Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 115: The God of the Sun

Sophia smiled at her wife, but because of her searing headache, she could not form the right words and only pointed towards the direction of Heimdall, Eleanor who was glad because of her wife's re-ensured safety nodded and floated up in the sky and gently moved towards the palace while using healing magic to Sophia to ease the nerves visibly pulsating on her forehead, the treatment was slow but successful as Sophia once again passed out, but this time has a more peaceful face than when Eleanor was shaking her.

"Thank you..."

She muttered before once again taking a long slumber.

[Sophia's POV]

"Ugh... Damnit I feel Horrible..."

I clutched both sides of my forehead as I felt the still throbbing nerves in them, though they were not already visible because of Eleanor's healing magic, I still have a migraine that is more painful than normal, it is already surprising that I can sleep quite peacefully despite feeling like shit.

[You fucked up big time by using yourself as a reference to Hivemind's influence.]

You don't have to remind me, actually, don't talk to me because your voice is amplifying the headache. But still, this is the first time that I got a headache in this world despite thinking a lot and involuntarily memorizing all the stuff I saw, heard, and felt over the course of time I am here, no wonder Eleanor is so worried when I made the magic metals into coins, Loki is way stronger than me.

_But stronger or not, no motherfucker is allowed to interfere in my fights._

Well, even though I got a very valuable lesson to not lower my guard until my opponent stopped breathing after that interference, my pride also got hit hard during that exchange given the fact that I cannot cancel the illusion no matter what I do, and no one wants to hurt my pride. Well, I am smart enough to not chew something that is more than I can swallow, so revenge will have to be postponed for probably a long time.

_That being said, Loki is really strong given the fact that even though I am in a dream right now, I can still feel the headache, though wherever I am, it passively reduces my headache._

Even though I am quite mad right now, I can still scan my environment quite effectively, more so if the palace of Gjallarhorn and the palace I was in are drastically different, you see I am currently in a throne room of a palace seemingly made by nothing but white marbles, the pillars, the wall, the floor, everything you can imagine that is in the palace is white whilst some ornaments on them are of golden luster that will blind the eyes of a normal person, and in the throne that has a golden sun symbol similar to Urduja's duchy emblem as its back seat sits a man who is glowing like the human torch and I can testify that whoever designed this god is fucking lazy.

"Hello there, little one, even though you might already know me, I will still introduce myself, I am the god of the sun, Sinag, and even though I am called that, I am also considered the god of thunder, and for some reason, I received the homosexuality divinity when I got Urduja as my hero."

I raised my eyebrows and wondered if he really didn't know why did he get such a divinity, though I felt like I could get along with this guy because his tone was not as smug as Siginarugan's, so I felt quite relaxed, and I mean, if he wanted to do anything to me, then I wouldn't have any way of reversing the situation, this is a god for crying out loud.

"I see, well, even though I have some questions, I should thank you for getting me out of that strong illusory world."

The god of the sun looked at me for a few seconds, but nodded in the end as he smiled, of course even though I am a hero, in his eyes, I am just a mortal, so me being able to realize his influence in my fight is quite impressive, for him at least.

"Hmm, don't mention it, though I should say that you have a lot of things going on in your brain that it looks like a thunderstorm when my will entered it. Not only your trauma that caused the illusory world to be so potent to the point that your brilliant self cannot destroy it without external help, but you also have a lot of pent-up desires that you have to get out of your system, and because gods cannot directly influence heroes of other gods, this dream is already stretching it, so I cannot purify them at all, I suggest you get another spouse or a mistress if you feel that marrying two people is off-putting."

Upon hearing that, I cannot help but frown, this god talks a lot, I bet that he is the extrovert in the ranks of gods who often gets himself into trouble because of his yapping and alas, just as I was thinking of things like that, Sinag's blinding light dimmed down a little before returning to normal, he then said.

"Ugh... shouldn't have said that..."

I sighed at such a sight, see, I knew it, giving advice is, if you think about it, still a direct influence, because you give a hero choices artificially, indirect influence is when you drop a hint without speaking a word and let the hero decide, well it is confusing because the system might be sentient for all I know and give preferential treatment, but if it is, then that means the system is against me (I still remember when the system blocked that unique skill when I become a fallen hero), though I don't really care.

_But still, even a god thinks that I should sink on flower buds in this life of mine, if it's only Eleanor, I can just refute it with her having a very, very bad kink, but if it's a god, then it is more serious than I thought, I mean, is the cloud really that bad?_

The god of the sun who has already recovered suddenly spoke.

"It is that bad, even though you can suppress it quite well, there will still be a limit on how much you can do it, also, even though your brain was upgraded upon having the hero status, you cannot use such an upgrade to full potential if you have to unconsciously use a part of your attention to not kiss all the attractive women that are surrounding you. Take the fight as an example, the mistake you just made is something that you will normally avoid doing because of the principle of 'overestimating your opponent', but you did."

The god of the sun dimmed once again, it seemed like he was sacrificing himself a little to give me some advice, but indeed, what he said made sense, even though I have a lot of confidence in myself, that is because of my natural intelligence, and intelligent people will always make themselves lower than a person they are competing against or even a mere test in school/university. The reason why honor students has an easy time in tests is because they overdo their preparations to the point of near insanity, and I somehow did not think about Loki's much higher mastery of dark magic than me.

"Is it really that simple, I wonder..."

That is what I can mutter to myself as I look at Sinag, he then sighed.

"You will soon be able to see the importance on these words, anyway, you should probably wake up because I will disrupt your plans on Gjallarhorn if we talk here further."

I sighed, I guess I have to decide whether to marry a second one after marrying Eleanor huh, who would have thought that this mistake would be avoided if I had a harem, but if I did have one, then I would feel like I used them to get stronger... not like I am the one to talk though.

"Well, make haste, after this you still have to fight the elves again, right?"

I nodded quietly at that because I was currently in a deep thought, however, the moment I got swept out of that dream, everything seemed to click and when I woke up in the face of my wife sitting beside me in our bed, I have my eyes full of shock.

_So that's what that bastard wanted to do._

[3rd Person POV]

In the outskirts of the City of Eris, the capital of Valentine Kingdom, a man with "black" as a description can be seen kneeling on all fours on top of the walls coughing out liters of blood, his black tuxedo was stained as well as his pants, the gloves on his hands was already removed because of the extremely uncomfortable feeling of it being wet due to the crimson liquid being pushed out of his throat.

"My Lord!"

All of the guards in the vicinity who saw the Lord of the Devils, Loki Darkbringer was filled with dread, some of them are quite old to the point of seeing the remnants of Loki's active participation in the world events before he was sealed but never did they saw him bleed even a drop, however, right now it seems like he was sucker punched in the stomach and made him vomit all of his food matter, except that it was blood instead of meat that he is puking, they immediately put their guards up, getting ready for an invasion of a being greater than they can imagine as they went near towards Loki, but the man in question raised his hand and shouted.

"Don't come near me! I'm fine!"

Even though the guards are still worried, when they see the glare on Loki's crimson-red eyes, all of them gulp and step back whilst he stood up, Loki breathed heavily as he used the handkerchief on his breast pocket to wipe off the residue of his coughing fit.

_I'm not back to my former self yet._

He said as Loki once again braced himself and raised his hand, suddenly the sky above the walls of The City of Eris darkened as a rift in it was seen, all of the guards' eyes widened, even though they were quite old, it is not often that one can see the sky being ripped apart, but Loki paid them no heed as his other hand clutched his mouth that once again continued to secrete blood, since he was unsealed, he can go and use his full power, but because he is still yet to fully recover from his centuries of slumber, he was not able to use all of his abilities for a long time.

_Even though I am still stronger than Sophia when I am not using any dark magic, it seems like her main weapon is her brain as even I was caught off guard when she got so close to killing Hebi, all of that just because Sophia knows the overconfidence of old people when facing the younger generation._

The frown on his face deepened as he clutched his jaw fiercer whilst witnessing a gigantic figure appearing from the rift in the sky, the "lady" looked like a monster, albeit a very seductive one, her hundred-meter body was worth ogling at as it slumped on the ground, making the city shake for a little while, Hebi's snakes that served as her hair in her devil form is slithering about and is tending on their owner, yet the said owner has her eyes opened wide, tears flowing out of it whilst her mouth is also wide open, causing drool to drift out like a waterfall, and what made people retch is the gargantuan amount of mucus sliding down her nose, Loki looked at the state of his spouse as he undid the rift in the sky, the devils and vampires in the walls looked at their second lady with shock as they gulped their saliva unconsciously.

The strongest soldier of Valentine, the third hero of their motherland, the serpent bearer is on the brink of death!

_What kind of monster did Lady Hebi encounter to end up in such a state!?_

As if having a single mind, all the people present have the same thought, yet the one who has the most knowledge except Hebi himself, Loki kept quiet as a stream of dark magic started to pour out of her wife and be sucked towards himself, his complexion became better but his expression remained ugly.

_Hebi is tricked by her self if only she used this form when she got stabbed by that dagger for the first time, then Sophia would have been pinned down, instead, she listened to her subconscious that the fight would be won by her somehow, Sophia even amplified this thought by copying the techniques that she has painstakingly created, making Hebi think that Sophia will not have any finishing move as long as she didn't use her daggers in that fight..._

Loki sighed as all of the residue dark magic was finally absorbed by him whilst his wife also went back to her humanoid form.

_Her life and her students' just for a failed attempt to steal the relic of undead while facing a less than one-year-old genius... I have gained a very troublesome opponent._

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