Smoke and Mirrors -- A Naruto Fanfiction

Ch15 ()

Welcome back to the Smoke and Mirrors AU.

Hattori and Yuta moved in tandem. They could see each other, and their enemy, only through the Bochigan’s outlines and instincts it gave them. A slight rise of the foot, urged by the Bochigan, allowed Hattori to avoid tripping on a rock.

They could hear nothing, see nothing besides the red world created by the enemies Sharingan and what their Dojutsu allowed. Hattori circled left, and Yuta circled right, as they blasted towards Yuugito.

The man was ready for them. Hattori smashed his left fist towards the head of Yuugito, his arm grabbed in an instant, before a kick planted itself strongly into his side. The steel plating of his armour absorbed most of the blow, but he was still knocked off his feet. He slid back a few meters before running in again.

Yuta was already engaging Yuugito. Their outlines shifted rapidly, dozens of blows being exchanged in an instant. Hattori was on the man in a moment, his Chakra flaring. He felt a smile worm its way onto his face as the Genjutsu fell off. Flaring your Chakra breaks illusions. Good to know.

His tanto pierced through Yuugito’s body. Something was off. His Bochigan… A puff of smoke blasted into their faces as Yuta and Hattori jumped backwards. Hattori’s tanto was embedded into a wooden log.

Hattori cautiously went forward, dislodging his tanto from the tree stump and sheathing it, before retreating backwards again. “Yuta.” Hattori tapped the boy on the back, his fingers forming a half-Tiger seal, and then a half-Snake seal. Yuta nodded.

“Your combat skills are impressive, Uchiha Yuugito. But this is where you die.” Hattori and Yuta began weaving handseals in unison. Not an instant later, Yuugito began forming his own Ninjutsu.

“Katon: Endan no Jutsu!”

“Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu!”

“Raiton: Boruto no Butsu!”

All at once, three Jutsu left their respective Shinobi. Endan no Jutsu fired from Yuta’s lips. Gokakyu no Jutsu roared to life, blown from the mouth of the Uchiha. Boruto no Jutsu launched from the tips of Hattori’s fingers.

The three Ninjutsu met in the middle of the field, both of the techniques of the Yanmaru being devoured by the mass of flames sent by the Uchiha. Hattori smiled as he looked at Yuta; the kids second Jutsu was going to finish in just–

“Doton: Dodan no Jutsu!”

–a second. If there was one truth Hattori had learned about Ninjutsu, it’s that while Water and Fire neutralized eachother, Earth Ninjutsu always had an edge over Fire. As expected, the sharp projectile spat from Yuta’s mouth pierced directly through the Gokakyu no Jutsu.

They jumped backwards, watching intently. It was less than a second later that the outline of the Uchiha moved peculiarly. It was almost as if… Hattori’s eyes widened, pushing Yuta slightly. The place where the boy’s head had been an instant prior was pierced by the same Earth Bullet he had sent towards the Uchiha.

From what Hattori had seen with his Dojutsu, the man had caught it, spun on his heel, and launched it right back towards its sender.

“I would say that was a good try,” Yuugito’s voice carried through the clearing as the fire finally died down completely, and vanished. He was perfectly intact. “but that really was pathetic.” He was stoic as he walked towards the two.

The two Yanmaru Clan members shared a loot, and Hattori grunted. The two raced forward with their Tanto drawn. Yuta hadn’t even reached the man long enough to slash towards him before Yuugito had elbowed the boy’s arm, grabbing his Tanto, and swinging it to deflect Hattori’s own strike.

Yuta disregarded his stolen sword, wrapping his arm around Yuugito’s free arm and attempted a body slam. Yuugito moved with the force of the blow, positioning his knee to strike Yuta’s face into the dirt.

Yuta coughed as the Uchiha’s entire bodyweight was pressed against his face. The man raised the stolen Tanto and attempted to strike downwards. Hattori didn’t allow him the moment he needed, kicking the man’s arm upwards, launching the Tanto into the air.

Hattori’s leg dropped immediately as he crouched, shoving his Tanto into the armpit of the Uchiha. This time, his outline didn’t disappear like it had when he had used that… substitution technique. Instead, his mouth dropped slightly as the man crumbled into dirt. Hattori dumbly raised his arm into the sky and caught the falling Tanto.

“What the fuck?”

Yuta was breathing hard underneath Hattori. His face had a nasty bruise forming as he groaned into the dirt. “What the fuck?

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