Skyrim: Nord Wisdom

Chapter 5: Settling In

***I don't own Elder Scrolls series.***

Hi so this is Guywithsense and i am trying my hand at writing a fanfiction, as it will be a good practice for my original. Hope you enjoy it and constructive criticism is encouraged.

"Speech", 'thought'MENU

After laughing his heart out Isran looked towards me "We will make a vampire hunter out of you. I see you already have the crossbow with you, Here take some crossbolts, Start practicing aim at the barrels".

[Obtained Steel CrossBolts]

Dustin took The leather belt containing the bolts and equiped it, and looked at isran,"Now take aim towards the barrel"Isran said folding his arms "What? Now?" Dustin thought they would let him settle in first.

"Yes, you can settle in after that hope you aren't too tired from your journey.", "Well, not really tired",'looks like my stamina does keep me energized, and it should be good training, never say no to the grind' Dustin thought and looked towards Isran with his back straight. "Ha, Good, now take aim towards the barrel in the middle".

I raised my crossbow and loaded it with the bolt, and brought his fingers over the trigger, previously he realised that he shot in a rush and too van-helsing style, that wasn't even taking aim correctly. This time he took proper posture and brought his crossbow to eye level and took aim, he took a deep breath and relesed it with the bolt.

*Skint*  and it it hit exactly to the middle barrel and a screen popped showing:

+Skill: Archery Level up to Level 16 | Level 7 {|||||||||} >> Open MENU to level up | Level Up to gain SP and AP and increase {Vitality} or {Magika} by 10 points, and you can choose a perk from skill tree.

A smile was on his face as he looked at the notification and Level up, 'ah, this feeling of progress, it's too good.', "Well done, your release method was good, but keep your legs apart, and your arms tight but flexible do it again." Isran looked impressed as he instructed him.

"Thank you, I will" voicing his thoughts he did the same thing again with the addition of widder feet and tighter hands while keeping them flexible he took a breath and relesed it with the bolt.

*Skint* It sailed through the air and pierced the middle barrel right above the previous bolt,"ALRIGHT!" Dustin seeing his work exclaimed.+

+Skill: Archery Level up to Level 17 | Level 7 {|||||||||} Open MENU to level up.

Dustin believed another level up for skill was so fast due to isran's instruction and anticipated learning from this guy. He is going to be my whetstone, he looked at isran with sparkling eyes.

"..." Isran looked at him oddly before saying "Good Dustin you have a good mind to catch on so quickly, Now repeat that same at least twenty times." his words gave me a hint that mind ability also helps in this regard, and he got on to repeating it.

A few moments Later,

He had done all in the 10 times and netted a few level ups for the archery skill bringing it to 19, 'Ha, though I am not tired physically, my back still feels a bit sore.' Dustin lowered his arms that was holding the crossbow and slouched a bit, "Hmm, well done Dustin for a civilian that is, just got to train up your tenacity, strength and technique, for now you can rest, take up any room that is free, you are free to explore, be aware of Scaelong and bran they are armored husky dogs, well trained to attack any hostiles, mostly vampires. So keep a friendly disposition towards them and they won't harm you."

"I got it, and thanks for training me, I will become a great asset in no time." Dustin replied as he put the crossbow in his inventory, "I have no doubt about that, just keep up with the training and stay sharp at the battle field.

Find a room and settle down, You will be introduced to other Downguard members, that are present in the fort." Saying till here Isran looked behind me "Celann will show you around and answer your questions".

"Come with me dustin, your quarters will be on the second floor." Celann patted his shoulder and walked towards the stairway in the right side of the hall. Dustin followed behind Celann after looking at isran a bit 'I will converse with him later, it's not like he's going anywhere' now he really needed sometime to sort out on today's happenings, and no place like a warm bed to do that.  "So celann, how many members are here in the fort" dustin asked the guy.

"You have already met with three including me that leaves us with, Tilde is a Nord members of the Dawnguard who can be found scouting the outer walls of Fort Dawnguard, and our two dogs Sceolang and Bran, that's it for now." Decent numbers for a newly established order, though he could understand if the threat is real, message tends to spread faster.

"Is that all the memners? Does this fort even need scouting ?" "The members scout at night too and some are out there on missions, fighting vampires looking for information on there next move." Hearing missions his ears perked up, Dustin asked hurriedly as they completed climbing the stairs and were walking towards a storage room, "Can I take the missons too ?"

Celann looked at me and puts his hands on his chin "You can ask isran for missions he is the one who assigns the missions, but my advice train before leaving for any mission, the outside world have threats more than just vampires and peaceful giants, it is fortunate that you didn't encounter one while travelling. Here we have reached

He showed me the storage room that dustin now realise is going to be his bedroom, the room is on the second floor and is cluttered with boxes, barrels, and sacks. The room has a pillar in the middle, and contains a cot, a table, and a shelf. 

"..." dustin looked at celann who kept a straight face"Yes"  "Will you help in making it more habitable." dustin released a sigh and asked.

"What?" "Well you can't expect me to know where to shift all this stuff right." Dustin tried to convince the guy, "umm sure" Celann looked like he didn't want to but obligated to, 'Kinda obvious bro.' 

+Skill: Speech Level up to Level 17 | Level 7 {|||||||||} Open MENU to level up.

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