Sorcerer from Another World

Two Maids

Morgana stood inside the house with two new and attractive women around the cauldron and fire. They looked roughly in their twenties. One blonde and blue-eyed in her late twenties and the other younger woman a dark-eyed brunette.

I guess loyalty wasn’t the only criteria of Morgana’s judgement. They stared back, the older woman's eyes flashed in recognition, her cheeks flushed crimson and she dipped her head slightly. 

The younger one, who wore a golden bracelet at her wrist, observed me. I scanned her face that turned rosy despite a strict attempt at self-control. Her gaze, I noted, with humour was on Iris’ chest.  

“Introduce yourselves, now.” Morgana commanded.

“Master Sorcerer. I want to start by saying thank you for saving my life.” Spoke up the elder of the two.  

She was older than us by a few years. In her late twenties or early thirties by my guess. Long hair like a seam of gold with a fair face. For all her loveliness, deep bags lay under her eyes from sleepless nights. 

In the moment, she seemed full of life and anticipation but a moment prior she seemed grave and gloomy. She wore a blue dress that matched her eyes. Either by strategy or desperation or both she was exposing a tantalisingly deep cleavage.

I was struck by a big philosophical question. Were hers’ bigger than Iris’? It seemed a simpler question to ponder than asking what made her so sad.

“I can cook and clean. I was the head of the house back in Yolin’s Hill. I’ve got experience.” She mumbled nervously.  

“I’m Byrette from the Baughan family. I’ve done trade into Ferisdam since I was a little girl. I know the place and the people. I can cook and clean too same as her.” She gestured towards the older women. Byrette noticeable spoke with more confidence.  

“And your name?” I asked the older woman.

“Tulisa.” She mumbled.

“Tulisa. Byrette.” I said and nodded to them one at a time. “Have you thought this through? We are hardly your usual sort. Your lives will never be the same again. The world as you understand it is ending. Not because of monsters or Romans but because of what I am going to do.”

“Sorcerer.” She said then paused. “Did you really come back from death?” She asked hesitantly.

“No. A boulder the size of a house crushed me, I was stabbed in the back multiple times and then a Cù-sìth far bigger than this house flattened me to the ground. But I did not die. I healed and recovered to become far more powerful. The Unseelie’s weapons will find my flesh unyielding in the next battle.” I answered.

“You seem like someone who takes care of their own.”

“He does, we would be dead if not for him.” Iris said decisively. “And he has done much more for me besides.”

“Exactly.” Byrette said and nodded. “I stand to lose everything including my life when the Unseelie attack. If I survive then the Romans will come next. We will spend our years broken by an army that will rape our lands and people taking the majority of our food and wealth. Please give me a chance. I’ll work hard, keep my mouth shut and do whatever is needed.”   

Her gaze flickered to Morgana and then Iris before settling back on me.

I kept my expression impassive and in doing so screwed up my eyes, so I appeared menacing. If I had done this back home, I would have looked silly but as a Sorcerer who slays monsters it was serious. 

Byrette was perceptive. She knew how bad the situation in Ferisdarm was and she gambled on a potential saviour. She was taking a risk and I respected her bravery.

I looked to Morgana.

“They will handle the domestic details, while you focus upon your magic. Trust me, my Paragon. Finding the right people is important. Maids for now, maybe some guards…” said Morgana.

“I’ve got family here, I can recommend good guards.” Byrette offered.

She was cunning that one. Almost like a spy, she smelled a good opportunity to expand influence. Useful. I would trust Morgana’s judgement and hope she will be loyal.

“Do a good job, keep our trust and stay alive and you can stay permanently.”

“Thank you.” They both answered and enthusiastic smiles broke out on their lovely faces.

“Anything else?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.  

“Did you make these knives… Master Sorcerer?” Tulisa asked.

“Damian. My name is Damian. I did, do you like them?”

“He is my Paragon, and I am your Chief. Morgana Pendragon. You will address him as Master Grey.” Morgana declared her eyes narrowed in a cold anger that seemed disproportionated to me.

I guess, status and hierarchy were important to them.   

“Yes, Chief.” Tulisa said with a low bow.

It was my mistake, I felt myself become hot and I knew my face was red.  

There was an awkward silence that hung in the air.

“I like them.” Iris said.

“Same, Master Grey.” Said Tulisa and Byrette.

“Can you make more, my Paragon?” asked Morgana, still cold but it seemed more out of tension than any remaining anger.

“Yes, easily enough.”

“We should sell them.” Byrette opined.

“Not, for now. I would rather keep this special metal among ourselves.” Morgana said.

“Well, I already gave some away as trade for our clothes.” I admitted.

Morgana sighed. “Fine, but let’s at least restrict it for now. It would be to our disadvantage to give away such superior goods.”


We settled into conversation led mostly by Morgana as she set forward our agenda as a burgeoning clan. She discussed dry matters of important families and trade that I grasped partially but were of little interest to me. She spoke proudly of our ability to handle the Unseelie and that there was no need to worry. 

She was a fine orator. When I mentioned it, Morgana was pleased with her new blades giving me a kiss on the cheek and a hug. I made a cauldron and other domestic goods for Byrette’s family. She bowed low and offered her thanks.  

Tulisa and Byrette prepared dinner and it was decent. We seemed to still have enough seasoning that our meals tasted okay. 

Umbra came back half way through the meal and devoured it then retreated to sleep after saying no more than three words. Whatever she was doing was keeping her busy. 

Other affairs were sorted, Byrette would return to her family for now until a space could be sorted for her. Tulisa would stay in the round house with us, and she arranged with coin provided by Morgana some sheets and hay to sleep in. She got fresh hay and sheets for us as well which we thanked her for doing.  

On our second night they came. 

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