So, I'm a witch, so what?

Chapter 10: A trap

"Alright, like I said, I don't think you should see Okina, but I can surely take you to see Ariel," Edwina remarks one last time before we turn around the corner, leaving Eris behind since she didn't have any particular connections with the convicts.

"That's okay, but uhm, do you know how long they'll be here? I want my mommies back." Once again, I pull out the same innocent tone of voice I used previously, which makes Edwina laugh slightly.

"Well, since they destroyed an important monument and various other statues in their brawl, I would say they'll be here for at least a year." Edwina's words almost made my entire world crumble; what the heck was I supposed to do for a whole year alone?

Miss Eris is helping me because I pressured her into it, but would she be willing to care for someone else? I doubt it. I would at least have to work for it, and judging by how muscular she is, I'll be dead within a month in her line of work.

"Is there a way to bail them out or something?" If there was any way to get one of them out, I would do whatever it took to get them out, as I wouldn't be able to achieve much alone. I barely knew anyone, and they barely knew me.

"Unfortunately, no, their fight cost quite a bit of destruction. If it had just been a regular fight without relic destruction, they would be out tomorrow, but due to their mistake, they'd both be locked up without bail."

Those weren't the words I wanted to hear. Damn, so what do I do now?

We kept walking for several minutes, passing by various caged beasts and monsters all trapped within the magical Jail. There were many beasts trapped in there, and most angrily came rushing against us while we walked by, which scared the absolute living crap out of me every single time.

"Don't worry, they're all behind these high-security magical doors. Nobody can break free from these puppies, not even Eris." Edwina casually taunts some of the beasts while she strolls by them. She pulled her tongue out like a little kid against them while I still remained close in case any did manage to escape.


"Don't do that! They jump against us even angrier when you taunt them! PWEASE!" Lady Edwina laughs when I practically glue myself to her. Thankfully, the creature section finally ends, leading us to the "Criminal" section where my mothers were being kept.

"Okay, kid. We arrived at Ariel's place." Edwina soon stops before an empty cell while she puts her keys in. Yet I couldn't understand. If Mommy Ariel had been here, I would have been able to see her, right? I didn't understand why she would be lying until I felt a hard bang against the back of my neck, which immediately took me out cold.

"Stupid child, Eris did a fine job this time, and I'll have to compensate her well." Those were the last words I heard before I landed face-first into my new cell, thinking, what had I done wrong? Wasn't this supposed to be Jail? Were my mother not here? Wait, they didn't know my mother's name until I said it; how stupid of me. {sigh}

While I was out cold inside my new cell, Edwina returned to Eris to discuss their business deal regarding me. So Miss Eris acted like that on purpose all this time? She made me feel competent and confident, so I would lower my guard? And I fell right for the trap, but where was my mother if not here?

Since I passed out, my brain soon sent me into a dream-like state where I began to have nightmares. In my nightmares, I saw all kinds of terrible things occurring to me while I desperately called out for my mothers, but I would be too far away from them. I messed up big time. In my sleep, the diabolical voices returned as a demonic shadow.

{Demonic laughter}

"Do you still believe?" "Believe!" "In a god?" "god," "No way you could," "No way anyone could," "Why even ask?" "ask," The voices said as I tried to stand up in my dream form, but the voices pushed me down repeatedly. I did not quit trying as I knew giving up to the demons would lead me to a worse path in life. Demons never want what's best for you!

"We can help!" "HELP!" "Just say you hate god!" "SAY IT!" "THERE IS NO GOD!" "Say it, and we'll help!" "We will be there for you!" "You'll never suffer!" "We can make life easier!" "EASIER!"

"AHHHHHHHHG!!! You will not change my mind! There has to be a god! Otherwise, you wouldn't want to convince me there is none! Now vanish from my dreams, you foul creature! I refuse your help! I REFUSE THE HELP OF A DEMON!" The creature made an angry shriek at the same its entire body tweaked out of control after I refused their help.

"REGRET!" "YOU WILL REGRET!" "SUFFER!" THERE IS NO GOD!" "I'M GOD!' "WE ARE THE ONLY GODS!" "THERE'S NO FAITH!" "YOUR STUBBORNESS" "SHALL BE YOUR UNDOING!" The creature spouted its curse upon me while I slowly got up, even with the creature's pressure over my soul.

"NNNNNUUGHHH! Leave my dreams! Leave me alone! I order the in the name of god! Return to hell where Andromeda cast you!" Andromeda? What? The words came out of my mouth without me realizing; however, the creature reacted similarly to the last time I used a deity's name.

"AHHHHGG!" "DAMN YOU!" "STOP CALLING THOSE NAMES!" "FUCK YOU!" "FUCK YOU," "I'LL," "MAKE," "YOUR," "LIFE MISERABLE!" I noticed that the creature grew smaller when I said a deity's name, so I naturally went ahead and said their names repeatedly, making the creature squeak and squail until they vanished from my dream.

I could finally open my eyes once the creature left, which allowed me to see my surroundings, revealing I was now trapped inside a small prison-like cell. My heart rate was through the roof, and I was still hyper-ventilating from my encounter, but I held on as I assessed my situation.

Cold sweat drops dripped from my forehead as I scanned my surroundings further. Behind me, there was a simple concrete "bed" with a sleeping mat above it. Next to it lay a dirty hole in the floor with strange-looking leaves next to it.

The entire cell's overall smell was dire; it smelled like human feces all around with a hint of rotten flesh. The realization that I might have been captured as a "war criminal" made my entire skin shrivel. My father had told me legends where it would be better if you died than go through it. Was I about to experience stuff worse than death? FUCK!

I angrily hit my fists against the floor as I began to blame myself for my ingenuity. Damn it! I felt too cocky. I felt like I had outsmarted adults, but it was they who were outsmarting my stupid ass all along. How could I be so stupid? I couldn't stop crying as I banged my head against the metal bars.

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