Sorcerer from Another World

Preparing for the Meeting/Ferisdarm’s Fate

The next day it was to no one's shock when Morgana, Iris and I received a summons to appear at the Chief’s council at noon. Umbra was excluded which annoyed me, but didn’t come as a surprise. I was soundly asleep when Tulisa nudged me awake. A hand pressed against bare chest lingered and then those rose to gently shake my shoulder.   

“Master, you and my Mistresses are expected at the Chief’s hut, Master.” She said softly.

I brushed Morgana hair out of my face and yawned audibly.

I had two naked women in my arms. Umbra already vanished to do whatever she did out there. Iris had left a copious amount of drool dripping down my stomach. Morgana’s hairs were stuck on my tongue, so I gently pulled her raven hairs off. I cupped Iris breast in one hand and with the other Morgana’s bum. My arms even with enhanced endurance felt dead. A minor discomfort. 

The soft, warm bodies of my lovers almost lulled me back to sleep. A lazy, lusty yearning. The pouting maid tickled a vast inner greed that spun a playful plot to pluck her and add her to my harvest. Victory embolden an appetite for a larger yield. Is not three in the morning greater than two? Four in total better than three.  

“Will I tell them to leave, Master?” Tulisa inquired.

Her eye contact was steady and bright. I noticed her whole body was flushed and her lips were moist. The glow only served to enhance her loveliness.

She pressed her palms lightly against her cheeks under my curious gaze. Her eyes breaking contact she squirmed.

“Master.” her voice cracked.  

I could take her even if Iris and Morgana were uncomfortable with it they would have to accept. They needed me and I could take what I wanted when I wanted it. A breath of cool air brushed through and I shivered. I noticed the heat in my belly and the pounding of my temples. Wait… what was I thinking? After some battles and fucking it was great to feel confidence, but what was feeling for more: a bottomless avarice. 

What had happened to my kindness? 

“It’s okay Tulisa. Just waking up is all. I’ll be going.” I told her. “Tell them I will be there shortly.”

Tulisa bowed then left the house. I heard muffled speech coming from outside.

I sat up with a groan. The two lovers made protests but I woke them from their drowsy stupor. Gently as I could I retrieved my arms from their sensual snares. 

“I am going to the council meeting. We are invited if my treasures wish to join?”

“We will.” Morgana answered.

Iris groaned in response. She sat up biting her lower lip.

“What are we going to do? I know nothing about councils and leading.” Iris admitted, honest and true.

“Listen, to what Morgana says, if you have questions we can answer them later and if your heart compels you to speak. I have your back.”

Iris paused and drew me in with a smile, “You seemed pretty satisfied with my front last night…” she said with her liting voice and then posed leaning forward and pressing her arms together to emphasise her bountiful breasts “Are these not worth protecting as well?”

Bushing red, I almost choked, then tried and failed to think of a witty response, “Your front as well.” I declared in futility. 

She booped my nose, “I’m glad I can always rely on you.” She said sweet as sugar. 

Morgana sat up and stretched like a cat which had the effect of distracting Iris and I from conversation.

“Lazy bear.” Iris griped, with a teasing smile.

“I’m getting up.” Morgana said and tried to poke Iris.

The druid nimbly stepped back. Her laugh lit up smiles in us all.

I shook my head and started to throw on some clothes. I watched them change with a casualness that upon reflection was strange. I used to feel nervous noticing a pretty woman passing me by in the street.

When did I become such an easy-going guy?

It seems that when you are in a loving relationship things are different. It was so obvious, but so different from my fleeting past relationships. It had been only a few days, but I was aware that whatever this was it was serious. It mattered to me that I treated them right and showed them love.

The flurry of contrasting emotions. Moments ago, I was wanting to bed another woman regardless of their opinions. Now, I was wondering about the L-word. It was like two different mes were pulling in opposite directions. Here, I was observing it all and trying not to get washed away. 

It was in that storm of thought that I pulled them both in a hug.  “I know everything is crazy right now, and to be honest it feels like we could die tomorrow. But I want yous to know that I am grateful for everything, for welcoming me into your lives and your bed, for protecting me and each other. The two of you are amazing, I cannot express how you have made my world bigger, only that you make me want to live past today for a thousand tomorrows. Each day as blissful as the last.”

“Sappy Slánaitheoir.” Iris squirmed in the hug and punched me lightly in the arm.

“Dumb metalhead, do you have a speech prepared for every day?” Morgana complained glibly breaking the hug.  

“The both of you are fucking hot.” I said. “Is that better?” I taunted cheekily.

“Bastard.” Iris flushed red as a tomato. She pouted for good measure. “I knew you weren’t being serious.” She whined.  

I pulled her back and gave her a reassuring hug. “I’m always serious, I’m a dumb metalhead.”

She held on close. She had many triggers, I suspected that this was only the beginning. Then again her pout was adorable so there were worse things that could happen.  

I’m glad they are both safe. 

Iris or Morgana could have taken care of Shamus by themselves. Even if they rallied the entire village against them only, Galen with the sword I gave him had the tools to harm. But, while their skin was tougher than steel the harassment can leave a dagger pointing to your heart. 

It is easy and painful to internalise criticism. To bear that criticism squeezes the joy out of life and replaces it with fear. Iris, in particular, seemed vulnerable to even the slightest criticism or manipulation, her low self esteem at odds with her talent, experience and boldness.

They had given me so much kindness from their attention, to protection and even conversation. I don’t want them to live a life of fear. 

No more. I will protect my people. I am their champion. 

Not like before when I was helpless and I had to endure listening to the criticising opinions of others. Government, corporations and religion could dominate my every move. Ideologies pierced my being and subsumed me. 

It was with the clarity of distance in this dream-like world that I realised that all my suffering on earth was not my fault. We had inherited the bodies of hunter gatherers but with the idleness of farmers, the servility of slaves and the hard labour of the factory worker.

What right did I have to judge? I had escaped. My pity was wasted looking back at the ruins of the past. How do you look away? 

It had felt good to hurt Shamus.

Hells, when did I become the person to give a beat down to people? It was satisfying in the moment to fight Shamus and the Unseelie but the excitement was fleeting. It felt odd, I was happy that I felt at ease and that I could defend myself. The satisfaction of indulging my anger I savoured even now. It was amazing what power and the appreciation of your fellows it does wonders to your esteem. 

But is this who I wanted to become?

A protector yes, but does that also mean becoming a bully?

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