Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 17 Mourning Sign

Avian sensed through his [Blood Sense] 4 individuals coming towards him on both sides 2 on each side, the crows were still flying high encircling this area crying, everyone was on edge because of these weird crows, which is what Avian exactly wanted as he waited until the 4 bandits came close enough for him to act.


Seeing that the bandits were close enough, Avian immediately put his fingers into his mouth again and started whistling a rhythmic manner 2 whistles with small pauses in between.

The sound alerted the bandits as it was very close by, but before they could react, the crows suddenly stopped circling the sky, upon hearing the rhythmic whistling sound the crows acted in a feral manner as the all suddenly swooped down and started pecking at everyone with wild abandon.

They didn’t care about who it was, be it the children, women or bandits anyone they saw was free game as the simply picked a target at random and started to go ham mainly aiming at the head particularly the eyes which is why Avian taught them.

Instant chaos erupted as soon the birds attacked, people were completely confused and panicked as to what was happening, the bandits which were being attacked by more then 3 crows at once swung their swords around in wild panic trying to kill the crows who were deftly avoiding their strikes, while the passengers who couldn’t fight simply laid on the ground protecting their heads as the crows pocked at them.

Avian watched it all happen, feeling troubled about the fact that he couldn’t teach the crows about at aiming certain targets very easily since the crows didn’t differentia between bandits and ordinary people without him explicitly pointing it out somehow, but since he was going to save these people the least they could do was endure bird attacks, whether they would go blind or not from this was not his problem.

Thinking like this, Avian swiftly put everything in his mind into the backburner and focused, holding his short spear, it was now for him to act.

-What are these crows?!

-Where did they come from!?

-Hey! Careful there is someone coming!

Noticing Avian come out, the 2 bandits who were on the right side of the carriage immediately stopped bothering with the crows and prepared for a fight, but as much as they wanted to fight, the crows simply too annoying, struggling with focusing on Avian and the crows trying to gouge their eyes out, it was already too late before they could react as Avian had already closed the gap between them.

Seeing Avian come so close with his spear, the bandit instantly knew that he would die if he didn’t do something quick, thinking to hell with the crows he ignored them decisively before making a wild swing at Avian with his rusty sword.

Avian dodged easily as the slash while fast and strong wasn’t accurate at all, seeing a wide opening from this Avian made one swift stab while using his [Blood Reinforcement] on his spear before instantly penetrating the bandit’s chest and pulling out.

The bandit died collapsing onto the ground as the crows followed the fallen corpse still pecking at it trying to take the bandits eyes, the quickly succeeded too taking the eyes of the dead bandit and eating them before flying off and looking for their next target.

The second bandit who saw this happening and was still struggling with the crows shivered as he didn’t expect his ally to get taken out so quickly by a kid nonetheless, his mind was completely in a mess, holding a spiked club he tried to first get rid of the crows before taking on Avian, randomly swinging he was lucky enough to actual hit one of the crows killing it instantly, but by the time he did that Avian again had already closed the gap, stabbing his spear into the bandits jugular as the bandit looked wide eyed coughing blood as he quickly died.

Only 10 seconds or so passed since Avian started fighting, and out of the 9 bandits he had already killed 2 of them leaving only 7, furthermore the 7 bandits were still unaware that Avian had actually killed the 2 bandits as he quickly dispatched them behind the carriage and were all struggling with the crows, giving him enough time to launch more surprise attacks.

Avian fully utilized his advantage as a [Monster Tamer], using the crows to supplement his own strength by means of distraction and support, to the bandits it felt like they were fighting more than 4 people all at once when reality it was all an illusion and what they were actually fighting was just single person.

With enough time Avian knew he could kill all these bandits by himself, but unfortunately he wouldn’t get that much time as he already felt over 6 of his crows having already died in the span of 10 seconds as he took out the 2 bandits.

The crows after all had almost close to no offensive capabilities, they were merely annoying and hard to hit because they could fly, but if they were even hit once they instantly die by anyone no matter their blessing.

Avian knew he had very limited time which is why he didn’t dawdled after killing those 2 bandits, running around the carriage he instantly encountered the other 2 bandits who were still struggling with the crows, coming from behind them, he took out one of them by stabbing him through his back before the 4th one finally noticed what was going as he saw Avian kill the 3rd bandit.

-EVERYONE CAREFUL! There is some kid here who just killed our comrade!

-What?! Don’t let him walk around freely! Charge at him! Kill him!

-Huh?! Sir Lukas!


Looking at who this person was, Cornelia and the butler Marco immediately recognized Avian as they felt hope return in their hearts, Avian didn’t even glance at the them as he was more focused on the bandits that were approaching him 4 to be exact, before running at the 4th bandit and stabbing him through his thigh, the bandit attempted to catch Avian with his scimitar but missed and instead yelled with extreme pain before Avian pulled out the spear and abandoned him there as he collapsed while the crows continued to peck at him managing to gouge his eyes out as he painfully struggled on the ground screaming loudly.

Hearing the horrified screams of their comrade as he was being brutally and helplessly assaulted by the crows the 4 bandits couldn’t help but momentarily feel a shiver down their spines, Avian who was a kid in their eyes especially looked scary as his hands and the entire spear he held was entirely covered in fresh blood, his eyes in particular looked stone cold, they felt that he wasn’t even looking at them as people which made them feel scared, but fear alone wouldn’t stop them even though the crows were still bothering them, they still charged at Avian with their weapons.

Avian watching them come over, felt that the fight was going to be difficult, while he believe he could somewhat manage a 1v2 situation 4 people was a bit too much at his level, but Avian didn’t come unprepared, rummaging through his hip pocket, he pulling out a fist sized clay jar with a piece of wet cloth attached to it, Avian lit the cloth on fire with a matchstick instantly igniting it before throwing it right at the first person who came at Avian.

The fist sized clay jar instantly broke and doused the unlucky bandit with the strong spirit before immediately being caught on fire turning the man into a walking torch.

The bandits didn’t even expect Avian to have something like this and immediately stopped in their tracks the moment they witnessed one of them become a candle stick.

Avian still had a couple of these makeshift Molotov cocktails on him just in case, he could have honestly just continued using them right now to all of these guys on fire or at least burn them a bit, but he didn’t feel like wasting the cards up his sleeve and instead upon noticing their inattentiveness quickly acted, slicing the throat of one the bandits closest to him with a clean sweep before whirling around with perfect footwork and performing a low thrust impaling another one.

Avian felt extreme amount of euphoria as he slaughtered his way left and right, feeling a stroke of genius as he fought he looked at the eighth bandit who was the farthest away and looking at him in horror trying to get away.

Feeling like he wanted to test something Avian used his [Blood Reinforcement] and put in slightly more BP to make it last longer.

As soon as he did that Avian threw his spear at the bandit, watching the spear fly with a ominous crimson motif, it looked as if a wild monster was attacking the bandit before the spear instantly penetrated the bandits chest.

Avian simply walked over and took the spear before looking over the area and making one laud whistle with his fingers.


The whistle was the signal the crows needed to hear as the immediately stopped their attacks and returned to being perched onto the trees.

The passengers who were being attacked noticed how the crows had stopped, looking up they were only mildly cut and bruised as they all were for the most okay, they looked at Avian with extreme reverence as they only now realized who was doing all this while Avian looked at the sole bandit that was left standing, he was the leader of these lowly bandits who planned on running and he too had suffered from the crows, near him laying the bodies of quite a lot of crows as they tried to take his eyes even in their death.

This bandit stood atop Cornelia as he held his sword against her back while looking at Avian fool of rage.




The bandit kicked Cornelia with his foot, dirtying her beautiful face with more mud and grime while causing her to yelp in pain, but Avian still looked indifferent, his expression not changing a bit as he held his spear and slowly started to come close to the bandit to finish the job.

The bandit was momentarily wide eyed as he watched the cold Avian come closer, he felt his back turning colder and colder as he watched this demonic kid with his blood stained spear coming at him, never did he imagine he would someone as weird and as frightened as this bastard child, but all he wanted right now was get out of here alive.

-STOP MOVING! If you don’t want this girl to suffer the consequences, you better stop moving and drop your weapon!

-So? Do it, I don’t care.




Immediately, Cornelia, Marco and the bandit leader were stumped upon hearing Avians cold words, Cornelia especially felt shocked as she couldn’t help but feel as if she didn’t recognize the Lukas that was standing in front of her with his bloodied spear and cold eyes, even though she had spent over 2 weeks with him in the carriage, she hadn’t once seen a expression like this on him, he was always passive and polite, he never once showed that he was annoyed with her or got angry whenever she said something Marco thought was overbearing and rude, but now he was completely different, the way he said that he didn’t care about her sounded real to her too as much as she didn’t want to admit it and in fact she was right as Avian really didn’t care if the bandit killed her right here and now even though he came here to rescue her and Marco.

The reason for this was because Avian would never submit under the threat of a person who used the life of another, even if it was the life of someone he intended to save, because ultimately Avian valued his life more over the lives of anyone else in this world even his own mother who he loved dearly.

Submitting to someone threatening you like this would never end well with you, Avian didn’t speak from experience in this matter as he was never once threatened like this before, but he understood reason and causality, and knew that if he submitted to a person’s demand like this without a plan he would be ultimately the one to die under that person’s blade, only an idiot would do something like that and Avian was no such idiot at least he tried not to be, on other hand he knew many others who would have likely submitted instead of risking the girl’s life, but Avian again was no Hero, in fact he was here to today because he didn’t want to be a Hero, if he submitted to this bandits threat right now just because of Cornelia, for what purpose did he leave the castle to be self-sufficient?

Avian loved his freedom and loved to take the freedom of others for his own gain, to him life was all about exerting your own freedom through stealing the freedom of others, everything a human possessed, made and acquired was through robbing the freedom of other things that didn’t have the strength to resist, it was only the natural way of life, which is why Avian would never submit to a threat like this as it simply didn’t fit with his code of life.

Instead Avian would speak his own demands, holding his spear he slowly started to walk towards the bandit as he spoke.

-This girl, I know her indeed, but it doesn’t mean I care about her, you can kill her for all I care, but you can’t stop me, instead of trying to threaten me and give me a choice, how about I give you a choice instead?

As Avian said that, the distance between him and the bandit above Cornelia started to shrink as they were only 30 meters apart.

The bandit getting increasingly nervous as he started to slowly push the sword down Cornelia’s back every step Avian took, Cornelia for the first time felt the threat of death as she felt the hard and sharp point of the sword go through her garments and start poking her tender flesh, each step Avian took was like a second taking off her life, she wanted to shout, scream and beg for help, but she couldn’t as she was petrified with fear.

-You either, kill this girl and then have to fight me and die or you leave her be and start running as fast as you can towards the forest where I won’t be able to chase you, the choice is yours, but remember as soon as I get to you, you will die and I will make sure that my crows will eat every last bit of your flesh as you scramble in pain dying a slow and horrible death…


The bandit was silent as he listened to everything Avian just said, Cornelia increasingly felt the blade about to penetrated her and felt sure she was about to die, tears welled in her eyes as she begged for Avian to save her and stop this in her mind.

Her entire life seemed to flash before her eyes at that moment too as Cornelia recognizing her mistakes and how arrogant she was, how Marco cared about her all this time and how she wished she could make it up to him as he laid there bloodied and battered.

But it was too late she was sure that the blade would penetrate her, closing her eyes she prepared for death, but surprisingly the next moment she felt the release of the blade as it disappeared, falling off near her, and then heard as the bandit ran off into the forest running for his life.

All this time Avian watched the bandit run, having no inclination to chase after him since he was faster than him, he simply made sure he really left before walking towards Cornelia and raising her up.

-Tha…Thank you…

She stuttered, extremely shaken and afraid having just escaped death by a hairs breath, while also feeling extremely conflicted by Avian as he literally didn’t seem to care about her well-being even though he did save her, in all honesty she didn’t if she should be thankful at all and whether or not this was what he intended in the first place by intimidating the bandit to flee, but in the next second she couldn’t care less anymore as she realized she was forgetting someone very important to her.


Pushing Avian aside, she instantly took off in a sprint towards Marco the butler, who laid bloodied and battered near the carriage holding his wound with a hazy expression.

Avian watched them from afar, feeling as if he saw a similar scene in his previous world.

In the end tragedy was the only thing Avian could recall as he tried to remember what it was, before immediately forgetting about it as he ran towards the main battle still needing to do something if he wanted to stay safe.


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