Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 62 Assault.

Red skin, and a red crown on the top. There were numerous gold chains around the thick red neck of the goblin king.

Kamiya examined the king, the corner of his mouth twitched a few times as he stared at the rings the king wore on each finger.

"Why…?" he grunted, "why a goblin king?" he demanded, "goblins would have been better than this piece of red shit."

And just Ryan had met it, the king slept with no care about its enemies. Reon was confused why Kamiya did not do anything yet, but the sight had already gotten on Kamiya's nerves he was just too disappointed to move.

"Reon-san, we both attack at the same time."

"Ah, yes." She snapped out and glanced at Kamiya, then aimed her gun at the king.

Kamiya held his wand tightly, "two, one." he swung his wand down, Reon pulled the trigger.

Shot, sizzle!

Hot stuff. A wave of heavy fire covered the red goblin king. Reon had aimed for the king's head but god knows if she managed to shoot its head.

The damage points flew in front of both of their eyes and mixed with each other so they did not know who inflicted more damage unless the king is dead.

Not after five seconds of their assault, the goblin king screamed in its scratchy voice and started getting up from the floor.

Kamiya and Reon started to hurry up. Although its health had dropped down to yellow and went further down, the king did not die just by the bullets and the fire.

Kamiya and Reon stopped their attacks when they heard a high-pitched scream coming from below the third floor.

They both looked behind them in disbelief. They saw an army of forty undead goblins marching upstairs.

"He has entered the dungeon, has not he?!" Reon panicked. She did not know what to do, attack the king or defend themselves against the undead.

"At least that is what I read in the notification," Kamiya replied. He did not panic but was confused about the situation.

"Then where is he?" Reon fired at the king once again.

Kamiya turned around, lifted his wand, "water beam!" he brought his wand down.

A swirling beam of water with a strong force attacked the goblins and threw them off the stairs. A few stumbled and fell along with a few goblins.

"Fire burst!" Dragon-type fire came out this time. Kamiya held his wand straight, tried to not let the recoil damage him, "fire-" he stopped when he realized that his fire had no effect on the goblins, they rose back to life after they were hit.

Kamiya could not see an end to them but he could see an option to put an end to their invasion. He lowered his eyes down at the creaking staircase.

Kamiya pulled his wand at the staircase, "Baku-!"

"Aaah! Kamiya!" he was interrupted by a shrill scream. He turned around and Reon asked for help.

He lifted his eyes to look at what she needed help from. There stood a ten feet tall fat goblin king with its flail behind its head.

"Oh crap," he lifted his wand at the king, "water pulse!" sickles of water attacked the king's flail.

Reon took a few steps back but stopped when she saw an army behind her. Reon gulped and looked back at the king.

Her gun trembled in her hands but she still lifted it. Her purple hair glowed, her blue eyes glowed.

When she tightened the grip on her gun, her gun started changing color too. It changed into a darker shade of pinkish purple.

Kamiya noticed the change in Reon and quickly stopped her, "no! Do not use that!" he protested and Reon calmed down.


"It is not the right time." Kamiya had stopped hitting the flail.

Kamiya raised swung his wand once again and sickles came out, "use normal bullets!" he shouted. He swung his wand down from above and sickles followed.

The king's target still was Reon. As Kamiya had not harmed it but attacked its flail, his aggro did not increase, so it ended up with Reon being its main target.

The sickles of water crashed against the chain that held the bob and the rest of the flail's body together.

The king gave it a powerful swing and the flail came forward.

Reon shot at the king but it turned out to be useless. The flail closed the distance in one second and in the next second, it would smash Reon's head.

"Water gun!" with one swing, two bullets came out from his wand's tip and the flail's chain.


The bullets disappeared after they did their job. The monster's flail snapped into two.

Because of the strong force, the bob went flying up and smashed against the roof.

The king lost his balance and flew forward. Reon held her gun out and fired right into the king's eye.

Her bullet went through its eye and came out from behind, the king's health bar glowed in red.

Kamiya did not stop either, he brought his wand down with a chant, "water bullets!" two bullets pierced the king's brains and its health bar turned to gray.

[killed the third floor's goblin king]

But still, the rumbling sound of the undead goblins continued.

Kamiya and Reon exchanged glances. No portal had appeared yet, was that they told each other.

"The staircase," Kamiya said, "Reon-san, get the staircase!" he shouted but it was too late, the goblins had made their way inside the third floor.

"Oh shit," Reon stepped back, "come on, where is the portal?!" she glanced around.

Kamiya followed her and walked back to the end of the room, "wh- wh- what the?" he stuttered.

The army of goblins entered the room, "we need to slaughter them or else they would not die," Kamiya informed.

At his words, Reon fired the first goblin. It took a head-on shot and dropped dead in the middle of the room.

"Water bullets," Kamiya did the same but his bullets were not enough to kill a goblin.

The goblin Kamiya had shot fell on the floor but struggled to get up. Just when Kamiya was about to cast the same spell, a sizzling sound filled the room after the hideous goblins' voices.

"Oh…" Kamiya took a step back in disgust and sympathy, "poor thing." he could not help it.

Some form of green liquid had fallen on the goblin's head from the roof. In an instant, the liquid melted the goblin's skull down to nothing but a burned wooden floor.

They both had a moment of joy but suddenly it vanished when more goblins ran towards them.

"Crap, water pulse!" a few sickles managed to cut the heads of a few goblins, injure a few heavily, and cut the limbs of a few goblins.

Reon did her best too. She continuously fired at the goblins' heads but she was able to get down only a few too.

Even after they spent more than twenty seconds, they had managed to kill only eight goblins. Of course, the green liquid helped them a bit too.

Kamiya did not bother to use long-range spells cause he knew it would only buy them some time but would not kill the goblins.

Another blob of green liquid fell on a goblin's head. They both had recognized the roof that was covered with green liquid except for their spot cause there was no roof above their heads.

But when the goblins behind filled the room, they were left with no choice but to step away from their spot.

"Kori no Mahou: Ice spikes!" Kamiya and Reon heard the loud chant. They both stopped and raised their heads to look behind the goblins.

At the entrance, the heads of three goblins were blown open by three spikes of ice. Another set of ice spikes entered the scene and this time four goblins fell dead.

"Kamiya!" Kamiya's body shuddered when he heard his name, "the wall behind you!" Kamiya did not move till the owner of the voice stepped through the door.

"Now!!" Hitori raised his voice.

Kamiya snapped out, quickly turned around, and lifted his wand above him, "Bakuhatsu!" the energy crashed against the wall.

The wooden wall fell down to crumbles and a hole, big enough for them to pass, appeared.

Kamiya glanced at Hitori who had reached the middle of the room.

Hitori had both of his hands raised above him, in the right one, he held his wand, "Freeze-dry!"

Hitori chanted and dry ice spread across the room. He turned around to run towards the hole, "quick! It would not hold for long!"

Kamiya grabbed Reon's arm and jumped through the hole. Hitori jerked and dashed through the wall behind both of them.

He quickly got on his knees and sealed the entrance behind him before any goblins would enter.

After Hitori froze sealed the entrance, he sighed in relief. Hitori pushed against his knee to get up and turn around.


His calm expression faded when he heard a gun cock behind him. Hitori slowly lifted his hands and turned around.

"Reon-san…" he nodded, "calm down." Hitori's eyes met with Reon who had her gun pointed straight at him.

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