Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 65: Powers of Genesis

Volume 2 and Arc number 3: The Kamatayan Queendom Arc Starts Now!

Note: Kamatayan means "Death" so the name of the nation means The Queendom of Death.


[3rd Person POV]

As Sophia is asking for the presence of every individual who helped her in her journey to conquer the coveted Five-Pronged Forest, the great forest of the god of undead, beyond the southwest sea, just after the long shoreline that is situated on the southeastern side of the five-pronged forest and stretches further in the left side of the map, a kingdom named Valentine resides.

 The kingdom, if seen by Sophia will be described as a Japan-like island country and the only difference is that the culture is European and the country is arranged vertically rather than horizontally.

Well, like I said, that two is the only difference between the two countries because, in this world, Valentine as a monarchy is as strong or even stronger than Japan. It is so strong that it is dubbed as the strongest nation in the entirety of the Pentateuch, that is also the reason why the neighboring nations of Valentine are wondering why Valentine is still called a "Kingdom" and did not start any conquest after the last war hundreds of years ago. 

They can topple any land and ravage any sea if they even want to, they can make the whole continent of Geneses bend to their will by their monarch alone, yet the kingdom's only action is to strengthen their diplomatic ties with their neighbors and their fellow nations in the continent, it is a very strange move by a nation who has a military that is dubbed as the "The Army of the Kingdom of Heaven" and is governed by the prominent Vampire and Devil races, thus the reflex action of all the countries bordering them or even the ones far away from them is to increase their vigilance towards Valentine, some weaker ones was more subtle about their doubts in fear of insulting Valentine and bringing chaos upon themselves, but the ones who are also priding themselves for being a powerhouse is more direct and sometimes even made outposts in their border with Valentine.

That is only when Valentine will retaliate, and the strong nations will get slapped by reality, for they will beg the monster they have awakened to release their soldiers and pay a large sum for their freedom, making every King and Queens feel the terror of Valentine's might, but beside that, Valentine became a sleeping beast that Human Nations who have shorter spans between regimes forgotten about, at least they have forgotten about Valentine's actual power. 

However, everything will eventually come to an end, as they say, the only permanent thing in the world is change, and at that moment the dormant calamity called Valentine, upon seeing the changes that happened in the five-pronged forest finally opened its eyes as the two Monarch of the great Kingdom sat down for dinner, jugs of blood wine were lined up in front of them as a guy in a tuxedo was sipping on a wine glass, whilst a lady in a dark dress that seems to be at least 8 to 9 feet tall with proportions complimenting her height well was waiting for her chalice to be filled up.

The two of them are the Darkbringer Siblings and even though they seem to have different standings if judged by glasses alone, they are both considered the King and Queen of Valentine and after Loki, the king of Valentine and the one who governs the Devil race finished his first cup, he used the napkin in his collar to wipe off the remaining blood wine on his lips as he said.

"Shall I start?"

Her sister, Eris also put down her chalice as she smiled faintly.

"You may start."

And just like that, the day the world never wished to happen but at the same time aware that would eventually happen, finally unfolded.


Meanwhile, going back to the five-pronged forest and traveling directly to the northwest direction, another place bordered only by dozens of kilometers of plains from the said forest was erected, that place is the home of the Hero of the Sun Urduja and is one of the countries that boast the power that can rival Valentine in an all-out brawl between the armies of the two nations, though winning and matching are two different things, that feat is still something to brag about.

Gjallarhorn, as always is filled to the brim with merchants at night who are lined up at its enormous gates to register themselves and be allowed entry, in this place they will put their products on sale or will invest in already flourishing local businesses, of course, the people lined up are not only merchants, some were adventurers who want to add the capital of Gjallarhorn with the same name to their travel logs, however, unbeknown to the people who have piled up in line at the gate of the great nation, the greatest assurance of safety that exists in the capital is worried.

Urduja Tawalisi, the Hero of the People more widely known as the Hero of the Sun is staring anxiously at the great forest right after Gjallarhorn.

"Fallen hero..."

She muttered as the image of Eleanor came to her mind and a flicker of yellow similar to the color of the bright sun that is about to explode flashed into her eyes, however, the "symbol of peace" that she is, she restrained herself from putting the whole forest in flames to search for her daughter.

"That living fog did it this time..."

Suddenly, a ball of light appeared from her back, however, Urduja became too used to such an occurrence and just ignored the light and let it float on her side, at the same level as her face.

"Why didn't you stop him, my lord? The god of undead I mean."

The ball of light tilted a little, seemingly looking at Urduja before answering.

"Well... erm... Because... he's stronger than me?"

Urduja's face turned around towards the ball of light, seemingly appalled at how a god that governs the sun is very bad at lying.

"... I would have smacked you if you're not a divine being, you know that?"

The ball of light flinched, but it seemed like no matter how badly he can conceal secrets will not spill it no matter what, at least this one, thus the ball of light changed the topic instantly as he said.

"Well, how about actually participating in political matters? You're involved in the decision to be made in this day's meeting after all."

Urduja sighed as she just let her god be, she knew that even though the god of the sun acts like that if he said no, then no is the meaning of his word, the council for the day is about the actions to be taken about the impending creation of a nation in a forest that they planned to expand their territory in.

_Politics is very annoying, I'm telling you._

She walked with haste as another face flashed into her mind, this time it was Mira's face who is yearning to see her child and implore her of her forgiveness, Urduja knew that Sophia was Mira's daughter, thus she immediately decided on what actions to take the moment she opened the council hall of the palace, the King's head knight and also the noble's militia heads are now in the middle of the hall, with their swords pulled out and their lords are currently berating at each other telling slurs at each other, the only bottom line of the insult is not to hurl them at their benevolent King who seems to be at the edge of his temper too.

The opening of the gigantic gate of the hall dragged the murderous gazes, including the king's into the direction of the door, they had already thought of letting their strongest soldiers attack the one who was audacious enough to interrupt their meeting, however when they saw the golden armored lady with eyes sharper than the blades they are holding, their murderous gaze became nervous in an instant, the hall instantly went silent, the silence went for a long 30 seconds as Urduja sighed.

"Calmed down already?"

All of the nobles in the hall, except the King who maintained dignity nodded, Urduja then coughed as she requested or more accurately ordered all of the nobles in the house with her words.

"Please lords and ladies, make your soldiers put down their weapons, one shall use words in a hall, and only in the battlefield shall they swing the blade."

Urduja stated some word of wisdom and the eyes of all the nobles instantly filled with shame.

_Who would have thought that I would lose my cool? In in the presence of our monarch too!_

All of the nobles' thoughts run along those lines, Urduja was aware of that but did not care and just asked some random noble as she said.

"Lady, what is the reason for such an intense argument?"

The lady flinched, but soon she mustered up her thoughts as she started to explain the reason for their uncivilized actions.

"Lady Urduja, you see, for many years this Kingdom has lusted over the Five-pronged forest to finally lay our foundation in cross-continental trades, thus when the forest suddenly gave birth to a fallen hero and more so she shouted her desire to create a nation, all of the nobles of the Kingdom are alarmed and requested a council with the King."

The lady breathed to catch a break from talking nonstop, after half a second she continued.

"However, as you can see we got divided because one of our sides is afraid to face the brunt of the anger of a being as strong or at least near strong as you, and the other half is thinking that a newly born hero will not be as powerful as you are."

Urduja frowned, she is well aware of how her stats shot up like a rocket when she became a hero, even the system she is using has changed, thus the people who think that a new hero cannot contend with her are the new ones or the ones who just bought land to be able to be considered as one of the nobles, that fact was voiced by Urduja without a filter.

"I see, so basically the argument is between wise people who pay attention to their land's history and the other are a bunch of arrogant piece of fucks who thinks that they are so smart because the King tricked them into buying lands that were not even given to me as a choice when I received my nobility... I see I see, understandable."

That statement drew a gasp from all of the newbie nobles, they wanted to let the arrogant hero know her place, but the moment they saw their soldiers, or militias who were trembling at the mere sight of Urduja, all of them hesitated and finally decided to keep their mouth shut. They knew that they were tricked, but they planned to invade portions of the forest to fight for the right to build a dock there and become the governing noble of such a strategic point, with that their rank would surely shoot up. But it seems like Urduja used some skills to petrify their ranks.

One of the nobles referred to by Urduja as "Wise" almost snorted, she had a third eye on her forehead. 

_Put Urduja in her place? Yeah right, after all her place is at the top of the mountain made by her enemies' corpses._

Urduja knew that third eye very well, thus she more or less guessed what she was thinking, and she could not help but smile.

_What does the system call it, [She who decides] is an excellent skill, despite the very abstract name._

Urduja then after thinking of such a thing opened her mouth once again.

"Well, I will say this to all of the people who got insulted by my words to know that I am the living testament that all of your thoughts will only bore a hole in your chest, both figuratively and literally, thus all of you have to give up your dreams of being an intercontinental exporter... And there is also the issue of the race who will govern the forest, those sick sons of bitches can drown our whole population with its soldiers alone, thus my King, you have to lower your pride and create diplomatic ties with her."

The King was puzzled.

"You speak like you know the one who leads the undead."

Urduja shook her head.

"Yes, and all I can say is that, before you go and talk with her, I have to... Let's just say blow all the steam out of her body."


Lastly, in a piece of the disputed land of the elf's race that was named "Indio", the land of the dark elves who are at war against the white elves to end their hundreds of years of slavery, situated in the south of the five-pronged forest, a meeting between the dark elves is being held, they were currently deliberating as whether or not to send an envoy to request for the help of the Fallen Hero, this notion came from the fact that all dark elves have good physical strength but lacking in magic attacks, a decisive point in the war that became the reason why the two sides cannot give fatal blow against each other.

The meeting is about how the fallen hero might react and what gifts they will bring, it is evident that the dark elves want to push the matter and see how Sophia will react and only the leader of their race remains reluctant.

The leader sighed, as even though she is disgruntled to admit it, it is a fact that she disagrees with the prospect of having the world's greatest helper just because of her pride. However, still, she has rejected the request of her people to call for Urduja's help already, and now she cannot reject the fact that a hero nearer than Urduja appeared.

_But what if she disagreed, or made some unreasonable demands?_

The leader was worried, thus she sighed as she said.

"I shall decide in a week..."

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