Sorcery Monarch

Chapter 39: Full Army Assault!

Chapter 39: Full Army Assault!


"Form ranks, defensive formation!"


Angela's clear command rang out, and the soldiers' hundreds of hours of training kicked in as ninety soldiers and ten newly recruited warriors quickly fell into line.


Shields were raised at the front, spears braced behind, and archers concealed, forming a neat and square formation that looked highly disciplined.


Old Field, the village chief, was deeply impressed as he studied the familiar faces of the soldiers, yet now they seemed strangely unfamiliar.


He couldn't believe that just a few days of training had transformed these once disorganized soldiers, cart pushers, and warriors of Bay Village into a unified force.


In his youth, Old Field had fought in the Netheril Empire's army, battling orcs to the north and barbarians to the east.


During the eastern frontier expansion, Old Field had been on the frontlines, fighting against countless fishmen and trolls.


His vast experience allowed him to see the subtle but significant changes in these soldiers.


Even the Netheril Empire's regular armies couldn't form ranks so quickly—within just a few breaths—while on the march.


"Is this the confidence Lord Matthew has in his professional soldiers?"


"Perhaps we really can defeat the dangerous slave-hunting group!"


With that thought, Old Field gripped his longbow tighter, gently rubbing the bowstring as he awaited the enemy’s arrival.


Matthew had dismounted and hidden behind the rear ranks, gently patting Yaya on the back.


"Fly up and scout the enemy's numbers. Sense if there are any hidden in the forest."


"Be cautious, trust your instincts, and don't get too close to the trees. If you're attacked, return immediately!"


Yaya nodded, sneaking into the nearby bushes. With a soft whoosh of wind, she shot up into the sky.


Matthew looked up and was surprised to see that Yaya’s body had blended seamlessly with the sky, her scales turning a deep blue.


Even with his psychic connection, Matthew could barely pinpoint her location, unable to discern her exact position.


"Indeed, challenge ratings don't lie!"


Yaya’s combat prowess, her ability to suppress trolls in melee combat, her superior scaly armor, and rapidly improving combat and flight skills—all marked her as formidable.


An average squad of intermediate-level professionals, even at Level 9+, would likely be no match for her.


In a matter of seconds, Yaya's report echoed in Matthew's mind:


"Daddy, there are forty enemies directly ahead of you. Three of them are stronger than the others..."


"There are fifty more hiding in the forest, and I saw long-range crossbows..."


"Ah? What are those? They look so ugly, with pointy noses, short bodies, and they howl like dogs. There are hundreds of them!"




"Have they lured kobolds into this?"


"Their appetite is insatiable!"


Matthew wasn’t shocked by the Bloodhand Slave-Hunting Group’s underhanded tactics. He had learned long ago never to underestimate any opponent.


After all, every player who had died at least a hundred times could speak from experience on the matter.


Without hesitation, Matthew had Yaya return and began calculating rapidly.


"The kobolds will reach here in twenty minutes."


"Returning to Bay Village will take half an hour, but there's a chance their rear guard will delay us, and we could face an encirclement."


"Holding our ground here would play into their hands. They could continuously draw more monsters to overwhelm us..."


"It seems their battle tactics are quite seasoned—they’ve likely faced regular military forces before."


"The enemy’s forward detachment is approaching fast; we’ll engage them in three minutes!"


"In that case, we can both achieve our goals!"


Without hesitation, Matthew relayed the information to Angela, laying out his plan.


The young knight pondered for only a few seconds, glanced at the determined soldiers standing in neat ranks, and nodded confidently.


"I think it will work. Even though the enemy is strong, their will is weak. They lack the spirit of sacrifice, so we will prevail!"


Hearing Angela's unwavering confidence, Matthew smiled and said firmly:


"Then lead the battle, my knight!"


Drawing her longsword, Angela took a deep breath, her entire body glowing with light. Her voice rang out clearly, spreading through the ranks of soldiers:


"Maintain formation! Target: North! Full army assault!"


Each soldier felt an odd lightness in their limbs, as if their weapons and armor had become a little less burdensome.


The knight class was designed specifically for war, and this was one of its signature abilities:


The Aura of Vitality!


It granted all nearby allies within fifty meters a powerful buff: "+1 Strength, +1 Damage, +2 Movement Speed."


Filled with courage, the soldiers marched forward confidently, following Angela's lead.


The synchronized footsteps stirred something within each soldier, their pace quickening as their morale surged.


Lyon, marching alongside them, felt his heart racing with excitement.


He felt connected to his comrades, part of a powerful whole.


No matter who the enemy was or how strong they might be, he had faith that they would be victorious!


Marching within the formation, Matthew observed his troops with satisfaction. Though their individual strength wasn’t extraordinary, they were highly adaptable and had great potential for growth.


Today, he would use a fierce and bloody battle to sharpen their edge, using the enemy’s blood and death to temper them!


Naturally, Matthew began his own preparations for the upcoming battle.


His staff’s skills, mana potions, magical scrolls, and combat spells were all ready...


A well-prepared spellcaster was the most terrifying force on the battlefield!


In the dense wilderness bushes...


The winter chill lingered faintly in the air.


Alta shivered as an inexplicable sense of unease crept over him, like he was being stalked by a deadly predator.


Instinctively gripping his shortsword tighter, he scanned the area, but found nothing unusual.


Shaking out his arms, he reminded himself that tension would only drain his stamina quickly—a common rookie mistake.


Alta was a seasoned hunter, and he quickly regained his composure, forcing himself to stay calm.


"It’s probably nothing. There are plenty of other scouts nearby, and while they may slack off sometimes, they wouldn’t..."


As an experienced hunter, he knew better than to let his emotions cloud his judgment.


"It’s just nerves about the upcoming battle. If we run into one of the Netheril patrol teams, we’ll be in serious trouble."


"But this time, the higher-ups have decided to attack a village... Let’s hope it goes smoothly."


"Work is getting riskier these days. After this job..."




A sharp claw pierced through his kidney, sending waves of excruciating pain through his body, shattering his focus.


Alta gasped, his mouth opening in a silent scream. A blow to the back of his head snuffed out his consciousness, his final thought flickering:


"An assassin?"


As his limp body was gently lowered to the ground, Yaya inspected her handiwork and muttered contentedly:


"Daddy’s training really pays off..."

After two hour the next chapter will be posted

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