Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 89: A Violent Eleanor is Cute Too.

Note: My Grammarly has been acting up lately, so there might be a neglected grammatical mistake, I apologize in advance and will surely fix the problem. Please understand that English is my second language.

[3rd Person POV]

The night started to get deeper, alongside the increasing number of nobilities under Urduja and from different territories.

To respect the world's strongest human, all of the leaders of the noble houses were present, no one sent their heirs alone for that would be deemed as underestimating the overarching influence of Urduja's glorious self

When all of the noble families appeared, two armies from the two outermost points of Urduja's territory were signaled to start their march.

The army consisted of the strongest soldiers of the two noble houses, painted in their shining armor were the emblems of their respective lords, a Purple and Pink rose respectively, these colors were the only evidence of their status as the only remaining nobles at the Urdujan territory that still pledges their loyalty to the King, for it is only their emblem that does not bear Urduja's color.

They did not know why Urduja never admonished such a brazen display of unwillingness to submit nor would they try to learn why, at least not now for this day is the day that their lords, through their most loyal knights will vent out their frustration to the person who stole their lords' only way to regain their former glory.

_That trading province is ours!_

_Just because you are a fallen hero doesn't mean you can claim territorial rights on everything!_

They have completely neglected the gods above Kamatayan. However, the gods deemed Sophia enough to deal smoothly with this bunch of people who did not even notice that from the moment they departed to the moment they combined, and finally when they rearranged their army into attack formation, are all monitored by Sophia via her spiders, the lady in question is currently looking at the two nobles who are silently snickering with blank eyes.

The knights who went straight for the City of Bulawan immediately discarded the idea of going around the settlements and just attacking the capital city, first of all, they are humans and needed food and other things, Bulawan city has just that, second is that the forest surrounding Bulawan city is yet to be developed, thus they cannot whittle down the land and surely, they are not trained to bypass the forest for such plans swiftly, that's why their only choice is to siege the city using equipment and a lot of mages.

_So they are attacking without proper intelligence?_

As the soldiers marched toward their destination, a unit of about 50 people halted in their tracks, the spiders around them did not discover their existence despite their size, the prime evidence of their formidable force, and the one who just made such a remark in her heart was Hebi Tsukaiza, the leader of the group of Vampires and Devils that is here to complete a certain mission.

She can be described by one word, purple. She has purple hair, and purple pupils as well as a purple one-piece latex suit as a uniform that outlines her ample breasts and perky ass quite well, the only thing not purple is her skin and of course other parts inside of her body that should be the color of blood. 

She squinted her eyes, looking at the humans who not only neglected the number one sign that a country shouldn't be attacked but looked confident in doing so.

_If your spies and mages cannot enter a state, a nation, a city, a town, or a village, it will be impossible for soldiers to do so._

Hebi Tsukaiza, before completing the main mission was also tasked to observe the nation that was suddenly nailed in the middle of Gjallarhorn and Valentine, however, she did not expect the monarch of the Queendom to create a barrier that would quite literally make people at least in the hero prospect level explode into nothingness, other abilities are unknown and will not be time efficient to test.

More so, even though the concept is very simple, the barrier that was set up was an original work and was made to perfection on short notice.

As a person who is quite old, she felt like her prided wisdom was hurt. But most importantly, she gave up any intentions to push through on such a dangerous side quest and reported to Loki that "Kamatayan is not to be trifled with" and it was confirmed when she saw spies and scouts, and races other than goblins, monkeys and undeads getting killed without exemption.

_Not minding the backlash of killing merchants to protect her Queendom... Not only a prodigious ruler, but also sufficiently strong to earn Urduja's recognition and a radical one, This Sophia is quite admirable._

Hebi Tsukaiza doesn't know if these two factors are enough to judge any results, but with how she saw it, the fight that will happen will not be against two noble armies and a defense force of a newly formed city, but rather a battle between a genius strategist versus military people who can barely pass their deployment test.

In Sophia's world, it is like a library with books written by illiterate people against a single book written by Albert Einstein._

Hebi Tsukaiza decided not to feed her curiosity further and just let the two armies collide as her unit glided through the shadows without even letting the prided spiders of Arachne know of their presence.


Back to the ballroom of Urduja, the two nobles with the family names Wimbledon and Guinness are chatting amongst themselves, they have no companions nor any noble merchant that are willing to talk with them for a potential partnership,  simply because the two of them are not affiliated with Urduja,  though they have long since accepted these discrimination, the only thing that they cannot accept is how poor their territories are because of the lack of foreign trade and investments, at first, it was fine because they can  just trade with each other, but the land they are managing is still technically owned by Urduja so they cannot do anything when they got moved to the outskirts of the territory.

What is worse is that the trading routes they have been pushing through since forever became a nation instead of their province.

Such bitterness caused pain to Wimbledon and Guinness' heart, but their mood were lifted immediately when the crystal on their chests vibrated a little, they put it on their ears in a discreet way that was gracefully observed by Urduja, the hero became determined to wipe out these two nobles after the night as the report from their two generals made the two nobles giddy.

"My Lord, we have now combined our forces and are now marching towards the enemy, we are using the latest advancement in technology to see through the night."

The two of them sneered and looked at Sophia who is happily eating a steak.

_Brace yourself for the bad news bitch!_

Though they did not know that Sophia heard what they have just talked with their knights.

_Knight vision huh..._

With such a lame pun, she put her hands into the Eleanor's lap and squeezed her thighs, brahmic script started to appear, Eleanor immediately understood what Sophia is doing and acted according to the situation, she started panting silently and clutched Sophia's clothes, after their "PDA", the spell was completed and written on the clothes of Kabuto that is hiding in the shadow of the table.


[Sophia's POV]

_I am a really horrible person who enjoys the despairing face of my enemies._

That is what I am thinking right now as I continued to eat steak, though it honestly could use more salt, ignoring such culinary flaw, I scanned over the volume of the nobles and cannot help but be amazed on how fearless they are.

_Or more like they are confident of Urduja._

I mean, that just makes sense because not only Eleanor calls a fourth of the total nobility brother and sister and calls the sons and daughters of those nobles nephew and the such, Urduja has been here "protecting" all of humanity from the threat of Valentine, though I wonder what would they do if I one day became more powerful than Urduja.

Going back, all of the nobles still participated despite Urduja's altercation with me that destroyed a fourth of the governing area (and also made me curious about dark magic), actually there are only two nobles who retracted their participation because their neighbors have marched their army so suddenly, and those two neighbors are Wimbledon and Guinness.

"I wonder what those two are up too... They are being a pain for quite some time now."

While thinking what is "quite a while" for a 300+ year old person, I replied.

"Well, I don't, and if they are a pain, you can relieve yourself of them quite soon."

I smiled a very sweet one, though I forgot how to smile sweetly in a more natural way. Urduja was about to say something, but before she even can, a lady went to the balcony of the ballroom and used a fork to clang her wineglass.

"Everyone, listen."

All of the nobles stopped their chatter and I cannot help but get quite excited, finally it is time to announce the very important piece of news tonight.

"This day, all of us have united to solemnly make merry for the birth of the protector, not only of our Kingdom but of whole humanity, with her hands she forged a name for herself that will be written in history books, narrated in myths and chanted in hymns, now the center of the night Urduja Tawalisi alongside her daughter Eleanor Blackwell and the Queen of Kamatayan, Sophia Demiurge I, have a very important announcement to make."

The lady looked at the center table alongside the confused looks of the nobles, though of course all of us in the center table knew what the announcement will be, though Eleanor's eyes seem to turn cold.

_She looks like me when planning the destruction of the Monkeys._

With that look alone, I know that something good will happen.

As we got into the balcony, Eleanor spoke.

"Most of you might have already know, some of you are soldiers whom I healed in wars, some of you are my former suitors and of course some of you are my older brothers and sisters. This day is a special day not only because of my mother's birthday but also because I have decided to announce the new chapter of my life."

The nobles squinted their eyes, they seem to know that this matter is serious, more serious than they thought and some more intelligent ones looked at me and Eleanor with shifting eyes.

"I officially retires from my duty as a war medic of Gjallarhorn and also retracts my affiliation on this Kingdom, from today, I will be the head researcher for the magecraft development of Kamatayan."

The gasps from the nobles were audible, but because hey were affiliated with Urduja, they remained silent, but the next announcement will surely make them rave.

"Also, I would like to announce that Sophia and I are now engaged and will be married soon."

As expected, all of the nobles who are not the sibling or nephew of Eleanor started to shout loudly in indignation of this announcement, I can make out what they are saying from freedom of choosing a partner, being coerced by me and being hypnotized by the god of the undead. Obviously, these remarks caused the ire of the most gentle person on this gathering, Eleanor.

Eleanor though kept her calm eyes, the coldness on them is still visible.

_Oh, fuck no, she's angry, they shouldn't have dissagred._

Eleanor suddenly conjured a magic circle and then flicked it with her fingers that caused a massive sound to reverberate throughout the room, all of the nobles who are throwing everything they got so that their wimpy asses will not be officially rejected by my wife stopped from clamoring as they once again listened to what Eleanor is about to say.

"Let us be civilized here, please raise your hand if you disagree with my engagement."

All of the young men in the room that is lusting for the person whom I can touch whenever I want raised their hand, Eleanor swept over them and then sighed, Urduja and me are grinning, waiting for a great show as Eleanor pointed at a gentleman in the very front, he is quite handsome and has confidence on his eyes as he looked at me before to Eleanor.

"Lady Eleanor, it seems like your mother and Lady Sophia has arranged you to a diplomatic marriage, and I think that you should fight more for your right to marry the person you love rather than be used as a tool to increase alliances."

All of the gentlemen nodded, even the fathers and mother who already sat down did so too, Eleanor kept quite for a while, causing the gentleman to think that he have successfully dissuaded Eleanor, though much to his and everyone (including the people at the top of the ballroom) surprise, he was met with a dagger made of hardened sand that plunged straight to his handsome face causing him to grunt a little and die immediately.


Eleanor did not even tell the reason of the death of the young man, she swept through the crowd of standing young men that got their number cut by more than half, actually it seems like only 10 percent of the young men remained, these people are most likely coerced by their mothers and fathers to oppose the engagement at all cost, probably because of benefits.

The guards of the nobles who are the adopted child of Urduja assisted their sister and dragged the body away from the ballroom, the blood was cleaned through magic.

"Anyone else?"

Urduja seem to be quite displeased with the nobles who can't learn by example as she interjected.

"Before all of the heirs of your family gets wiped out, I order all of you to concede your non-existence hope for my daughter's hands. This is not a negotiation, but an announcement, you will celebrate this occasion even if all of the people in this room is to cry tears of blood, do you understand?"

The gentlemen who are still standing nodded meekly as Urduja ordered the continuation of the ball, though most of the nobility ate their food in silence as their eyes trembled.

_Even though she got furious by the remarks against her mother and me, a violent Eleanor is beautiful too._

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