Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

50 – Reencounter!


PART 1 – Verdant Valley!


The Kopar Duchy contains the "Green Valley". The region is characterized by a multitude of hills and intricate topography. Groups of mining villages are located in this extremely arid region.

And in these arid lands, without a single green grass, there is a path to the mountains, which hide a true green paradise. The magical energy in this place is so abundant that anyone observing it can perceive alterations in the atmosphere. Because it's so dense, you can see the magic.

Magic infiltrates vegetation, accelerating its growth and strengthening its basic effects. This wealthy city is heavily guarded by the empire.

The Kopar family is primarily responsible for the region's security. The facade is due to mining villages, which are one of the main sources of mineral resources for the empire, such as metal and coal.

1/10 of Vale Verdejante generates twice as much revenue per year as all mining villages. This demonstrates the immense value of these lands and the products they produce.

When Skarla arrived, she couldn't help but be amazed. She comprehended the reason for the region's extreme aridity and realized that a child born here is highly unlikely to possess any magical abilities.

The mountains absorb all the magical power in the surrounding area, leaving only enough so that the soil does not die. But vegetation and animals cannot sustain themselves here.

Skarla, upon entering the valley, just breathing, felt the magical power invading her; her body erupted with many intense sensations, and within moments, she was so relaxed. This environment is magnificent; if she trained here, she would accelerate her growth rate by 5 to 6 times.

She investigated the location using her senses.

[Skarla, Magical Perception (Intelligence & Advantage) – 2D20+14+4 = 27/30(Fail)]

(Note: From now on, when there are tests that require a minimum to be passed, I will add them to the narrative, as long as they are something important, which indicates that there is something more in place.) (Note: The 27/30 means that 27 was the result, and it should reach 30 to be a success.)

(Note: The “Advantage” on the roll is due to Skarla’s Talent “Mana Vision” and “Superior Mana Body.”) (Note: “Advantage” means that 2D20 will be rolled and only the highest result will be accepted; the lowest will be discarded, so I'll just show the larger result.)

Skarla believed that the environment was artificial. Someone did it, but she can't trace the source; it's so perfectly spread out that it's hard for her to feel anything other than that fact.

To understand better, she would need to investigate the mountains more deeply—their top, to be exact—because, logically speaking, part of the mechanism used to attract all the ambient magical power here must come from there.

But, of course, Skarla isn't worried or surprised. She actually didn't expect this; she thought this was a natural source of magical power, which was very common in Murim. Some of the main Murim sects or clans simply built their main base on what they called "Martial Spirit Veins", with the higher-quality ones being known as "Dragon Veins".

The sensation feels similar, but how can she know it's artificial? The source spreads uniformly throughout the valley. The source does not come from below or from the sky; it comes from the sides. The sky contains a type of net that stops it from leaking. Meanwhile, it is received and absorbed by the soil. Because plants are present, the roots in the soil absorb all of the magic, preventing further infiltration.

There are numerous other factors that confirm the artificial nature of the place, but these are some of the primary ones.

And yes, she can create a place like this; she just has to prepare the right materials and, of course, have a decent place to establish a “Collection Matrix”. She gained knowledge from Murim and enhanced it through research, utilizing her contemporary understanding of physics and science.


Skarla, your majesty told me you would come.” - The person who received him was none other than Arthur Cervero.

I didn’t even feel his presence. The environment confuses the senses.” - Skarla said calmly.

[Arthur, Intelligence Test – D20+5 = 7/12(Fail)] (Tips: Knight & Loyalty)

"I know how it is. I trained here for a long time, and when I awakened my Aura, I became stronger. But his teachings helped me much more than training here.” - Arthur said, smiling and guiding him inside.

Who created this place?” - Skarla asked.

From what I know, it was discovered about 150 years ago. Before there was an illusion magic in place, it seemed to have been active for centuries; it weakened, and some villagers got lost and came here in search of more mines. They informed the empire, and we have been here ever since.” - Arthur said.

So you don’t know who created the place?” - Skarla asked.

We have no idea; it was probably royalty who lived in this region. An ancient kingdom once resided here, but we overthrew it centuries ago. The previous emperors believed that the royalty, knowing that they could not take advantage of the resources here, decided to seal the place with illusions so that the Zenirys Empire could not take advantage of the rich resources here.”

Are there any records about this royal family? I am willing to pay for any information about them, anything from their library.” - Said Skarla, having no plans to hide her interest.

Hmmm…” - Arthur scratched his chin thoughtfully.

[Arthur, Memory Test (Intelligence) – D20+5 = 6/15(CRITICAL FAIL)]

Arthur nodded. - "I honestly don't believe I have any knowledge of this. Given that it was a lengthy process and I wasn't even born at that time, I find it challenging to comprehend the details. Only the Archmage can provide you with the information you seek."

Skarla nodded. She decided not to bring up the subject again in order to avoid drawing unnecessary attention.

[Perception – D20+14+5 = 38/30(SUCCESS)]

Skarla toured the facilities. It turns out that here we have a Magic Tower and to manage it, we have none other than Klaus Umber.


Archmage of the Empire. He is over 100 years old, but he does not appear to be more than 30. His eyes are completely red, his face is adorned with light tattoos, and his gaze is deep. Jewels and beautiful designs adorn his clothing.

His appearance is arrogant and extravagant.

Marquise Skarla. It is a great honor to be in her presence. It’s an honor to finally meet you.” - Klaus bowed respectfully.

Do you like lying?” - Skarla inquired, smiling.

"As?" - Klaus looked confused, and so did Arthur.

You have been watching me for a long time, ever since I first set foot in the capital, when I met His Majesty the Emperor at the coronation, when I visited Letiphia, but as soon as I arrived, you ran away. Did you have a problem with me?” - Skarla inquired, smiling slightly.

They have known each other for a long time, but at a distance.

I see I couldn’t escape your heightened senses. I heard a lot about it, but I didn't expect you to be able to ignore my stealth spells.” - Klaus smiled and apologized for appearing impolite.

"It is not a big deal. If it was someone weaker or even more sensitive, they wouldn't notice. Your presence concealment magic is phenomenal, but you are unable to hide the traces of the magic, the smell that eventually escapes the magic's area of effect, the heat of your body, and many other factors. It would be good to add this to your magic in the future; then you would make it a little harder for me to feel you.” - Skarla said, smiling slightly.

I’ll leave it noted. It is truly interesting, and I think we will get along really well. You don’t like hiding some cards; I’m the same.” - Klaus smiled.

Oh. I have a lot of hidden cards; I don't mind showing some because I know that nothing can shake me. I believe you are the same.” - Skarla said, smiling and taking a step forward. The environment distorted, and concentrated magic rippled.

Klaus smiled, undoing the concealment spell and revealing dozens of magic circles flying around, all aimed at Skarla.

A beautiful welcome. Will you welcome me with some fireworks?” - Skarla smiled, looking Klaus in the eyes, who, with an imperturbable smile, snapped her fingers, and the magic circles fell apart.

I apologize for any rudeness, but I am a wizard; I am very fragile, and I need to be careful when faced with an existence of your level.” - When apologizing, Klaus bowed again.

"Everything is fine. I didn’t feel like killing from your side; if I had, the conversation wouldn’t have happened.” - Skarla said calmly.

Oh-ho, an interesting term. I've heard of it, but how exactly do you distinguish this desire to kill?” - Klaus was curious. - “Would it be your intuition?”

"No. Experience. When you are strong enough and reach a high mental stage, you can easily feel people's most extreme emotions. Of course, I can't read minds or emotions, but it's the same as sexual tension. If you see it, you automatically know what is happening between two sexually attracted people. In the case of the desire to kill, I am sensitive enough to understand who has malice against me.” - Skarla said calmly.

For example, there were many times when I really wanted to gouge out Arthur’s eyes.” - Skarla pointed to Arthur, who was surprised.

"What did I do?" - He inquired in astonishment upon hearing his name.

When we met, you sized me up and were always tense, ready to attack me, willing to sacrifice yourself to kill me. Another time was when I met Your Majesty; you were equally tense and ready to draw your sword.” - Skarla and Arthur said they could only remain silent.

Klaus scratched his chin, finding this all very interesting.


Klaus introduced Skarla to the Verdant Valley. Klaus demonstrated the flora on the exterior. What did they plant in higher places or on walls?

Indeed, this region cultivates "Magic Honey," a delicacy renowned throughout the continent, with each liter valued at 100 times its weight in gold. Skarla saw the honeycombs on the mountain walls surrounding the valley.

We also have an underground region so we can grow fungi, moss, mushrooms, and other plants that don’t need the sun to grow.” - Klaus explained, and Skarla nodded, attentively listening.

Your Majesty informed me of the rights you have. But I hope you understand that I can't let you take anything away from here. You can use it here as you wish; perhaps take it in small quantities. You have the right to take as much as you like, but we must remain seated. We can say that this represents 1/3 of the national income." - Klaus said it seriously.

I hope to find what I’m looking for here. Then I will request to borrow an alchemical laboratory and send one unit of each item produced in the valley. I need to do my research to understand the medicinal and magical properties of each material.”

"There's no need; I have a book that records in detail everything we produce here in the Verdant Valley. I will hand it over to you to expedite your research." - Klaus said, smiling.

I will have to refuse. The method I will use, I believe, will be more effective in studying the properties, potential, and possibilities of each material.” - Said Skarla without hesitation.

Oh-ho, really? That interests me. Could I see? If money is the requirement to learn, know that I have plenty of it.” - Klaus said it with shining eyes.

I will have to refuse. Even though charging a lot to see it is tempting, I understand that there will be no way for you to copy what I do. It would be a waste of your time and could lead to great frustration.” - Skarla said calmly, and Klaus just scratched her chin.


PART 2Level 15!


Skarla began working, bringing in many of her tools and alchemy machines. She began to dismantle all of the materials that were given to her, analyzing their properties. She received many laboratory rats to use and see how the properties of the products act on the bodies of living beings.

She was making comparisons with that in her memory. It's surprising how many magical resources and products there are in this world. In Murim, not even 1/10 of that would be found.

Even in places where the energy was so dense, it would not reach that level. She doesn't even want to imagine how long it would take the Murim Martial Artists to conquer this world, if they were to encounter it.

If individuals from Murim choose to conceal themselves in order to gain strength, 10 years. It would be sufficient for them to produce results equivalent to 50 years of cultivation.

What does all this mean? Simple.

Skarla learned the hard way to care for and preserve the natural resources found in Murim as much as possible. Using her modern knowledge, she was able to become Murim's best alchemist.

In this world, natural resources are so abundant. Here, you can have dozens of times more alchemists than in Murim; it allows you to nourish so many, be they those who produce medicines or even those who fight using potions.

In their eyes, they are simple and barbaric. Even though they have many diverse types of tools, they focus on mass production of these products to make more profit. If they want to create something more powerful and incredible, they go after even rarer resources and greater magical density.

In Murim, it was different. Scarcity compelled her to discover the limitless potential of combining the same resource with others. She had to learn to distinguish between the properties and internal elements of these resources, a skill she inherited from her memories of Earth.

Skarla simply raised the level of alchemy in both worlds by several notches. While everyone else relies on what they see and can produce through luck, Skarla refuses to rely on luck, seeing it as the weakness and strength of the weak and incompetent.

Luck itself is a skill. However, trusting her completely only makes you incompetent, and when you're unlucky, you'll only fall apart.

Klaus constantly tried to spy on or ask Skarla if he could help her. To some extent, Skarla exchanged information with Klaus, who did the same.

In the end, Klaus had little to offer. This was not because Skarla believed her knowledge to be superior. Klaus has magic on his side, and through that, he did his alchemy.

Naturally, his view on these matters is superior to Skarla's. But in the end, it is not superior to Sueika's library.

Sueika torments Skarla constantly in her dreams, but when she resists the temptations, she is able to draw upon thousands of years of knowledge gathered from various worlds. These worlds are mostly similar to ours, sharing similar cultures and technological advancements.

Sueika's demanding nature and her pursuit of excellence naturally led her to possess the most comprehensive knowledge of the worlds she helped to conquer. Skarla went to alchemy, and here she can better understand how to use magical powers in alchemical studies.

So Klaus had little interest in him. He didn't seem to notice Skarla's lack of interest in him; he constantly pestered her to learn more about what this woman of legendary strength has to offer.

Klaus saw that Skarla is a difficult woman to interact with and get something from. She is petty and has no interest in selling the knowledge she has. Even though Klaus was willing to give land and several privileges to Skarla, she didn't accept it.

Skarla is not willing to share her knowledge so easily. Once they find out what she has on her mind, the Empire will be thirsty for more. They would believe she has even more exciting plans they need to know about.

The empire would put enormous pressure on her to get such information. If they discovered her cultivation techniques, they would most likely try to kill her if she didn't agree to hand them over.

So yes, she will be petty and avoid the evolution of the world's alchemical sector, as this will harm her a lot.

The first month passed. Skarla diligently examined all the products produced in the Verdant Valley. She was apprehensive about the quality of the products, knowing that she could produce better things than she imagined.

In fact, within just one month of cultivating here, she has gained nearly five years of experience. Due to her techniques, her cultivation speed has already increased by 10 times. In this rich, high-quality environment, her absorption efficiency has multiplied by nearly 5 times, and the quality has also significantly improved.

Because of that, Skarla acquired more than 4,000 EXP, along with what she had accumulated in advance. She was at Level 14, but due to the massacre she caused among criminal factions and rebels, she has now gone to Level 15.

Skarla felt that when she reached Level 15, something in her mind opened. She was shocked.

There are "Pressure Points" and "3 Cores" in Murim.

Spread throughout the body and connected to meridians, pressure points act as both a weakness and a means of storing more energy.

The 3 Cores are [Mind(Brain)], [Vitality(Heart)] and [Balance(Dantian)].

We have already explained the three nuclei and the different ways that Internal Energy affects them. But the important thing is that each of these cores has “Pressure Points” that are exclusive.

If hit with enough force, they can paralyze or even destroy these nuclei, often causing death. However, there exist incredibly uncommon and challenging methods to fortify these "Pressure Points", a process known as "Opening".

Opening the Pressure Point of the Mind (Brain) will lead to powerful psychic abilities, monstrous wisdom, and numerous advantages related to the brain.

Opening the Pressure Point of Vitality (Heart) will result in a qualitative evolution throughout the body, acquiring impressive regenerative capabilities, even more powerful internal organs, a shocking metabolism, and several other advantages.

Opening the Balance Pressure Point (Dantian) will result in the Internal Energy reserves soaring, the effectiveness of the energy will improve several times, the power used will be at a different level, and the speed of cultivation will increase drastically.

Skarla had never learned how to open these pressure points. It is not something that can be achieved through study, but rather something that happens naturally or by chance. She, of course, reached such heights in the past; her epiphany before death probably opened one of those Pressure Points.

Reaching Level 15 may seem arbitrary, but she didn't give it much thought, assuming it would only mean a slight increase in HP and EP, along with an additional Point she could save for later.

Of course, the point is that [Martial Body] will be able to reach Level 4, just like [Body Control] and [Aura] will be able to level up.

With this, her strength will reach a new standard, but her main target is actually alchemy.

But who would have thought that reaching Level 15 was truly a differentiator? She would overcome various constraints on her body, mind, and soul, gaining freedom, and simultaneously unlocking the "Pressure Point of Balance (Dantian)".

This shocked her, as bodies in this world do not have a Dantian. She never expected something like this, but she couldn't miss this opportunity to try something.

She gathered all the power scattered across her body and focused it into the Dantian. With her Pressure Point open, her body was undergoing drastic changes that were difficult to measure.

Skarla took advantage of the opportunity to try to model something. As Pressure Point opened at her insistence, we created the mold and made the necessary adjustments to help it take shape.

Skarla expertly linked this mold to the meridians; the process was surprisingly agonizing, particularly when she had to shift her meridians, altering their routes to establish a junction in the Dantian region.

As the Dantian began to take shape, the correctly pulled and positioned meridians began to assimilate. In the process, those in the circular area of the Dantian broke apart.

Skarla felt a shock throughout her entire being; it could kill her. She permanently lost 200 EP as well as 100 HP. She turned pale and spat out blood, but she persevered, keeping the burst meridians connected to the Dantian.

She refused to let go, constantly forcing new circulation. She saw her HP and EP decreasing drastically; she was losing several points permanently, perhaps even years of internal energy, but she didn't open her skill list to see the results.

It just persevered, continually going on, like a candle; it was running out, slowly getting dimmer and dimmer, but there was still a light burning.

She became tired; everything was cold, and the strength no longer belonged to her body. She was so helpless; even an ant could kill her now.

Repentance? She didn't contemplate these matters; they held no significance. She has already lost her life twice; if she passes away again, it would be a tragedy for all she has left behind. However, she understands that she has left a legacy, so she will not regret her departure. Her only regret would be not being able to witness her daughters' growth and the beautiful children Letiphia and Viper will bring into the world.

Surprisingly, thinking about the most beautiful children in the world made her wake up. Skarla laughed and laid down, her energy flowing and eyes closing.


PART 3 – Reencounter!


Vibrant golden eyes focused on his eyes. Skarla stood before her once again, the deity of incalculable power and beauty that made even her heart stop beating.


And you never cease to amaze me.” - She sighed as she looked to the side, revealing her enormous and muscular beauty, complete with a flaccid cock between her legs, beautiful breasts, and toned muscles.

It's Skarla; looking at her body from that point of view was strange, especially when she was so peaceful. However, the significance lay in the fact that there was an overlap.

They were the body's meridians, pressure points, and cores.

The thorough work you did is truly impressive. Dantian—is that what you call it? When you were forming it, I thought you were trying to kill yourself, but now that it is complete, I understand the importance and advantages of this thing.” - She said it calmly while playing with her fingers and precisely analyzing every piece of information about Skarla's body.

"Again, you are breaking the balance. Your situation reminds me of a masochistic whore, who is increasingly demanding that you destroy and twist her." - She sighed.

"What can I do? I’m too amazing.” - Skarla said, laughing and shrugging her shoulders.

I unfortunately cannot deny that. The manner in which you reached that conclusion, the assurance in all your accomplishments, is truly remarkable. I find myself at a loss for words. You have compelled not just the equilibrium, but also the world and possibly the entire cosmos to embrace a fresh energy source. Because of this, you are compelling the universe to reframe its understanding of ambient magic, treating it not as magic but as something more neutral. Do you realize that you are unleashing a series of powerful waves into the system? Do you realize how much work you are imposing on me?" - She laughed as she observed more than just Skarla or the world.

Despite hearing a plethora of important details, Skarla remained silent and inquired. - “I remember you said something about fetching information about me. Did you discover anything about my reincarnations? Will this end here, or will I have to carry on?"

“…” - There was no response, just a calm look, before she spoke. - “What happens to you is a coincidence, but it is no longer due to someone's interference. I already know what's happening, but I can't share your situation with you. But if you don't reach a certain level, this will continue to happen. Treat it as your luck, or bad luck.”

Skarla frowned; she didn't like that.

"Anyway. Congratulations! You have forged a new path in the universe, an accomplishment unprecedented since the dawn of time. Who achieved it? You’re looking at her.” - The Goddess smiled in delight and snapped her fingers. - "I have already modified your system panel and made numerous other changes. Because of Dantian, you no longer have Aura, but you already knew that; it was what you wanted from the beginning.”

Skarla nodded; she knew that if her Dantian was truly created, her Magic Power and Aura could be greatly reduced.

"What about permanently losing HP and EP?" - Skarla inquired.

The system wasn't sure how to classify this, since you were merging it with the Dantian, something that was beyond the system's capabilities, so it categorized it as something similar that had happened before, a permanent drain. That's why you lost, but don't worry; I've already recalculated, and I'm still recalculating. In fact, I had to pause the current process to rectify this issue due to your actions. Congratulations! You changed the system and forced me to stop the world.” - The Goddess laughed as she clapped her hands. - “I wonder what chaos you will create the next time we see each other, and yes, I already hope to see you again soon.”

With those words, they sent Skarla back.

Hell, more specifically Sueika was shocked to find the world in question frozen. She tried to contact Skarla many times, but higher entities stopped her.

This occurred suddenly and shook several interdimensional existences. The intervention of the divine authorities signifies a significant event in this world, necessitating a reset or purge, and subsequently erasing the harm.

This has happened before, but, of course, only a few times. As a result, interest from other dimensions fell on this world, curious about what forced the divine entities to act.

And another thing: these beings, at their peak, felt changes in the laws of the universe and in the system itself. Ordinary mortals didn't feel it, but those who needed to level up in other ways understood and felt the slightest changes.

And it didn't take a genius to put 1+1 together and understand that what caused all of this came from this world.


PART 4 – The Changes!


Drastic changes occurred in Skarla's body. A new form of energy was emerging, a core of energy that shouldn't be present in the bodies of the inhabitants of this universe—the first Dantian.

We are in the process of creating an energy source that goes beyond Magic, Aura, or Vitality. It encompasses all aspects, yet possesses distinct traits and boundless possibilities.

Its presence caused changes, dividing the body into three extremes. The vigorous energy spread throughout the body, concentrated in the heart and mind, and transferred to the Dantian.

Skarla lost 88 HP points permanently due to the transfer, but gained much more than that.

Firstly, she achieved the milestone of 35,000 days of Internal Energy, which equates to 95 years of Internal Energy. She practically gained five years of internal energy in a few hours.

But this was naturally all the residual energy that she was unable to add to the [8 Trigrams]. Knowing that there was so much energy that she couldn't control made her laugh and realize that she still has a lot of room for improvement.

[Aura] is a fusion of vitality and magic, which she used as Internal Energy. Initially, its properties and capabilities were very different, but these have now changed.


Dantian – Known as the "Lower Core" source of Internal Energy. Energy cultivated through Mantras and the evolution of your entire existence, whether physical, mental, or spiritual, continually opens up opportunities to transcend.

Effect(1): Unlocks the [Internal Energy] stat, which is based on "Wisdom x Level".

Effect(2): Any and all Internal Energy cultivated is stored in the Dantian.

Effect(3): Through "Martial Arts" it is possible to use the power contained in your Dantian more proficiently, making Internal Energy flow with your movements. The more perfect the movements and associated techniques are, the more power and effectiveness will be present.

Effect(4): From now on, your Internal Energy creates a natural protective layer around you, which reduces all damage received by 15% and creates a barrier equivalent to 1/5 of Internal Energy in Extra HP. (1 Internal Energy to recover 2 Extra HP)

Effect(5): From now on, your Internal Energy has "Spread", "Envelop" and "Distribute" properties. Able to spread externally, involving objects, small or large, to redistribute the force exerted or received.

Effect(6): Internal Energy does not have the property of boosting physical capabilities in an artificial way, but it has the ability to make the world more susceptible to its interference, providing an advantage in all physical actions taken, whether in combat or day-to-day..

Effect(7): Items such as weapons and armor can have their main properties improved (as long as you understand).

(Note: The destructive power is not in the Dantian or Internal Energy, but in the Martial Arts. The more powerful and perfect their synergy, the more power can be exerted.)


This skill encompasses a wealth of information and effects. Everything Aura could do was simplified here, but from the Martial Arts perspective. In Murim, Internal Energy is only really powerful because of the Martial Arts, not the other way around.

In this world, it is the levels and attributes that matter. She no longer cares about this; she has transcended the constraints of her skill techniques, which previously limited the damage she could inflict.

Now, that doesn't matter. As long as she uses her powerful Martial Arts, associated with the correct Mantra, the effects can be dozens of times more powerful than before.

Skarla could only laugh at all of this. The question Skarla should ask in this confrontation, if she faced Sueika now, would be: How long would Sueika last?

Everything that restricted Skarla in this world was the fact that she had no freedom in her techniques; now that she does, only the Demigods, who are still mysterious in her eyes, can cause her any real harm.


8 Trigrams (Level 1) – A divine technique that transforms and divides the body, allowing the use of several Cultivation Mantras, having a maximum capacity of up to 8 potential elements to be used. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Mantra(1) – Thunder God(Supreme): A Supreme Mantra of martial arts. Allows the control and use of electrical powers. It has its immense speed and immensely destructive attacks. [Power: 228%]

Mantra(2) – Wind God(Supreme): A Supreme Mantra of martial arts. Allows control and use of wind powers. It has its immense speed and fluidity like the wind, but its unstoppable savagery like a hurricane. [Power: 150%]

Mantra(3) – Flame God(Supreme): A Supreme Mantra of martial arts. Allows control and use of fire powers. It has its immense destructiveness burning like fire. [Power: 193%]

Mantra(4) – Metal God(Supreme): A Supreme Mantra of martial arts. Allows control and use of metal powers. It possesses an immense defense, the ability to absorb attacks, and a sharpness that can cut through mountains. [Power: 146%]


100 Days of Cultivation = 1 Internal Energy.

1 Day of Cultivation = 3 EXP.

10 Accumulated Years = +2 All Attributes. (Current: 9x)


Cultivation Speed: 1200%

Accumulated Cultivation: 35,000 Days (95 Years)


The ability has changed format, but it is still perfect. Skarla really liked the description and the separation. This shows that whoever manages the system finally has a better understanding of its capabilities.

In relation to what “Power” would be and its percentage, it means how efficient the use of these mantras will be. If you use martial arts with the “Thunder God Mantra”, it means that they will have an effectiveness of 228%.

It may seem frighteningly powerful; in this world, it really is powerful and goes far beyond the limits, but in Murim, that wouldn't be a big deal. We are talking about a Martial Arts world where everyone is continually training beyond their limits and understanding the foundations of their Mantras, becoming more connected to them.

A Supreme Master of martial arts should have at least around 400~600%. Because the margin is so large, it is difficult to make a real comparison as there is no numerical data to provide exact information.

There, your strength was determined by your level of experience. It's not like that here, where people can develop extremely tough and durable bodies or have immense physical power simply by leveling up.

Cultivating Internal Energy helps you have a powerful body, but as you can see in [Dantian], your aim is to shape the world around you to make your deeds easier and more efficient.

If Skarla were to assign a specific percentage to her at her peak, it would be at least 900%. After the epiphany, the percentage would have exceeded 1000%.


Martial Body (Level 3) – An ideal body for the practice of Martial Arts associated with the Cultivation of Internal Energy. A body and mind trained to the extreme, elevated to perfection. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Effect(1): The "Unarmed Combat" Proficiency is added to the Attack and Damage modifier.

Effect(2): When "Unarmed Combat" is in use, you can use Strength or Dexterity in the "Attack Modifier" & Add the two in the "Damage Modifier".

Effect(3): Your base "Unarmed Damage" is 3D6+STR+DEX.

Effect(4): When not using Medium & Heavy Armor, add Dexterity and Constitution to AC (Armor Class).


Diamond Body (Level 2) – A body that has been pushed to its extremes, but not by time but by brutal means, its flesh and bones being destroyed and regenerated through meticulous control that makes the gods wonder how this is humanly possible . A body that aims to achieve being indestructible like a diamond. [Leveling Requirement: 40 Constitution & 500 HP & 1 Point]

Effect(1): Shaolin martial arts resonate in this body, which is achieved through extreme effort and an impenetrable mind. +4 STR, DEX, CONS & +2 INT, WIS, CHA. (Exceeds Limit)

Effect(2): The body through constant exertion and damage, has adapted to extreme damage and developed a metabolism and mind capable of resisting many things. +4(modifier) on Resistance(all) tests.

Effect(3): It becomes practically impossible to take down. Advantage against knockdown action.

Effect(4): Your bone and muscle density have reached an unrealistic level. +2 Damage Category in "Unarmed Combat". (3D6 → 1D10+2D6)

Effect(5): Acquire "Indestructible Body" which will nullify Constitution(Modifier)+2% of all physical damage received.

Effect(6): Acquire "Indestructible Mind" which will nullify Wisdom(Modifier)+2% of all magical damage received.


Body Control (Level 2) – A mental state achieved through experience and abnormally heightened senses, having more than perfect control over how your body moves, being able to move every bone and muscle in the body, where with a lot of pain, it is It is possible to change bone and muscle structure, skin pigmentation, eyes, hair and much more. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Effect(1): Advantage in acrobatic tests, pain tolerance, sleep resistance, hunger resistance...

Effect(2): His control is masterful over himself, allowing him to exert himself to the maximum. +4(modifier) in tests to resist diseases, poisons, viruses, stabilize your mind, maintain focus, exert more strength, move organs, etc.


Continuous Flow – The energies that flow through the body run in perfect harmony and similarity, allowing a masterful conversion between Vitality (HP), Mana (MP) and Internal Energy (IE).

Effect(1): The metabolism becomes something phenomenal, everything flowing perfectly and constantly, it will only stop with your death. In exchange for the need for more nutrients to sustain your body, you receive a 400% increase in Stamina recovery, as well as a 200% increase in the recovery of vitality, mana and internal energy.

Effect(2): Stamina expenditure is halved. The body perfectly manages nutrients, limiting the need to defecate and urinate as much as possible.


Conversion: It is possible to convert 1 unit of any energy into 2 units of other energy. The process per unit varies from 5~15 seconds, depending on the individual's mental state.


Internal Energy Dispersal Attack – A basic martial arts technique, the foundation for attack techniques, which aims to use Internal Energy to cause internal damage to targets struck. Even if they are wearing the most powerful armor or shields, their insides will suffer severe damage.

Effect(1): There are no limits to how much energy can be stored in attacks. The more, the greater the damage caused.

Effect(2): The attacks that hit leave traces of internal energy within the individual that accumulates until the breaking point.


Skarla scratched her chin. Some names were altered in the internal description of the skills, such as [Diamond Body], where the effect transitioned from merely physical numbers to a percentage.

If that adds up, does that mean I get 30% damage nullification?” - Skarla scratched her chin, thinking about the amazing sum of reducing almost 1/3 of all damage received.

The concept of [Continuous Flow], acquired during this life, has become even more remarkable when described in detail. 5~15 seconds is a lot, making it inefficient in combat, but after combat, it is a method to recover much faster.

Losing [Aura] naturally has its disadvantages, but also many advantages. - ‘Is there any way I can use Aura? Nothing limits me from not having it.’ - Skarla was curious and thought it would be interesting to give it a try. But if there were to be one, it wouldn't be for the purpose of using it in combat, just to have a source of energy to restore HP, MP, and IE.

(Author: Imagine those who train their entire lives to acquire Aura, discovering that Skarla only plans to use Aura as a replacement for her other stats. The frustration would be enormous.)


Improved Critical – Instinctively you know how to deal more damage.

Effect: 10% Critical Rate. (20 → 19~20)


Blink (Level 1) – Through the use of the "Thunder God Mantra", surround yourself in explosive electricity that will almost instantly teleport you wherever you wish in your field of vision. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Range: 6 Meters.

Cost: 20 Internal Energy


Cloud Steps (Level 1) – An extremely advanced martial art among Footwork techniques. Be as light as clouds and move without being noticed. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Effect(1): Make the body lighter, increases your movement speed by 200% at the cost of 1 Internal Energy per minute.

Effect(2): When in effect, reduces all sounds made by the body by 20%.

Effect(3): When in effect, it reduces body weight by 1/3.

Effect (4): There is no “Disadvantage” if you are running and the individual uses a Perception (hearing) test to detect you.

Effect(5): In case the skill is used not for locomotion, but concealment. Gain "Advantage" on [Stealth] tests. (Against [Perception] other than visual.)

Effect(6): There is no “Disadvantage” or “Penalties” for walking on rough, steep terrain or flat surfaces.


Overcharge (Level 1) – Create chaos and conflict between Vitality (HP), Mana (MP) and Internal Energy (IE), resulting in drastic effects for body strengthening with the support of the "Thunder God Mantra". It can either be performed on the body or passed onto an item. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Effect – Physical Overload: Advantage on Attack and Resistance tests & +5 AC (Armor Class) & +1d10+INT Damage. [Consumes 1d10+5 HP per second.]

Effect – Overload Equipment: Attack Advantage & Deals +200% additional damage. If you survive, you will be paralyzed for 4~8 seconds. (Difficulty: 22, to resist Paralysis)


Dragon Claw (Level 1) – A technique that can be performed with or without weapons. Manifest the 3-clawed paw of an eastern dragon that will destroy everything in its path. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Range: 8 Meters.

Damage: +3D8+WIS

Cost: 20 Internal Energy.


Internal Destructive Impact (Level 1) – An extremely powerful technique in martial arts, but useless for those who know the properties and concept behind Internal Energy, those who are unaware of it are destined to suffer. [Leveling Requirement: 1 Point]

Effect: Charge a powerful blow that will cause external damage, but is a feint that will aim to cause massive internal damage. If successful, it will deal 3 times the standard damage.

Cost: 5 Internal Energy.


Skarla rubbed her chin; the cost had become much more acceptable. It has better details, too.

She thought for a while and soon decided to forget about [Internal Energy Dispersal Attack]. It's a skill that, at this point, has become useless. It is a basic technique that any and all martial artists can use instinctively, without the need for a supporting skill.

She got stronger, but now it's time to see what her status looks like:


As expected, [Aura] disappeared and [Internal Energy] replaced it. All your attributes increased by 2 for reaching 90 years of Internal Energy. Furthermore, feeling everything, she knows that she has almost 160 years of Internal Energy in theory.

But these almost 70 years of Internal Energy are an addition of levels, understanding that it is what forms her Dantian, as it is a skill and talent, meaning that it is something that she “has” and is not “hers”. In other words, she could lose her Dantian, depending on the situation.

And it is obvious that it is an artificial Dantian. Even if it has real functions, it's still something she created and wasn't born with. She will have to put in a lot of work to really make it something eternal, but it doesn't matter.

Her sadness is knowing that her daughters won't have that. Helping them develop a Dantian will be difficult; it would be unnecessary suffering for them since their future children will have a Dantian.

Of course, it's still unknown whether it's hereditary, but instinctively, she knows it is. Her artificial Dantian has already become a fundamental part of her being; losing it will cause absurd damage. It wouldn't be strange to say that she would lose all her strength and become pathetically weak.

So the chances of this being recorded in her genetics and being able to be passed on to her descendants are extremely high. So your children in the future will have this as a natural advantage; they will have even more affinity for practicing martial arts.

I will need to develop a safer method for Gina and Theya.” - Skarla said, scratching her chin.



An Artificial Energy Core, the first in the Universe that this System influences.


[Dantian Creator]

You have the impressive feat of having created a Dantian, something genetic coming from another universe with entirely different laws. (Your reward is being calculated; please wait.)

[Internal Energy Creator]

You shaped all the laws and rules that rule the fundamental energy source throughout this universe, making room for something new: Internal Energy. (Your reward is being calculated; please wait.)

[Limit Fucker]

Limits—you know that word very well. You're so loving with boundaries; you're fucking the damn boundaries! A certain goddess told you to fuck off.


Skarla can only laugh at the achievements; she didn't expect any rewards, but who is she to refuse? And it seems that a certain goddess is not happy with her actions. It's not like she's going to stop, so shrugging, she stands up.

Her body is lighter because of the fluidity with which energy travels through it and how she interacts with the energy of the world. She has reached amazing new heights, and this world is no longer able to hold her back.

A strange sensation welled up; she was uncomfortable and familiar. Grunting, she closed her eyes, sat down, and meditated.

Her mind was pulled.

Skarla opens her eyes and finds herself in the luxurious and familiar room, the huge bed shaped in the shape of a heart. The same bed in which she has done many absurd things.

Skarla, are you okay?” - A calm and worried voice resounded.

Is the great aspect of lust concerned about a mortal?” - Skarla asked, laughing. - “It was just me testing something and managing to overcome more of my limits. But didn’t you say you wouldn’t be watching me?” - Skarla narrowed her eyes.

It's not that... I didn't even know you were hurt, just that the world you live in was interfered with by those above me. They froze the whole world.” - Sueika said calmly, not having her usual seductive and provocative appearance; she is attentive and careful now.

Hmmm… I see. I’ll keep an eye out.” - Said Skarla.

Do you know something? Many eyes are curious in this world right now. Including those annoying pigeons that look like fireflies, radiating light from their asses!” - Sueika growled with pure disdain.

I can’t think of a reason.” - Said Skarla.

Sueika frowned, looking at him carefully, and said. - “You already know that I can detect lies, right?”

Skarla was quiet, but it was a fact. She wanted to minimize her answers as much as possible, but if she tried to escape, Sueika would notice something since Skarla always answers her objectively.

Maybe I know what happened, but it’s irrelevant at the moment.” - Said Skarla.

Sueika narrowed her eyes, then smiled sloppily. - “As you are the cause of this, I have no more worries, but be careful in what you do. Many demigods who have been hidden or asleep will wake up due to the changes. Without realizing that other curious dimensions will emerge. The demonic invasion is likely to end, as the cursed Paradise will interfere and greater divine power will be present in your world, strengthening the churches even more.”

Then I have to be careful around the church, thank you.” - Said Skarla.

That wasn’t the intention, but yes. The stronger the presence of the divine and sacred, the greater the influence that churches receive. If someone with a contract with an Archangel interacts with you, know that our agreement will be noticed.” - Sueika said it seriously.

I understand; I will talk to Letiphia about it. But I hope you give me some confirmation about the situation with the Sins invasion.” - Skarla said it seriously.

Hahaha~ why should I? Skarla, I love you, and you are extremely interesting, but that's it. If you want more from me, you'll have to pay. How about letting me know what you did?” - Sueika wouldn't avoid the opportunity to come out on top.

If next time the information you give me is real and valid, I will pay you back in kind.” - Said Skarla.

Sueika smiled and lay down on the bed. - “What do you think about celebrating whatever you’ve done? I can feel a stronger connection with you; this means you have become even stronger, which is scary considering your level and the strength you already possess. Are you thinking about becoming a demigod before reaching level 20?” - She laughed and let her clothes stick to her skin, loosening and showing her thin, pale body.

Skarla didn't say anything; she just closed her eyes and then disappeared.

Sueika, who was smiling confidently, opened her eyes wide and sat down with some disbelief. - “She… resisted my charm so easily? THIS BITCH DIDN’T EVEN HESITATE!” - Sueika was furious, and the entire luxuriously decorated room was distorted and fragmented.

Some nearby Succubi, upon being caught, found themselves torn apart and begging for mercy, as Sueika's anger and frustration were enough to shake her entire territory and be felt by the other Deadly Sins.

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