Sorcerer from Another World

Umbra’s Ambition

I felt a pulse of terrible magic far away from the celebration. It was hard to describe it. It felt like nausea, the iron taste of blood and that horrible feeling of everyone staring at you and baring your vulnerabilities to the most malicious of gazes. 

I went to see what could have made it. Perhaps some unseelie attack? If so, then I needed to suppress it as soon as possible. 

As I drew closer, I began to realise who had cast the spell, but hoped to be proven wrong. 

I was not and I caught her in the acting of putting the last of the dirt over Thalm’s fresh corpse. 

“Hello, Master.”

“Not the way I expected this evening to go, Umbra.”

She stood up and turned to face me. A new third eye split open from her forehead. It rather made her ugly, but the waves of new magic energy rather implied she was significantly more powerful after her act of human sacrifice. 

“Desperate times. Desperate measures. You said he deserved to die.”

“I did. I said it in the understanding that we weren’t killers who go round murdering people we don’t like.”

“You think I did this on a whim?”

“No, you did this out of fear and ambition. The fact that he was scum gave you an excuse.”

“I shan’t deny it.”

We stood facing each other in silence. 

“What reason should I let a murderer back into our house?” I broke first, and asked for any excuse to not have to stop her. 

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about that. In fact, soon you will as happy as you deserve and only know joy.”

“What does that mean?”

The third eye glowed crimson. I felt her try to penetrate my mind.

It was like a cut. Cold and sharp psychic blade sliced and pushed into my consciousness. Where there was me was dominated by Umbra through the force of her evil eye. 

I simply threw my magic at intrusion. What I lacked in skill and knowledge I made up for in brute force and overwhelming power. I stopped her attack; I’d blocked it. 

“No love. I do the penetrating around these parts.” I died inside as I said the words. My poor attempt at action hero lines left nothing but regret. 

“You really are just too powerful.” She admitted. She slumped to the ground.

“Is that it?”

“I know you. I can’t win.”

“Why try?”

She smiled. “I just wanted to impress you. Be your equal. Be like them.” On the ‘them’ she snarled.


“Your real lovers.”

“You killed someone because you were jealous?”

She stared at me like I was a fool.

“You were scared, jealous yes, but afraid. You wanted power. But why attack me?”

“I didn’t plan on it. I saw you and the eye…it felt possible to make you mine alone. To become the most powerful witch the world has ever known.”

I still didn’t get what made her murder. But I understood her fear and want for security. Not to just rely on someone, but to have that power herself. I knew her jealousy from memory back on earth.

The right thing to do would be to have her face some kind of justice. It would destroy a lot of legitimacy Morgana and I had in this place. A good excuse to run away like I wanted to do. But a wrecking ball through Morgana’s efforts. Me leaving would leave Galen alone to face this threat and condemn everyone here to death. 

“Your eye is too dangerous.”

She placed her hands over it protectively.

“You want to protect me. You want to protect the eye.” She said and cast some kind of charm command spell.

It was too vague and my defences were too strong. Still she proved to be a problem. How could I contain her danger? Maybe reason.

“Do it again. I dare you.”

She did it again, but with contemptuous ease I reflected her spell back on her.

“I want to protect you. Protect the eye.”

She snapped out of it.

It did give me an idea. 

“The evilness of your third eye is too dangerous, but I can let you keep your power and ensure everyone's safety from you.”


“You cast the charm and I will enchant it into you, binding you permanently. You will come to no harm and so will everyone else. I’ll even modify your body so your third eye is only visible when you are casting from it.”

“Yes, I won’t force you. But I will protect these people and we both know you are a danger to them now.”

The wind whistled and I let her decide in quiet. 

“You can’t stop it. Just let me stay, I promise I won’t be a problem. I want you, need you, please.”

“I can stop it. I do believe that you want me. I want you too. We can’t have an evil eye coming between us. We need to keep everyone safe. This is how we keep you safe.”

“I don’t know.”

We argued. Time passed and with each exchange I struggled to maintain empathy. Hopelessness grew that this might come to the worst. I blamed her in my head that she had brought us to this. I can’t even say I was wrong for my resentment, however much it was cushioned by a sense of compassion. 

“I don’t know. I don’t know what to do.” She said again. 

I licked my teeth for the sensation. I agonised over what to say. A peaceful resolution seemed out of sight, but I struggled for her. 

“I will say your options again we have to keep you safe. One, I remove the eye total. Two, we put you in some kind of prison and you face justice for your crime. Three, you keep the eye, no one knows but me but we charm enchant you so the evil eye is rendered harmless we take the malice away and you keep the power.”

“It is too strong.”

I know. We’ve been over this. I didn’t say my frustrations aloud. 

I didn’t say anything and I had no one to turn to for help. 

“Ok, do it.”

I couldn’t believe her words.

“Charm you.”

“Let’s do it.”

She drew up to me and kissed me. She drew back and spoke her charm, her lips an inch from mine.

“Mi…!” She tried to scream ‘mine’.

I shut up with a kiss. I worked my magic. 

I didn’t want to attract attention as I fucked her and bound the evil eye. She really was a handful. 

I’m not sure what drove me to outdoor binding sex. Her hands roamed my body and drew my ‘wand’ out. Her small, warm hands stroked me to attention. 

This wasn’t right. I shouldn’t let her close after what she did, but she already was close and I could control the situation. Right? I let desire make me act. 

I touched her starting stroking outwards at her inner thighs building anticipation before finding her clit in the dark. 

She moaned in my mouth and began wanking me off. As pleasant as her hands were, I wanted more. 

Against the fort walls, I raised her leg straddling mine like a dancer. I held her bum and back, while the base of her foot rested down the side and back of my thigh. I slid her down and penetrated inside her warmth. She bounced up and down my length. 

She went out quickly after she came once. All her effort and stress faded as she relaxed. I eased her into sleep. 

I wound her own charm around her and let it diffuse inside her body. I funnelled great power into the spell and stabilised into an enchantment. For my own preference I shifted the third eye to replace her missing one. She might still need to cover it, for it gave off a passive charm too intense for ordinary folks to resist. I’d tell her when I got the chance. 

I let her sleep. The magic would take time to fully integrate. I needed to be sure the evil eye was contained before I woke her. I conjured a metal plate to take her to our house. I’d check in on her later. I also buried the body much, much deeper using metal. No one would know. For now, I needed to cover back with Iris. 

I sighed, my shoulders slumped. This was why I wanted to stay inside. I returned to the festival and tried to mask my stress. Dancing with Iris made it worth it. I was mostly sure we would fuck. It was the only thing keeping me humouring all this noise. Talking was a real drag. It could be fun, but always was exhausting. However, important it was. I just wanted to play with magic by myself. Maybe soak in the bath. 

It was to my misfortune that on my way back to find Iris, and pull her away for some fun times, that I found her arguing with Bomdall, Nazir and Amiya. My troubles that night never seemed to end. 

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