Sorcerer from Another World

Morning After

I woke on my third night in this dream-like world to a situation that all lovers of women hope for in their lustful corners of their brains. At least, it was my hope, to be sandwiched between two sleeping beauties and a third resting with her breath breezing the tip of my wand. I woke Iris and Morgana with a kiss, confidently that after hours of hot sex, our cooperation gave implicit consent to a lover’s wet greeting.

I decided to dive headfirst boldly into my new complicated relationship with three women: two of whom were in a relationship and a third who insisted on calling me master and liked me alone. 

“Morning.” I said smugly to Iris first who was curled up as the little spoon after I kissed her lips.

“Good morning.” I whispered to Morgana after I turned back to kiss her on the lips. It was an awkward touch and our noses grazed one another but she leaned in to kiss me again after I spoke.

Umbra dozed. 

“Morning.” Morgana said sleepily yawning then stretching her back.

Iris grumbled and groaned in acknowledgment then pulled my arm over to cuddle her more securely but she kept sleeping. I chuckled at her antics, in a joyful burst of emotion. She was gorgeous, eager, and moody. 

“Let her sleep.” Morgana whispered in my ear, before giving it a playful lick. I smacked her ass in response, and she giggled mischievously before gently biting my lobes. I felt myself growing hard against Iris’s rear in reaction.   

A quick, playful tussle later and I had a quickie with the raven-haired Pendragon.

We snuggled, “What are you? Damian the Glorious you could tempt the chaste lover Clutonda back from her sea grave.” She said with a wink.

“Magic stamina has its advantages.” I replied with a cheeky smile  

I thanked Iris for bringing me here. I was grateful to her; it took words beyond my tongue to express the feeling swelling in my chest. My gladness extended to Iris and Morgana for being so accepting and for desiring me.

For the first time in a while, I was certain that I was delighted to be alive. 

The brutal grind of work back home, where I felt isolated and unknown and what I did meant very little to me seemed to be of the distant past. It was a source of comfort that it was from a world apart.

My only regret was leaving my parents behind, but I felt confident they would be content if they knew how happy I was at that moment. 

Morgana got out of bed first following the urges of a rumbly tummy. I nudge Iris to wake up. “Wakey, wakey time, sleepyhead.” I said in a sing-song voice.

“Sleepyhead?” she said, yawning, seemingly confused as well.

“Too soon, for nicknames?”

“What is a sleepyhead?” She asked, intimating my sing-song voice then a bemused snicker leaks out.  

“It’s what you are. Sleepy.” I retorted defensively, now blushing with embarrassment.

“Hear this, he called me a sleepyhead.” Iris called out to Morgana, tongue in cheek.

“Ha, does that make you a metalhead, my Paragon?” Morgana teased coyly.

I smiled and blushed deeply, turning crimson.

“It is a common expression where I am from.” I retort weakly, while rolling my eyes dramatically.

“Sure.” Iris said sarcastically. She copies my eye roll for extra mocking. Grinning cheekily all the while.

“Here.” Morgana said as she held a roll out. “Eat up, metalhead. Can’t have our champion going hungry.” She joked with a wink.

“Thanks.” I reply laughing at her good, humoured insults.

The bread is stale, and we use water to soften it, but a soggy soft roll is hardly a pleasant breakfast. It is, however, filling. We eat and share further small talk.

Umbra dozed in my lap, clearly still done in from our frantic night. 

“I’ll prepare the noonday meal while you two can start on the bath. I’ll join you when it is done.” Morgana stated. “After we are washed, buy some clothes and I will gather some followers.”

“Sounds like a plan.” I responded.

Umbra woke and before Morgana could give her bread. She chose to suck me off first. Iris and Morgana watched as a load of cum was drained from me before their eyes. 

“Morning Master.” Umbra greeted me after satisfying me. 

“Morning.” I croaked.

Morgana tossed bread at Umbra’s head.

It bounced off harmlessly and into her lap, “Ow.” Umbra faked. 

“Piss off.” Morgana barked.

Umbra laughed her off, “You already fucked him.”

“Oh.” Morgana replied.

“I was sleepily not so much so I didn’t hear the moans of a satisfied bitch. I feel sorry for Iris. She has had no action this morning.” 

Iris shook her hand and hand lazily, “I’m more than happy after last time. Don’t drag me into your competition.”

Morgana and Umbra scowled, but fumed in silence. 

Morgana started cooking for lunch and when I was done with breakfast, I walked out the house. I took a moment to breathe in the fresh air. Clear and crisp. I crafted a wide basin to act as our bath. It is outside, to protect our modesty I fashioned metal sheets to act as covers. 

A familiar robin landed on top of the bath with a worm in its beak. Afterwards, I fetched the water after I crafted a large metal bowl to carry the water from a spring at the foot of the hill.

I passed Umbra on my way back who was venturing down into the village. I even saw her blush red like a rose on spotting me. The hard hearted witch couldn’t suppress all feelings it seemed. She was off making new acquaintances, a normal social act to do, and I wished her luck toning down my sarcasm as best I could. I’m not a people person, at least in going out and being social sense. 

When I returned Iris heated the water then added some herbs I don’t recognise. Cupping my hands I scooped up some of the water and lightly rinsed my body before entering the bath to wash away a majority of the dirt and sweat. I let the excess soak in the earth and then I washed Iris’s body. She gasped and then blushed under the attention.

I dipped a toe into the bath, the gentle heat invited me in. Iris slipped in after me, pulling her close into my arms, we shared a bath. Fresh lavender scents filled the air and soaked into our skin. The warmth of the water is pleasant and with the addition of the hot Iris embraced in my arms the sensations are wonderful.      

I sighed contentedly, “This is the best.” 

“Ah, it is great.” Iris agreed.

We relaxed.

“What’s your favourite colour?” I asked Iris.

She paused to think and after a few moments’ answered “Red, I suppose.”

“Interesting.” I said genuinely. “Why?”

“I don’t know, I like it.” She replies with a shrug.

“Cool. Mine is blue.” I told her. “Like the sea.”

“I’ve never seen the sea before.” She admitted.

“It is like the sky.” I said pointing at the clear sky.

“But far more beautiful.” Morgana added. “We will take you to the sea one day, Sweetness.”

“You promise?”

“I do.”

I smiled at the pair. “What is your favourite colour?” I asked Morgana.

“My favourite is violet. I saw it when I was walking over the hill to the Great Tree for the first time. The place where Iris and I lived. The beam of violet arced over the tree like the framing of a painting. It was my first rainbow.” Morgana answered. 

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