Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 25: Do you mind company?

{Still inside the spider dungeon}

The spider lady had officially become Oliver's familiar. He was able to unlock his [Beastmaster] class.

The spider lady held her stomach in pain; she could feel the black goop take over her.

(<Shh~ Child. We are your friends. We will not hurt you if you join us quietly. Take care of us, and we will take care of you.>) Voices echoed inside her head. They sound so lovely and inviting. She felt like they would not hurt her, and she will be fine.

In reality, she was dying. She was not as strong as Chuckles, so although the black goop was taking longer to consume him. It's killing her quickly; the goop begins to eat her mind.

"It's okay! If I die here, I'll be one with my new master! I will feel no pain anymore! I'm a guardian, but the so-called real guardians don't love me or care about my dungeon! The heathen by the name of Oliver, will not love me like my true master! It is the light! It is glorious! I want to be one with my light master! Fuck everything and everyone else! By the grace of my light master, I am healed!" The spider lady yelled out loud.

Oliver grimaced. He often doesn't get emotional, but it does pain him to see his new familiar this way...

The spider lady was screaming and grinning like a loon.

"What's happening to her? I'm not sure how to fix my familiar... any ideas?" Oliver asked one of the other personalities within Auly.

"How the hell should I know? I never saw anything like this?!" Samantha exclaimed.

"Well... I wasn't asking you... "Oliver replied.

"Hmm... I don't know either." The pink-haired personality said.

"But she is dying..." Oliver said sadly.

"It's fine! You're a [Beastmaster]. Don't you have an ability that can protect your pets?" Samantha said with a shrug.

"I'm at level one... so no... All I have is a skill called [Binding]..."

"Well, you can always get another familiar!"

"I could... but I wanted this one..."

"Wah-Wah! Do baby wants milk? That's too bad! Your slut is dying, so fucking what?! I know she has big tits, but let The Spider Bitch die!"

Oliver realized any further discussion with Samantha was pointless... This may be his first time being awake, but he can tell, she's a bitch... and not very helpful in this regard...

"You may die, but we will take care of you after your death! The Light Master comforts us! We will be one, and you will be renewed!" Chuckles yelled out to the spider lady.

The spider lady held her large chests. The black goop consumed all of her torso and down her spider legs. It continued to consume her brain, then eyes, and finally, her whole body. It kept eating away at her until she was nothing more. In her mind, she felt no pain. She died peacefully.


You're familiar has been killed!


Oliver stared at his new message.

"Well, good riddance!" Samantha injected with a shrug.

"But... she was my first... I only had acquired her for like 10 seconds..." Oliver irritatingly said.

He wasn't going to deny he's a little pissed. He also won't deny that she had beautiful big tits...

Samantha was not wrong to imply that he liked them. Of course, he'll never admit that... Samantha wouldn't let him hear the end of it... And seeing how most of Auly's personalities are women. It wouldn't sit well with them either... so he said nothing about that...

"As I said! Look for another creature! You can do that much, can't you? You don't need to worry your pretty little head! She was a fucking spider anyway! The most I'd let you do was touch her big fucking tits!" Samantha said with emphasis.

If that was her way of comforting him... it didn't work...

Oliver looked at Chuckles; he was gazing lovingly at his blade. He still had an unsettling grin, and a large cut on his arm. The black goop was covering his body.

"Mr. Chuckles, are you all right? You should probably get your condition looked at..." Oliver said.

Chuckles glared at Oliver, then spoke. "I don't know who the hell any of you are, but none of you can have my glorious Light Master. The dungeon guardian has been accepted. We apologize for taking her from you, but that is the way it needs to be done! She will forever live on with us! Why don't you all join us as well! I am sure you all will be happy with us!"

"Like hell I'd want to be locked inside of a crappy sword! It's bad enough that I am sharing in the body of a loser!" Samantha spat.

"You dare insult, my master?!" Chuckle sneered. "How dare you, heathen! You will pay for that remark!"

"Oh yeah?! Bring it on bitch! I don't care if you're a guardian! Aaaahhhh-!" Samantha said while screaming.

The sound waves did nothing to Chuckles. It just made him annoyed.

"What the hell?! Why is it not working!?" Samantha yelled in confusion.

"I don't know... maybe because he's a guardian?..." Oliver said nonchalantly. "It's just an idea... but what do I know?"

"Okay... but what am I supposed to do about this?!" Samantha asked.

"Maybe you can try another scream... You can do that much, can't you? Maybe you're not as strong as you think you are..." Oliver said. He was being salty.

"Oh, my fucking guardians! Stop being such a bitch! You know what?! Why don't you suck on a big fat cock and choke on it?! You whiny little bitch! She was just a damn spider! Would you miss her big tits that much?!" Samantha said. She was getting fed up with Oliver.

"You do realize if I suck a dick... you'll be doing the same, right?..." Oliver said with a mood, and to answer her question, yes... She had magnificent tits...

"Wha-What did you say to me?! I'm the alpha here!"

"You're both whiny dumbasses! We have a guardian targeting us! We can talk about this later!" Another personality said. His name was Jake.

"As I said, I am the alpha! Don't talk to me like tha-"

"Die, heathen!" Chuckle yelled.

He lunged at them.

Samantha took over Auly's body and floated in the air to avoid any attacks.

"See that?! I am better than all of you! He can't get us up here! You all will respect me as a leader!" Samantha said triumphantly.

Chuckles knelt down and blasted off towards them in the air. He was super angry.

"Ahh!" Samantha panicked, but just a little.

"Now what, oh great leader?..." Oliver asked in a sassy tone.

"Suck a dick, Oliver!" Samantha replied.

"Well... as I said... If I'd suck a d-"

"Will you two morons put a lid on it?!" Jake interjected.

"Aaaahhhh-! You all will die!" Chuckles roared.

Samantha uses the body to dodge and stay away from that glowing sword. If getting hurt by the blade can make you be one of them, she'd rather not.

"Well... you're the one who got us into this mess... Samantha... I am sure with your leadership; you can get us out of this..." Oliver said. He doesn't seem to care that he was getting attacked as well.

Samantha was not as smart as Auly or Oliver. While Samantha avoided Chuckles attacks, Auly personalities communicated with each other within her body.

Gabby, the pink-haired personality, was worried about Auly's health.

"Shut up! Enough of all of you! I can handle this! I don't need any of your help!" Samantha said.

"Okay... then why did you ask for it...?" Oliver asked.

"Oliver! If you don't shut the fuck up!" Samantha yelled.

"Oh, what? Will I suck a dick with the same mouth you're using? I am so scared...." Oliver said with an eye roll...

Samantha turns red from rage. Jake sighed; it's like he's dealing with children...

"Oliver already told us the plan, Samantha. Oliver, can you PLEASE explain it to Samantha?" Jake asks.

Oliver really didn't want to. At least not until Samantha apologizes, but fat chance that will happen...

The personalities inherit things from around Auly, including herself. Some, her smarts, some her beauty, some are taken from people she inspires to be. Samantha's strong like Silver. She's someone that can take charge! Auly always wanted to be like Russ.

Jake was like Margolin. He's a no BS kind of man, and yet he has to deal with it anyway.

Oliver was more or less like Auly. Oliver's a quiet type, but he has no problem saying what's on his mind...

Sometimes Auly wants to tell Silver where to stick it, but she can never do that...

"Basically, the plan is this... we can get Russ or Silver's help. They can handle Guardians better than we can..." Oliver said.

"What?! That is your big amazing plan?! I could've came up with that!" Samantha said enraged.

"But you didn't though... "

"Because we don't need them! I can handle this without them!"

"No... you can't... Silver has guardian friends, and authority to handle this. And as for Russ, he's a guardian... there's nothing that we can do to this guy..."

"I said NO! Think of something else!"

"... Well, there is Auly. We are unable to use her Rory skills. She has skills that can call in reinforcements and other perks."

"What, that loser?! I don't want to lose control of this body again! I just got free! I won't do it! "

"... You can let one of us use the body this time..."

"No! All of your ideas sucks! I'm going to find so many dicks for you to suck!"

"... But if I suck some dicks... you'll also-"

"Samantha! Oliver is right! We don't got a lot of options here!" Jake interjeted again. "This was the plan Oliver came up with. We let Bernard use an allusion to hide us. Because we all can't use the body at once, Lois can send a speed message to Margolin. Gabby will heal Auly after that. We must do this quickly. If we all work together and stop fighting! We can stay alive! Agreed?!"

Samantha hated this plan! It was not because she, the leader, did not come up with it! It just sucks! She'd have to relinquish control, and rely on others! And what's worse, he said they have to hide?!

"I will kill you all!" Chuckles exclaimed.

The attack surprised Samantha. Her moment of panic gave an opportunity for another personality to take over the body. Her name was Teo.

Teo holds both of her hands above her head and spreads her fingers. A bright flash came from her forehead, which blind chuckles.

Another personality floated Auly's body to safety and into an empty spider hole.

The next personality placed an allusion around the hole to show Chuckles nothing was inside of their hidey-hole.

One by one, the personalities switched out to put the defensive skills and attack abilities around the hiding spot. It was just in case there's trouble coming their way. They didn't know if there were any other spiders crawling somewhere. You can't be too safe.

Gabby, the Healer. Cast a healing bubble around Auly's body. Her body was bruised up from the spider lady's beating. They don't know how long it would take to get help, but they wanted her to heal and rest inside the bubble.

After everything was set in place, the personalities had a meeting within Auly's body.


Inside of Auly's mind where the personality resides. They were all in a forest that looks like a garden. There was a small cottage and a talking area where the personalities had their conversations. Every personality of Auly looked like her. They all had short hair with different colors, a small chest, and a small frame. Auly was a petite woman.

Samantha's personality was tied down by multiple abilities and spells to prevent her from getting Auly killed.

"This is mutiny!" Samantha exclaimed. "I will make all of you haters, suck a dick!"

"Don't you dare say anything!" Jake said to Oliver as he was about to open his mouth. "Samantha! We don't hate you, but we don't think you're our leader."

"I don't feel you have Auly's best interest in mind," Gabby said.

"We can take care of this situation." Another personality said.

"And we should all make you suck a dick..." Oliver said.

The other personalities glared at Oliver. He didn't care; he meant what he said...

"I feel that's what she wants anyway... She constantly mentions it. Girls like her want to be controlled and put in her place... If we show her who's boss, she would comply with us." Oliver said.

"What? You think I'd let you do something like that to her?! Gabby asked.

"I do. I've already thought of a way to do it too." Oliver said.

"But didn't you keep telling her we are one and the same?" Jake asked.

Oliver took out his big dick. Samantha and the rest of the personalities had a shocked face.

"You all may look exactly like Auly, but with my mind. I can shape my form as I please." Oliver said. Oliver morphed his body into a muscular and lean man. He had long tied gray hair. It almost looked, silver. "You keep saying that you are the alpha, right? Who's to say I am not the alpha? Hmm?"

Samantha looked at his big juicy dick.

"No! I am! All of you are losers!" Samantha yelled. Her mouth was open wide on purpose. She wanted the cock in her mouth. She pushed her head forward just to make her lips touch the tip of it. She wants him to shove it down her throat. She opens her mouth and invites it in. "Ahhh-!"

"No, no... I want you to beg for it..." Oliver said.

"What?!" Samantha said. "I am not going to!"

Oliver shrugged and turned towards Gabby. She was also looking at his big dick.

"Gabby, if you want my dick in your mouth, get on the floor and open wide," Oliver said.

Gabby pouted, but she can't deny that it was very appealing. She decided to comply.

As Oliver slid his dick in her mouth, she closed her lips in to get a bit more suction. Oliver went nice and slowed down her throat.

Samantha started fidgeting with her legs. She was getting turned on. As her pussy got wet, she bit her lips.

"How were you able to change your body like that?" Jake asked Oliver.

"It's something like, mind over matter." Oliver simply replied.

"Can you show us how?" Jake asked.

It's not a big deal being Auly, but if he has a chance to have a guy's body. He'd rather be a muscular man as well.

"No! You constantly cut me off as I talk... and none of you respects me! The only way I'd help any of you if you all help me get my familiar back... Do that, and I will teach you all!" Oliver said.

"What?! You still want that big breasted spider bitch?! She is dead! Deal with it!" Samantha yelled.

Gabby stopped sucking and took the dick out of her mouth.

"You know, big breasts are not everything... Auly has a small chest. You should be happy with the person and not what she has..." Gabby, the pink hair personality said.

Quite honestly, she's jealous. She has the power to heal, but she didn't want to save the breasted spider.

"Keep sucking... I'll enlarge yours if that's what you want..." Oliver stated.

Gabby started deepthroating his dick more than before. She sucked and licked his dick as he held her head down. He grabbed her small tits to make her chest grow. When it got bigger, he played with her nipples; twisting them now and then.

"You know if you really want to be a mother... I can give you breast milk if you like. I can't give you children, though..." Oliver said.

Gabby bobbed her head on his dick as an answer.

Oliver squeezed her nipples to make it look like milk coming from them. It pleasured her somehow. She wants someone to suck on them as well.

"If you suck my dick all the time, I'll give you things you may want, Gabby," Oliver said. He turned his head towards the other personalities. "If you all give me what I want, I will help you all with your needs. I know some of you want your own mind space like this cottage and garden. I did make it after all. As you all know, it was a dark void before I arrived. I can provide whatever I have available to me."

This was bad! Samantha was losing control of her leadership! It's not fair! So what if Oliver has a nice big juicy dick to suck on?! So what if he can make her breast a little bigger, and give her a fit body, and she doesn't have to be some skinny looking girl like Auly?! Samantha also wanted long hair! None of that mattered! Samantha must be the leader! She must be stronger than anyone!

As Gabby continued to suck, Oliver got faster with his face fucking. His dick slid in and out her throat. She also took care of his balls too.

"Your cock is so big!" Gabby said. She was rubbing her pussy. She kept deep throating him all the way to the base. "I want you to come down my throat!"

All the other personalities started getting horny as well, including Jake. He rubs his pussy, unlike the different personalities. Jake had no problem with giving Oliver what he wanted. He would do it in order to feel pleasure with a dick.

"I am coming!" Oliver said.

Gabby happily took it in, and she swallowed his cum. When he popped it out of her mouth, she was still horny and ready for more.

Oliver noticed that Jake was closer to him.

"I am assuming you have a way to get your familiar back, am I correct?" Jake asked.

"I don't know too much about dungeon cores or Dungeon guardians. However, the dungeon guardian said something that made me think. She said if we destroyed her core, she would die as well. Now, this is only an assumption, but usually when someone says that, it means they are connected. In normal cases anyway... So, I don't know if I manage to get my hands on the core, I can create her again." Oliver replied.

"Well, it sounds like a good way to resurrect her to me. I will help you. Give me a guy's body, and I will try my best to back you up on your plans. I want you to promise me that you'll not take my new body away. So, If the plan fails, I keep my body. I think that you are right, and we can get her back that way, but nothing is insured." Jake said.

"You have my word... I promise if you help me, you keep the body regardless of the outcome." Oliver said.

Oliver looked at Jake and morphed his body to a slender guy with a long cock. Oliver let Jake have his way with Gabby's mouth. Both men spit-roasted her. The other personalities started drinking her milk from her tits.

Gabby's mouth was wrapped around Jake's dick, Oliver was in her pussy, she came hard, again and again. The personalities took turns coming down her throat and fucking her silly.

As Gabby found herself locked in a big orgy. Samantha sat there, spellbound and horny.

"It's not fair that all of you can have fun, but I can't! You all hate me because I want to be a leader! You are all haters! Let me go! You all suck-!" Samantha screamed. She started crying. "This isn't fair at all! Please... fuck me too! "

A figure hovered over her. He had a big dick with fluids on it.

"Clean it for me," Oliver said.

Samantha opened her mouth as his dick slid down her throat. She squirts hard, making her moan on his dick.

"I want you to know that I don't hate you, and I have no intention of being the leader... If you want to be the leader, then you're going to need my help. I'll back you up with the others." Oliver said.

"Give me a muscular body and bigger tits!" Samantha said, between sucking. "And fuck me only! I don't like sloppy seconds! I will only allow it once! You will fuck my face and pussy whenever I want!"

Oliver lays his hands on Samantha's head, then fucks her face. She was still bound. She gagged and choked on his dick.

"You didn't say pretty please... but in any case, no... I can have any personality service me, and I plan to get more familiars as well. I will help you when you're ready to help me, but I can fuck your throat as much as you want. You just have to suck my dick and have other fluids from other girls. You can either deal with it or don't... So if you want something from me, suck my dick hard..." Oliver came down her throat, making her squirt some more, he then stopped. "Now... what say you? Will you become just another bitch to me?"

After Samantha coughed, she glared at him. She then turned her head away from him in defiance. "Leave me alone! I'll find my own way!"

"That is completely fine... I will leave you like this then," Oliver said. "You have fun here..."

He got up and walked away.

"Wait, come back here!" Samantha screamed.

Four see-through walls surrounded Samantha. It then turned into a floating cage in the air, above the orgy. They all just left her there...



{In the real world within Silver's chambers}

"Come on, everyone! We can fight her off!" One of Silver's assistance said.

They were preparing to attack Tess.

Lacuna used her telekinesis on Tess, but the blob woman was too heavy for her to pick up.

Tess had all of her multiple dicks wrapped around the girls and was fucking them all.

They made it a game to fight Silver's daughter while having sex, but she was just too strong.

Tess's abilities were like Silver, but only better. As a blob woman, she can't be burned. So the fire user was useless. She can't be bound, because her body's mass was too thick and she can multiply/divide herself into little pieces. She can't be blind; she didn't have eyes like an average person.

They were getting fucked, but they couldn't do anything to her. At some point, all of them just gave up and let Tess have her way with their throats and pusses.

"This is so much fun, sexy! You should join us!" Tess exclaimed to her mother.

Silver thought about it and looked down at Mille. The broken woman kept passing out from all the licking and getting fucked by the slippery blob man.

"I'll give you time to rest." Silver said as the blob dissipated. Silver got off of her face and kissed the woman on the mouth. "I hope you continue to serve me well."

"Yes, Mistress. You know I will give you anything. Thank you for allowing me to rest." Mille quickly fell asleep. She was exhausted; she never got fucked like that in a long time.

Silver created three blob men to help her daughter. The blob man went over to the women and fuck them all.

Meanwhile, Silver saw she was still an LVL 46 [Temptress]. She hasn't gotten any new level-ups. Sure, she has attempted people, but they were going to do it anyway. Boris was one of the examples she thought of. Yes, he was scared of Beyond finding out, but he wanted to have sex, so it wasn't really her attempting him. Onslaught was practically commanded to help by Jeopardy. So not only wasn't her idea, you can't really call that tempting either.

Suppose Silver wants to level up any further. She would have to either be part of Auly's army to get the army's benefits or find some participants who really don't wanna do bad things.

Silver couldn't do the first option because she was the king. Following Auly's orders wouldn't look good, and that's not the kind of person she was. Silver prefers to level up on her own anyway.

The second option was the only way to have fun with her leveling. The problem was Margolin. She would definitely stop her. It won't surprise Silver if she has already done so. The assistants that Margolin had picked for her were already sluts. Margolin would keep any other redeemable women away from Silver.

Silver plans to search the city and find any goody two shoes within the kingdom. Mille was exhausted, so she didn't want to ask her right now, and every other assistant follows Margolin.

Silver was forced to call the one person she knew she could forcefully ask. She decided to call Auly. She knows she's in a dungeon, but Auly will never turn her down, no matter what she was doing. Silver doesn't really expect her to answer right away or do what she says at this moment, so she was just going to simply leave a message for when Auly was ready.

"Are you going to join, sexy mommy?" Tess asks.

"Yes! I'm going to send this message quickly." Silver was getting used to her daughter calling her sexy. "Done! I'm on my way, Tess."

As Silver walked towards Tess, Silver got a reply from Auly? She stopped in confusion.

Silver got a list with a bunch of women who are either married or have children. Auly would never suggest this to Silver. She was the kind of person that keeps Silver from wrapping her hands around these types of women. Definitely not this fast or so easily. Speaking of which, how did she get her message so quickly? Margolin and Lady Annabella have a class to type letters this fast, but not Auly.

As Silver looked at the message. She saw not only that she sent the locations, but what they want, and how to do it.

'How can Auly be this calm? She even sent a smiley face?! What the fuck?!' Silver thought.

Silver sent speech messages to Auly.

Silver: Who are you?

She has gotten no reply.

Silver: You have Auly's spirit link in order to send this message from her! So I asked you again! Who are you?! Are you a different personality?!

Lois: I am Auly... Don't you know who I am, sister?

Silver: What?! Auly would have said, Honorable Sister! Or even Lord Sister! Did Auly finally break?!

Lois: Yes...

Silver: Good! I love the women you picked. Oh, and don't tell Margolin or Auly. I will be using you again!

Lois: Wait? Are you okay with me?

Silver: Why wouldn't I be?! This is great news! Tell me, is there a personality within you that can help me do other dirty things?

Lois: Yes, there are...

Silver: Excellent! I don't know if you have Auly's memories, but she's the fourth person within Auly's family who's like this. My great grandfather talked to animals. Auly's mother was able to speak with spirits. Ala was a psychopath who used to go into people's bodies. My mother's a demon, and I was a guy who found a coin that made me the king of a kingdom within a day. Auly's problems are nothing to me... and I have bigger problems than you... So, are you going to give me more naughty personalities or not?!

Lois: Yes, sister! I have suggestions for you.

Silver: Thank you! But whatever you do, do not message Margolin because she would definitely figure out you're a fake.

Lois: Umm, well about that...

Silver: You didn't! She will control all of you! Don't talk to her! She will enslave you!

Lois: She actually said the same about you. Hahahaha.

Silver: Of course, she did...

The doors of Silver's bedroom chambers opened up.

"Silver, there is an emergency! Auly needs help in the dungeon! I have reasons to believe Chuckles stole your guardian killing sword, and he is attacking Auly!" Margolin shouted.

As she walked in the chamber, Silver glared at her.

"Margolin! You can't stop me from talking to Auly's personalities!" Silver said.

"So... you know about that too... I need to meet all of them before you speak to them, Silver..."

"Why! So you could control me some more?!"

"Silver, you are a brat! I will not let you do whatever you like!"

"But, I am a king!"

"Then act like one!"

"What, you mean, start wars and kill people for no good reason?! Most kings will kill you for treason! Do you really want me to act like that?!"

Margolin took a deep breath and sighed loudly. "As I said before, Auly is in trouble. We will talk about this later, Honorable Sire..."

"You know, I should just fire you!"

"Oh yeah? But you won't. It is the same reason why I can't walk away from you. Silver, you know I give you anything you asked for. You have my soul in the palms of your hands. I trust you with it completely. Do you know why? It's because you're not a bad person, you're very misguided, but not bad. I want to help you be a better person, and you want me to help you. You have done everything I asked of you. If you need anything, tell me, and I will give it to you. I would not deny I will control it. That was why you asked me to become your maiden. You know I'm not here to control you, but only maintain your... addictions... I will make you a great leader, and you know that!"

"You are right about one thing; we have a sister to save!" Silver said, she was annoyed. "Boris! There is an emergency!"

After a few seconds of rustling around inside of Silver's bath chamber. Boris charged out of the door with three girls in tow. He had his swords, and the women were armed. One had gauntlets on, one had a mace with a chain on it, and the last had a spear. They were all still naked.

Silver had no idea that the weapon master would give his sluts actual weapons... They all looked ready to fight.

One of them uses a scan ability to see if there's any trouble in the immediate area. "All clear, sir!"

There was a long awkward moment of silence from everyone in the room. Tess then went back to fucking Silver's sluts.

Boris grimace. Silver's daughter wasn't going easy on the women with Silver's blob men. "What is the issue now, Silver? We don't want to join your little game..."

"That's not why I called. We're going to save my sister." Silver said. "What were you doing in there?"

Honestly, Silver didn't want to know, but she still had to ask. Silver was going to fight with her girls too, but there were no chains and weapons involved. Was this the kind of kink he likes?

'I know he's a weapon master, but isn't this extreme?' Silver thought.

Boris looked at his men.

"Suck my dick," Boris said. All three put their weapons away and did what they were told. "As you can see, your girls did something to them... I am trying to detrain them from this."

He did not look at them as his sex slaves. He sees them as men.

"Well, I can tell them to take that away, but later. First, we must get my sister. She's getting attacked by Chuckles with the guardian killing weapon."

Boris nodded then looked at his cocksuckers. "All right, men! Get your armor on and prepare for battle!"

"Yes, sir!" They all said.

"Wait a minute; you're taking them with you?!" Silver asked.

"Of course, I am. How else are they going to learn about combat? They're all smart men, we all need to have a talk after this. We would like to go through some things with you." Boris said, then looked at Silver's women. "Aren't you taking your girls? Don't they need training too?

Honestly, Silver wasn't planning on taking them. Sure, they had abilities, but she doesn't plan on babysitting them. Tess let them go from her fucking.

"Sexy, this sounds scary," Tess said.

"You're taking us to fight? Isn't that dangerous?" One of them asked.

"I'm not sure if I want to take on a guardian." Another said.

"You'll be fine if Silver is taking you all. I will show everyone how to handle this situation. Judging from what little I've seen of everyone's abilities, I don't know what to work on yet. This will allow me to see. I realize Silver's not exactly a warrior herself. You all would be able to save your mistress in no time." Boris said.

"Can I come too?" Mille asked in an exhausted tone. The broken woman wanted a chance to prove herself as well; she didn't want to miss her chance to fight again.

"Sure, I have no problem teaching you as well, but I'd rather not do it at this time. I need time to think about something I can give you. You're disabled, and you're tired. So, that's why I will teach you another time, I promise!" Boris said.

Mille didn't like what she heard, but she hears it all the time... She decided to go back to sleep.

"Silver, if you're truly going to take them, then I will give you this," Margolin said.


[Harlem Trainer]

Do you accept this class?



"Let's do this!" Silver said.

I hope you all like this one. The next one will finish this dungeon officially. I want to move to the next segments of the book. The characters and I, worked very hard to get to the main goal. So I hope you all are enjoying the ride. I didn't think that I would do this much of the book. I am so proud of myself for continuing, and I'm happy you all are sticking with me this long. I am trying my best to continue to get better at writing. There are a lot of mistakes that I will still make, but I will fix them whenever I complete the first book. I take a long time to make each chapter as it is, editing old pages will take longer... I will continue to improve, and I hope you all continue with me.

Now, as for the story itself. I hope you all are able to follow along. I know a lot of times what I say doesn't make sense, I hope that you all understand most of the story. I still plan to sit down and take my time to do a timeline video. The editing and then that will be done after the book. I hope you all can be patient and understand.

Whenever you have any questions I can answer, you're free to ask.

Now onto the poll, finally, I came up with for something! Without spoiling anything, I have dungeons already in mind to do with the Army. But I would like for you to all to choose something you'd like to see.

- Giant Dungeon

- Fairy Dungeon

- Sea Dungeon

- Steel Dungeon (All the enemies are armored up)


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif

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