Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 74: Marionette Spiders

2 days, exactly two days Arachne informed me that her very first task coming from yours truly as a researcher was finally complete, she named the new breed of arachnid Marionette spider and at this moment, she is inside my throne room at a table with a dead rabbit as big as that table and a spider as big as my head.

I looked at the two abominations in front of me with squinted eyes.

_Look at their unholy sizes._

[Why is the eyes so big?]

Right? Can't nature at least make them eye-pleasing?

While I was thinking of such things, Arachne started her speech to introduce the function of the spider.

"Master, your very first mission given to me as your head bio-researcher is now completed."

As she said that, she grabbed the gigantic spider and then lifted it, she then continued.

"This unholy-sized spider is like I said, named Marionette Spider and as its name suggests, it is a new breed of spider created with the assistance of Her Majesty and Lady Eleanor that can control living beings."

I looked at Arachne who was in a lab gown whilst in her human form, she put the spider on top of the dead rabbit, and she then started to arrange the rabbit in a way that positioned it like it was about to jump, however as I she was doing that I have one thought in mind.

_So she's aware of the unholiness._

Well, I mean there are a couple of giant spiders that are as big as me in my adult form, but they are tarantulas, or at least their appearance, however, this punk here looks like a black widow that got its backside pumped with air, that's just unacceptable. Despite all of my rants about the spider, Arachne continued to explain the anatomy of the spiders.

"And with the power of maternal love, I made this child of mine have its brain adjusted into its backside, as you can see the appearance is disturbing because these head-like organs here are eyeballs, and there are six of them as big as a human's eyes... What have I done..."

She sighed a little before once again looking at me and continued. By the way, me and Eleanor have decided to censor the part of her new invention, this is because I want to monopolize it and I don't want other countries breaking all hell in front of my face, well I mean the Linen has its limits and cannot be used to create a Kereina 2.0 (MC of Epic of Caterpillar), but still, it will be disastrous if they learned that I have a tool that can directly make mana appear in a nucleus, surely you know about nuclear fission right? Well, Ellie's Linen can be used to do that, so you get my point.

"Now, this spider has you as their commander and only when you have given to me or any other people the temporary commanding rights shall they obey other people's order, please command them to parasitize the body of the bunny."

I then started to think about the spider parasitizing the giant rabbit, the spider immediately latched all of its legs into the rabbit's head, stabbing them alongside the bee sting-like organ on her back, which is the spinneret of the spider,  I raised my brow and then looked at Arachne with her proud eyes as she said.

"This spider has the human anatomy automatically engraved on them as well as the anatomy of all the monsters in the forest, this knowledge is used by the spider to create hair-thin yet steel wire tough strings to control the nerves of the bunny."

As she was finished with her explanation, I somehow felt that the parasitation process was complete and thus decided to command the spider to make the bunny stand up, and it did, with not a little bit of wobble, the bunny stood up as if it was just taking a nap earlier.

"Now, you can do more than this with the Marionette spiders, interrogation, arts, and as your primary goal, construction. That's all My Lady, I hope I have pleased you with my performance."

I then nodded as I made the bunny dance several trends from that certain platform that starts with the letter "T".

"Satisfactory, very satisfactory, now then, let us gather the undeads once more to announce this genius invention."

As I said so, I went up from my seat and then went straight to the exit of the throne room, Arachne followed as she grabbed the giant bunny and let her giant spiders swallow the table, she was walking behind me on the right side.

"What are you doing with that bunny?"

"Prototype, so I can revive the bat queen."

"Oh, then you can command this particular spider."

"Thank you."

We had that kind of conversation as we strode out of the castle, I tried to ask for Eleanor but as expected, she was still resting and sleeping soundly, I did not wish to disturb her further and just let Arachne alone accompany me so, I we went straight outside of the rehabilitating city in which where I commanded the undead to gather, all of them stopped what they are doing and then staggered their way towards the said point.

I actually observed them this past day and I can see that they had quite the progress, at least for living creatures, but because the undeads are untiring and don't need rest, this level of progress is far from acceptable, I refuse to think that the undeads cannot build a whole district in one sitting when they don't even have to wipe off a sweat in their forehead. Well, this problem will be over soon, so it's fine.

I was thinking of such things and conversing with Arachne about random things like how Eleanor got so tired that she was still sleeping at noon as I was staring at nothingness, or at least that's what that tanned skin guy over there is thinking.

_Here they come..._

I thought so as the guy sprinted deeper into the fourth layer (The city is the fifth layer, remember?) and my undeads finally came,  as I said that, I started my speech that is of course impromptu and started arranging the Marionette spiders and let them parasitize the undeads.

All this while, whilst I am watching the undeads let a weird hat parasitize them, I said order to Arachne.

"I want that guy followed."

[3rd Person POV]

In the border between the fourth and fifth layer, a guy with pointed ears and tanned skin was looking at the two ladies who were conversing seemingly wasting time in the sand platform made out of magic, he, as a spy from the State of Indio, the state created by the Revolutionary army of the once enslaved Dark Elves can red lips among other skills for information gathering, however the conversation between the Lady of the Forest and her subordinate is nothing worth of mention.

_Why would you talk about sewing while you're holding that unholy spider?_

The guy shook his head, not even knowing that he got locked on by Sophia, after all, he had been doing surveillance in the name of her lady for a long time, how could he, a veteran scout be exposed, right?

As he confirmed that there was no information of importance spilled by the Fallen Hero, he immediately sprinted back toward their state, for his mission was finally complete. Their lady, even though she said that she needed a week to decide whether or not they would request help from the Fallen Hero, was decisive and decided to do so on just the third day, however, the leader of the revolution has a condition.

"Make sure that the capital of her future nation is already built and their social structure is firmly established, this way we can convey our sincerity by not asking for assistance in their most delicate time."

And of course, it was immediately agreed on, after all, in all normal processes of the world, no already established state will ever ask for the assistance of a budding nation that is just about to build its capital city, obviously the lord or the lady of that state will think that the state wants to swallow her still premature territory, thus they did not object such notions.

Though they are yet to think of an offering that will be adequate for the Fallen Hero, the initial plan of their lady is to offer herself to Sophia, which was rejected by a lot of the Leader's admirers, one of the people who rejected such a ridiculous martyrdom from their queen is the scout who just entered the vicinity of their State.

It's not like she hates on Sophia, he cannot just accept her getting their leader that he so much coveted in his long life as a scout without effort whatsoever, no matter how strong Sophia is or no matter how can she have the same charisma as his lady, it is just unacceptable. He is thinking of such rants as the scout finally goes back into one of the military camps of their state.

And as she stepped inside their camp, he squinted his eyes as he heard the painful, or outright horrifying silence the settlement was emanating.

"What the hell happened here?"

He said out loud as he looked at the individual tents for more clues, however, he found nothing, no blood, no sweat and any other things that might indicate what happened to their base, and as he was about to look for their other bases, their Lady suddenly barged in the camp and went straight to the center tent, the command center. The scout elf immediately followed her and as he entered the tent, he saw the Elf Leader Named Luna with several wounds all over her body, the scabbard of her weapon was missing alongside her blade as she looked at the scout in front of her.

"Humans Appeared in the ranks of Stardust Kingdom!"

That day, the dark elves are destined to desperately try to lick the feet of Sophia, just for the chance that the owner of the forest will heed their call for aid.

[Sophia's POV]

After the spiders possessed the undeads, as expected, the stimulation of their muscles became much faster, actually they only needed three days of the Marionette spiders' parasitation to let all of their muscles go to full capacity, even their facial expressions are now back, and because of that, the Marionette spiders have to lay low for a very short while, for I am sure I can use them quite well.

Well, if I were to make an estimation, I would be able to use them right about today because it has already been a week since the Undeads regained their former vigor, and what did I tell you? They can finish a district in one sitting as well as the wall and the castle's plumbing and the selected places in which some people in the civil sector will live, so they need little work for that, but of course, we still have a good and running sewer under us, what kind of city will not have one, right?

Oh, and of course, the other city in the first layer is already completed, the roads connecting the two cities have also been completed and are now being protected temporarily by living soldiers alone, obviously if I finished retraining the undead soldiers, the living and the dead will combine forces to create a safe passage for the road.

Well, of course, that will have to be checked later because right now I have to do something that I have been putting off for quite some time already, in front of me are the living generals as well as the undeads, the head maid as well as the leader of the messengers of the lady are in front of me kneeling, I am in my throne, of course still using my small body to comfortably rest my hand on the armrest as I put my chin on my knuckles.

_This is bad, I am starting to accept my pipsqueak state._

[How many chapters do you need just to accept it?]

No breaking the fourth wall in a serious scene.

We have that conversation as all of my generals and other leaders beneath me said in unison.

"Her servants greet the Lady."

I nodded in acknowledgment as I swept my gaze toward all of them especially Wokung and Jin, why? Because Saru was missing, but of course, I ignored that as I said with a smile. 

"Alright, let's start."

The dissemination of official duties as well as the official establishment of the nation represents death. The land that will soon become the most powerful of them all.

The Kamatayan Queendom.

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