Sorcery Monarch

Chapter 8: The Scarlet Moon

Chapter 8: The Scarlet Moon


"Burp~ Daddy, Yaya is full!"


With a soft and affectionate voice in Matthew's mind, the newly awakened and well-fed Yaya nestled back down contentedly.


Matthew gently picked her up, clearly feeling that she was much heavier than before—at least 25 pounds now.


As for where the 20 pounds of jerky she just ate went, Matthew simply thought, "A dragon's appetite is something you should never try to guess."


He carefully placed Yaya inside the carriage, protecting her from the soon-to-be-shining moonlight.


Matthew took the thick cloak handed to him by Steward Ralph, skillfully draped it over himself, and looked up at the sky.


Beyond the layers of distant clouds, a twisted dark red hue was slowly rising.


"Remember, never let any part of your body be exposed to the moonlight. Keep your hood and mask on, and don't take off your gloves."


"If you notice any damage to your companion's clothing or armor, immediately wrap them in a cloth sack and tie them up. The person in question must not resist!"


"Rest assured, even if exposed to moonlight, we have holy water and cleansing potions on hand to treat mild aberrations."


"But everyone must be vigilant. The success rate of cleansing isn't 100%, and it's very expensive. Even if you only bear half the cost, it will still be very painful."


"If we encounter anyone else, no matter who they are, do not approach them lightly. They may have already undergone an aberration. No contact until they’ve been inspected..."


"Also, remember that all moving creatures are potentially deadly. Keep your shields ready and stay protected."


"Only the guards and outpost soldiers are allowed to use weapons to avoid accidental injuries..."


Steward Ralph's arrangements were meticulous, even earning a nod of approval from Matthew, who quietly took notes.


At the same time, Matthew reflected on how, in another world, the moon was praised and longed for by countless poets, yet here it had become a symbol of curse and destruction.


Although he didn’t know what had happened on the moon, the fact that its light could have such a terrifying effect on the entire material plane was chilling to think about.


After donning thick gloves, retying his pant legs, and checking his clothes, Matthew skillfully put on his mask.


Through specially crafted light-blocking lenses, Matthew could clearly see his surroundings, comparable to an enhanced version of night vision from another world.


Such was the wonder of alchemy and magic!


Ralph meticulously checked everyone twice, ensuring there were no oversights, and after exchanging a glance with Old John, who was inspecting the horses and vehicles, he raised his voice:


"Let's move out, head home!"


An inexplicable power resonated in Ralph's voice, making everyone feel a surge of strength from within, making them feel more energetic and their movements lighter.


"Level 1 Spell: Inspire!"


Unlike the daytime, the convoy moved silently at night, advancing cautiously on the slightly hardened dirt road.


This time, Ralph led the group from the front, vigilantly reminding everyone to watch out for every puddle and mud hole on the road.


After all the effort it took to transport these supplies here, losing them tonight would be heart-wrenching.


Though he had some experience with night marches, Matthew could distinctly feel that tonight's Scarlet Moon was completely different.


The thin mist and clouds in the sky dispersed.


A gigantic blood-red moon hung in the sky.


At the center of the moon was a large dark red spot, resembling a terrifying eye, casting a cold, terrifying gaze that altered anyone it fell upon.


Even with foreign objects and masks blocking it, Matthew could still feel a reaction.


A deep sense of dread, stemming from the fear ingrained in his very being, reminded Matthew to avoid letting any part of his body touch the moonlight!


The entire Misty Swamp was bathed in a crimson hue.


Looking around, the swirling mist resembled a sea of blood, churning with twisted blood waves.


Everyone in the convoy breathed heavily, silently keeping their heads down and moving forward.




Angela looked in the direction of the sound, keenly spotting the enemies and preparing to draw her bow.


Matthew raised his hand to stop her, meeting her gaze through her silver mask, and said calmly:


"Your strength is important; conserve your energy and focus on directing the battle."


"Let them come closer. We’ll have to engage them sooner or later, so let’s start getting everyone used to fighting."


Angela lowered her bow, drew her sword, and loudly called out to the soldiers on the convoy's perimeter:


"All teams, be alert! The enemy is approaching, maintain a tight formation."


"Combat unit members, watch for enemies leaping at you. Keep an eye on both the ground and the sky!"


Twenty warriors, along with a few wandering slaves with profession levels, were divided into four groups to protect the convoy from all sides.


They vigilantly watched the red mist, occasionally catching glimpses of gray shadows darting around and hearing eerie howls.


The sounds were filled with pain and despair, sending shivers down everyone's spines.


What was once a silent Misty Swamp had turned into a terrifying killing field.


Matthew, having witnessed far more horrifying scenes, remained calm, even thinking with interest:


"This immersive horror scene and sound effects, if recorded, could be used in many horror movies."


Whether it was the convoy's large numbers that brought deterrence, or the aberrations not fully taking effect yet, the convoy traveled for about half an hour and covered a quarter of the distance before encountering the first substantial attack.


The churning blood mist parted as a shadow over a meter tall lunged out, bringing with it a strong stench of blood.


It was a blood-soaked black wolf, a common scavenging predator in the Misty Swamp, with a challenge rating of 2+.


Its abdomen and back were covered in wounds, but the wounds were slowly writhing, giving an incredibly disturbing impression.


It howled and leaped towards Steward Ralph.


A flash of silver light streaked through the air.


A sharp rapier pierced through the black wolf's clouded eye socket and exited through the back of its head.


The wolf’s howl was abruptly cut off.


Strangely, even with its brain fatally wounded, the wolf’s limbs continued to struggle, clawing deep furrows into the soft mud.


Its twisted mouth gnashed fiercely at Ralph.


With a swift step forward, Old John swung his long-handled sword, chopping the black wolf's head clean off, finally putting an end to its thrashing.


Ralph expertly pried open the wolf's head, his eyes lighting up slightly as he carefully used his rapier to extract a clump of gray-black flesh.


"Basic Flesh Essence, contaminated. After purification, it can be used to craft magical items and weapons, with a market value of 10 gold coins."


Familiar information appeared in Matthew's mind, and the detailed data-driven prompts brought him a pleasant surprise.


The aberrant black wolf’s tenacious vitality had clearly put pressure on the soldiers, which Matthew noticed.


Seeing Ralph about to hand him the Basic Flesh Essence, Matthew shook his head and said loudly:


"As you can see, while aberrant creatures are dangerous, decapitating them will take them down completely."


"Additionally, aberrant creatures often have valuable magical materials inside them, worth quite a bit."


"For example, this Basic Flesh Essence is worth 10 gold coins. The distribution will be 30% to those who kill, 25% to those who deal heavy damage, 15% to participants, and the remaining 30% will be split among all combatants."


"Old John receives 3 gold coins and 75 silver coins, Steward Ralph receives 3 gold coins and 25 silver coins, and the remaining 25 combatants split 1 gold coin and 50 silver coins!"


"This is how the spoils of battle will be distributed going forward. I hope you all fight bravely but also avoid getting hurt!"


Upon hearing this, Ralph's face grew anxious as he was about to speak up to dismiss what he thought was an absurd idea from Matthew.


"All the territory's gains belong to the Lord! Rewarding them with a good meal is enough. Only those who perform exceptionally should receive real rewards. How can we distribute the profits like this?"


The other soldiers widened their eyes, their breathing growing heavier, though many still couldn’t quite believe it.


After all, it's not unheard of for nobles to go back on their word!


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