi from his bag in one swift motion. She didn't hesitate, racing toward the café's exit and leaving Yutaka to deal with the coffee-soaked aftermath.

As she sprinted through the bustling streets, Kimiko clutched the Tamagotchi tightly, determination surging through her veins. I will prove myself, she vowed. I will show them I can do this, and I won't let them down.

The weight of the Tamagotchi in her palm served as a reminder of the immense power now within her grasp – and if she wanted to keep it, she would have to prove herself.


Kimiko burst through the door of her home, the Tamagotchi clutched tightly in her hand. Her heart raced as she slammed the door behind her, a mixture of adrenaline and fear coursing through her veins. What have I done? she thought, there was no doubt in her mind that Yutaka would send Hiro to get the Mach back.

"Okay, focus," she muttered to herself, sitting at her computer. She needed a crisis, something big enough to justify her actions and convince Yutaka to let her keep the Mach and show Hiro she won't slow him down. Her fingers flew across the keyboard, scouring the web for any ongoing emergencies that required immediate intervention.

"Come on, there's got to be something," she whispered, her desperation mounting with every click. Finally, her eyes locked onto a headline: "Terrorists infiltrate government building in South Africa, police unable to breach advanced weaponry."

"Perfect," Kimiko breathed, her heart pounding in her chest. She skimmed the article, absorbing every detail she could. This was her chance to prove herself, to show everyone – especially Hiro – that she was capable of wielding a Mach's power.

With her mission chosen, Kimiko turned her attention to the Tamagotchi. She studied it intently, searching for any hidden features that might reveal its true nature. Her fingers pressed each button tentatively, growing increasingly frustrated when nothing seemed to happen.

"Is this really just a toy?" she muttered, doubt creeping into her thoughts. No, it can't be. If it is them I have just betrayed Hiro for nothing.

As she went to set the Tamagotchi down, a faint glint caught her eye. Upon closer inspection, she noticed what appeared to be a thumbprint on the screen. Her pulse quickened as she pressed her own thumb against the print, hoping against hope that this would activate the device.

In an instant, the Tamagotchi sprang to life, and Kimiko felt a surge of energy course through her body. The pink-colored suit materialized around her, encasing her in its advanced armor. Her AI system activated, its voice calm and composed as it addressed her.

"Welcome to Mach 9, Kimiko."

"Take me to South Africa," she commanded, her voice strong and resolute. The suit obeyed, mapping the most direct flight path to the crisis. Kimiko opened her window and soared off.

As the ground disappeared beneath her, Kimiko's thoughts raced alongside her. I can do this. I have to do this. For myself, for Hiro, so we can fight back against the men using Machs for destruction.


Hiro walked along the quiet, dimly lit street, his breath forming small puffs of condensation in the chilly air. He looked up into the sky and saw a pink streak dart across it. He felt the weight of responsibility pressing on him as he pondered how he would find Mach 2 and how many more Machs were still out there. The glow of a streetlight flickered above, casting an eerie orange hue over the pavement.

His phone buzzed in his pocket, pulling him out of his thoughts. It was Yutaka. Hiro couldn't help but wonder if the man could somehow read his mind. "Hey, Yutaka. What's up?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

"Kimiko," Yutaka said urgently. "She's stolen a Mach."

Hiro's heart skipped a beat. "What? How?"

"Doesn't matter right now," Yutaka replied. "She's activated it. And she doesn't know the dangers."

Hiro glanced down at his own Mach disguised as a phone, seeing the screen alerting him to another Mach's activation. His worry for Kimiko intensified, and he knew he had to act fast. "I'll find her," he promised before hanging up.

As he ran to Kimiko's house, Hiro's mind raced with possibilities. Why would Kimiko do this? Doesn't she know the danger she just put them all in? He arrived at her home, panting from exertion, and found the front door unlocked. He rushed inside, calling her name, but was met with silence.

He cautiously entered Kimiko's room, desperately searching for any clues as to her whereabouts. Her desk was cluttered with papers and open tabs on her laptop, but nothing that provided a solid lead. Fear gripped Hiro tighter as he considered the possibility that she might be on the run.

In a last-ditch effort, Hiro checked his news app for any mention of flying robots. A headline caught his eye: "Pink Robot Enters South African Airspace, Heading Towards School." His heart sank. Kimiko, what have you done?

Without a second thought, Hiro activated his Mach, feeling the familiar sensation as the suit enveloped him. As he soared through the sky, his thoughts raced alongside him. Please, Kimiko, don't do anything irrational yet. I'm coming for you.

Hiro's determination and concern for his friend fueled his flight, pushing him to reach greater speeds than ever before. But as the distance between them dwindled, he couldn't help but feel a gnawing unease deep within him, wondering how he was going to stop Kimiko without ruining their friendship.


Hiro's heart pounded like a drum as he closed in on Kimiko's location, the pink blur against the South African skyline. Activating his coms, he called out to her, urgency tightening his voice. "Kimiko, stop! You don't know what you are doing. These suits aren't meant to be used out in the open, you could start a world war!"

"Stay out of this, Hiro," she shot back, her pride stinging through the static. "I'm going to arrest these terrorists and become a hero. Then the world will see they have nothing to fear, they will be on our side. I've done my research, I know what I am doing."

As Hiro scanned the building below, his Mach's systems found no trace of weapons or anything suspicious. Panic bubbled up in his chest as he tried to reason with her. "Kimiko, listen to me. There's nothing here. Your intel was wrong. Please, just scan the building yourself."

Her response was a defiant snarl. "I don't need to. I know what I'm doing, Hiro. I'm tired of being underestimated by you and everyone else."

"Kimiko, please—" Hiro started, but she had already fired upon the building, the sound of shattering glass and crumbling concrete echoing through the air. A gaping hole marred the once pristine structure, and he could only watch in horror as she flew in without hesitation. He didn't have much of a choice – he followed her into the chaos.

The scene inside was worse than he'd feared: this wasn't a terrorist hideout, it was a school. Terrified students and staff huddled together, their wide eyes reflecting the destruction surrounding them. His gut twisted with guilt, as he tried to convince himself this was all because of the stolen Mach and not his friend's true intentions.

"Where are the terrorists?!" Kimiko demanded, her voice shaking with anger. The people stared back at her, clearly too frightened to speak.

"Kimiko, stop this now!" Hiro pleaded, flying closer to her. But she was beyond reason, her eyes wild with determination. She activated her blaster, pointing it at a trembling teacher. "Tell me where they are, or I'll kill you!" She couldn't be wrong, if she was wrong then she was the villain in the story, and that would break her.

Hiro's mind raced, searching for a way to defuse the situation without harming anyone – but he knew there was only one option left. Clenching his fists, he steeled himself for what came next.

"Kimiko, I don't want to do this," he whispered, barely audible over the sound of his own heartbeat. "But I have no choice."

Hiro's heart pounded as he darted forward, his Mach-armoured hand reaching out to knock Kimiko's blaster aside just in time. The shot pierced the ceiling above, showering down debris amidst screams of terror from the students below.

"Enough!" Hiro shouted, his voice strained with desperation. He grabbed Kimiko by her armored wrist and pulled her up into the sky, away from the innocent lives below. The wind whipped at them, clouds surrounding them like a silent audience.

"Let go of me!" Kimiko snarled, her eyes blazing with anger. She struggled against his grip, but Hiro held on tight.

"Kimiko, listen to me! The suit is amplifying your emotions. You're not thinking straight," he implored, hoping she would see reason. But her face contorted with indignation.

"I don't need to be saved Hiro," she spat back, defiance etched across her features. "I can handle myself!"

"You don't understand, these suits are dangerous. They drive pilots to madness," Hiro said urgently, his voice cracking. He searched for any sign of understanding but found only hostility.

"Leave me alone, or I swear I'll make you regret it," she threatened, her gaze hardening. Hiro knew he couldn't let her continue down this path, regardless of her threats.

"Then let's settle this," he replied, his tone heavy with regret.


The battle between Hiro and Kimiko was intense, their Machs becoming a blur of motion amidst the high-altitude winds. Hiro tried to hold back, his movements calculated and defensive, while Kimiko went all-out, her attacks relentless and unforgiving. It was clear that she wasn't holding anything back.

"Kimiko, please! It isn't too late to stop this!" Hiro called out through their coms, his voice strained from exertion. He narrowly dodged a volley of energy blasts, the air crackling with their heat.

"Shut up!" she screamed back, her words fueled by an anger he'd never witnessed before. "You always think you're better than me! But I'll show you!"

As Hiro hesitated to counterattack, desperate not to harm his friend, he saw warning lights flashing inside his Mach's cockpit. His hesitation was causing certain systems to fail, including vital ones like shielding and propulsion. If he didn't do something soon, he'd be at Kimiko's mercy, and he knew there wouldn't be any left in her current state.

"Kimiko, stop! You don't want this! You'll regret it later!" Hiro pleaded one last time, sweat running down his face as he braced for her next assault.

"Regret is for the weak," she replied coldly, her eyes narrowed and unyielding. With a surge of power, she unleashed another barrage, this one more ferocious than before.

Hiro stared in horror as the storm of destruction bore down on him. He gritted his teeth, knowing that if he didn't act, there would be no chance of being saved – not for Kimiko, and certainly not for himself.

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