Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 81: First Major Visitor Part 1

"Hey people of the second layer, please harvest all of the metals available underneath the volcano, be sure to not spare anything underneath for the metals will be used to create our currency, also, secure temporary settlements outside the mining site. That is all, thank you."

I conveyed such command through hive mind and all of the miners designated by myself answered in unison, well they were obedient as usual, after that, I also received the report about the wandering merchants that visited my city, good thing is that they did not enter the city without payment, the merchants paid gold and my people did not know what to do with it, good thing is that Agilus is once a part of [Guide] thus he is intelligent beyond comparison and not a bird brain at all (no pun intended), so he ordered the butchers to kill some of the reared monsters and bartered them with a lot of beer.

Yes, the very good mayor of my first layer city did not need to hear the orders I gave him earlier and already captured some animals, it seems like Agilus dreams to make Bulawan City live up to the city name I gave her, that is a very good job.

Some of the monster meats that he bartered are very hard to catch because of their absurd strength, this world's guild system is incapable of producing mercenaries (Adventurers, if you may) that can successfully kill them, only the Hero Urduja and her numerous wives of hero prospect and children of prodigy level powers eat these meats at regular bases.

But I doubt that they are the only nobles with that kind of power.

Going back, those things are to be expected, but what I was not expecting is how I am cramming a lot of work while my wife and I are alone in an enclosed space, what a shame.

[You are not alone.]

Ah, yeah, you're here too.

[And your goat, and the coachman.]

...Tsk, alright.

Anyway, I seriously find it strange, that just a few days ago, I was doing things rather leisurely, but then my instincts told me that I would not be able to do all of my monarchal duties for a long time, and my body just reacted to it.

Damn, how scary, women's instincts.

However, as of now, I don't have anything to do, so I am talking with Eleanor the whole time, like what the duties of a mayor and the hardships of being the lead governing figure and head of military research at the same time, it was all official matters for the whole conversation until we arrived at the second layer, unlike how most of my people when I entered, all of the monkeys continued working, the miners went and retrieved the houses from the former cave I have used as a settlement and recycled them, the Bayanihan makes a return it seems.

They are doing what I instructed them with vigor and relentless hard work, it is a very good thing to see, however, even though I feel good about having such hardworking subordinates when I look at the perfect symmetry of the volcano in front, I cannot help but sigh, depressed because I have to punch holes through these majestic volcano to complete my plans, it is just impossible to preserve beauty if you are striving for greatness, well at least in a world like this, I mean it is just inevitable that some things will protrude out of the walls of the volcano, I mean how would the steam from engines (if we ever can invent one) and the protective measures complementary to the humanitarian way of security I already set up will work if there is none right?

It is just impossible for people to think that the greatest tribe in the great forest that reigned supreme despite the existence of bats, onis, mantises, etc. will not have any valuable treasures, heck even their standard issue spears will be a very rare commodity already because they were made with magic metals, that is also the reason why do I need to make the coins out of the same material explode into nothingness once there is a smelting attempt as the primary security measure.

According to Eleanor, the only security measure against forgery or anything like that is through an appraiser, if the gold is pure, then it must be real, if it's not then not real, I can't understand why won't they use magic for security of their national possessions, it's very weird.

[Your world doesn't use electricity as a security measure for currency too.]

Well, that does make sense, however, it just takes a spell to power a formula, and it is not too hard.

[They can't read brahmic scripts.]

What do you mean, the Brahmic family has only 198 members, surely it is not...


I guess it is understandable, going back to the main topic, because of such valuable treasure en masse inside and out of the volcano, I cannot build a city outside of it, I also cannot put a city in the back of my capital that will serve as our mega laboratory because we will not be able to protect the resources inside the volcano if it so happens that a Kingdom like the two that are sandwiching Kamatayan are to invade.

I have yet to research about them, but if one of them has an army that is called the Army of the Kingdom of Heaven. The other has an army that can grit and grind with them, my catholic-ass who knows the former in Armageddon will not be able to neglect them, that is also the reason why I have to chuck one of the most intelligent individuals in my ranks, Eleanor into the city even though it pains me that I will not be able to see her often inside the mega lab so that there will be a symbolic representation of myself as a strategist and a fighter for the volcano.

Oh and because of that, as a first defense line for the secrets of the queendom, I will be creating guidelines for the marital law of the mega laboratory, this is so that all people without permission, except myself will be killed, well you all know what is a martial law, so just wait for the official guidelines.

Whilst thinking of such things, I am staring at the monkeys who are hard at work in creating a warehouse to store all of the metals I will be using a little bit into the very, very near future (about three days, so it's near), of course, the monkeys are not alone because the undeads are also helping them, mostly in the transportation of the metals from underneath the volcano into the surface and finally the warehouse.

This setup is decided by themselves in the rationale that my orders should be executed in the shortest, most efficient way possible so the monkeys don't have the luxury to teach the undeads the intricacy of the underground mine, so the undeads were utilized in the straight-lined crooked rail of sorts to reload, transport, unload and arrange the ores in the warehouse.

Well, isn't it great that my orders got rid of racism. I did not disturb them with any other words and just turned around and went into the biggest house that my subordinates lifted from the first layer to here as that seemed to be the place of my temporary office during my short stay.

_They should be fine._

I thought so as I looked at the squeaky clean room that has servants keeping it clean, I am not gonna comment on the big possibility that they lifted the big ass house with all the furnitures present as well as these goblin maids that immediately adopted the uniforms of the manananggal maids. Every single one of them greeted me with the respect I am oh so familiar with already as I strode towards the office, Eleanor has an office too, thus I immediately decided her role to be given in advance to her.

"Eleanor Demiurge, by the power given to me by my lord and myself, I officially hand you the office of the mayor of the Magayon Industrial City, you are also tasked to be its head researcher, I expect great determination and inventions, as a memento, I shall give you this good luck kiss."

"I acce-mph!"

Before she could even answer, I peaked her lips with mine, she touched her rose lips as I licked mine and turned around seemingly not affected by what I did, though I am, in more ways than one. While thinking of such things, I entered my office and immediately pulled out a goatskin, a quill, and ink and then started to draw the draft of the blueprint of my city, with still a little grudge about the symmetry of the forest.

I started to draw and draw, not caring about anything, however when I saw a spider jump from the ceiling to the goatskin, I immediately felt a strange tingling sensation, woman's instincts kicking in once again.

"Heya, in the plains border between Kamatayan and Gjallarhorn, there is a carriage that contains a woman, this woman has strange powers as it can detect my spiders, possible Esper powers. I assume that they will be able to arrive at Bulawan city after three days of traveling."

I cannot help but grin a little, see I told you I would be busy for the next few days, and coincidentally, I also received my deadline, though I will probably finish the blueprint in three days too, it is a good thing to define until when I can work on things.

Thus, I once again pulled out straight all-nighters as I edited the blueprint again and again, I used the quill to spread ink, and if there was something I wanted to erase, I would just use magic to erase it, that process went on again and again with relentless effort and no break, no sleep schedule, and as I said, I finished everything in these three days. It will just be subjected to the final checking of the Secretary of Construction, and because like I said, I will be busy in the next few days, every revision from the blueprint will have to be approved by Eleanor and not me.

Alongside the blueprint, Eleanor is also tasked to recreate coin production machines from Gjallarhorn and make it so that the coin will contain my Face, the name of my Queendom, and my name, I also took out the goatskin wherein the security measure for the coin is drawn, for now, the coins will be carved by my sculptors.

Right now, we are outside and before I go, I once again smooched the lips of my wife, all of the people stopped their waving hands and looked at her blushing hard.


I waved my hand and then entered the carriage still being pulled by Ruphas, when I sat down on the wooden seat, I immediately looked at the spider in the ceiling, I ordered immediately.

"Can you give me this visitor's profile."

Actually, I have a lot of chances to ask this in a few days, but I hate being late of schedule and it's already annoying enough that I have to cram when I should have been traveling a few days ago, so I choose to do what my body wants to do.

[What your body wants you to do huh.]

What is this all of a sudden?

As me and [Guide] are about to start our banter, Arachne finally reported, the report is as follows.

The name of the lady is Dodomeki Momoiro is a pink-haired girl with multiple eyes, as Arachne said, she has esper powers, probably she can make things move, etc. and she is here to invite me on her mother Urduja's birthday, and also, I presume personally that she is also here to reunite with Eleanor. What I am shocked about is that her name is in Nihongo, which means "The Pink Demon With 100 Eyes", and I can say that her esper abilities fit well with her race.

"That is all I can gather from her my lady, I cannot go deeper because of her mind-reading abilities, making her able to locate thinking animals and humans rather easily ."

I nodded slightly, the information was sufficient enough, at least I could prepare a spell that could block mind readers' access to my brain, thus I started to develop a spell whilst I was in the carriage, it took me half a day to finish it and I confirmed its effectiveness when I have to speak physically to respond to [Guide] because he cannot hear my inner voice anymore.

[You better get rid of this.]

"Maybe I won't."

Oh, of course,  I will, the letters on my forehead are not a very good sight for me, however, I must be cautious with someone who can read minds that is not loyal to me like the creepy guy inside my head, Who knows if someone is as prodigious as me and can replicate E = mc2 right?

Better safe than sorry.

As I think of that, I also started to instruct the soldiers, you see, a very good reception to a guest is something I, as a Filipino specialized at.

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