Skyrim: Nord Wisdom

Chapter 2 Exploring within

***I don't own Elder Scrolls series.***

Hi so this is Guywithsense and i am trying my hand at writing a fanfiction, as it will be a good practice for my original. Hope you enjoy it and constructive criticism is encouraged.

"Speech", 'thought'MENU

It was the day time and Dustin or Agmaer now that is the name of the guy he was transmigrated to or in or whatever you call it, his memories were all accessable to him that means he knew the boy was as innocent as they came, Agmaer was the name of the young fellow of fifteen, hearing about the vampire attacks in the town near his farm, and about dawnguard being reformed on a fort near riften, Left his comfortable farm life to join them, taking with him 550 gold coins, his pa's axe, a health and magika potion and some food, I couldn't help but shake my head at this now really naive fellow as he knew that surviving in the wild in skyrim without training is shit hard if you are not the dragon born, 'at least his heart was at the right place as drogons, and shit will be coming and nowhere was safe', sitting near the shore, now most would freak out and go into an emo state but mind you he was far from that, 'sigh, why the fuck am I not doing something and just looking at my reflection like a maiden in love'. Getting up he looks around himself now that he has assessed to not being on earth anymore and in the body of Agmaer or now himself he tried to remain vigilant of his surrounding.

He had an inbuilt instinct to do something and he knew from the memories of Agmaer, so he first pinched his cheeks  ‘yeah I feel the pinch alright and my hands are filled with warmth and a pulse that could only be magika, if I focus a bit though I feel something different, something extra, thinking upto this he repeat in mind ‘settings’ but nothing happened, ’Worth a try, I guess’ then he thought of ‘MENU’ to which he felt something appear in front of his vision that looked similar but not exact to like what happens if we click tab for menu the world behind it blurred and time seemed to have stopped as I froze on spot only my mind active with the screen visible, showing this body wearing normal npc clothing, and a four pointed star  ‘Looks like the character menu, but it have stats too like:

NAME: Agmaer/Dustin
CLASS: Farmer
10 10 10 10

'Let's see what each of these mean, first starting with name,'

Name: It shows the assigned name and what the host believes his name should be. 'Huh, simple enough, though I will be using Dustin from now'.

Title: The mass or the world recognize you on an achievement it can be common or unique, adds or subtracts stats or give a unique ability, any number of titles can be equipped. 'WOW, this means title grinding this is good stuff, if I stock titles and equip them they would be beneficial, fortunately this guy was on a right track and going to dawnguard and was almost there, joining dawnguard should net me a good title and they would give me training too.'

Nodding to himself as his next step of plan is decided he continues to look at the new features his menu has.

Race: Their are many species in the world, oblivion and beyond. Nords are native of skyrim and creation of Shor, sporting hardy body and enduarance towards cold environments, some even having racial ability battle cry ' hmm that's new, even i know some of this stuff, though beyond oblivion should be where I came from, the weird khajit did say gates of oblivion or something'. Not something he could deal with right now.

'I am skipping the gender cause that is a given and don't want to waste time even if the world is paused, how is the world paused and I can think you ask, I don't know', he moves to the next one.

Level: This is the representation of your skills and their accumulation of individual levels. Your level ups give you both ability points and stat points.'pretty basic stuff really, the next one is new'.

Class: This is your proffession and this determine how many ap and sp you will recieve per level a farmer receives 2 sp and 1 ap per level. 'hmm, intresting that seems to differ from the game and is an add on, but good thing is agmaer was a cautious fellow and didn't invest too hastily. Though how will I change my profession?' pondering on this question as their was no mention of such thing he could only shrug and note it down for later review.

'The ability points should be for the skill tree and stat points are for the stats that's given i guess.' Let's see what each stat means in the systems view.'

Selecting the STRENGTH it shows: related to how much weight i can lift, endurance and durability , then AGILITY shows: how fast I am and how much dexterity too, then comes what i have been looking forward too MIND it shows: how much stress i can deal with and resist illusion and mind magic 'fuck, i forgot that skyrim have those too got to level this MIND stat first as don't want to become some vampires thall or a magic users bitch.', Then LUCK shows: The ability to get the better out of any situation the host encounter 'wow, this ought to be the second where my stat points go as there is no way to level this up by training', he could see that the strength, agility and mind could be leveled up as all are self explainatory and race is Nord though it’s the mod version of beauty, yeah he kinda like this face too, always wanted to dye my hair blond’, he grinned to which the character remained as a statue, ‘hmm so it’s just a display and not real time mirror’ on concentrating he could make out the menu on the middle at the chest area of the guy ‘or well that’s me now’, it was the same too a four pointed star, pointing up, down, left and right arrow which read [SKILLS], [MAP], [MAGIC] and [ITEMS] respectively, he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding ‘Every cloud has a silver lining, at least I am not without menu, though settings option is a dud or I would be able load and save.’ he smiled about this wishful thought. He was only so calm due to him watching or reading hundreds of transmigration or Isekai anime, manga and novels, it was his go to genre, for escaping boredom. ‘That helped me I think or I would be panicking myself, I know that such an action has never helped those ‘protagonist’, ‘though comparing myself to them feels a little narcissistic’ thinking till here, he chose to explore the menu by thinking of [ITEMS], and it worked the cursor moved and the right arrow shone and I was on a screen which showed me text in vertical:


Dustin thought he knew [ALL] would give him all the things he have on himself so he chose to see individually for now:

[WEAPON]: Iron axe, Iron Dagger /[APPAREL]: Clothes, Fur Armor, Fur Boots, Fur Gauntlet, ,/[Potions]: Minor health potion, Minor Magika Potion/[Ingredient]: Salt Pile(4), Red Mountain Flower(2), Blue Mountain Flower(2)/[Food]: Red Apple, Green Apple, Vegetable Soup, Cabbage(2), Tomato(2)/[BOOK]: Spell tome: Healing, Spell Tome: Flame [Misc]: Rope, Common Soul gem (filled)

'Hmm, I can make do with this' he exited the screen and took out an apple from his items it felt like just willing it to appear from his items. He examined the apple before taking a bite *chomp* 'This taste good I feel good after just taking a bite, maybe because it grew in a place where there is magika everywhere.' Thinking about it he leaned towards the boulder nearby. He took out what he was the most excited for [Spell Tome: Healing] from his intangible pockets that 'every person in skyrim have though mine does not have a carry weight limit looks like the my soul consciousness brought some changes in the resident agmaer's ability and mode it more game like.'

Taking a deep breath and holding the book in front of me I opened it, to recieve a promt, Would you like to learn this spell? yes/no. 'what an obvious question: Yes '.

Willing the yes option the spell book in my hands become blue motes of light and hit me in the head, 'uhh' holding his head he sat down on the ground, 'so that is what it did, it basically gave me the concept of magika control and molding my magika to heal myself. Very Fascinating' now that he knew of such concept he could feel that the something extra become highlighted it was as if it was thrumming in the background but came to light as he got understood the concept. From Agmaer's memory, he asked his father how the tome was made so he knows, the thing with the tomes was that only an Expert can make it with embuing it with both writing instructions and performing his spell on the tome.

Standing up, Holding his arms outward he performed his very first spell in this world, he lifted his palm up and twisted a bit to left and thought of what effect he wants, his magika obeyed his comands enthusiastically into the model of restoration school it was a metaphysical sensation to control it, Healing, he watched as the magika from his hands formed a golden light and covered his whole body, checking for injuries and he felt his head ache lessen he released the spell after 4 seconds, then did it again few times as if to confirm that now he really was not human and was someone who can do magic, 'hey cut me some slack this is the dream of every harry potter fan, to do magic' he could feel himself running out of the magika so he cut off the spell and sat down to recover.

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