Solar Blood Masters

Chapter 10 - Vampire Slugs

Raphael cautiously circled the dazed Vampire Slugs as he shined his flashlight on them while sidestepping slowly. He noticed something peculiar. When the light hit their eyes, they seemed to shrivel inward, as if recoiling from the sudden brightness.

“I get it now! So that’s why their aim has been so inaccurate. They’re sensitive to light!”

He realized that the slugs were relying on other senses to navigate the dark tunnel and that their vision was impaired by the sudden bursts of light. This was a weakness he could exploit.

Raphael leaped back, lowered his flashlight slightly, and waited for the opportune moment to strike.

One of the slugs began to fold itself into a ball as it prepared to launch another attack.

“Now!” Raphael timed it perfectly. He shone the flashlight directly into the creature’s eyes.

The slug flinched and squinted.

Raphael seized the opportunity. He dashed forward with all his might. He slid across the icy ground and slashed his sword upwards at the creature’s exposed underbelly just before it could fully curl into a defensive ball.


The slug screamed in agony as the blade sliced through its soft flesh. It rolled past Raphael, leaving a trail of slime in its wake, and crashed into the wall with a thud.

Raphael quickly jumped to his feet and inspected his sword for any traces of slime.

“Did I get any on me?”

He checked his clothes and skin. He was clean. He then examined the sword itself. The Alucrum steel was unscathed. His gamble had paid off.


He didn’t have time to celebrate. The other slug was already rolling towards him.


Raphael dodged the attack with newfound confidence. He was no longer the terrified slave boy who had entered this tunnel. He was a survivor and a warrior of sorts.

“I can actually do this. Death hasn’t conquered me yet!”

The wounded slug that got its stomach slashed open, unfurled itself and glared at Raphael with hatred.

“What are you looking at, you slimy bastard? You attacked me first!”

Raphael didn’t hesitate. He shone the flashlight into the creature’s eyes, causing it to stumble backward. He dashed forward again and this time plunged his sword beneath its chin, directly into its brain.


The slug convulsed and choked violently before collapsing to the ground in its own slime.

Raphael quickly withdrew his sword, careful not to get splattered by the acidic goo.

Enraged by the death of its companion, the remaining slug spit a stream of acid at Raphael’s back. He adroitly dodged to the side, but in doing so, he stepped into a puddle of slime.


The acid began to melt his boots.

Raphael’s eyes widened in alarm.

“No, no, no!”

This was bad. The slime was not only acidic, but it was also slowing him down. His movements were becoming sluggish, and his boots were starting to disintegrate.

He had to finish this fight quickly, or he would be the next victim of the Vampire Slugs.

“Ok, this should be easier now that I know how to defeat them.”

Raphael attempted to replicate his successful tactic on the remaining Vampire Slug, but this time, it was prepared. The creature kept its eyes tightly shut and relied on its other senses to locate its prey.


The slug began to roll wildly in an erratic arc around the cave. Raphael struggled to keep track of it with his flashlight while dodging the creature’s unpredictable movements. The slug moved with surprising agility, traversing the floor and ceiling with ease, leaving a trail of acidic slime in its wake.

Raphael realized his boots were almost completely melted. He scanned his surroundings and quickly climbed onto a large rock that hadn’t been exposed to the corrosive slime.

Holding the flashlight and the sword, he waited in anticipation.

The slug rolled towards him again at an incredible speed.

“This is my chance.”

As it approached, Raphael dashed to the side and, with a swift, decisive move, plunged his sword into the creature’s side while it was still folded up.

The sword lodged deep into the slug’s flesh, and Raphael lost his grip on the weapon. He also dropped his flashlight in the process.

He tried to retrieve the light, but it was covered in slime that was rapidly eating through its casing. The light flickered in and out, but its faint glow still bounced off the cave walls, providing minimal illumination.

The slug unfolded and revealed the sword protruding from its side.

“That wasn’t a fatal strike,” Raphael observed. “But if it folds up again, it’ll only lodge the sword deeper.”

His observation proved correct. The slug screeched at him but didn’t attempt to roll up. Instead, it began slithering towards him as it charged up a powerful acidic slime attack that was causing its neck to glow ominously

Raphael’s eyes widened in terror. He scrambled backward while desperately trying to formulate a plan.

The Vampire Slug finished charging its attack. Its body was bloated and glowing.


The slug unleashed a torrent of acidic slime.

“Oh no! here it comes!”

Raphael panicked. He dove behind the fallen slug and used its hard shell as a shield.


The slime splattered against the shell, some splashed onto Raphael’s clothes and exposed skin. It burned through his shirt, pants, and even his hair.


He screamed in agony then realized that his makeshift shield wouldn’t hold for much longer. He had to act fast.

Adrenaline burning, Raphael made a desperate gamble. He rushed out from behind the slug, grabbed the slime-covered sword, ignored the searing pain in his hands, and thrust it upwards with all his might, splitting the creature’s face in half.

The slug let out a final, gurgling screech before collapsing to the ground. Oozing slime poured out from its injuries.

“It’s dead.”

Raphael didn’t have time to celebrate his victory. His entire body was on fire. The flesh on his arms and legs was melting away, and he felt like he was being consumed by acid.

At this desperate moment, he remembered the Blood Replenishing Potion.

“If there’s any left…”

Thinking this, he sprinted towards his discarded bag. He fumbled through the bag in search of the potion. The darkness made it nearly impossible to see, but he eventually found it.

He uncorked the vial and chugged down the potion like a wild animal.

“Please work… Please…”

He wasn’t sure if it would work since he hadn’t awakened his bloodline powers yet, but he was a Bloodthorne. It had to work, right?

He collapsed onto the ground, writhing in agony. The potion wasn’t taking effect immediately.


His vision began to fade, and he felt like he was slipping away. Then, after what felt like an eternity, he felt a strange burning sensation in his chest. His heart pounded against his ribs as a wave of warmth spread through his body.

The potion was working.

His wounds began to close and the burned flesh was regenerating at an astonishing rate. The pain gradually subsided; replaced by a strange tingling sensation.

Raphael lay there, gasping for breath.

He had survived.

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