Sorcery Monarch

Chapter 65: Advancing by Retreating

Chapter 65: Advancing by Retreating


Crack! Crack! Crack!


Angry axes furiously chopped at the scorched tree trunk.


Wood chips flew, and branches trembled.


Hall, still perched on the tree, was pale as he glanced down at the enraged gnolls, muttering through clenched teeth:


"You won't catch me!"


Just then, the tree shook violently. The massive trunk began to tilt, slowly collapsing.


Seeing the snarling gnolls drawing closer, Hall prepared to lift his dagger to his throat for a quick end.




A sharp sound pierced the air, accompanied by a shrill screech. Hall instinctively looked up just in time to see a twisted ray of energy slam into his chest.


"What the—"


Boom! The thick trunk crashed to the ground, snapping delicate branches instantly.


The gnolls swarmed in, but to their confusion, Hall was nowhere to be found.


Yet, they could still smell him—he was nearby!


Meanwhile, Yaya silently circled overhead, sneaking back to her previous position.


Confirming that his "capable" subordinate Hall was safe for now, Matthew quickly made up his mind and turned to Angela:


"A large number of gnolls are approaching. Have the soldiers retreat to the lumberyard. We'll fortify our defenses there."


"We need to gather all our forces..."


As he spoke, Matthew took out a communication scroll, briefly explained the situation, and then tore it open, releasing the spell.


Any spell scroll wasn’t cheap.


Although Communication was only a 1st-circle spell, its complex spell model made it rare as a scroll, and this one had cost Matthew 100 gold coins.


But with the urgency of the situation, Matthew would have gladly spent 1,000 gold if necessary.


However, as the azure glow of the spell faded, a thought suddenly crossed Matthew's mind:


"Wait, I don’t think the Arcane Communicator has been invented yet!"


Matthew vividly remembered that the magical "Arcane Phone," called the Arcane Communicator, was originally created by a player and an arcanist.


That arcanist quickly amassed a fortune through the product, later becoming a grand arcanist!


Countless players, spellcasters, and adventurers alike couldn’t resist buying these incredibly convenient devices.


That grand arcanist had earned the nickname "Master of Communication" from many players!


Matthew, too, had produced and sold Arcane Communicators to earn gold coins and was quite familiar with their production process and updates.


"Looks like I should jot down the information and techniques in my head. They might come in handy someday..."


The soldiers, without hesitation, quickly formed ranks and began retreating back toward the lumberyard.


The recently subdued kobolds were initially confused,


But under the urging and whipping of the stronger kobolds, they quickly fell in line.


They obediently abandoned their junk and gathered up the kobold eggs Matthew had instructed them to carry, retreating together.


However, the gnolls were fast. Upon noticing the retreat, they howled and chased after them.


What greeted them were fireballs, flying from the dark corners!




The first dozen gnolls at the front were instantly charred, and the shockwave threw their ranks into disarray.


"Ding, you killed a level 3 gnoll warrior and gained 30 experience points!"


"Ding, you killed a level 2 gnoll warrior and gained 20 experience points and 1 skill point."


"Ding, you killed..."




The flurry of kill notifications underscored the devastating power of the fireball spell.


"230 mana points left..."


Calculating in his mind, Matthew glanced at the scrambling gnolls, then swiftly mounted his horse and continued retreating.


Close by, Old Village Chief Field turned, nocked an arrow, and drew his bow.


With a "twang," the bowstring vibrated, and a gnoll hunter on the right flank crumpled to the ground with an arrow through its chest.


Ignoring the kill notifications, Matthew took up a position at the next ambush point with the protection of Goldtooth, Silvertail, and Old John, waiting for the gnoll pursuers.


Yaya circled above, with Matthew ensuring she didn’t engage—she only needed to provide vision.


Angered by the ambush, the gnolls relentlessly pursued Old Chief Field’s scent!


If they had a commander, they wouldn’t have been so reckless and crude.


But with most of their leaders and chieftains gone, their rage took over, reducing them to mindless, savage beasts.


Minutes later.


Another fireball exploded among the gnolls. The shattering of comrades’ bodies and the ensuing screams


Brought some momentary clarity to the mad gnolls. They slowed down, spreading out to avoid being wiped out by a single attack.


Matthew seemed to anticipate their move.


Old Chief Field, hidden well, suddenly emerged, tauntingly nocking another arrow and killing an injured gnoll warrior.


Roars of fury echoed through the gnoll ranks.


Their already bloodshot eyes grew even redder, and they charged after Field with wild abandon.


As Field "fled" in panic, he alternated between feigning being cornered and shooting back at the gnolls, holding their attention.


Just as the gnoll hunters were about to catch up to Field,


Another blazing fireball erupted in their midst!


This time, it was Silvertail, his mana replenished, who had struck.


Though he hadn’t triggered multiple spell casts, the unprepared gnolls in their concentrated formation were easily wiped out, with over 20 falling in the blast.


The mana consumed by the fireball was quickly replenished!


After successive fireball attacks, even the densest gnolls finally got cautious.


They scattered, unwilling to cluster together again, drastically reducing their immediate threat.


Though a few gnoll hunters managed to close in on Field, they quickly fell to his arrows.


Yet the relentless and tenacious gnolls didn’t halt their pursuit despite the deaths of their comrades.


Their howls of rage reverberated through the air, as they relentlessly drained Field’s mount’s stamina.


Faster gnoll assassins had begun closing in from the flanks, ready to complete their encirclement of Field.


Observing all this, Matthew couldn’t help but admire the gnolls’ cunning and tactics.


Gnolls had clearly earned their place in this dangerous world, displaying certain strengths worthy of recognition.


But Matthew had no use for these cannibalistic creatures!


Up ahead, the lumberyard came into view!

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