Sins Loom: The Unwilling Weaver

Chapter 4

-t? Where is the count...down? Where am I? Looking around, Ed found himself in a wide-open meadow, stretching out across the horizon in every direction. Beneath his feet he saw a colourful batch of flowers, and he felt the warm glow of the sun on his skin. A meadow? If this is the meadow behind her grandparents' house, I should be able to see signs of civilization, but there’s nothing for as far as I can see. At least that means that I should have a while before whatever it is that’s coming to kill me shows up.

Looking around the meadow, there was nothing that stood out, as it looked the same in all directions. The document said that the meadow was to the south of the grandparents' house, I should wait here for a little while to see which way the sun is heading to determine the directions. Sitting down, Ed watched the sky waiting to notice in which way the sun was moving. The only question is whether I should go north to make it to civilization, or south to avoid whatever it is that is coming for me? Going south is far safer of an option, but it will leave me alone and without any help. North is riskier, but if I get a car, I should be able to outrun the threat... I should risk it. Making note of which way was north, Ed started to walk across the meadow. If I analyse both documents I’ve seen so far, it’s clear that Buddie is giving me a chance to succeed. In the first one it was the fact that Larry was going to arrive, so I had someone who could help me. But I failed to grab the opportunity because my body was too weak, If I could’ve lasted longer, maybe I wouldn’t have had to die. In Sally’s file it was unnecessary to tell me the location of the meadow relative to her grandparents' house, as it wouldn’t have an effect on how I would have punished her. Did Buddie give me anymore information?

Walking north, Ed continued to look for any changes on the horizon. He stopped as a slow thudding shook the earth. Wait, she is a young child, she wouldn’t be allowed to stay in the meadow for too long. The thudding grew closer, as the ground beneath him began to shake. I should’ve gone south. He sprinted south as fast as his legs could carry him.

The rumbling grew thunderous as the ground beneath him was upheaved. Not paying any mind to what was behind him, Ed ran for his life. What on Earth is happening? How big is that thing? His legs were shaking beneath him, threatening to throw him to the ground at any moment. Forcing his way forward, he noticed that the flowers beneath him were growing larger. This could be a chance! Urging himself on, he continued to run until the densely packed flowers grew above him, blocking the sun from view. Catching his breath under the stem of a daffodil, his mind raced for solutions. I can’t stay here for too long, I need to keep moving. These flowers can hide me from view, hopefully for long enough that I can make my escape.

Having caught his breath, Ed darted to the right, changing the direction that he was moving in. Slowly the thunderous thuds started to quiet down. As long as I stay hidden, I should be able to wait until she goes back inside. Hopefully it won’t be too long. Zig zagging between the stems, he continued to make his way further south. With the sounds far off in the distance, Ed took a moment to rest. Resting his back on the stem of a flower, he began to analyse his options. Based off of what happened before, I can assume that I am taking the role of the butterfly, which means that whatever is making that sound is most likely a giant human. But as long as she doesn’t see me, I should be able to keep myself safe. With the sounds getting louder, Ed continued to run.

Darting between flowers, he tried to get away from the sound, but it grew louder and louder. Maybe I should try and circle around it. Adjusting his direction, he turned around and ran back. Creating a wide arc, he started to hear the sound coming from one side, before it quickly became quieter. Great. She shouldn’t come back this way for some time, so I should be safe for a while. Catching his breath, Ed looked around. If I head west, I might be able to avoid her completely. The problem is I don’t know which direction that is anymore. Looking at the flower above him, he got an idea. Gripping onto the stem, he started to climb up. Watching as it stayed stable underneath his weight, he made steady progress until he was able to climb onto the flower. Staring up at the sun, which had already passed noon, he decided on which direction to take. Feeling the comfort of the flower beneath him, Ed felt like sinking into its embrace. Unable to extricate himself from this feeling, he slowly sank into it, unaware of the rumbling sound getting closer.

This feels so nice. A shadow covered the field of flowers around him. Finally breaking free from the flowers influence, he looked up in fear to see a giant hand stretching down to him. Trying to climb down from the flower, he found himself stuck as the hand grabbed him. He flailed around as he was pulled high into the air. Looking down, he saw the ground shrink beneath him, as the flowers grew more and more distant. Realising that he stopped moving, he looked back to see a giant pair of eyes staring back at him. Being trapped in one hand, he watched on in fear as her other hand rose up and grabbed onto one of his arms. Staring at the smile on her face, he screamed with great pain as the bones in his arm shattered, and his shoulder was ripped out of its socket. With a dreadful wail, his other arm soon followed, as did his consciousness. Watching as his head slumped down, the girl paid it no mind, as she continued by tearing off both legs. Leaving him with four bloody stumps. Smiling joyfully, she put him in her pocket as she made her way back home.

Off in the distance, the meadow started to break apart. Slowly falling into the abyss, it continued to shrink into a small circle surrounding the girl, until she too shattered like broken glass and disappeared.

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