Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 68 Can’t Turn Back.

A blue explosion sparked from the southeast corner of the room. With a short circuit, Kamiya took down the last remaining tower.

Although he attacked the tower because Reon's life was in danger, he thought that taking down the third tower would calm Reon down.

Unfortunately, it only made her even furious. She was shooting with anger till now but when the tower was destroyed, Reon fired at the destroyed tower with vengeance.

Kamiya was not surprised by her actions. She wanted revenge because the tower had knocked her out. She was already frustrated because had already been knocked out a couple of times by now.

Kamiya stared at Reon from a distance of a foot. He decided it would be better if he stays out. But then, Reon took a step forward.

"Oh no, you don't!" Kamiya jumped forward and grabbed Reon by her stomach, "S- s- stop, Re- Reon-san!" she struggled to get out of Kamiya's grip.

She threw her hands, kicked her legs, and shook her whole body but Kamiya's grip was tight.

"Levitate!" and with that, he used his mana to the last drop once again.

Kamiya left his grip around her stomach and jumped back. Reon thought she was free but she realized she was not when Kamiya raised her in the air.

"Calm down, please, I do not have mana to continue this!" Kamiya shouted. He struggled to keep Reon under control.

"Let me go! Let me go!" she swung her arms around her head, "I will destroy the tower!"

"It is destroyed!" Kamiya shouted.

"It dared to knock me out! Just how many times will I have to knock out in this dungeon!?" Reon shouted.

Kamiya grabbed his wand with both hands and pulled her back to the center of the room.

Hitori stood in the corner of the room and watched their drama. It looked like a stupid quarrel to him.

[conquered the fourth floor]

Kamiya had pulled Reon to the center and she had calmed down a bit. Hitori decided to walk when the atmosphere seemed calm.

Kamiya sat on the ground with a groan, "are you okay?" He lifted his head and saw Hitori in front of him.

Hitori walked to Kamiya, he squatted down and asked.

Kamiya used his elbows to lie on the ground, "yeah, out of mana again."

"Uh…" Hitori opened his inventory, "do you fancy a mana recovery–"

Kamiya raised his hand and dropped his head, "no. seriously. No." she shook his head continuously, "spare me that."

"But we are in enemy's territory, you should not risk it-"

Suddenly, the ground beneath Hitori's feet vanished. Followed by the other piece of ground.

Reon dropped into the hole first, then Hitori fell, and lastly, Kamiya followed them.

The three of them fell into a never-ending hole, "Aahh!" Kamiya screamed.

Reon smashed her head against the floor but felt no pain. She did not lose any health points either.

Hitori crashed on his legs but stood straight even after the fall.

Kamiya landed hard on his butt and let out a loud groan.

"What was this?" Hitori glanced around him. It was, yet another, darkroom. He was not sure if it was a room though.

Kamiya rubbed his butt as he got up from the ground.

Reon rubbed the back of her head and lifted the corner of her mouth.

[you have entered the fifth floor]

Hitori glanced down at Kamiya. He had opened his stats screen so Hitori could see his mana bar that had touched the bottom.

He decided to aid Kamiya with the mana recovery potion.

"Enemy's territory, Kamiya. You should consider taking this potion–"

Reon rose from the ground, "Ah," and interrupted Hitori, "by enemy's territory, I recall we were talking about something,"

Kamiya looked at Reon, "would you let that be, Reon-san?"

She frowned. But then, Hitori stepped in, "he is right, Reon-san. We have already conquered half of the dungeon." Hitori got up from the ground and patted the dust off his cloak.

"But guys…" she looked worried, totally different from before. "Kamiya…" She turned her head to Kamiya. They both stared at each other till Kamiya looked away.

"I… want this dungeon, Reon-san." He replied. Reon continued staring, "see, if we conquer this dungeon, it will act as a strong defense!" Kamiya turned to Reon and spread his arms, trying to convince her.

Reon was confused about what to do now. She lifted her lips to say something but Hitori interrupted her this time.

"We go then," he put his wand inside and put his right hand on his katana's grip.

"Hitori-san." she looked at him.

Hitori stared into her eyes. He gave her a nod after a few seconds, "you will have to trust us, trust yourself, Reon-san. Believe me, we can pull this off."

Hitori's words seemed convincing to her but she still had a fear for this one thing- "Okay!" she raised her voice and continued in her normal voice, "I will come with you. I will only if you convince me regarding this." She smiled.

"Bring it on," Hitori smiled back.

what if it is a trap? What if we get trapped–"

"Oh, we are already trapped." Hitori glanced down at his feet, "if this is a trap, then we are already trapped…" he looked at her, "Reon-san." he gave her a tilted nod.

Kamiya shook his head, "You can not turn back now," he added.

"You can not turn back," Hitori repeated.

Reon scoffed. She shook her head and took a step forward, "let us go then." she walked off the square platform the trio stood on.

Reon walked and stopped in front of a joint section. In front of her was a different stone design tile while the platform they stood on was made of cement.

"By the way… where are we?" Kamiya stuttered, "what is this floor?" He looked around.

They stood on a fifteen square feet, square-shaped cement platform. The platform had no borders but below it was another never-ending pitch darkness.

It seemed as if he would wall off the platform any time to never return.

There was pitch darkness around them. All four directions were nothing but dark.

Reon looked at the narrow path. She took a step back, she did not want to advance through the unknown narrow path alone.

"What do we do?" she muttered.

Hitori brought the mana recovery flask to his mouth and gulped down it one go.

He brought the flask down and threw it ahead, on the narrow path, "Is not that obvious?" he asked. Fireballs danced over Hitori's hands.

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