So, I'm a witch, so what?

Chapter 1: Reincarnated by the devil?

What was this place? Where was I? I didn't understand what I had before me as I navigated the empty white space. I kept going for a while, moving forward ever so slightly until I encountered some sort of invisible barrier. "What the hell?" I mustered as I accidentally hit my head against the wall.

Wait? I had a body? I couldn't understand how since I couldn't see my body, but I still carried the sensation of feeling like I had at least somewhat of a shape. What was going on? I know I'm dead, but where has my soul gone to? Is this it? Is this supposed to be heaven? Or perhaps I went to hell? But why? I'm still just a kid.

Kids don't go to hell, do they? As I questioned my existence, I noticed a tall, scary-looking figure slowly approaching me from all angles. "What the?" I was looking at the creatures coming for me, but I couldn't do anything to prevent them from eventually reaching me, so I simply closed my eyes and curled into a ball at the center of the invisible cage.

"You!" "YOU!" "Another chance," "Chance," "Innocent death," "Second try," "Reincarnation," "Not suitable for the afterlife," "Quest," "Must defeat!" "Become," "Overlord," "Overlord!" "They always lose!" "LOSE!" I was even more scared as the creatures whispered in my ear with creepy ghost-like voices and diabolical tones.

"Shut up! Shut up! BE GONE YOU DEMONS! BE GONE IN THE NAME OF CHRIST!" I naturally went with what I knew from my time on Earth, so I chose to pray to God in a moment like this, and that did seem to do something as the creatures quieted down.

I slowly opened my eyes as I prayed to God, wishing the creatures would be gone, but what I saw when I opened my eyes almost made me faint. Only one creature was left before me, but it was staring directly at me as its left eye twitched, wearing an angry look on its face.

{Beastly growls} "YOU! Don't use that name around me! HATE!" "HATE!" "HATE THAT NAME!" "DON'T USE THAT NAME!" "You think God is here to help you?" "God won't help you where I'm sending you!" "You will become a non-believer!" "Become like us!" "LIKE US!"

There was only one of the visible, but I could still hear the other voices from before replying to themselves in a demonic fashion. The fear I felt almost overwhelmed my faith, but I held on and remained firm in my belief. Clearly, this creature was some sort of demon, but it was also powerful if it could interfere with souls.

The creature soon touched my face with its hands, pulled me toward it, and opened its mouth to massive lengths. I had never seen a more enormous mouth, and to be fair, I was already going to get PTSD from this horrific experience. Even if I believed in God, this was too much to handle.

"LET ME GO! I command you in the name of God!" I screamed as loud as I could, but the creature simply laughed it off as he pushed me toward its mouth just to snap his jaws against my invisible neck, tearing it from my soul body. Everything turned black as I fell into a dark void deep within the creature's belly.

[Conditions met] [Reincarnation approved] [tranfering soul from "Limbo" to "New World"] [Transfer complete] [Soul auto repair {Succesful}]

Soon, I could open my eyes again, but this time, I could see a wooden ceiling instead of the dark void. I moved my head around just to confirm I was safe and alive and quickly found out I was in a kid's room? I couldn't tell very well since it was extremely dark, yet I could at least confirm I was back on Earth.

A sigh of relief leaves my mouth as I innocently giggle, thinking I have just escaped the devil itself. Oh, how wrong I was. My curiosity got the best of me as I tried to stand on the side of the bed, but I was so "small," so soft. One look at my hands told me I was younger than when I died, but HOW?

I couldn't understand how I was even alive, but I was grateful to be. I didn't understand how or why, but if God had given me a second chance at life in a better country, place, or time, how could I be mad or ungrateful? Thank you! I will not let go of this opportunity!

I said to myself as I made a crucifix hand gesture. Yet even though I was still shocked, my body soon reminded me that it was still nighttime, making me extremely sleepy. So I went back to bed, said one last prayer, and slept until the morning sun hit my face.

"Ah, sun, stop it! My eyes! GUAAAHH!!! Nam Nam Nam." I woke up with a massive yawn as I stretched like every other morning, except there were no explosions nearby. This peaceful place was terrific! I hadn't slept that deeply in such a long time! I had always slept with bomb shells ever since the war began.

Yet what I saw when I woke up soon gave me chills as the walls reflected a lot of pink all over me. My bedsheets were pink, my room was all pink and purple, and even my bed was pink. I soon removed my bedsheets from me just to realize I had been wearing a girl's baby doll all along! WHAT?!

The sun also revealed my pale skin, even more white than before I died. Was I an albino now? I wondered as the sun zipped inside my room ever so slightly. Another look at my body revealed what I feared since I was wearing girls' clothes inside a room that looked similar to my sisters in my past life.

"Where is it?!" I screamed as I took a better look at my body. Specifically, I was looking to see if the little guy made it, but I had nothing down there. The little guy was gone! "AHHHHH!!" My scream was probably what made a strange woman come from the door carrying a sword.

"WHERE ARE THEY!? WHAT'S WRONG!? WHERE'S THE MONSTER?!" The lady screamed as I still looked down at my crotch. Realizing I was showing off to an adult immediately made me blush and pull my clothes to their original position so I was covered once again.

"Yoimiya, how often do I have to tell you not to scream like that?" The lady said in a condescending tone as I looked down in shame. Even though I didn't know the woman, I couldn't help but feel stupid and embarrassed for being such a clown. Why did I even cause such a fuzz?

"I'm sorry, I am sorry." Naturally, I did what I had to. Even if I grew up in times of war, I was educated to always apologize to an adult if they scold me since I would probably be in the wrong. Adults didn't make mistakes after all.

"Did you apologize? Well, that's a new one; you never say sorry. Are you okay?" The lady said as I nervously tried to escape the uncomfortable situation.

"You sounded outraged, so I felt bad. I'm sorry for making you angry," I said as I lowered my head even more until the lady approached me to hug me with the warmth of a mother.

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