Sophia Demiurge

Chapter 101: Soft Spot

At such a thought of Bakunawa, [Guide] replied.

[It is so strong that from when it was invented by the King that gave Urduja a nobility title, Roselle III up until now, no King or Queen even wore a shadow of their crown and no one ever noticed it, even the next Kings and Queens themselves, that is how powerful this unnamed spell is.]

Even though Bakunawa has been exposed to the existence of deities that can manipulate the fate of humans in a snap of a finger, she still cannot believe that it's mortally possible to create a seal that can conceal a room for hundreds of years without anyone finding it strange that no royalty from the time it was created up to this point wore the symbol of their status during ceremonial events.

Or rather being locked in a forest for a long time, she has never encountered a lot of absurdity, the most recent one she has witnessed is Sophia's adeptness in seemingly everything she needs and wants to do.

Bakunawa even finds such ridiculousness dazzling.

When Bakunawa's expression softened subconsciously at the thought of Sophia, [Guide] suddenly had a metaphorical smirk as he said.

[Is that what you and Urduja discussed when you requested a private conversation with her?]

Bakunawa flinched as she almost shouted physically but ultimately contained it within herself.

_You can read minds!?_


Bakunawa's face immediately blushed, almost once again shouting, but fortunately, for her, [Guide] interrupted her in time.

[Well, I hope she won't get angry, goodluck.]

After that, the unique skill did not speak further with the still-blushing Bakunawa for [Guide] started to converse with Sophia.

[The crown chamber is already located, we are in front of it now.]

After the unique skill said that, the voice of Sophia resounded in the mind of Bakunawa.

"Alright, Philo and Lyra coming right up."

After she said that, she did not waste any time and immediately ended the "call", after which, a blue-colored portal that had several 3D geometrical shapes inside surfaced as two people, one a pointy-eared, grey-skinned lady and a disproportionate humanoid bunny were immediately spat out of the portal.

_This is giving me a deja vu._

Bakunawa could not help but relish her misfortune as she looked at the slightly disgruntled faces of Sophia's subordinates, though they were so loyal that they did not even release a grunt.

After seeing this, the ice serpent immediately briefed the two soldiers on the situation and their mission, she also emphasized that Sophia was delaying things and seemingly prolonging her stay, which she found rather confusing, given that their enemy is a hero much older than their queen.

Sometimes she wonders where Sophia gets so much confidence.

But of course, she did not voice out any of her concerns as she knew that Philo and Lyra might jump at her the moment she disagreed with the will of their lady, after all, they are the first two undeads created by Sophia and saw her grow from an infant to an adult in less than a year, it was still so vivid to Bakunawa when she combined undeads into one giving them muscles and flesh.

After the briefing, [Guide] sounded in the ear of the three people.

[Because of Sophia's absence, I will be her proxy and will reseal the Crown Chamber, you two will be the ones who will protect and alert the queen whenever the seal is once again broken.]

Philo and Lyra nodded with great vigor, they were excited to do other things than training soldiers day in, day out without rest, well it's not like that they need one, it is more of a matter of being stale.

Surely, they are determined to showcase their rotting new abilities to their majesty.

They were thinking as such as Bakunawa, Philo, and Lyra looked at the entrance of the crown chamber having a magic circle drawing in the air before it disappeared, if they did not know that the chambers were in front of them, they would have ignored it.

_How does this even work?_

The three cannot help but ask themselves as they realize that they have the urge to look away and ignore the chamber's existence and forget about it altogether.

[Sophia's POV]

Still looking like Crisostomo Ibarra (to other people), I cannot help but lift the corner of my true mouth as I continue to look, inspect, and buy medical potions from different stores all over the city to make a much deeper analysis of the potions later while doing so I cannot help but think of Philo and Lyra.

_The OGs are back in action._

The decision that came up with them being the guardians of the core of the undeads comes from the fact that they have pretty great chemistry as well as the fact that they will soon be the two people leading the "marksman" army that I will be building in the future. Going back to the matter at hand, it took me the whole day to travel the whole of the city by foot to buy all the potions in all of the apothecary shops in the city.

This will give me a chance to create an average quality index of Gjallarhorn's medicines and will have the ground floor on how to surpass it. The exploration went quite well and even though some devils and spies of Gjallarhorn followed me because of my unusual attire, I shook them off immediately because I immediately tossed my potions into the 4th dimension so that they could not give a strong description about me.

_It's a bad idea to look like a Victorian-era person here, huh._

I thought so as I finally went back to the palace and into my room, not worried about the crown chamber. I can confirm that the core of the undead will be concealed once again by [Guide], though it is quite sad because I can just extend my heartfelt helping hand to the King of Gjallarhorn for two to three more days, at least I will be able to have the assurance that no one will enter the place except Philo and Lyra.

As I entered the room and saw my wife on her table drawing the bullets for the prototype of the rifle, I heard Kabuto speak into the hivemind.

"Your Majesty, King Roselle has entered a patch of forest and discovered his brother talking to someone, however, due to my limited expertise, I am unable to crack the spell used to muddle hearing and vision of anyone eavesdropping on the conversation and in the end, I cannot report anything of any value."

I nodded as I picked up the bottles of medicines one by one that I stored in the 4th space, not thinking too much about the conversation, I mean if you consider it, that means the 2nd prince colluded with the devil and if Kabuto did not report any battle, that just means that the King has a soft spot towards his sibling.

_Even though that punk tried to scare me by abducting my wife, he's still alive, I'll make sure that he's dead when the true battle comes._

In the end, after thinking a lot of things, I consoled Kabuto.

"That's fine, such information is valuable enough."

[I get the feeling that you are not very useful today.]

Just as my shinobi gave me an affirmative answer, my unique skill [Guide] suddenly barged into the conversation, of course I got to defend myself, so I replied:

Will you knock it off, if not for my plans, I would have already finished this farce in one fell swoop. I did not let the bastard of a skill retort as I continued the commands to Kabuto.

"However, the contents of the conversation are indeed valuable, so you have to go there tonight and crack the spell and then look for evidence and possibly subdue the devil race spy that's controlling the prince."

[See, no involvement from you.]

I ignored the annoying asshole in my brain as Kabuto replied.

"How about the prince himself?"

I immediately shook my head, realizing that such a motion finally let my wife notice me, why wouldn't she notice her wife? How rude. While contemplating as I licked my lips, I replied to Kabuto.

"I think the King will once again request me for him to personally deal with his sibling, as it seems like the prince is King Roselle's soft spot... But I will make sure that the scoundrel who tried to abduct my wife is dead by the end of all this."

Kabuto feels silent for a moment as if shocked.

"... I pity he who incurred the wrath of the one person he should never anger... However, endangering my monarch is not something deserving of any pardon."

I once again nodded as I replied: "Indeed, now wait until the day after tomorrow before you carry out the mission I have given to you, disperse."

After an affirmative answer from Kabuto, I looked at Eleanor who waved her hand at me and said: "You're back." with a smile, she then went to the side of the bed and kissed my cheeks, I also caressed her left cheek as a response and kissed her other.

"How's your work going?"

I asked, by which Eleanor smiled as she looked at the bottles on the floor.

"I am already finished and just need a physical prototype so that we can test its functionality."

I nodded as I picked up a bottle of the blue shining semi-sticky liquid, actually, I already had a question regarding this liquid, I looked at Eleanor and asked.

"There is something I am confused about this medical industry."

Eleanor similarly looked at it and even flicked her finger at the bottle, causing a clicking sound stirring the fluid inside.

"What is it?"

"You see, I realized that this water is derived from a source that was cast with healing magic..."

As I said that my hand glowed and started sucking the mana out of the potion, Eleanor looked at it with awe.

"So anyone can absorb its effects, and it will become just normal water, shucks there's a tadpole in it."

As I said that I "sent" back the magic to the bottle, causing it to glow once again.

"If you think about it, wouldn't this kind of rash way of producing medicine will backfire if enemy nations learned of it?"

Eleanor just smiled at me, even though I can feel that he is quite offended by the fact that I mocked her home nation's way of doing things, she still answered me patiently.

"You see, this nation is known for its war-driven economy in the past before Mother Urduja gave it a more profound cultural influence that allowed Gjallarhorn to be able to have a gradual economic shift. Because of this, almost all of our food and other stuff like this medicine was adopted to be able to be done in a mass-produced way, if you want to create a groundbreaking medicine, then you can probably start in this Kingdom and slowly encroach it until you got of chokehold their medical field."

I smirked a little, because indeed, with the herbs in my forest, I will be able to create a medicine way better than this and slowly become a hegemon in this area. After inquiring about this question from the Gjallarhorn history expert, I put all of the medicine on the table that Eleanor was using previously as a desk to draw.

After which, I went and returned to her side and took a hold of her left thigh which gave her a shock, seemingly remembering the things we have done before and anticipating the things that will happen from now on.

"I have another question, you see," I whispered as I sat on her right thigh, the trembling lips of Eleanor then replied.


At this moment, I immediately sealed her lips with a kiss, and after a minute of some softcore kissing, I finally replied.

"Why did you ignore my entrance earlier?"

Seeing my smirking self, my wife knew that this night was gonna be a long night.

[3rd Person POV]

As the two queens of Kamatayan started their one of many nights of passion, King Roselle was in front of their door, hesitating to knock as she heard the smooching sounds inside.

_She seems to be busy... Should I not do it after all?_

_That's right, Noire already attempted to harm Lady Eleanor, I am sure that Queen Sophia will not allow me to shield him when I say that he is probably colluding with our common enemy, Noire will surely leave the world of the living alongside the devils inside this land._

_Also, I am sure that Lady Sophia is likewise hiding some of the things that she is doing to me like how I am doing my own investigations, though I don't know what is it that she is hiding..._

With those thoughts, he finally decided to deal with Noire himself and as he left, he could not help but mock himself for his softness towards his brother.


Meanwhile, in the place Hebi is hiding, her shout resounded, if not for the soundproofing she did, it would have echoed in the whole palace.

"The crown chamber has been sealed once more!?"

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