So, I'm a witch, so what?

Chapter 18: Self-immolation

The field we were on was calm and filled with wheat ready to be picked. It was beautiful, but my distress prevented me from enjoying it. Vera was much more tranquil than me, and she did help me stay somewhat calm, but the notion of leaving our home behind broke something inside me.

Yet Vera's voice brought some comfort to my soul. At least I wasn't completely alone, and judging by how well she fought even in her weakened state, I felt confident we would be fine. So I cleaned up my tears and calmed down while looking around us, seeing nothing but wheat fields and animals grazing for miles.

"Do you know where we could be?" I asked Vera, but she simply shrugged her shoulders without saying a word. I knew she was just as lost as me.

"We don't look alike, and you have an incredibly exceptional type of magic. I don't know if saying we are sisters will work. Maybe we say we are orphans?" Vera tried to move on, and I did so too, but I couldn't help but picture what the man was doing to the Queen.

"Do you think we could ever beat that monster?" Vera's face turned pale at my suggestion, but she answered truthfully.

"We don't stand a chance; we can only level up to level 100, and even then, I doubt we could beat him. Surviving is our only option."

"Alright, well, we are wearing similar clothes, and uh, we kinda look alike if you ignore your skinny bones." Vera slapped me immediately, and I took it without a fuzz. At least she wasn't traumatized.

"Maybe I should suck some more HP from you until you become skinny! I still have drain touch, and you don't!" Vera began to chase me across the road, trying to use her skill against me, and I played along.

"AHHHHG!! No! Not drain touch! That hurt the last time you did it! Get away from me!" At least, maybe this time, we would be allowed to live in peace like children instead of slaves. Perhaps the events that happened were God's plans. I would never know.

{Queen's POV}

{En Annan Tid, Ett Annat Liv - Kevin Penkin}

"How does it feel to be outplayed by a weakling? AUUUUGHh!!"

"Shut up. I'll torture you until your HP reaches zero, then I'll resurrect you and make you one of my minions. You will be the one to hunt the survivors."

Julius was angry at me for ruining his plans of total eradication, but knowing everyone I could save was, I could die in peace with that knowledge. Use me as their minion? Like I would let that happen. With a single snap of my fingers, I began the self-destruction sequence, which angered Julius even further.

"You damn COWARD! KKGGHH! Maximize magic! Cancel!" Julius' spell did not work, as the self-immolation wasn't directly tied to magic but to my own SP. My soul power left was my own power that belonged to me as an outside system force, and I did not have to obey his orders to stop.

"I'll wait for you in hell, Julius. May one witch someday find my crown and claim it as their own! Fly through the skies until you find a suitable owner! Queen's Will sacrifice!" My crown disappeared just a few feet away before Julius could take it, and I began to feel the heat increasing.

"Damn you! You're not letting me have anything, uh? Okay, it's not like any of your stuff is helpful. You're all so weak I don't need your stuff now; just die already."

[Self-destruction ready] {Are you sure you want to activate it? (Yes/No)}


As soon as I pressed the option, a magical circle appeared, and it activated within ten seconds, creating a bright flash of light to illuminate the entire leftover forest. The blast was so strong it engulfed some more soldiers and took them down with me as my last attack against them.

The explosion did nothing to Julius, but that wasn't my goal. I simply did not wish my body or soul to be used by such lowly scum; I rather disappear. Disappearing was what was happening to me as I let my magical barrier down, allowing the blast to damage and destroy my body and soul.

"You would rather die than allow me to use you. I can appreciate that. Thou weak your soul and mind stood firm till the end I respect your will. I could stop it and resurrect you, but I will allow you to die."

During the last seconds of consciousness I had left, I remembered everyone and everything I had seen. It wasn't a bad life after all. I lived too long and ruled briefly, but I grew strong enough to be called a Witch Queen. I had done everything possible, even if that wasn't enough to take down a beast like Julius.

I could see the Elder's face and soul right before my eyes, waving at me as I got utterly destroyed by the blast, which grew to an enormous size, covering the entire forest left in it and evaporating everything in its path alongside me.

"You fought well, Claudia." The Elder said as I vanished into nothing, leaving behind a power vacuum that was felt worldwide. The demon king and the Elf patriarch felt fear in their hearts once my power signature completely vanished, destroyed, and tarnished within a single day.

[Top 3 worldwide powers]

[#1 Melonne Virlana - Elf patriarch - Alive

#2 Makima Bardfellow - Demon King - Alive

#3 Claudia Nakamura - Witch Queen - Dead {Suicide}]

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