Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 72: Y’all Will Cause us Reads

A lady and a spider latched into me, in particular, the soft and plump mountains that were pressing against my abdomen were coming from Eleanor whilst the spider was one of Arachne's children.

As I was feeling the pleasant sensation in my stomach, I gulped and bit my lips, suddenly, I felt that the giant eyes of the frost serpent we were riding shifted upwards and stared at me, she said in my mind.

"Your body temperature is rising, 'master'."

I immediately flinched and indeed, because of my blushing cheeks and perhaps something else, the temperature of mine is increasing, but how did she know... That's right, she's a cold-blooded reptile, so she can feel temperature changes!

"Shut up now 'slave'."

While slithering away, I could hear a visible snort in the mouth of Bakunawa, and in her mind, she laughed.

"HAHAHAHA! What will you..."

While still enjoying Eleanor's hug, I stared back at the head of Bakunawa and then smiled, she immediately knew what I meant, and her words immediately folded.

"do abou... Please forgive me, it will never happen again."

"Surely it will not."

I then focused on what I was doing.

[Like being a pervert?]

Okay, any more than this and you two will cause us our readers, to stop it already.

In any case, I went and enjoyed the scenery, it was my first time witnessing the view outside of a bullet train, obviously when I board one, I have to be inside, but because of Bakunawa's speed, I can now see why it was named "bullet". I commented as such as we finally reached the first layer, when Agilus the mayor bird of the city  under construction saw Bakunawa with me, Eleanor, and the spider on board, he immediately grew frantic, he was shouting:

 "Chirp! Chirp! The queen has arrived!"

I just smiled a little at my ever so energetic subordinate who doesn't have a lot of screentime as I yanked the hand of Eleanor, causing her to stand up, and then swept my other hand in the back of her knees, carrying her like a princess, I can hear a "tsk" sound from Bakunawa. At the same time, she went and transformed back into her human form.

The spider crawled up onto my shoulder so that it would not get squashed as I finally descended from falling 12 meters high because Bakunawa had to jump or else she would revert to human form with her face on the ground and that is not a very pleasant sight, Eleanor was still covering her face whilst Agilus went into my head an peaked it non-stop.

"Welcome back master! I was so lonely! Congrats on grabbing a wife!"

I put down Eleanor and started to play around with Agilus, Eleanor looked at the cave that was destroyed as the place in which the city hall would be located, and I could not help but stop my movements and grab Agilu's whole body as I asked him.

"Hey, Eleanor has a laboratory right?"

The head of the mayor bird bobbed up and down as he answered: "Oh, that's right, all of her scrolls that seem to contain all of her findings are in my custody."

 As I asked that, all of the goblins started to gather around me as they knelt, they then shouted, in unison as usual.

"The goblins/monkeys greet their Majesty!"

The shout was quite loud and compared to the "lifeless" greeting of the undeads, you can see that these people are living beings, but I am not here to admire their salutation but to hasten the pace of the biological weapon/equipment I am ordering Arachne to create, thus with an: "At ease." I made them all stand up and continue their work for there is still a little less than an hour before the break.

The progress of this city is not as great as the other one because this city needed to be built from scratch,  the stone mountains in which the stones that they needed for the creation of the walls needed to be transported in the middle of the forest to the middle part of the first layer, not only that but because of my strict order that the undeads will be the one to transport the woods and stones that they needed so that their muscles will regain their previous mobility further lowered their efficiency, that is the reason why I and Arachne decided to hasten the development process.

Thus, they do not have time to loiter around and kneel before me, the head of the construction team just gave me another goatskin blueprint, a copy of the one in his hands, and restarted to hurl orders around, I read the blueprint while I look at Agilus who went on top of the blueprint, I then gave an order: "We have matters to attend to in the lair of the Spider Queen that needed all of her findings on the structure of my cocoon, please get all of them and present it to her."

While saying things like that, I cannot help but smirk, yup our not really civilization (Because our ideas are not original) was influenced by the structure of the forest, the districts were divided in layer-type arrangement, a single main street was in the middle and the sub street divided the layers, this is quite different from the usual radio-concentric cities.

The design is much simpler because this is intended to become the trading hub of my nation in which different merchants from different nations will come and visit to invest in many types of business, especially food as I will personally emphasize the said industry. Anyway, because of it being a trading hub, I have to protect the city with my living heavy hitters and all of them are currently helping with construction.

There are also a lot of Inns being built.

"I see, Nice, I shall leave the place after a short speech, look forward to a sudden increase in construction speed."

The bird Agilus, even though quite disgruntled with me going away saluted nonetheless as he said.

"Yes, I will look forward to it, be well on your academic voyage!"

After he said that, I shouted and gathered all of the workers who were currently resting as I made another impromptu speech, it was about informing them of their important roles as well as the announcement to the living generals that they would be the ones that will protect the soon to be trading city.

After an hour of random crap of encouragement, Me, Eleanor and the spider waved our hands as we walked through the forest once again, Bakunawa transformed once more and then slithered her way towards the lair of Arachne, as one of the people who got tricked by her to participate in a shit alliance against me, she perfectly knew where the place was.

"Alright, see you in person, master~!"

The spider said and then started to slither down Bakunawa's body after a while, Bakunawa once again transformed into her human form in front of a cave way bigger than mine in the first layer, in the entrance, there was a naked lady, her bare body was all visible for me to see.

However, that part was not the most eye-catching aspect of Arachne's welcome as the three of us stared at the 4 people at the sides of the entrance, well people I said but their bodies were continuously waving around while several spider eyes were visible all over them, plus the fact that all of their "skin" was white did not strike me as an existence worthy of the title "people". But anyway, these imitations put their left hand on their right chest similar to what Arachne did.

Arachne looked at Bakunawa who had furrowed brows and did not even smile a little (Probably because she still felt wronged when Arachne tricked her), she then looked at Eleanor with a faint smile which Eleanor returned too, and finally, she looked at me and bowed as she said: "Welcome to my lair, My Lady."

Well, good thing she did not say "humble", because certainly, this cave is anything but humble, this cave can even become the lair of the jashinist because of its size, anyway, I replied.

"Uh-huh, anyway, why did you greet us with these human-shaped spiders?"

"These are the prototypes of the puppeteers that you have ordered me to create."

 I can see that even Eleanor started to pick up a random spider in the human-shaped pile and observe it her researcher mode was activated as she started to talk gibberish.

[But won't you make her a weapons researcher?]

Eh... Well, this is fine, after all, her specialty is magecraft, I am sure she can apply biology to it right? Even these findings of her that are all strapped on her back are an application of that, I am sure.

[Well, aren't you a lucky one for nabbing such a wife?]

Heh... aren't I? 

We have that mental conversation as Arachne prompts the three of us to enter, but as expected Bakunawa stays behind saying: "I don't want to enter that place again, plus I will not even understand what the three of you are doing, so I will just stay here to guard the entrance."

She then sighed and leaned on the outer wall of the cave.

"I see, then do your best."

I know that I can't change her mind without using the zap ability of the enslavement spell, so I just decided to let her be, and truthfully, she will not be of any help, so yeah, suit herself. In any case, when we entered the cave, a maze-like structure greeted us, there were a lot of passages that forked around endlessly and I can only rely on Arachne's guidance and memorize every single path she have taken us to not get lost.

After a full hour of shuttling around the cave, we are now in front of a gigantic room with a similarly big wooden door that has a soundproofing system visible on the seams of the door.

_So this is her lab._

How exciting it is to be able to enter the lab of a mad scientist.

"Everything beyond this point is a secret that shall never be disclosed, alright?"

Arachne was casual with her tone, but what she said just now bears a hidden meaning. She will personally bore a hole down the chest of anyone who will disclose any of the things they have seen. I can see it in her eyes alone.


Eleanor was very excited, but I cannot help but look at Arachne, this person portrays herself as someone who will use everything to protect herself, but the words that sometimes come out of her mouth are something someone capable of great violence can only say.

_Peaceful instead of harmless as they say._

With that thought, the door opened itself, and what we saw made Eleanor drool because of excitement, she immediately went inside as I inspected every nook and cranny of the place, in the walls of the room were several womb-like tissues that housed several creatures, some are humans but most are monsters, they look and are strong, surely they were the previous leaders of community type monsters.

"So pilferer of the forest, how many years did you need to accumulate these many test subjects?"

Arachne looked at me as she went into the table area in which a box of spiders similar to the ones who greeted us was placed.

"Well, that is a secret... Oh shit."

Arachne immediately tried to dash into a certain direction which made me trail in it too, I saw a seven-footer woman with a stitch on her neck, however, there was something different from her state, her hair was braided and her skin was not even dissected a single time and the only stitch in her body is the one on the neck and from a single glance, I immediately recognized who she is, the queen of bats.

"Did you just make a corpse look pret-"

"D-don't look!"

Arachne immediately shielded the field of view of the queen of the bats, her face was red even though her eyes were glaring at me, and it was evident that she was embarrassed.

[Necrophilia, yikes.]

Shut up.

"I can resurrect her if you want."

I tried to offer help on the helpless love in Arachne's heart, but with a flinch and her eyes looking away, she replied.

"W-well that's... she will lose her color so..."

_Ah, I see._

Seems like she wants to resurrect the queen herself, well I shall not disturb the garden of Lily (Yuri), thus I changed the topic to get Arachne out of the embarrassing situation.

"By the way, what do you mean those spiders are prototypes of the puppeteers I have instructed you to create?"

Arachne immediately ordered some spiders to cover the bat queen's body as she coughed and answered my question.

"Phew... Well, as you said, it is a prototype of the puppeteer you want me to create and they are intelligent enough to remember the whole human anatomy necessary to control an undead perfectly, however, their development stopped with that and they can only be used as a cheap clone."

I nodded, at this point, I already knew the problem.

"Well, even though there are exemptions, most creatures' intelligence is based on their size and the size of their head, your spider is just as big as my palms, they need to become as big as a human head, did you try anything to enlarge them?"

Arachne nodded but sighed as she replied.

"Believe me, I did, genetics, magic, everything I can think of, but their genes are already altered too much and magic will make them bloat until they explode, I even tried to infuse them with my combat spiders but their intelligence decreased, which is not a desired result.

Once again I nodded and this time I pointed my finger at Eleanor.

"Her thesis my hel..."

However, before I finished what I was about to say, we finally heard the gibberish Eleanor was blabbering.

"Oh... the tissue is for preservation..."

"Some corpses are around 50 or even 60 years old yet they did not have a single sign of decay..."

"It is the opposite of the cocoon used to alter genes and mature a person..."

Arachne and I looked at each other and I said.

"See, it will help, I told you."

As Arachne nodded, I went in the side of the slouching Eleanor who was drooling with such fervor because of the tissues, I then kissed her cheek.


A weird sound was heard and she finally regained the normal light in her eyes, she touched her cheeks, tumbled, and looked at me with a red face.

"Eleanor, is that thesis of yours finished already?"

Eleanor seemed confused, but after a while, she stood up and made the leather bag open up as she went for a goatskin and a quill.

"Not yet! But with these womb-like tissues, I can..."

I could not help but chuckle, but I knew what was important right now, so I replied.

"Right... Then let the two of us be your assistant, you see, we are in the process of developing the solution to Arachne's long-due problem, and of course, mine too."

Eleanor's face shone brightly, so bright they were that there seemed to be a sun appearing on her back.

"Gladly, your help will be received!"

And just like that, the three greatest thinkers of the Kamatayan Queendom started the first innovation that would propel the nation to the top of the world.

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