Singer Sailor Merchant Mage – Litrpg Progression – from the very beginning

Chapter 203: Spilling Secrets


“Do not tell secrets to those whose faith and silence you have not already tested.”

Elizabeth I

In for a penny in for a pound, if I was coming clean, I might as well come completely clean. They had supported me this far. Why not the whole distance? So far, I had covered my meeting with Fortuna and the fact that I remembered a life in a different world without magic. Next up were my Tier 5 skills. While my internal monologue distracted me from the current moment, life moved on with or without my attention.

“Remember, he could talk for months before he let us know. On top of that, he had unlocked his system early. He also gained traits and stats high enough to unbalance himself, only confessing when he messed it all up. It’s Kai, he’s bound to have kept something back.” Aleera was pointing out, arguing. It seemed I had a reputation.

“Well, there are a couple of skills,” I confirmed what I had already said.

“See, I told you so.” She indignantly crowed.

“When I let you know about my skills, I only told you about my tier 1,2,3 and 4 skills.” Thinking at the time that anything higher was even more outrageous. “I actually have some tier 5 skills.”

“Ta-dah!” Aleera gestured hysterically. “Even if he isn’t a genius scholar, a savant merchant, or a musical prodigy, due to his otherworldly knowledge, he still has kingly skills.” She said, referencing the common, knight, lord, duke, and king reference system for skills. “What’s next, a godly one?”

What could I say? It was a habit, not to mention everything, and I had only just received the soul stuff. I still knew next to nothing about it.

“I’m almost disappointed in your martial skills,” Arawn added sardonically. “It feels like you haven’t truly applied yourself.”

“Well, I never picked up a dagger or sword till I arrived here.” I justified my initial inexperience with the more lethal skills. “It wasn’t a violent world, or rather where I lived wasn’t. You did not need to be particularly proficient in violence.” I defended my slow, in comparison, but still explosive growth.

“So, skills.” Arawn prodded. “How about you start at the top again.”

I paused before answering, “It might be better if I just listed my status, starting at the top.” I spoke. Realising that this would also only raise more questions. But not quite sure how close their guesses were to the actual truth of the matter.

Level: 49
Title: Lord
Métier: Singer Lv 11
Métier: Sailor Lv 12
Métier: Merchant Lv 8
Métier: Mage Lv 1
Name: Callen Kai Caelus Kasai Silversea

“ . . . “

“ . . . “

“ . . . “

It seemed I had finally struck them dumb. They sat in silence, digesting the first seven lines of my status. There was a lot to unpack there, even though they knew to expect the unexpected by now.

“ . . . “ Aleera opened her mouth, but nothing came out. I couldn’t help but grin at her goldfish impression.

“Why do you have four names?” Mother asked. More than anyone else, she seemed concerned about how this affected me and who I would be.

“At least Sailor is the highest.” Joked Father, trying to lighten the moment. He even nodded appreciatively of my progress in what was his starting metier.

“How do you have four métiers?” Arawn asked. Instantly seeing the military applications of multiple professions and the benefits it would have to level quicker than anyone else.

Before Aleera was finally able to complain, “Really, Level 49! That’s ridiculous. You shouldn’t even be able to assign your stats yet!” Her small triumph in learning that I was actually her older brother was undermined by the impossibility of her catching up anytime soon. Perhaps she would calm down again when she realised how many extra years I had on her.

“To answer Mother and Arawn with a single answer, a skill called multiple minds,” I answered. “It seems to allow me multiple personalities that the system is happy to reward with separate a métier.” I tried to explain.

“Those are the extra names?” Mother asked. “Just other ways to refer to yourself.”

“Yes,” I answered simply.

“How is that fair?” Aleera asked.

“Well, it is a Tier 5 skill,” I answered. “Would you like me to continue?”

“I’m not sure I do,” Aleera answered, almost sulking, but was overruled by my parents nodding supportively and Arawn looking positively gleeful to finally see into my skull what I was truly capable of.

Age: 6 years 12 months 3 days
General Experience: 123,456 /3,276,800

Health: 1630/1630 Stamina: 1630/1630 Mana: 1930/1930 Psi: 1630/1630

“Psi isn’t even a recognised resource.” Aleera pointed out acting far more put out than I suspected she actually was.

“Psi?” Father asked, confused.

“Psi as in Psionic?” Mother questioned, a little better educated.

“It’s an assassin’s tool. Undetectable by mana wielders. It can bypass a lot of magical defences. You’ve been holding out on me, Kai.” Arawn was quick to see the violent applications of an extra resource. “You’ve been fighting like a man with a blindfold on. It’s time to take it off and see what you can do with your eyes open.” He sounded positively gleeful.

It was true that I had never truly capitalised on what Psi might be capable of. Partly from the lack of a proper instructor, partly from fear of how I would be perceived and the slippery slope the power seemed to offer. I had already been outrageous enough, I had felt.

Trait: Long-Lived, Fast Learner, Super Senses, Source of Mana, Quick Witted, Celerity, Durability, Supreme Strength, Charming, Lucky

Vitality: 163
Endurance: 163
Strength: 163
Dexterity: 163
Senses: 163
Mind: 163
Clarity: 163
Magic: 193
Charisma: 163
Luck: 163

Free Points: 10

“Well, at least those haven’t changed.” Aleera interrupted.

“Hush now, Aleera.” Mother chided.

“Yes, want to see how his skills stack up,” Father added.

“Come on Kai.” Arawn added. “Stop drawing it out.”

Skills Tier 1:

Dance (Lv100) Sailing (Lv87) Singing (Lv83) Trading (Lv82) Meditation (Lv82) Time Sense (Lv82) Balance (Lv60) Fishing (Lv58) Sneak (Lv57) Acting (Lv56) Drumming (Lv55) Whistling (Lv50) Farming (Lv50) Knots (Lv55) Draw (Lv52) Listening (Lv50) Stitching (Lv50) Humming (Lv50) Insight (Lv50) Glide (Lv45) Poise (Lv43) Grace (Lv43) Charm (Lv42) Composure (Lv41)Ambidextrous (Lv36) Silent Step (Lv32) Inspect (Lv31)Sketching (Lv27) Drafting (Lv26) Lie (Lv26) Deft touch (Lv24) Posture (Lv22) Riding (Lv20) Cook (Lv20) Etiquette (Lv20) Appeal (Lv20) Sight (Lv20) Scent (Lv20) Detect (Lv20) Taste (Lv20) Measurement (Lv19) Blacksmithing (Lv10) Carpentry (Lv10) Mining (Lv10) Teaching (Lv10) Underwater breathing (Lv1)

. . .

“How come Dancing is the highest?” Father complained, seemingly having forgotten my explanation that it had been power levelled by dancing with a god.

“You’re just miffed that his Sailing skill isn’t his highest.” Commented mother.

“Does Lady Acacia know you updated skill list and levels?” Arawn asked.

“She doesn’t keep asking for updated skills levels.” Aleera answered for the pair of us.

. . .

Tier 2:

Quick reflexes (Lv72) Sense Mana (Lv68) Eavesdrop (Lv63) Spellcraft (Lv59) Spellsong (Lv55) Order (Lv49) Linguistics (Lv40) Memorisation (Lv40) Recall (Lv40) Composition (Lv40) Pain Tolerance (Lv38) Stealth (Lv39) Mind Sense (Lv35) Knife Arts (Lv29) Misdirection (Lv26) Haggling (Lv25) Observe (Lv26) Martial Arts (Lv25) Transplant (LV20) Cruising (Lv21) Dart (Lv25) Heal (Lv16) Poison Tolerance (Lv11) Treasure Sense (Lv17) Intimidation (Lv12)

. . .

“Congratulations on your Spellcraft and Spellsong.” Mother commented.

“Is mind sense your only Psi skill?” Arawn asked.

“We’ll get there,” I answered, committed to continuing with the skill run down.

. . .

Tier 3:

Echolocation(Lv65) Expel Mana (Lv64) Mana Manipulation (Lv63) Gale (LV63) Absorb Mana (Lv42) Boil (Lv50) Ignite (Lv40) Melt (Lv40) Command (Lv40) Deception (Lv26) Bargain (Lv23)Freeze (LV20) Racing (Lv17) Analyse (Lv15) Flash Step (Lv15)Seismic Sense (Lv11) Danger Sense (Lv10) Smuggling (LV5) Telepathy (Lv5)

. . .

“Ah, there is another Psi skill, Telepathy,” Arawn added. “How does that work?”

“Like this,” I spoke into all their minds at the same time.

“ . . . “

“ . . . “

“ . . . “

Talking with a goddess had its benefits, and whenever she spoke to me, it had been from within my mind, soul etc. My Telepathy had improved, but without the skill themselves, I could not yet listen to all of them at the same time.

“But I find it hard to listen to all of you at the same time.” I tried to reassure their rambling thoughts.

“ . . . “

“ . . . “

“ . . . “

Nothing was said aloud, but in their minds, when I focused on each one individually, I could hear them calling out my name, ‘Kai,’ and a variation of ‘Can you hear me?’

“Well, that skill will come in useful.” Arawn shrugged the pragmatist ever. “Keep going.”

“Are we not going to talk over the fact that he can talk to us in our minds and possibly hear our thoughts?” Asked Aleera. “How is any of this remotely fair?”

“The world isn’t fair. There are individuals who could destroy not only every individual on the island but the town itself and possibly even the island, given the right circumstances and the interest and determination to do so. At least this way, our family will have an advantage they do not.” Arawn pointed out the inequalities of a system that could empower all to an enormous extent, although not always equally.

“It’s not a high-level skill.” I pointed out. “I haven’t used it a lot.” Trying to reassure them.

“But you should, Kai.” Mother agreed with Arawn. “It’s a Lordly skill and an easily hidden one at that. The other houses will have their own secret strengths. We need to live up to our own.” She reassured and advised in equal measure.

. . .

Tier 4:

Block Status (Lv100) Iron Man (Lv66) Parallel Processing (Lv40) Material Manipulation (Lv33) Stone shaping (Lv33) Mana Drain (Lv30) Flight (Lv20) Sonar (Lv19) Seafaring (Lv11) Air stepping (Lv7) Contract (Lv5)

. . .

“Another 100 level skill?” Aleera asked.

“You try blocking the inspections skills of the gods and see if you don’t end up levelling it.” I replied.

“Iron Man?” questioned Arawn.

“It’s my consolidation skill of some of my physical skills,” I explained how I had synergised eight physical skills to build it.

“And Air Stepping?” he continued to dissect my skill list.

“A Psi skill. It doesn’t take mana for me to use, unlike flight,” I answered. “It also allows me to easily ascend into the air as well as land a lot easier”

“Right, moving on. What’s next?”

. . .

Tier 5:

Mind fortress (Lv25) Multiple minds (Lv4) Omniglot (Lv25) Weapon Prodigy (Lv23) Music Prodigy (Lv31) Polymath (Lv10) Enigma (Lv1)

. . .

“So Mind Fortress sounds Psi related again, a defensive skill?” Arawn asked.

“I suppose so, but I only ever used it to retreat into my mind and practice my skills or pass away the time when trapped by a body that wouldn’t do what I remember it could do,” I answered. “The other thing that it did was prevent me from seeing outside of my brain as it kept everything that I could do contained.”

“Skills sometimes have downsides. It’s always worth talking through their applications or at least thinking through all their applications.” Arawn answered my subtle self-criticism.

“Multiple Minds?” Asked Mother.

“They are me, just each with a different focus in life. Kai the Singer, Callen the Sailor, Caelus the Merchant and Kasai the Mage. Or at least that is how the system seems to see me or rather us.” I tried to explain.

“Take care not to lose yourself inside.” She gave me a hug pulling me tight. “Remember who you are and who your family are.”

“The skill doesn’t last for too long, and they just fade back into me when the skill finishes.” I attempted to reassure her.

“Sounds like another mental Psi skill. Creating mental clones to carry out your will.” Arawn started, then had a moment of epiphany. “You’ve used this when fighting me, haven’t you.” He demanded the truth.

“Well, only to try and get an edge.” I made excuses.

“Well done, it worked at least once or twice, and explains how you were able to cut me despite your martial skill levels being so much lower than my own.” He continued unoffended by my skill use to cheat a win against him.

“Omniglot, Weapon Prodigy, Music Prodigy and Polymath?” Aleera asked.

“Skill consolidations.” I shrugged.

“Skill consolidations? That means they represent 16 . . . 32 . . . 48 . . . 64 separate skills?”

“Well, my language, musical, martial and academic skills are obviously missing from my skill lists,” I answered.

“Did you get any benefits from consolidating them?” Father asked, intrigued, quietly stepping around the fact that I had actually been able to.

“Or any constraints?” Arawn added.

“They are harder to level now that they are tier 5 skills as opposed to lower tier skills, but I believe I’ve got something extra for each one. They are greater than the sum of their parts. Polymath blends well with all my other memory or learning and teaching skills. Lady Acaica’s lessons used to feel more challenging but seem so much simpler nowadays, or rather since I gained the skill.”

“I’m going to tell her that.” Aleera dobbed me in. Or rather, she would if I couldn’t convince her otherwise.

“Aleeeeeera,” I whined. Although my portrayal of a petulant child was a little less accepted by my family now that they knew just how much I remembered and how many lives I’d lived.

“Cut it out, Kai.” Father reproved.

“What? It isn’t as if you need another advantage.” And I bowed my head in silent acceptance that I wouldn’t be able to argue my way out of that point.

“If Aleera didn’t, I would tell her that you’re finding her lessons a little too easy,” Arawn added his feather to the scale. “Weapon Prodigy, Music Prodigy?”

“Same, really. Harder to level up, but I can pick up any instrument now and apply all my other skills to it, even if I’ve never played it before. The same goes for any weapon.” I grinned. They hadn’t noticed as he had trained me on all the different weapons skills and all the weapons we had long before I got the trait. However, with the influx of weapons from the mercenary merchant’s vessel, I had been able to test the theory on some of the more eclectic weapons we had never held on the island before. “As for Omniglot, I believe it will be the same. Should I come across another language, I know not. I hope that I will be able to decipher it quickly.”

“Well, that is certainly a lot to think about.” Mother called the meeting to an end. “Why don’t we sleep on it for tonight.”

All that talking had taken us late into the night.

It was time to go to sleep.

“Was that everything?” Aleera whispered as we left to head to bed.

“More or less,” I whispered back in response.

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