Soul Drive: Ignition

Chapter 10: Change

The wind ripped over Hiro's armor as he soared towards Kimiko's location, his heart pounding with adrenaline. He knew he had to act fast; He had no idea what Kimiko's condition was. The warehouse roof loomed below, and he caught sight of her fragile form tied to a metal railing. Her eyes were wide with fear, but she still tried to pull at her restraints.

As Hiro swooped down, he reached out, grabbing her with one arm while slicing through the cuffs with his free hand. For a split second, they hung suspended in mid-air before Hiro's Mach armor surged upwards, propelling them away from the warehouse and possible military strike. The whir of government drones filled the air, their flashing lights chasing after them like swarming insects.

"Let go of me!" Kimko demanded, clearly terrified by the presence of another Mach. She clawed at his hand, but it was no use.

"Calm down, I am just trying to get you to safety," Hiro replied, trying to sound less like himself. "It is a war zone back there, you would have been killed."

"Oh sure, so saving me is taking me away from the government rescue?" Kimiko clearly wasn't buying his explanation.

"They weren't there to rescue you, they were there to kill me." Kimiko went silent, clearly thinking over his words.

Hiro noticed a drone approaching, "Initiate stealth system," Hiro commanded, his voice barely audible over the roar of the wind. His AI responded immediately, cloaking them in an electromagnetic shield that rendered them invisible to the government's scanners. Hiro's breathing steadied as the AI guided him effortlessly through Osaka, avoiding roadblocks and search drones with ease.

Finally, they reached a secluded alleyway where Hiro could leave Kimiko without being seen. Hiro set her gently on the ground. "Go home and try to forget this ever happened." He said.

"Forget this, I still don't understand why that guy was after me or why there are so many of you robotic freaks. I can't just forget it, it doesn't make sense!" Kimiko yelled, shaking with tears running down his face. " And I don't know why you saved me?"

"Does it matter?" Hiro stammered, trying to maintain his composure. "You are safe now."

"It matters more than anything, how can I ever feel truly safe again" Kimiko reasoned.

Hiro knew she was right, leaving things this way would mean Kimiko would live in constant fear. He huffed and then powered down, revealing his identity to the shocked Kimiko. Hiro held out the old cell phone. "It's called a Mach. My parents left it for me to stop the others like that guy who kidnapped you, and end the program forever."

Kimiko hesitated for only a moment before asking, "So you fight those things to protect the world or something?" She seemed deep in thought before saying "I want to help."

"Kimiko, these Machs are dangerous," Hiro replied, the image of Noboru's final moments before exploding still fresh in his mind. "And this is the only one I have."

"Then we'll find the others," she declared, her determination unwavering. "If we both have one, then we stand a better chance of getting rid of these things." she was still shaking from the night's events.

"I don't think that is a good idea, I couldn't fight if I knew there was a chance you would get hurt," Hiro explained, a smile touching his tired face. "But you can help keep this a secret and I promise to tell you everything and answer all your questions when I can."


"Let's get you home." As they walked through the darkened streets of Osaka, Kimiko's hand found its way into his, and Hiro couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, they would be ok.

When they arrived near Hiro turned to her. "You have to head in alone, there will be too many questions if I go with you."

Kimiko nodded, "Thank you," she took off down the road toward her home. At her house, her parents were waiting anxiously outside, flanked by a police officer and several secret service members. The moment they saw their daughter, they rushed forward, enveloping her in a desperate embrace. Questions about her abduction and rescue began to flood in, but Kimiko remained steadfast in her loyalty to Hiro.

"The robot dropped me off in a parking lot," she said, her voice steady. "He never said a word to me, just left me there."

As the relieved family turned to go inside, Kimiko looked back down the road, hoping Hiro was ok and wondering if she really could sit back and let Hiro take on this fight all on his own.


Masato turned off the news coverage in his office, the whole event was enough of a distraction to let him set up what he needed. His finger hovered over the touch screen of his phone, the voice on the other end delivering the news he had dreaded. His office seemed to shrink around him as the agent's words echoed in his mind.

"Mr. Tanaka," the agent said coldly, "we have footage of you returning Mach 2 to Nori Aoki, resulting in the destruction of Mach 3. The damage you've allowed to unfold on the global stage has embarrassed Japan. Consider yourself dismissed, effective immediately. Do not leave the country, an investigation into your conduct will begin immediately."

"Understood," Masato replied, his voice betraying no emotion. He disconnected the call and stared at the blank screen for a moment, processing the weight of what had just happened.

As he began to pack his belongings, Masato couldn't help but reflect on the years he'd spent working toward this point and how Mach 1 had caused it to come crumbling down. It was all slipping through his fingers, but he had a plan. He would take control of the situation, and eventually, he would take control of Japan.

With his box of belongings in hand, Masato stepped out of his now former office, the door clicking shut behind him. He kept his eyes fixed forward, refusing to look back as he walked down the sterile hallway, each step echoing with finality. He knew what he had to do, and he couldn't afford any hesitation.

Stopping at a washroom, Masato glanced around to ensure that he was alone. He locked the door behind him and crossed to the last stall, where he'd hidden glasses, a lab coat, and a fake ID badge in plastic bags in the back of the toilet. He changed quickly, pulling the lab coat over his clothes and adjusting the glasses on his nose.

"Alright, Masato," he muttered under his breath as he checked his reflection in the mirror. "It's showtime."

Carefully avoiding the surveillance cameras' blind spots, Masato made his way to the lab, his heart racing with every step. He swiped the fake ID badge and slipped inside, the hum of machinery greeting him like an old friend.

"I will show them the true power of the Machs," he thought, scanning the room for the Machs he would need. His eyes landed on a video camera, a power drill, a digital camera, an old alarm clock, and a rechargeable razor - each one housing a powerful weapon within its innocent exterior.

He gathered them up, feeling their weight in his hands, a symbol of the power he was about to wield. As he turned to leave, the sound of movement nearby made him pause, adrenaline surging through his veins, but no one entered. Masato sealed the room and left, his heart pounding in his ears.

"Five will have to be enough," he thought again, steeling himself for the path that lay ahead. "I'll build my own army."

Masato slipped back into the bathroom, his heart pounding as he locked the door behind him. He glanced at his reflection in the mirror, the lab coat and glasses concealing his true identity. With swift, practiced movements, he removed the disguise and changed back into his own clothes, folding the lab coat and glasses neatly before placing them in his box of belongings.

He tucked the five Machs into the box as well, their innocuous exteriors hiding the truth from unsuspecting eyes. As Masato closed the lid, he couldn't help but feel a certain thrill at the thought of what he was about to do.

"Goodbye, until we meet again," he whispered, and then stepped out of the bathroom, carrying the box with an air power surrounding him.

As he exited the building, Masato took one last look around, his eyes lingering on the familiar surroundings that had been his world for so long. "I will see you soon," he murmured under his breath, and with a sense of grim determination, he walked away from his former job and into the unknown.


But the events didn't just impact Masato, an emergency UN meeting had been called after the new footage of the Mach battle was released. "Mr. Prime Minister," a voice crackled through the speakerphone, "we're convening this emergency conference to discuss the recent events in Japan."

The Japanese Prime Minister, Mamoru, sat stiffly in his office, surrounded by advisors and security personnel. The faces of other world leaders stared back at him from the screen, their expressions ranging from concern to outright hostility.

"Your country has created something unprecedented and highly dangerous," the Chinese representative began, her tone accusatory. "These Mach weapons have the potential to destabilize global peace. We demand to review your data and evaluate the threat they pose."

"Agreed," chimed in the American delegate, his voice firm. "This technology is too powerful to be left unchecked."

"Indeed," added the Russian representative, his gaze cold and unyielding. "We support a thorough investigation and suspension of the program. Now world power should have access to this weapon."

The Prime Minister clenched his fists under the table, his face betraying no emotion. He had anticipated this reaction, but it still stung. With a calm, measured voice, he responded: "These Mach devices were not supposed to be operational. We are just as concerned as you are that these devices exist and have launched a full investigation into them."

"Don't lie to us," interjected the Chinese delegate, "we have heard the chatter of a so-called Mach program and what its intentions are. The United Nations demands a full investigation and suspension of your program until further notice."

The Prime Minister took a deep breath, his mind racing as he considered the implications of their demands. Finally, he nodded. "Yes we have a program like that, but we never thought that it would actually result in these war machines," he said. "We will comply with your request. We also have questions for the maker of these devices, Masato Tanaka."

As the conference call came to an end, the Prime Minister's thoughts turned to how he would be able to regain control of this situation, their greatest secret was out and he knew every country would want a piece of it.

The Prime Minister stared out the window of his office, watching the sun set over Tokyo, its fiery hues casting long shadows across the city. He muttered a curse under his breath, clenching his fists until his knuckles turned white. This was Masato's fault, he never should have hired the man to head such an important operation. Masato had been so desperate for recognition and power, that it was only a matter of time before he would take a desperate risk to get noticed, and that is exactly what happened.

"Sir," one of his secretaries approached hesitantly, holding a file in her trembling hands. "It's come to our attention that five Machs are missing from the facility."

"Missing?" The Prime Minister's voice cracked like a whip, making the secretary flinch. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Clearly this is a parting gift from Masato, to us. The fool, now we can pin the Hanshin incident on him. Claim the man used our tech to create these machines and then fled when he discovered we were on to him. Track him down and you find him.... make sure no one else ever will."

"Y-yes, sir." The secretary stammered, bowing quickly before scurrying away.

"Masato, I can't thank you enough," he mused to himself, rubbing his temples. "With the eyes of the world on you, and their efforts squarely on hunting you down. I couldn't have planned this any better myself"


Far away in Ottawa, Mr. Stark paced back and forth in his office, his brow furrowed in worry. He had also been on the UN call, and he knew how the world would react if they discovered Canada's involvement with the Machs. Their own program, reverse-engineering the five Machs they possessed, was shrouded in secrecy. And so far hadn't resulted in a single functioning Mach.

"Damn it," he muttered, slamming his fist on the desk. "We need to ensure the Japanese keep their mouths shut about us."

"Sir?" His assistant looked up from her computer, startled by his sudden outburst.

"Get me the profiles of our pilots – they need to be ready for their first real mission," Stark said, determination burning in his eyes. "We're going to relieve Japan of their remaining Machs and destroy the two that got away. We can't risk our own plans being exposed thanks to them."

"Are you sure about this, sir?" His assistant asked cautiously.

"Absolutely," Stark replied with a nod. "The world needs to believe the Machs are destroyed, to return to their state of complacency. It is the only way we can continue our project without worry."

"As you wish, I will have the files on your desk momentarily." His secretary confirmed as she left the room. Mr. Stark turned and looked out his window, the world was about to change now that it knew about the existence of Machs. All he knew was that he intended to come out on top, no matter what he had to do to get there.

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