Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 5: Philo

Now now, this is an amazing feature, it seems like this world can make people have monsters as part of their kin and share some powers by giving the monsters names, well in my case it is a moving corpse, but anyway, I have many names flowing in my mind that I cannot choose one. It is my first undead after all so his name's got to be special so that they will know that he is the first undead who accompanied me on my journey to become a pokemon master...

Wait that's not right, Pickachu is a mouse, anyway, I have to come up with a proper name because my ego won't allow me to give him lame names. I started to rack my brains for names that I can use to make it so that the undead bunny will be known as my first subordinate.

After a while of thinking of hundred or even thousands of names, I finally came up with one.

Sophia is a Greek term for Wisdom, so I shall give the undead rabbit the name, Philo, also a Greek term meaning love. Our combined name will be PhiloSophia which is translated as "Love of Wisdom" or "Love for Wisdom" and students who are in Humanities will understand the reference.

My nerdy side just took over me, but I am quite proud despite the nerd joke-like name and as I officially named him Philo, I heard a dinging sound, now I am getting used to this sound, though it is still weird...

Notice [You have successfully named an undead under you, part of your mana will be repurposed into stats for the named undead Philo.

As the one who gave Philo his name, he will be loyal to your will and will try to fulfill all your wishes as your subordinate.

EXP. Share system between a master and named creature was activated between you and named Undead Philo, you can now share the EXP. of your kills with each other.]

Oh, now, that's some lazy one-breath notification, but anyway, I am now an official necromancer by having my very first undead subordinate, and it's quite fulfilling even though my subordinate is weak, look at his stats:


Name: Philo

HP: 73/73

Race: White Giant Bunny (Undead)    


Stamina: 40

[Level: 5

EXP:  0/350


STR:  15

INT: 3

VIT: 10

AGI: 7

DEX: 4





Common: Headbutt: Headbutts enemies(DUH)]


First of all, why is his luck bigger than mine? No matter how you think about it, that's unreasonable because I am the master here!

And what the hell is with the "duh"!?

Well, other than my bitter complaining, it seems like Philo fulfilled my will because my very first thought in this adventure that is about to start is the lack of a tank or a damage taker, as you can see, I am not (yet) suited for close combat and I have to have someone to take the damage for me and at the same time have someone to deal close combat damage for an enemy to focus on the melee, that's the basis for a duo, a range, and a melee, though a third one being a healer is more preferable, I guess as a necromancer I can heal undead sooner or later.

But the problematic thing is Philo's INT, he fulfilled my wish too much he became stupid and will probably not use magic, well like they said, growth sometimes takes a lot of time and I can only develop this one by tempering him with time and experience.

I also need a pure damage dealer, like a physical range unit, you see, if Philo is a  tank that means he is not much of a damage dealer and just a distraction unit, though because he fulfilled my wish of having versatile servants as much as possible so he is much faster than normal tanks, he still needs a proper physical damage dealer.

I can't speak but I just minded "Let's go Philo!" and my undead bunny started to walk, the bunny is as big as me but I cannot sit on his back so I have to have a mount too and that will take a while because I am too weak to kill a monster that is much bigger than me.

Thinking that, the two of us started walking in the northern direction of the forest, this is pretty normal because normally, creatures in the center of a forest (in novels) are powerful enough to transverse to the other side, so I decided to make my goal the center, that means I have enough experience of transversing the forest and will not commit the mistakes I have committed in my way there, if normal people are to do this, they will fucking die the moment they take a single step, but I am not normal at all, I am hailed as the promised child of the Philippines in my previous life and a child of god in my current one, so I can say I am the only one, or I am one of the very few people that can confidently take a shot in this forest.

We continued to transverse the forest catching our or only my breath because the undead doesn't need to rest and I am not an undead but just a necromancer every one or two hours of our journey, I planned to just eat lunch, and not have snacks so that we can transverse the forest faster, but I have to say that I am disappointed with this forest.

At first, I thought that this forest which has a very lame name will have some monsters keeping me on my guard, and as of now, I am still on my guard but bored because of the lack of monsters here, seriously, there are no monsters here that Philo is the first monster I have encountered in this place.

Why is that? This is strange, no I don't believe that this is because of me being the child of god, because if it is, then there won't be a giant rabbit that stole my food at an earlier time, hell I don't even know if my previous religion's description of Son of God is believable anymore because of this.

But still, I have to put up my guard, and it's burdening my mental strength, good thing I have a lot of that so it is not making me lower the flicker of my guard too much, at least as of now, who knows maybe some werewolf or something is just stalking us. But still, the way we are taking (though it is not paved) is just full of bunnies and goats that will immediately flee in the sight of undead, so in short, the trees are my only source of food for they bear fruits that looks like trees that designed by Oda, so I picked those berries in the bushes because I am too small to climb a tree and finally, after some more hours of walking with nothing eventful happenings happened, I finally snapped and started to train my range skills or my skills in general, manually.

At first, I am so fired up in using the rocks in my basket to headshot enemies in this forest but no enemies appeared as of yet and when I suddenly encountered an enemy, I will be coming into a fight unprepared, damn, I just let my excitement overtake my mind without thinking things rationally, I guess I changed huh? Well you can't blame me, any men's(though I am a woman now) dream is to embark on an adventure, and that is not a stereotype, one time there is this guy in my school who used the aircon as a ladder with his varsity teammates and ended up having their starting five miss a month worth of games because of injuries.

Even the genius and "good-natured" me at that time is curious about what would happen when I do that, but I am not curious anymore because I already knew, that it will hurt.

The skill I can get right now is [Throw] probably, I tried to use mana to control the rocks I am using to train but no, I just became an idiot because it seems like proper knowledge about magic in this world is needed to be acquired before using mana, which is quite the hustle, but I have to acquire it so I will find a roundabout away about this one, soon enough.

My bunny subordinate also headbutted trees and the level of Philo's skill also leveled up plus his agility went up too, what an unconventional tank, I must say, and oh he also learned a new skill. I also have to make it so that I have a melee combat skill, so I grabbed a long branch of a tree that has fallen from a tree and started to swing it around hoping for a spearman-ship skill to be learned by me, day has passed for the training session and several notifications appeared in my mind.

Notice [Continuous training has granted you the following common skill: [Throw], [Punch], and [Spearmanship.]

Notice[Continuous training has granted you the passive skill [Aim]]

Oh neat, the training lasted for lesser hours because my stamina already doesn't need many amounts of rest to sustain my training, just three minutes rest and I can continuously train, and as of now here are my stats, sadly training skills don't give me any additional stats, but here, look:


Name: Sophia Demiurge

HP: 57/57

Race: Human (Newborn)

Mana: 20

Stamina: 15              

[Level: 1

EXP: 57/100


STR: 13

INT: 13

VIT: 5

AGI: 12

DEX: 20

LUK: 0

Titles: The Mortal Child of the God of Undead


Unique: [Guide], [Necromancy], [Hastened Human Evolution]

Common: [Throw]: Throws projectiles at the enemies

[Punch]: uses the fists to attack.

[Spearmanship]: Uses a spear or a staff as a weapon.

Passive: [Aim]: Adds 5% chance to make the projectile you have thrown or attack you have unleashed to perfectly hit the target.


Right, the skills I got are few, like I said it will be better if I just learned the skill in combat, who knows I might learn other things like [Dodge] if there is something like that, but still, this is better than nothing, and this is also Philo's stats, he also learned a new skill whilst upgrading his [Headbutt] skill by the way.

Name: Philo

HP: 73/73

Race: White Giant Bunny (Undead)    


Stamina: 40

[Level: 5

EXP:  0/350


STR:  15

INT: 3

VIT: 10

AGI: 10

DEX: 4





Common: [Headbutt LVL. 3]: Headbutts enemies(DUH)

[Dash]: Dashes at fast speed increasing the damage of ramming-type attacks, can also be used as a way to dodge attacks from enemies


Yeah, his agility and his Vitality are on the same level and the only problem is Dexterity and Intelligence, but as I said, only time will tell.

I then decided that its already time to sleep because I am already exhausted, and thus the rather anticlimactic first day of my journey ended just like that.

Days passed and we continued to walk through this underwhelming forest, I used [Throw] to pick up fruits and it seems like the proficiency in using throw on a non-moving target is so small that even though I am already using it several days, no level up happened, I got so bored that I finally gave up and asked [Guide] why the hell is this forest so weak?

[Master, the reason for the weakness of the monsters in the areas is because  this area of the forest is nothing but the first layer, this place is where humans can go freely and it is said that a strong human is the only person in the world to transverse the first up to the last layer of the forest and concluded that there are five layers of difficulty in the forest, thus she named it Five-Pronged Forest]

I see, thanks for the wonderful explanation.

... And, she? Now, I'm interested, but still, that was quite a shock,  who would have thought that no person but only one successfully transversed this forest, I got to be more careful.

But still, this forest will be more exciting and thrilling than I initially thought.

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