Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 19: Title: [First Human to Evolve]

Wat da ha- Okay, let's stop it's not funny anymore.

Anyway, here are the effects of the title, and I must say that my evolution is not boring ass after all.

[First Human to Evolve]: Effects: +2 to STR, INT, VIT, DEX, AGI.

+200 Mana every evolution.

.5 multiplier every evolution.

See? Isn't that amazing!?

But now that I think about it, I am the first human to evolve. That seems... Unbelievable to say the least, [Guide], what is the exact age of the human race?

[Master,  they existed since the creation of the world.]

And why did they not evolve despite... well, being that old?

[Master, your speculation about them being civilized being also the reason for their stagnant growth is correct.]

I see, that's quite the info I got, so I am the first human to evolve huh? Did a world notification show up? I think not, well titles are only for a single person after all, so why would the world announce that right?

Anyway, this title gives me a lot of advantages, it gives me mana every evolution... Though, I found that quite cheap, I mean, if you're gonna give me mana, you have to give it to me every level up.

[Master, that's just being greedy.]

Yeah I know, I am just being unreasonable okay?

Look 200 mana is high, if the bonus is given every level that means 200 addition plus the INT stat boost that has an average of 3-4 plus every level up, meaning that, 200 mana plus the bonus of the stat change (well, its completely random so I don't have a concrete value).

Let's say the bonus is plus 20, so 220, and my next evolution is at level 20 so twenty multiplied by 220 is 4,400.

Let's say every evolution up to the adult gives me +10 of level requirements, that means 220×30 and then 220× 40 and so forth, and even though I will quite like that feat, Pops surely will not.

And that's just bullshit, I am a hero prospect and not a cheat code, but still, I wish it is not like that.

[Master, no need to explain it to me that comprehensively.]

But you asked me to!!

This time [Guide] did not reply.

I just shook my head and also ignored it... But still, to be honest, it is a bummer not to get some chunky bonus every level up... Would be nice to have something like that in the future, but anyway, as I was thinking of things like that several notifications appeared in my head.

Notice[You have successfully evolved.

Your stats have been upgraded.

Some skills evolved.

All remaining unevolved skills have been raised to a level.

Passive skill: [Low Regeneration] acquired.]

And so I checked my stats, and this is what came in front of me first before I check all of them completely.

[Martial Arts Apprentice]: Evolved form of Martial Arts, uses fists and feet to fight more precisely and effectively with every change of name.

Torch Magic: A higher form of Ember Magic, can now be used for fighting, but be aware that it is not highly compatible with people aiming for a quick battle

Pebble Magic: The Higher form of Sand Magic, faster in speed, has great compatibility being used as debuff but has offensive implications

Yeah, the system will first introduce me to the skills that successfully evolved, as you can see, because I am kind of like a glass cannon, the skills that have evolved are all the skills related to magic, and finally, the torch magic is not just a stupid excuse of magic and have several more applications other than being used in the kitchen.

But there is still a warning for using it, damn, aren't you a good system for stating the fucking obvious Siri?

Anyway, besides the magic skills, the [Martial Arts] also upgraded into [Apprentice Martial Arts], and the description is pretty vague but I presume that I get to become martial arts advanced apprentice, and so on. That's how things with the word martial arts always are anyway.

I browsed through the skill descriptions and then looked at the [Low Regeneration] passive skill.

[Low Regeneration]: Regenerates HP, speed: 1 per .5 second.

Oh... Well, quite the straightforward description.

... So .5 seconds... It will become two per second, oh, exactly thirty-six seconds to restore me to full health, if I went zero of course.

That also depends on the amount of damage I am taking and I can assume that this regeneration ability will just increase the time I can endure increasing damage and not entirely ignore damages, say for example I got the bleeding debuff that takes 1 HP per second then I can ignore it, but if the bleeding is severe, then the skill will just make it so that I have more time to think of a way to stop the blood before I hit the grave.

After that, The new descriptions has nothing more to show me so I proceeded to see my whole new stat.

Name: Sophia Demiurge
HP: 72/72
Race: Human (Baby)
Mana: 945
Stamina: Unlimited      

[Level: 1/20

EXP: 0/600


STR: 32

INT: 77

VIT: 18

AGI: 34

DEX: 47

LUK: -1

Titles: The Mortal Child of the God of Undead (+300 mana.

+1 to STR, INT, VIT, DEX, and AGI

10% increase of affinity towards Dark Elements (Not Available because of lack of the skill), Commander of the Elements(10% decrease in mana consumption for elemental spell, +100 Mana), Merciless Tyrant (Title Skill Fear, -1 LUK), [First Human to Evolve] ( +2 to STR, INT, VIT, DEX, AGI. +200 mana every evolution .5 multiplier every evolution.)


Unique: [Guide LVL. 2], [Necromancy Lvl. 3 Abilities: Turn undead, EXP share Hivemind(unlimited range), Never Tire], [Hastened Human Evolution], [Observe LVl. 2] Abilities: lowest skill tire acquisition, momentary perfect copy]

Common: [Throw LVL 3]: Throws projectiles to the enemies, the projectiles can be applied with magic.

[Night Vision]: Lets an individual see into the darkness as if it was the same as day, due to the skill being already in its final form, it cannot further be evolved.
[Dynamic Vision LVL. 2]: Let an individual accurately anticipate the attack, a higher level grants next move prediction. The effects of the skill depend on the level gap between the user and the enemy.
[Martial Arts Apprentice]: Evolved form of Martial Arts, uses fists and feet to fight more precisely and effectively with every change of name.

Passive: [Aim LVL 3]: Adds 11% chance to make the projectile you have thrown or attack you have unleashed to perfectly hit the target.

[Low Regeneration]: Regenerates HP, speed: 1 per .5 second.


Torch Magic: A higher form of Ember Magic, can now be sued for fighting, but be aware that it is not highly compatible with people aiming for a quick battle.

Pebble Magic: The Higher form of Sand Magic, faster in speed, has great compatibility being used as debuff but has offensive implications

Breath Magic LVL 3: Not advisable to use in fights, for ventilation purposes only (Wind Element is weak in the early stages)

Squirt Magic LVL 4: The greatest damage dealer of the four lowest rank elemental magic, but gets harder to control later on, after all, water is free, going with the flow.

[Fear LVL.2]: Let an individual enslave a whole community by killing their leader.

First, why is [Guide] not showing me its abilities? Anyway, [Necromancy] skill finally removed the restriction of the hivemind skills and I can finally order all my subordinates in any place of this forest, or even outside of it. It is infinite after all. And I just noticed this, but sometimes, Unique skills are not enhanced even when leveled up huh?

[Master, some improvements to the skills are intangibles, for example [Observe] will help you with your reflexes and the such.]

Oh... I see, so like technical improvements huh? What are the basketball players? (ok, only hoopers will understand this.)

And [Guide] I have a question.

What will happen if a Unique skill hit level 10?

[Master, it will only reach its maximum potential and in theory, will not improve ever again.]

I see, that's quite the bummer, I thought that [Necromancy] for example will turn into [Goddess of Death Hel] or you [Guide] will transform into [Goddess of Wisdom Athena] or some crap, man this system is sometimes a bummer I'm telling you.

I am conversing as such as I am casually walking down the road I memorized, this road, even though not paved will lead back to the front side of the cave, you see I went to the back because I don't want any fright to strike my slaves.



As I was questioning the sudden remark of my sometimes unpredictable unique skill, I heard a commotion.

"Where is she...?"




"She is nowhere to be seen...? THEN SHE MUST BE DEA- GRAAAAAAYGH!"

I saw a goblin who is about to announce my death even though I am still very alive and kicking get zapped as he immediately slammed to the ground with burnt marks all over his body.

"Who's dead?" I asked.

I can see and feel all of them shuddering at my question as they ran as if they are being chased by grim reapers as they shouted "N-no one is DeeeeeeeeAAAAA...." that long of a shout while they are running.

I ignored the trio who ran away like little brats as I requested the construction team to gather wood and make a fence wall into the surroundings of the cave to have even a little protection against monsters of course I also designated an area for them to cultivate plants for their daily vegetable and fruits needs.

These farms will be first filled with potatoes they had in their previous settlements, I already ordered the soldiers to get the belongings of the goblins and thus I make the team start making houses outside of the cave.

The cave has a wide array of facilities, my living quarters if I take visits, the headquarters of the different teams I have created and because of that, It can't fit civilians here. I plan to remove all the headquarters there only leaving some representatives to make calls and shift the headquarters outside.

But of course, all of that has to wait until they are already not afraid of me.

I did all of that meticulous and perfect organization for them to have a proper place in the community I am building. Some are soldiers, others are construction workers and farmers, and others are in crafting...

Sigh... What do I do so that they don't run away when I'm around I wonder.

And so after another day, I completed the organization of the goblins, some pregnant ladies gave birth and their children became stronger and have a longer lifespan because of the names I have given their parents, and yeah, they are also scared of me.

And there is the problem of finding a new leader for them, well I mean, they already became intelligent enough so that wise people can take the job as a leader, but the problem is that I don't want someone scared of me to be a leader of a settlement I managed.

Maybe I want them to be able to converse with me normally, but not to the point that I will put my blind faith in them, I can't also make an undead I randomly killed be their leader because undead doesn't have a will, and a leader should have one of those, actually any individual should have one.

Say [Guide], did you get any new abilities?

[Master, yes I did.]

Why is it hidden?

[Master, the abilities of mine are considered intangible and me being your Guide is my only tangible ability.]

Is that so... I see, anyway, can you help me with this one?

[Master, Yes I can, with my "Ability" Takeover I can take over a being with a low level of intelligence than the user and follow your command from afar.

Note that the creature will have no stats because it is just considered an extension of your skill.]

I see, so basically, you invade someone's brain and then make it so that the being will be the same as you.

[Master, yes, that's how the logic of the Intangible ability Takeover works.]

I started to ponder what monster or animal to use in this situation

Hmm... Well, I can use a goblin but that would increase the fear of those green guys with big stomachs towards me, so they are out of the chart I prefer a non-humanoid one so that I can summon them quickly if I needed them, an avian one will be the ideal choice if I say so myself.

And so I summoned Kabuto and asked him to get me a bird, a quill, he responded to my command despite having a puzzled look and after a minute, a living bird is in my hand.

[Guide], do your stuff.

[Takeover commencing on [Common Bird]

Success of taking over: 100%




Successfully took over [Common Bird] please name it.]

I just went with Agilus and asked questions out of curiosity as I freed the bird and the bird sat on my head.

"Hello there."

A profound voice came from the bird.

"My Lady, greetings."

"Damn, another symmetrical mistake, can't you change your tone?"

The bird suddenly went jumping around in my head.


If you can, do it from the start! And anyway, [Guide] can you do that too?

[Master, the main skill can't change its voice.]

Eh... I thought you can change your voice into a woman, but, oh well.

I said so as I introduced the bird to the goblins which they became quite fond of, why are they fond of a bird and not me?

And after that introduction, I saw my subordinates bathed in blood as they immediately went to sleep and were covered in a cocoon.

Well, it is their time to evolve I guess.

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