Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 7: The Chosen Class

{Town of Lakaf}

After conducting a full investigation, Margolin has determined what happened with Silver’s new people. She has found out that they were betrayed by someone within the group. They actively told King Al Bastion where to find the people with the money. They even gave up their names. They Believe the culprit was Renee herself. Margolin plans to look more into that.

Additionally, Margolin has not only called her guardian named Kilo to help with enemy guardians. She brought a Guardian named Fragment, her people also came along.

There were several enemy guardians, and they all wanted one thing, to find a girl named Silver Coin. She has given millions of gold to random people and they have gotten hurt because of it.

Knowing they will be followed if they went to find Silver, Ala and Margolin decided to take Silver‘s pursuers to a secluded part of the forest.

The plan was to tell them she’ll come to them instead. Margolin already had an idea of how to get out of this situation, but she wanted to do this her way.


{Silver’s forest}

When Silver woke up in her Forest, she was well-rested. More so than ever. She fell asleep and leveled up throughout her rest. Both she and Hanna leveled up to 40 now. She saw that the increase in her abilities was OP. Of course, she knew that the person she used it on was Hanna. All she had to do was watch — easy experience in Silvers book. Silver looked down at Hanna. The girl was still sleeping, she was snoring loudly, but it was adorable. Silver understood Hanna's worries. Hanna was born a guy, but for all she knew, this was her life now.

Someone approached Silver at a slow pace as if they were just strolling around.

"There you are, Ala," Silver said as she recognized who it was. Ala stopped at her mistress’s words and looked at the strange body sleeping on the ground, covered by a thin blanket but clearly nude. Ala's face was dull as ever...

"I see you had your fun, Ms. Coin," Ala said. "We need to talk, follow me."

‘I have a feeling this is not going to be a fun conversation. Usually, never is with Ala.’ Silver thought.

She followed the woman out of the camp. As they walked past the trees, going down the hill. Silver had a feeling that Ala didn’t want to be seen by anyone. She wasn’t sure why. Ala was always like this, unpredictable, Silver just accepted it. Walking behind Ala, Silver could tell that Ala wanted to say something to her. She remained patient.

Ala, for the most part, already knew everything that happened up to this point. She knew about Silver’s [Girl] class and why she slept with Hanna. And she even knew Silver changed Lewis’s name to Hanna. [Creeper] class [Link] skill is very powerful. Ala knew everything there was to know about Silver. Although Ala didn’t know much about Silver’s recently acquired upgrades and the rank-up she had received.

Silver decided to go ahead and pick a class as they were walking. At level 40 a character was usually able to select from two or three classes for the first rank-up.

There are three tiers of ranks. Ranks get more challenging as you rank-up. For example, Ala started as a [Stalker], then she ranked up to a [Creeper]. She was a level 42 creeper, which took a long time. She barely leveled up anymore, mainly because she had been watching Silver this whole time. Although watching someone can also help to level Ala up in her [Creeper] class. [Reaper] class. And after [Reaper], it'll be one more rank, which is the [Death] class. Of course, you can still choose other types between those rank-ups.

'Maybe I can help her level up to level 50. She could finally get her [Reaper] class.' Silver thought to herself. 'I have a feeling that the [Death] class is what Ala is aiming for anyway. Who knows.'

Ala's master was the only person Silver knew who had the [Death] class. Her name was Sandra, the wife of Silver’s father. Sandra was also Silver’s master and Margolin’s mother.

Silver thought about her father and stepmother all the time... How they died... But now was not the time for that sadness!

'I need to focus! I must choose wisely with what’s in front of me... I have no idea what my third rank is after all.'

Both Silver and Ala didn’t know that much about the [Girl] class. Silver decided to look at her options while walking down this forested hill.

* * * * *

Class: [Girlfriend] Role: DPS/Healer

This class is a single target Healer, but the healing you perform is very strong. On top of healing, you gain serious girl power to affect your enemies with. Partners limited to one.

Class: [Temptress] Role: DPS

Destroy, dominate, And control anyone and everyone that gets in your way. You have charm abilities, abilities to bend people to your will, abilities to break up couples, control someone’s arousal giving you the ability to pleasure or take the pleasure away. No matter what anyone else says, you are in control. They will feel scornful as you dominate with your woman's fury.

Class: [Sweetheart] Role: Healer

No matter where you go, you bring the best out of people. You boost them when they fight for you. They'll take good care of you and you take good care of them in return. You are giving them Sexual Healing, Affectionate Healing.

Temptress and Girlfriend have damaging abilities but the Temptress focuses on destruction and chaos, whereas the Girlfriend is a combination of both of the other rank-ups. The class does have charm but is only usable on allies.

Sweetheart is a pure Healer. She doesn't have a charm but the aura around her makes people fight for her. And her healing it's not a burst heal like the Girlfriend abilities. The healing passively heals and gives protection and other support abilities.

All [Girl] class abilities, morph depending on the rank. All ranks still help others level up and have charm.

* * * * *

‘This is so cool.’Silver thought.

During the examination of her new stats, she saw that the forest and large area that she was in, was owned by her. Renee was the one who bought the land. However, being the leader of Renee's flag, it qualified as Silver's domain. Renee literally called Silver’s current location - {Silver's Forest}.  Renee wasn't really big on naming. 

‘Why didn’t she tell me she was going to buy a freaking continent?! Whatever! I will ask Renee about this matter later. That woman is likely still shopping… Honestly, I’m not truly angry, we did get a lot of money. Maybe this is her way of wanting to settle down. Make a home - not travel so much.’ Silver thought. ‘Anyway, back to my classes - I need to prepare for future fights!’

Silver could ask Ala what class to pick. However, that will defeat the purpose of a surprise attack.

‘Hmm... What to pick?’

Ala was not the kind of person who wants to be seen by anyone else. This means Silver must not rely on her and fight alone.

Also, fighting alongside a high level (like Ala) won’t give much experience with a low level anyway. Then again, with the [Girl] abilities, it doesn't matter too much. It has a built-in experience gain.

Silver only really has two tanks when Ala's not around. Silver doesn't have to worry about the experience for Cliff - the brown guy. She'll make sure he’ll level up soon enough.

Silver decided to go with the [Temptress]. When Ala is not around, the group doesn’t have any damage. Hopefully, choosing this class would help out.

* * * * *

You ranked up! Six {Girl} abilities have morphed.

[Cheerleader] -> [Presence] / [You go girl] -> [Manifestation] / [Partner] -> [Sickening Perfume] / [Cuddle] -> [Repel] / [Flirt] -> [Widow's Kiss]

You gain a new skill!! [Banish] Silver Coin

[Temptress] LVL 1 Tier 1 Role: DPS

Abilities: [Presence]

Passive: Friend or foe, they will feel you. When an ally is near you, you make them feel good about themselves, evoking self-confidence. As well as increasing their EXP gain by 80%. Enemies take constant damage, and they’ll have a difficult time breathing when they get within your range. Everyone else who is not in combat with you just feels uneasy or aroused by your strong, sexual Presence.


Active: Show the true nature of your target’s soul. Additionally, you can pull a blob of energy out of their body and control it. For example, if the target feels lust, the pink blob creature you pulled from your target can be told to attack, or self-destruct on your designated target. If you make the blob explode, the nature of what the enemy’s soul is will affect what effect the blob has. If the target’s soul shows lust, the blob is turned into lustful energy. When this energy explodes, the target will become aroused and becomes lustful, taking damage in the process as well.

[Sickening Perfume]

Active: Produce pinkish smoke to intoxicate your target. Lowers defenses, and possibly charms them. It poisons them if they're unwilling.


Active: Create a gust of lust-infused winds to push people away. The user can choose if this is done physically, mentally, even spiritually.

[Widow's Kiss]

Active: The more they kiss you, the more they can't get enough of your taste. You are charming to them, intoxicating. You gain the ability to send air kisses to your target.


Active: You can place a target into a portal, the object or person will be lock there.

* * * * *

‘Wow, that's a lot to take in. I didn't even know I had Flirt. I guess it happened while I was sleeping. And only I have one skill that can give me experience for now. I think that is because this is focused more on the damage.’

Hanna and Cliff were still back at the camp. Silver had no idea where Ala was taking her. Silver had decided that she wanted to test her new skills on Ala. Ala was the one who taught her how to fight. And she told Silver to always prepare to fight. Silver did not want to waste any time. She had an exact plan on how she would beat Ala. Her opponent was at a higher level than she was.


Long ago, they fought in the last war together, they made such a great team. Ala was the [Creeper], and Russ was the [Groper]. Both of them took on a small army, utilizing their own special skills. There was no proof that it was them as they didn’t leave any evidence. In this single army, panties and bras went missing from the female soldiers. They were groped in the night as well, causing there to be a strong distrust by the female soldiers of the rest of the army. They weren’t happy. They didn’t want to fight alongside others who would violate them like that. They refused to bear arms. Not just the female soldiers were affected. The men’s dicks began to hurt all of a sudden, rendering them unable to control themselves properly. Unable to focus. All of this happened without proof of who was the cause of this. The higher-ups knew how big these issues were.

They issued a truce, at least till this issue was dealt with. The kingdoms continued to investigate. Eventually, someone came forward with key knowledge. The person who did, was Russ’s mother, telling the councils what his son was capable of. The truce persisted and the kingdoms agreed upon continuing this truce and eventually, ending the war by stripping Russ from his powers. His mother informed the kingdoms of Ala’s powers as well. There were plans for them to take away her powers as well but she was too slippery. They would need to catch Ala first.


That was the past. Right now, Silver wanted to focus on beating Ala! Prove to herself she could still fight with her!

Silver decided to start with [Repel], she broke the link between Ala and herself as they were walking. Ala was also no longer inside of Silver. That way, Ala wouldn’t be able to sense what she was planning on doing to her.

Ala was very aware that Silver was going to try something. (Yes, she was always a smart cookie.) Ala jumped into a tree with her [Apparition] skill, which allowed her to ghost through objects. Whilst still in the tree, she floated upward. Once she reached the top, she popped out and threw a set of knives, target at Silver from above.

Silver quickly hid behind a tree of her own to dodge, having noticed the knives heading towards her. She was quick. Ala jumped onto a different tree to get closer. Silver knew that the [Repel] skill was the only thing Silver had that could hit Ala while she was ghosting around. However, Silver laid down some traps for Ala which would be effective when Ala would come out of her ghost form. Silver placed down a trap of [Sickening Perfume] to release a strong odor on the ground for when Ala came out.

Ala also had traps; the knives she threw had a source of her power in them. While Silver waited for Ala to come out, the knives swarmed Silver. Silver used [Manifestation] on herself to sprout out wings and she took flight — Silver used [Repel] to push Ala out of the trees, using it in a form of a strong wind. The strength knocked her right into another tree. Ala fell to the ground and began to cough up blood. The swarming knives fell to the ground. With a strong gaze, Ala looked at Silver.

"Ha! I got you!" Silver yelled out, grinning.

"Bitch, you thought wrong!" Ala retorted behind Silver, Silver who was still airborne.

Silver didn’t realize there were now two parts, the percentage who was inside of Silver and the one that she was following.

Ala used [Mind Break] on Silver, giving her a throbbing headache and causing Silver to fall down as she lost control of her wings. Ala flew towards Silver quickly. Silver reacted, using her [Widow's Kiss]. Big Pink lips rushed through the air, making their way to Ala. Ala got hit, smooched with the lustful energy which coursed through Silver, making Ala turn horny for Silver. Ala detached herself from her own body by leaving it. She proceeded by attempting to enter Silver’s body whilst in ghost form. Silver used [Repel] once again, pushing Ala's soul back, not granting her access to her body.

"Admit defeat, Ala!" Silver yelled while grabbing onto Ala's real body as her wings held her aloft. Ala, while also in the air, looked at her mistress with pride. She was happy that Silver was giving her something to do. Ala had been so bored, devoid of purpose.

Silver saw Ala use a skill but was unsure what it was. Ala's body moved on its own; ramming its hand in Silver's pussy. Silver yelled out loud as she felt it enter her so abruptly. Giving Ala's body a chance to stick the other hand into Silver's mouth. While both hands were inside one of Silver’s holes. a wave of power surged throughout Silver's entire being, disrupting Silver's body. Silver was so shocked. Starstruck. Ala quickly paralyzed Silver’s soul, giving Silver no chance to retaliate.

Another part of Ala knocked Silver unconscious.


When she woke up, Silver's Body and Soul were separated - both were on the ground.

"Here is what's going to happen, for your punishment," Ala began to say with a cold tone. "You’re going to be trapped in my body for a bit. And I am going to use all of your body's new skills on you, to give you what you really want, you slut!"

Silver’s eyes widened, not liking where this was going.

**Wishlist** ’Hahahaha, this is too funny! I really want to see that!~~ Unfortunately, we don't have the time. We have a meeting to attend to!~~~ Come Ala, bring little coin with us~~!'

Ala just awkwardly stood there, she wanted to punish Silver.

“Wait! You actually hear my guardian, Ala?!” Silver yelled.

“Yes, we have an understanding. She gives you things, and I will protect you. It’s a mutual goal for us.“ Ala replied.

“What is this meeting about?” Silver asked.

“I will tell you on the way. Something happened when I was getting supplies, if I tell you what happened you won’t come.” Ala said.

“Ala, I trust you. If you think this is something we should do I would do it. However, I’ll be very upset if this thing we’re doing will ruin my freedom!” Silver yelled.

“Your freedom is already ruined. There are assassins after you. We are going to meet your sister, Margolin, she is going to help us, and you will behave.” Ala said, then she put Silver back inside of her own body, and they continued to walk down to where they were going.

Silver didn’t say much of anything else. She allowed Ala to inform her of what happened. She didn’t know that people would die because of her, but she was now worried about Renee.

And there you have it, the one you all voted for. The [Temptress] class. I, myself wanted the healer class. But I told myself to do this big huge Poll on multiple sites, And ask some Friends and this is what everyone came up with:

Class: [Girlfriend] Role: DPS/Healer Votes: 6 3 :8
Class: [Temptress] Role: DPS Votes: 7 4 1 :12
Class: [Sweetheart] Role: Healer Votes: 8 1 1 :10

That's three different sources. I wish more peoples would have voted but hey.
Now for the next poll on this chapter. Do you guys want to vote for all characters or just the main character? Because this book is about luck and I want everyone to not only enjoy themselves. But to be, I guess you can say, invested, on what is happening. If everyone selected yes to choice is poll we can do a new character rank poll for Hanna, then much later. The other seven and other characters. However, I don't know if anyone cares about Side characters. So, this is why this poll is happening now. Then I do a new page for Hanna, explaining all of the perks for her rank up. If you guys care.

The Coin Flips poll may be a thing too if you guys want that also. I like doing this because it challenges me. I don't know what everyone's going to pick. That's the point of this book, it's the Gamble. And I love it. At first, I was not going to involve myself with the vote. But when I saw my healer class not winning I had to do something. So yes, I voted. (I have a say in this too!!) Not by much but I have to opinions. Just so you all know. I am picking the [Sentinel] class. For Hanna, I wanted to be like the X-Men and she shoots out lasers from her eyes. But only on buildup. I want some balance and my book. It takes a long time for this tank to shoot out lasers and also would have- Wait! I'm not supposed to do this Poll now. I don't even know if you guys care so. If everyone wants a say in what rank happens for Hanna I will go into more details on all three ranks and I will try to make 3 just interesting for our caretaker who watches peoples. And hopefully, shoots lasers out of her eyes. And as for cliff, I have not gotten to his tank real yet but I promise you I try my best to make him have cool bass abilities too. And then will give to his rank up later on. If y'all care about that, I have to keep on saying that, because I have no idea.

I paid an editor to edit Chapters 1 to 6. So they should be all up soon. But because I have no money to get any more done. You will have to deal with my lame edited version for my future stories, until further notice.

My computer kept on crashing, and a lot of other things kept on happening. But I meaning to do Ala's profile with all her abilities. I've been wanting to do this for so long.

In other news, I paid this artist by the name of [noroi86000] to draw Ala. When I get more money I can ask him to draw more profile pictures. Although for Ala, I have the full body turn around. I'm just not going to post it here but I will post it on her profile.



Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif



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