Solo Cultivation in The Apocalypse

Chapter 41 Pontianak’s Lair.

The ice that had pierced through Uragi's armor had melted down and disappeared into pixels. Uragi raised his anger-crazed eyes at Hitori and Reon.

He pulled out a dark pink color potion from his inventory, he opened up the cap, his lips touched the tip of the flask but before the potion would go down his throat, a bullet was fired and the potion's flask shattered into pieces.

Uragi glared at Reon with an angry groan, "I should not have done that," she gulped and took a step back.

"Well done," Hitori glanced at her before taking his stance.

"Science user… I will… make sure you never play this game again, ever."

"Eep!" she staggered again.

"Tch, why did you have to bring that science-magic shit in the game?" Hitori bit his lip, "is not there enough hatred in the real world already?"

Hitori looked right into Uragi's eyes, Uragi pulled down his helmet. He took his sword took his stance.

"Take cover, Reon-san," Hitori muttered to Reon. she quickly walked behind a huge rock.

They all were ready at their positions, but no one moved. No one moved even a single finger, "Ryu, Ryu… I will take care of you," Uragi was about to move. Hitori was ready to move too but then, a sweet voice made them stop.

Hitori lifted his head, before him, Uragi lifted his head and looked around himself. A sweet voice had entered the courtyard, Hitori did not want to admit it but the voice was pretty sweet and attractive.

He shook his head to get out of the euphoria of the sweet voice, "Ryu-san?" Reon rose from her cover. She saw that both Uragi and Hitori were acting strangely in a way.

She stepped closer to Hitori with her gun still on guard, "what is this voice?" she asked herself while slowly moving closer to Hitori.

Hitori hard turned his head towards the portal and was moving towards it slowly. Uragi was doing the same.

She raised her head at looked at Hitori's status screen by touching him with her index finger. A screen popped up, "Attracted" it read.

Hitori went out of her grasp, he had gotten closer to the portal than before. Uragi was only a few steps away from passing through the portal.

Reon grunted. She pulled her gun down and ran towards Hitori who had gone beyond her reach. Just when she started running, Hitori increased his pace.

He did not run at his top speed but still enough to reach the portal soon. Uragi, who was already near the portal, did not take another second to think before jumping into the portal.

Hitori was about to do the same. For Reon, Hitori was out of reach. 'You leave me no choice,' to stop him without touching was impossible.

Reon started running at her top speed, and when she had reached close enough to Hitori, she took a long dive forward and spread her arms wide open.

'Forgive me.' Reon's body landed on Hitori's back, she quickly wrapped him in her arms and rolled on the ground. Only a few steps away from the portal, she used her body weight to pin Hitori down.

By opening her inventory, she pulled out a flask in light pink color. She used her teeth to open the cap of the flask.

When Hitori realized he has been pinned down, he started struggling, still under the impression of the sweet voice.

"Come back to your sense!" she pinned his arms down, sat on his chest, and pushed the liquid in the flask down Hitori's throat.

He almost choked on the potion but Reon did not stop till the bottle was empty. She pulled away, Hitori had calmed down.

She pushed herself away from him and sat on the ground beside him. She was panting heavily, she held the flask in her hand vertically downwards.

Hitori grunted, she glanced at Hitori who was rubbing his face. She looked back at the flask in her hands, "status recovery potion, huh." she nodded her head in admiration.

Hitori pushed himself from the ground, he patted his chest and stomach, "what happened before?" he heard Reon. Hitori glanced at her for a second then looked behind him, at the portal.

"I…" he brought his hand up, "I heard a very sweet voice coming from the portal… attractive enough to attract me," he added after a pause.

"Even I heard it, why I was immune to its effect?" Reon brought her legs closer and wrapped her arms around her knees.

"And… I saw, a- a woman, a very pretty woman standing on the other side of the portal as if waiting for me to join her," he said, "before you pinned me down,"

Reon gave Hitori a strange stare before sighing, "I see…"

Hitori looked around, "what must have happened of the leader?" he asked.

"You men are all…"


"I was going to ask you the same," she got up from the ground, patted her skirt and lab coat.

Hitori looked at her before getting up himself, "then I guess," he grabbed the collar of his hood, "we will have to find it ourselves," he threw the hood on his head.

Reon threw the flask and nodded with a shrug, "behind you, of course," she jerked her hand her gun appeared.

Hitori curled his lower lip with a nod, "sure," he turned towards the portal.

He walked up close and stood in front of the portal before taking a step inside.

Reon cocked her gun, "You do not think he will be able to kill the boss on his own, do you?" she asked while following Hitori through the portal.

"The boss is a ghost, Reon-san," he answered, "and ghosts are already dead." they both passed through the portal.

"Right." she rolled her eyes.

[you have entered the final checkpoint: The Pontianak's Lair]

Hitori looked around him. The first thing he caught was a ruined hospital bed lying in the middle of the room.

The sheets of the bed were torn into pieces, the railings of the cold bed were rusted. Reon walked up to the bed while staying on her guard along with Hitori who had equipped himself with a gun too.

Reon walked and stood under the light blue spotlight in the middle of the room. Hitori stopped a few feet away and looked around the room.

The corners of the room were dark as fuck, nothing much was visible because of that reason. The plastering scarps of the walls were coming off.

"What next?" Reon asked.

Hitori turned to her. His eyes fell on the floor that was almost good as ruined with holes all over the floor. Pieces of broken glass lay on the floor as if they have been there for ages.

"We wait–" just as soon as Hitori said that a dark figure erupted from the dark corner behind Reon, "OR. We do not."

When he saw Hitori had raised his gun at her, she quickly ducked, rolled on the ground, and squatted a few steps in front of Hitori.

Hitori aimed his gun and pressed the trigger. He fired five bullets consecutively and the damage he caused was amazing too.

Reon saw the target that was running back into the dark corners, she fired and took the remaining damage, and hence killed the player.

From behind, another player appeared. Hitori quickly turned around, grabbed its hand, and threw him on the floor, into the spotlight.

"Oh." Reon lifted her eyebrow.

"This is what happened of the leader," Hitori fired a bullet straight through the leader's forehead, penetrating his head with a bullet.

Reon fired another bullet into his brain, just to make sure his health has dropped down to zero.

Reon pulled her gun back into the lab coat pocket and raised up from the ground. Hitori turned around to see if anyone else was present in the room.

"That woman…" Reon started, "it must have been the boss you saw,"

"That pretty? Impossible, ghosts are ugly. Very." Reon walked up to Hitori.

"Do not say–" she stopped, "h- hey…"

"Y- yeah, I can sense it behind me,"

"You called her ugly,"

"Yeah." Hitori turned around. His eyes were suddenly covered with darkness. A woman dressed in pure white dress wrapped her arms around Hitori's face.


Will Be Continued…!

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