Slave Comapny

Slave Company Chapter 11 New Self

-So where are you headed?

-To Alimdal.

-Alimdal? That’s going to be a long road ahead and for a kid as young as you what reason do you have to go so far almost to the edge of the kingdom?

-I have my reasons.

Avian said, stopping the conversation there as he pretended to focus on something else instead, the coachman capable of reading the atmosphere stopped asking as he turned back to the road waiting for the carriage to get loaded with people as he smoked something akin to a cigarette, near Avian people were taking their place within the carriage, the carriage was pretty big with two benches on either side , everyone who was there was dressed in a proper middle-class manner showing that this transport service wasn’t low income but not high-class either, it fit him perfectly for the start he was given and as the people filled the carriage and the coach judged that everyone was on board he looked at the many other carriages that would go together which included merchant caravans, other carriages plus mercenary guards, after making everyone was ready the coachman whipped his whip forcing the beast that dragged the carriage to move forward with loud roar as everyone finally departed.

As they rode away Avian gave Gregory who was watching him ride away a last glance as he rubbed the copper space ring between his fingers, Gregory looked at him coldly making the ring between his hands feel that much more colder as he started to ponder, for how valuable the ring itself was and how useful it was, Avian felt tempted to throw it away for the reason he didn’t take anything from the castle, magic was an area still completely unknown to Avian as he wasn’t a magic user, the things he did know were only surface level, but even he knew the existence of tracking spells after all Avian still wasn’t out of the park yet, Avian didn’t feel safe until they completely left the city and he could see a tomorrow again which is why he pondered thinking about any way things could go wrong now.

-Hey! What are you looking so grim for! Your face is really making me feel cold right now so can you stop it!


Suddenly the voice of a girl interrupted his thought process as he raised his head and looked at the person that just spoke to him, Avian met with a pair of green eyes as soon as he raised his head, possessing lush and long blonde hair a beautiful girl with a high-class air about her was presented to him, her clothing was also above average compared to everyone else making Avian momentarily wonder why a rich pampered girl like her was in a carriage like this.

Gears started to turn within Avian’s mind before another character butted in who was sitting beside the rich young lady wearing a butler’s outfit that was hidden in a long coat.

-Miss please be quiet and stop bothering the young man.

-But Marco, it is not my fault that his face is making me feel cold how about you tell him to stop making that grim face!

And just like this Marco who seemed to be responsible for this spoiled girl started to attempt calming her down as people started to take note of them as they rode out of the city, it took a whole 2 hours before the butler was finally able to reign in the spoiled girl and she huffed in an unsatisfied manner before going quiet finally giving everyone some rest as the butler Marco deeply apologized to everyone with his head bowed.

Avian at the beginning found these two to be interesting, but quickly lost his interested as soon he figured that they were no one of importance, after a while to pass time he started to practice his [Blood Control] since at this point everything was out of his hand and there was no point in thinking anymore which is why he may as well practice.

Ever since his blessings were revealed Avian didn’t have a lot of opportunities to really practice, being inside the castle the entire day Avian could never truly be too careful about what he was doing, if someone found out about his second blessing he couldn’t even imagine what would happen to him which is why he rarely practiced making his current mastery of his blessing still low to this day.

But now that he had completely left the city he didn’t worry too much about being watched, even if there was a spy among the people inside the carriage watching him, Avian the entire time had been hiding his practicing by shaping a blob of blood within his palm making it impossible to see what he was doing, to an outsiders point of view Avian was simply resting with his eyes closed and his hands crossed unaware that a blob of blood in his hand was constantly transforming from a orb into a square and then into a pyramid repeating the whole processing in varying degrees of success.

Avian had studied his blessing whenever he could, but unfortunately since no textbook ever mentioned this blessing it’s safe to say that either it was a secret blessing not known to the public or Avian was the first person who had ever awakened this blessing.

Regardless of what it was, Avian had no other choice but to discover things for himself, the blessing already gave him basic understand of how the abilities its provided worked, but the information it gave was only basic things he could have figured out after playing around for a few hours by himself, through reading the abilities of other blessings and reading the textbooks written by people who had explored the very depths of their own blessing, Avian knew that there existed secrets that the blessing wouldn’t just reveal to the user, his practice right now wasn’t going to reveal anything quite soon neither did he know what to do to get those secrets which is why Avian decided to just pursue simple short-term and long-term goals as he practiced understanding his [Hemomancer] blessing.

-I should write this down…

While thinking about it Avian realized that he should record his understanding onto something to better cement it, pulling out the dark red blank book Gustave had given him as a farewell gift, Avian decided to use it to write down his understanding of his [Hemomancer] blessing, while this was a bit rude considering the book was given to him by Gustave as a farewell gift and was basically a family heirloom given to him by his grandfather before his death while also have some deep importance to Gustave’s family, to Avian it wasn’t important, he wasn’t a magic user either as the [Hemomancer] blessing fundamentally didn’t use magic to function.

To be extra careful Avian also didn’t write in the language of this world and instead chose to write in another language from his original world which was Greek and not just modern Greek but ancient Greek, the reason he chose Ancient Greek was because it looked similar to the language of this world and foreign enough to the people of his original world that no one would be able to figure out what the writing was saying, and as to how Avian knew how to write in Ancient Greek, it was from his many business ventures all over the world that required him to speak certain languages, Greek was not the only language he knew as to be a successful businessman meant to be able to communicate with anyone in the world to make a deal, though now it was pretty much useless other than to himself.

-Hey! What are you doing?


Avian again was surprised not expecting for someone to suddenly talk to him, but the main reason he was surprised was because he didn’t even sense the person as they spoke near his ear leaned in looking into his book as he wrote, even though Avian’s guard wasn’t entirely up he still should have noticed someone coming and sitting down next to him, especially the person who was talking to him as she was the pampered girl with green eyes from earlier, even though she should have been sitting in front of him in the carriage she now was sitting to his right making Avian instantly apprehensive as he didn’t sense her at all.

-Miss! You did it again! Please come sat back here and stop bothering the young man!

The butler seeming to also only now realize his mistress’s disappearance quickly tried to bring her back, but the girl seemed to be annoyed as she said.

-Marco I am bored, since you can’t stave off my boredom what harm is there for me to talk to others? Didn’t you say I should learn how to talk to common people? I am learning right now so get off my back!

-Oh miss you don’t understand…

And just like a broken record they went at it again, but this time the girl seemed to be far more obstinate then before.

-I don’t care what you think! And you! grim face! I think I should introduce myself since I will be talking to you, my name is Cornelia Me…

Before she could finish a hand suddenly closed her mouth, looking at the hand covered with a white glove and following where it lead Avian watched as the butler Marco shut the girl’s mouth with his hand stopping her from saying anymore, the girl named Cornelia something seemed to be furious as she tried to push away her butlers hand while glaring at him angrily, but Marco didn’t seem to care and merely smiled awkwardly before apologizing again to everyone for being loud and dragged his mistress back to their seat where they quietly continued to quibble.

Everyone inside the carriage merely watched on with silence and without a change of expression, but it was clear by now to everyone that this duo was weird and that they didn’t belong here, most importantly everyone here could smell trouble coming from these two, trouble that no one wanted to get involved in as people started to distance themselves from them creating a space around these two.

Avian was the only one who didn’t do so as he didn’t see a reason to considering that they were all on the same carriage, instead he started to feel that the journey was going to be a long one if he had to constantly deal with this hyperactive rich lady, he could only hope they would get off in the middle of the journey as Avian would basically get off at the end of the road.

But regardless of what he thought he looked outside for a bit as they rode watching the scenery to distract himself before returning back to recording his understanding of his blessing, only to feel a person sitting next to him looking at what he was writing once again.

This time he wasn’t surprised as he knew who it was.

-I still didn’t get your name; don’t you think its rude to not introduce yourself when a fine lady like myself introduced herself first?


Avian wondered for a moment if he should just ignore her, but decided that it would be more trouble than it worth considering her personality which is why he put on a fake smile about to say his name, but at that moment he lagged for a second before continuing after thinking about it.

-Oh, my name is Lukas, its nice to meet you Cornelia

Yes, Lukas, since the Hero Avian never existed in the first place, Avian needed a name so from today on he was Lukas.


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