Silver Coin

Book 1 Chapter 11: Surrounded By Enemies (Auly)

{This takes place in Silver’s Forest, after Silver left - while Kilo was sucking her man’s dick}

Hanna finally woke up, she was hearing her skill alarms going off. Hanna was still naked, but she went into her inventory to put on some clothes. She saw people there, not knowing what was going on.

"You are Hanna, right?" A female voice asked. She was near Cliff, (Hanna’s friend). This woman was sent by Margolin, she told her to help Hanna and Cliff, she had long blonde-hair and fair skin.

Cliff was a brown-skinned man that had all white hair. The hair color was due to the coin’s power.

"Get up, people are after Silver," Cliff said to Hanna. "This girl works for Kilo, the Guardian of burden. We need to find Silver. People want her coin."

"And to kill you two," The woman added. "I'm Julia. Lady Margolin wants me to get you two out of here before they find out you two have over a million in your accounts. They are sending people now, and they will kill you both."

Julia looked around and saw a big egg near them.

"Was that always there?" Julia asked. She saw that there were drag marks on the grass, but it could not have moved on its own.

"Hanna, put your money in the egg - as I did. It doesn't have to be all." Cliff said.

Hanna had been with Cliff for a long time. On top of that, Cliff had saved Hanna. So Hanna did what Cliff asked.

"Good, they won't think to look at the Egg's stats for our money," Cliff said. "Even if they did, this Egg is a Weapon from the coin flip. I, myself, saw it in action. It's extremely powerful."

"Really? Wow!" Julia said. She then looked at Kilo, still sucking. "I can't watch my Lady Kilo do that anymore. Let us go find your Silver."

When Julia, Cliff, and Hanna moved, the Egg moved - they all looked at it.

"Okay..." Julia said. "If it's going to follow, can we pick it up? It leaves tracks."

The Egg then hovered a little in the air.

"Ah!" Julia stated. She wanted to say something about that, but now it was not the time. As a Lady of Grace in training, she had to focus on the task at hand. "Let's go then."

"Wait for a second," A voice said. The group looked to the speaker and saw a brown-skin girl with red hair. "I will be coming along as well."

"Auly?" Julia asked, Auly nodded. Julia knew Auly. He was always with Margolin, but she was gone. Also, he seemed off - not scared of his own shadow anymore. "This is Auly, Silver's bro- no - I mean sister... 'She' is okay.”

"Let’s go to Silver," Auly said with a fake smile. Hanna looked at Auly. Auly then walked off.

"Wait! There is something in that person's body, is that okay?!" Hanna said while pointing at Auly.

Auly sighed as the group got nervous. The egg didn't, it just rubbed on Auly.

"I was hoping your new skills didn't work on me, Hanna," Auly said. "I work for Silver. My name is Ala. This body is my lov-...(she clears her throat) My Mistress’ little sister's body. They left it here in their haste. So I put part of myself inside of Auly. Now, let us go!"

She had many skills to take over someone's body. She can switch, use her real body like a parasite, possess souls, these are only some of the types of things she could dominate a person's entire being. What’s worse - they wouldn't even know it. 

Hanna was not too sure about this person. She seemed cold and hollow. As a [Caretaker], Hanna's skills were to watch anything suspicious, and this person fitted that description. Hanna stared down this, Ala. Ala, in return, walked to Hanna and stared her down as well.

Both classes focused on watching people. Ala and Hanna watched each other, unblinking. Ala hated losing, even if it was only staring.

"Ala is okay, Hanna. You were asleep, so you didn't see the battle. I have a battle flag that can let anyone have a battle with each other. When I did that, I saw all the spectators' names. Ala was on the list. I do recall seeing a maid with Silver, so maybe that was her. She was blond with big tits at that time, though." Cliff said. "So let us go."

"Alright, fine," Hanna said, still looking at Ala.

Ala went closer to Hanna, then whispered. "When the Mistress is safe. We will have our staredown battle with Cliff’s flag. If I win this challenge, you'll be my little bitch. You’ll watch me fuck Silver without you touching yourself, or her. You little slut."

Hanna looked at Ala, and she had a wicked smile. At least it wasn't a fake one. Ala's face then went back into her hollow look and walked off. Hanna's alert skills were going off like crazy. Hanna thought maybe it was best not to fight with that person. She wanted to have sex with Silver again... However, she decided it’s not worth challenging this woman. Without any more words, they set off.

Because all of the carriages were gone. Ala/Auly, Hanna, Cliff, Julia, and the Big Egg needed to get safe, so- thay ran. The assassins weren’t far behind.

Ala stopped running to look at her group. “I say, we kill them… My Mistress asked me not to kill again, but it's the only way…”

“No! No killing! There has to be another way!” Julia pleaded. 

Ala frowned as she thought of something. She needed to get to Silver, but not get her party killed. The town of Lakaf was far. During her thought process, Ala got a message from Margolin. She was worried Auly was hurt, but Ala told her that everything was fine. Margolin told them they were heading to Ilin. Which was also far... Ala thought it was better to go to Lakaf first, then get a carriage. After the conversation, Ala looked to Hanna.

"You got an available rank up, why haven't you picked a ranked class yet?" Ala asked Hanna.

"Oh yeah... Sorry, this is my first time getting a class. I'll do it now." Hanna said.

* * * * *

Caretaker LVL 40 rank up:


Able to see all that is around you. From the smallest ant to the enemy from afar. This class improves your watching skills. Like X-ray, tremor sense. You can also hear from further away and mark your enemies.


A tin woman of protection. You keep your group well safe. Not with shields, but with your body. You do more damage than the other rank ups for the caretaker. Sentinels can shoot a laser from their eyes. And have damage mitigation on themselves.


You are more capable of caring for all life in your care with protections. Fly with your wings to heal and preserve life.

* * * * *

Hanna didn't know much about this kind of stuff at all... Hanna wanted to ask around about it, but Cliff was also new to this, and She was unsure if Julia knew.

"Um... Your name is Ala, right? Are you under Silver's Banner?" Hanna asked, Ala nodded. "I must admit, I am new to all of this, but I too want to be useful to Silver. Are you willing to give me advice?"

"If it will make you a worthy opponent against me. Then yes, I would make you stronger." Ala said. "Do you mind if I see your rank sheet?"

Hanna had no idea how to do that... So Ala showed Hanna how to use the class system, and also found that the banner settings could be changed to see other members on a list. She could now see the Flag and their name over their heads. So Hanna did indeed see that Ala was in the same [Banner]. She had two names and two flags over Ala's head. Ala and Auly. Under the Silver Flags was a group name: [The Ladies Of Grace]. Ala told Hanna that it's Auly's Guild. If Ala had a guild herself, she would see two guild names.

"Julia? I didn't know your group was in our Banner." Hanna said to Julia. She frowned and tilted her head, looking confused. "Go to your settings. You are under Silver's Flag now."

Julia did what she was told. she saw that she was under a flag, and with a lot of people she didn’t know.

* * * * * 

Silver's Flag

Flag's owner: Silver Coin

Banner guards:

Ala / Auly Knox

Hanna Cobb

Cliff Espar

Giant Egg


Renee Sabe


Margolin Knox

Mille Bain


[Deviant Of Harlots] Leader: Jeopardy

[The Broken] Leader: Fragment

[The Ladies of Grace] Leader: Kilo

[Pact of the Jackals] Leader: Willis 'Wild Pig' Perkins

[Vendetta of Impurity] Leader: Rebecca 'Creed' Herring

[Disciples of the Wicked] Leader: Lana 'Moonlight' Knox

War Companies:

[The Broken]

Leader: Fragment

General Officer: Silver Coin


Jeopardy, The Guardian of Chance and Luck

Fragment, The Guardian of the Broken

Kilo, The Guardian of Burden


(Unnamed) Owner: Renee Sabe

* * * * *

"My Guardian! The Flag already has Land?! And It's BIG!" Julia exclaimed. Julia was a noblewoman, so her family had Land/Estates as well as the other Ladies of Grace, but their families had it for generations. However, this Flag had forests and mountains, and it was bigger than the whole kingdom, which was expensive! "How much has this Renee gotten to get this much land?!"

Hanna and Cliff looked at each other, then at the list.

"We have no idea. She doesn't tell us anything unless she needs us. I, for one, didn't know she'd even buy Land." Cliff said.

"Same for me also," Hanna said. "All we did with the money was buy supplies for ourselves and for people who needed it, then we went to check on Silver. You said people want us dead, right? Do you know where Renee is now?"

Julia nodded. Then spoke. "Our King has her. They said she had gotten the money illegally. She is now in a holding cell. They want to take her Land and money. However, they can't just simply kill her. For that would relinquish the Land into the system's Market. It would make it cheaper, but still, a lot more than a king can make before the Land falls back into the wild again. So it would be smarter to conquer it and claim it that way. Also, a problem if they kill her. The leader of the flag can fully claim the Land, immediately. So basically, in the condition, if Renee dies. Silver will then become the owner of the Land."

"And the others?" Hanna asked.

"I have heard some of you died, but I have no clue how many you were, or who has died." Julia replied.

"Well, it was seven men and Renee in our group. Maybe they did get out alive, and then died, but it's a rumor." Hanna said hopefully. "But Renee must like Silver to put her Land in Silver's Banner. Do you know if they took Tila's money? And how does one conquer the Land?"

Julia got distracted for a bit. She saw that all Of The Guild leaders were already making claims to the many territories of Renee's terrain. Renee didn't even have buildings, and yet all the leaders wanted their region. She saw Jeopardy lay claim to a large area. He already bought a lot of materials to make a castle.

Apparently, Lady Kilo wanted a mountain. Julia was aware that guardians couldn't break the rules of the world. They couldn't just simply conjure money and buy whatever they liked, or give money to their followers. Guardians were powerful, but they believed in their rules. Julia was so happy for Lady Kilo. Lady Kilo didn't have a temple. Other Guardians were always pushing their problems on her but never listened to Lady Kilo.

"Um... I don't know what happened to her money." Julia said to Hanna, finally. "Now, as for conquering the Land. The King would have to raid all territories and hold the land until it's his. Each territory should have a crystal now. The King must find them, and have a man touch them for a long time until it is theirs. The bigger the Land, the longer the touch. I don't know where the crystal spawns. I think the leaders of the crystal know. As well as Renee and Silver. I believe that's how it works. I do a lot of studies on many things, but I don't have a lot of books that give that information."

"I see, so how many-" Hanna started to ask. And then looked around.

"We have company!" Hanna and Ala said at the same time. Their alert skills were going off.

"Hanna! Pick your rank up quickly." Ala said to Hanna.

Hanna didn't look too much into what rank worked best for her. Ala and Hanna went over it a little, but Hanna still wasn’t sure. However, Hanna decided to pick [Lifeguard]. Julia didn't have a fighting class, and Cliff's level was low. So, Hanna would have to trust Ala to do the damage, and Hanna to protect the group. Hanna then saw the giant Egg also getting ready. It hovered slowly, daring anyone foolish enough to mess with its party.

"What do you see, Hanna?!" Cliff asked.

"I don't know; I just feel danger all around us!" Hanna said. Hanna and Cliff stood close together around Julia.

Julia herself has never been in this situation before. She wanted to prove to her mother that she can do this. And be a full-time Lady of grace. Julia sees Ala, Hanna, Cliff, and even a Giant Egg watch over her. Julia feels so useless out here…

"Don't be scared, Julia, be brave for us, okay?" Cliff said. "Just stay near the egg, and you'll be fine."

Julia looks at the Egg; it turns to the left and right like it was looking for anything attacking. Julia couldn't believe she was cowering behind an Egg of all things... Her brothers would laugh at her, and say stuff like it's okay. You're a girl... Julia hated that. She hates that she felt so weak. Julia saw that she was getting a message from her mother through the magic mirror. She opened it and saw an older blonde woman.

Madison: Hello, honey. How are things? Did you get back home, or are you still at work?

Julia: Um, Momma... I.. didn't want to tell you- but...

Madison: Baby? What's wrong? I can come to get you. Where are you?

Julia wants to be her own woman and become a full member of [The Ladies Of Grace]. If her mother finds out that Julia volunteered to help Margolin, her mommy would remove her as a grace. Julia decided not to cry and show a happy face to her mother.

Julia: I'm fine, Momma, don't worry!

Madison: Honey? Are you sure? You seem afraid…

Julia: Yes, I'm-

"Hand over the money, and we'll be on our way! We don't see the money on you, but I trust my spies. They say that your group has over a million!" A man's voice yelled, breaking Julia off. Hanna and the group can't see him or his men. Hanna was now a [Lifeguard]. She lost most of the watching skills to see the enemy. Julia looks around also for an attack. Unfortunately, her mother can see and hear what's around her.

Madison: Honey?!! Who is that? What's going on?!! Baby, tell me where you are!!

Julia: No! Momma. I can do this. I have friends that can keep me safe Momma!

They saw a man walk out from behind a tree. He had a Yellow glow in his eyes. Was he a Guardian? Julia's mouth was wide open. She can't believe that a Guardian was after her.

"Julia! You don't have to be here. We'll hold them off. You must go! They only want our money." Cliff said.

"That's right; we don't want to hurt anyone. All you gotta do is give us3 the money, and you won't see us anymore." The Guardian said with a smile.

Julia: Mom? Momma?

When the magic mirror went dead, Julia looked through all of her system's screens to see what's wrong with the message system. Some parts of the system were disabled. She saw the guardian shop. She wasn't sure what that was. But it was still working correctly.

"I'm sorry about that. But I can't have you getting more people involved." The smiling Guardian said. "I will restore the system to normal when we leave. So, please. Without anyone getting hurt. Hand over the money."

Cliff and Hanna looked at each other.

"I'm sorry. But we can't do that," Cliff said to the guardians. "We need this money to help people in their times of need. That was the only reason why me and Hanna went out here to get the money. So, if you can excuse us, we'll be on our way."

Julia looked at Cliff questionably. She didn't know anything about these two. Not really. They all just met after all. The only thing she was told about this group. They had nothing and gotten money from Silver's coin. They don't seem like bad people, but this was the first time she heard this. She never even knew why they had gotten the money in the first place. When she looked at Cliff, she saw that he was very serious about this.

"I see. I see." The smiling Guardian with yellow eyes said while nodding in thought. "How about we make a deal?"

"No deal!" Another man said. He came out. And apparently, he was also a guardian. He had green eyes and green hair. "Listen up, humans! There's no way you can get out of this forest without dying! There are eight guardians here. There's no escape, humans; our followers also accompany us. We want your money! All of it!"

More of the other Guardians and their followers came out. They drew closer to the group. Ala, Hanna, Cliff, Julia, and the Giant Egg just want to get out of this situation and get to Silver. She may be in danger, as well.

"Chuckles doesn't speak for all of us. If it were up to the rest of us Guardians, we'd just kill you in an instant." A female Guardian said. She had orange eyes.

"Hanna. Protect the group with your skills. I will hold them off for you all." Ala said quietly. Then she vanished.

"Spread out!" A buff Guardian yelled to his followers. This Guardian was a man of muscles on top of muscles. It looks like he did nothing but workout routines, and anything else would be nonsense to him. "Prepare for battle! I want to see a bloodbath!"

"B... B-Bloodbath!?" Julia exclaimed. She hid closer to the Egg. If she moved any further, she would be lying right under it. The Egg looks at the Guardian, daring him to try.

"Easy there, brother. We are not allowed to kill humans. Directly or indirectly, and they can't hurt us, Guardians. So relax.." A male purple Guardian said to the muscle guardian. "I'm with Chuckles on this one. I just want to talk with this Silver Coin."

The purple Guardian stopped. Then he looked to Hanna's group. He then spoke to them. "You all are going to her, right? If you can, set up a meeting. I'm willing to wait until then."

"No! We can just kill them! And take their money for ourselves!" Another Guardian said. All of the guardians then started arguing with each other. All of their followers just stood there, awkwardly. They were unsure about what to do.

'There are so many Guardians here.' Julia thought to herself. 'It's a good thing that they are arguing with each other. Maybe we can escape while they're talking.'

"Harming us would make my mistress very angry," Ala said dryly. All of the Guardians looked at her. She knocked out half of their troops that were still hiding. Some of them were hanging from a tree, or in a big pile of bodies. Ala/Auly had a blank look on their face. "If you all truly want something from my mistress. I suggest you let us go. I have not killed any of your followers yet. I promised my mistress I would never do such a thing, ever again- but I will if I have to."

A long time ago. Ala killed thousands of people to level up. Her sensei had the [Death] class. She told her to show no mercy to her enemies. Russ asked her to stop killing and find another way to level up. She still feels the urge to kill. But a promise was a promise. She hasn't killed ever since Russ told her not to do so.

"Alright, then. If we can just get a moment of her time, I'm sure we can come to some kind of agreement." Chuckles said with a big smile. This Guardian seems friendly. A little too friendly, though.

One of the Guardian's followers sensed the money inside of The Giant Egg. And told The green-haired Guardian about it.

"Mighty. It's in the EGG! Let's grab it. We don't have to worry about rules when it's just an Egg!" The green-haired Guardian shouted.

Mighty, the Guardian of muscle and strength. Rush to the Egg, then yelled. "Get that, Egg, men!"

Mighty's overly buff men trampled over to the egg- with their huge muscley assess in tow. To Mighty, It's like art in motion, but to everyone else, it's like huge turtles. They were so stiff and clumsy-looking, and oh my guardians were they slow...

The assassin followers just shook their heads and decided to get the money for themselves. They speed ran at the Egg. When their blades tried to cut the Egg. The Egg bitch slapped them. They had no idea what just happened. They looked at the Egg with their hands on their cheeks. The Egg looked at them with a look that said, 'Yes, I just slapped you. What are you going to do about it?"

"This is just an egg, right?" One of the assassins asked out loud.

"Stop playing around and get me that, EGG!" The green Guardian yelled. He was getting impatient.

The assassins looked at each other. Out of the blue, the Egg passed by one of them and gave him a 'clothesline.' The Egg then stood next to another assassin to 'suplex' him. The so-called killers had no idea what was happening. All they saw was the Egg getting near them; they were lifted by nothing, and then thrown or hit by something. The Egg did one of its favorite moves. 'You can't, Egg me!' And the Egg went invisible to do the 'Egg Adjustment.' It lifted one up on the Egg 'shoulders' and slammed him on the ground. The assassin looked really retarded. As he was in the air over the Egg, his arms were flailing around just to fall hard to the ground.

"What in the blue galaxies are you useless humans doing!?" The green Guardian yelled at them. "I will not help your group anymore, Sam!"

"B...But My lord! This Egg i-" An assassin got 'dropkick' by the Egg, cutting off what he was going to say.

Julia just sat there with her mouth wide open. She couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"I told you the Egg was strong," Cliff said beside Julia. Cliff then looked directly at her. "The Egg sees you as a friend. So you are safe in its hands."

"But it doesn't have hands..." Julia said to Cliff. "How is this even possible? Where did this Egg even come from?"

"I don't know. I got it from Silver's coin, but I didn't want it. So I trade it for a hammer with Renee." Cliff said. "Even though I've abandoned it. I still feel like it's master. I can feel some energy being drawn from me to feed it. It talks to me in a way. Not with words, of course. It told me to sell my hammer and take care of it instead. So I did. This may sound weird, but I feel like I am the Egg sometimes, and I know there's a girl inside of it. Even now, she is shaping how I want her to be. We need DPS, so that's what she is trying to be for me. I like sexy curvy women. She seems to get me covered on that too. It doesn't want me to have another weapon or woman... But I am married… Well, I was anyway... I still love my wife and kids. I'm not sure how I'm going to tell the Egg this. I don't want it to slam me like these assassins..."

"Well, if you don't want it. I'll take it!" Julia said.

"Okay, fine. I'll ask her when we get the time to do so. But for now. You should pick a class in the shop." Cliff said. "When our system went down. I saw this shop where you can buy classes."

Cliff saw Julia look at her system. He decided to give her time to pick something. He looked for Hanna. She was next to Ala/Auly, who was on the ground. Hanna helped Ala/Auly back up. Cliff went over to them to see what's wrong.

"Hanna, what happened?" Cliff asked. Then he looked at Ala. "Ala, are you okay?"

"I don't know. She just fell down." Hanna said.

"I'm fine," Ala said weakly. "My main soul is dormant. And very far... Don't worry about me."

She gave them a look that says 'drop it.' Cliff and Hanna decided not to press any further. She clearly didn't want to talk about it. She really wanted to get back to her mistress. Ala was getting weaker by the second. Auly has 20% of Ala in her, %10 was in Margolin. However, now that her 70% was dormant. There was no way to hold control of this body. 70% was a lot, but she refuses to let anyone know that she was weakened. Not around enemies and especially not around 'friends', that's even worse!

Four Guardians walked over to them. One of them was the yellow eyes named Chuckles. Cliff doesn't know his Guardian title. This one just seemed really happy for some reason... The other was the purple-haired Guardian. He appeared to be relaxed and cool-headed. The two last Guardians were women. One of them was the older and wiser Guardian out of the four. She had brown eyes with green vines coming out of her eyes. The other woman looked like she was in her twenties, but because she was a Guardian, Cliff knows that was only how she looked. She had pink, glowing eyes. No one knows why, but the Guardians don't ever creep the people out with having no iris. It just feels natural to see even when it's not.

The older woman stepped forward to Cliff.

"Greetings, human male. Fe rafol Fern, one of the plant life Guardians." Fern said to Cliff. And then pointed her hand to the pink Guardian. "This is my girl. Fe rafol passion, a fucked Guardian. Loal fuck, my girl! Fuck her good! Let her make fuck with you!"

Cliff looked at her with wide eyes, he was very confused...

"Safwey, Mother! You need to learn the human language more. You ask this mortal male to have 'fosm' with me!" Passion, the pink-eyed Guardian exclaimed. "You even said I'm a 'fosm' Guardian! Which I'm NOT. I'm one of the 'LOVE' Guardians, sure, but not a 'SLUT!'"

Fern looked horrified. Then she seemed angry at Cliff like he was the one that said something wrong. She started yelling at Cliff in her Language. Passion tried to calm her mother down in their language. Julia walked near Cliff, wondering what's going on.

"I am sorry about that human. Fern doesn't bother to learn your human language because she never had a reason too. If you are wondering what do 'fosm' means, it means fuck, whore, slut, blow Guardian. Many things, but none of them suitable for a respected female Guardian." The purple Guardian said to Cliff. "Fern hates humans, but she only came here because her girl told her that this Silver could get them what they wanted. I think Fern was trying to tell you to see her girl only as a Love Guardian."

"And what do they want?" Ala asked flatly.

The purple Guardian looked at Ala, not sure if he should be talking about this, but if they want these humans to help, it's best to be open.

"The female Guardians don't have a lot of options. They are either blow Guardians or under a male Guardian in some way. They are limited to what they can do. Without asking a male Guardian for something, or asking if they can do that thing that they want to do." The purple Guardian finally said. "But this Silver Coin, she can change Guardian rules. I was blown away when this Jeopardy made one of you a dealer of battles. I mean, wow!"

The humans don't really see what's so amazing here. Sure they got millions, but they don't understand why the Guardians are acting this way over this...

"Jeopardy was the one who made me a dealer, why not go after him instead?" Cliff asked.

The purple Guardian tilted his head.

"Do you really don't know? Or are you testing us?" The purple Guardian asked. "Kilo thinks she was a good planner. But she was so obvious. If Jeopardy was the real Guardian of this Silver, why was she still trying to help Silver? Hmm? We Guardians are not dumb. Well, not all of us anyway. But if a trickster throws a ball one way. Us four would be focused on what's in the trickster sleeves. While the others are trying to find the ball."

Cliff thought about this. The purple Guardian just nodded, because he knows he's right.

"Oh, before we all forget. We are very sorry we attacked your group." Chuckles said, still smiling. "We don't care about all of your money. We had to do something to get the other Guardians off Silver's trail. We did it by telling them to get all of your money instead. Us four, never actually intended to take it."

They all looked at the Egg to see how it was doing. One buff follower managed to grab the Egg; he was holding onto it tightly.

"I got it! Hahahaha! I got it!" The buff follower exclaimed. The Egg rolled its nonexistent eyes, then spun slowly. "Ahhh! Come, team! Help me! Help me grab it!"

One by one. More buff followers grab on either the Egg or each other. The Egg started spinning faster and faster. Before they all knew it, the Egg had a tornado going, it used its passengers to knock out nearby followers.

“Let go, you fools! You're doing more harm than good! Your muscled asses are hitting us instead!" Assassins and other followers yelled at them to get off.

"Yes! Yes! We won't let go! And thank you! We love our muscles too! We are strong!" The muscle followers yelled back at them- thinking they are doing a good job.

The green-eyed Guardian's mouth was opened in shock. While Mighty was smiling with pride. The muscle followers were so beautiful to him, and they got the Egg with no problem, for they were mighty!

The Egg moved so fast; there was no escaping the muscle tornado. Even the so-called speed assassins couldn't run from it. This Egg was able to spin and move really fast. Even if heavy men were holding on to it, no one was able to stop the muscle tornado. It was like an unstoppable force.

When the Egg was done, time had passed. All the non-mighty groups were knocked out by 'The muscle tornado.' The Egg released energy to push the sweaty men off of it.

"Wha-! Ahhh! I feel so dizzy! The world is so spinny! And round!" All of the mighty group exclaimed as they all fell over.

The four Guardians by Hanna, Cliff, Ala/Auly, and Julia had different looks on their faces. Passion was so embarrassed. She looked around to see if that hit her followers. Not because she was worried about them, but because 'The muscle tornado seemed so stupid. She would've gotten rid of that follower if they were hitten by that.

"That Egg is quite the fighter. Seeing something like that tells me. We made the right choice to side with you, humans." Chuckles said. The four Guardians, by Hanna's group. Still had their followers nearby. And out of the way from that Egg.

The 20% Ala went to sleep. She couldn't hold control any longer. So Auly fell over again.

"Ala? You okay?" Hanna asked her. Auly's eyes went open, she then looked at Hanna. Auly looked shy towards Hanna. "Auly? I'm Hanna. Nice to actually meet you."

"Um... Hi." Auly said.

"It would seem that Ala's soul in you went dormant. She is still in you, just sleeping." The purple Guardian said to Auly. "Hello, again, Miss Auly."

Auly got up and bowed.

"Lord Lavender. It's nice to see you again." Auly said. Auly then looked at Chuckles. "Master Chuckles. May I ask you to allow us to message by restoring the system? As Ala said before. Any further attacks on us will get you nowhere if you want to ask Miss Silver for help. I know my sister. She doesn't respond well to threats, and also for Lady Julia's mother. Lady Madison is worried about her daughter."

Chuckles nodded. Then he responded to Auly. "Very well, Miss Auly."

Auly may be a wuss when it comes to Russ. But Auly was a Madame like her sister. So she knows how to get things done. The ladies of grace have a ranking system. Auly and Margolin are Madames. Typically a Madame was for a lady who has girls that are under them, but Auly was not really a leader type. Most of the girls don't see Auly as a 'Lady.' Auly was always given dirty looks. No lady wants to be under Auly. So, Auly's Madame rank means nothing really. She would always be in Margolin's shadow, even if she'd worked so hard to matter to everyone. No one really gives Auly the time of day.

"There, it is done. I've restored the system, Miss Auly." Chuckles said.

Auly started getting lots of messages that were blocked. But one message she has gotten, she never expected.

* * * * *

You were given the Title Banner Commander of Silver's Flag. All military matters fall under your control. Do you accept it?

Become Silver's Rory?

Yes or No?

* * * * *

Auly was shocked. Russ gave her command of something!? Did Russ butt press this offer? Auly's head was spinning, and she didn't even have to ride the Egg. Although she didn't know what Rory was. Knowing her sister, it's something dirty. Last time they spoke, Silver asked Auly to side with her on things. Auly really wants to matter to Russ. So she picked [Yes]. She saw loads of screens for all of the guilds and that one war party in the flag. She can also see all the requesting guilds and war parties, still pending. Silver decided to dump all that responsibility on Auly, to break her. Hanna, Cliff, and the Egg were directly under her care. They were tasked to keep everything that has to do with the military under control, which made Auly regret picking yes to this much responsibility.

When Auly thought about it, Auly was over the ladies of grace and even Margolin. If it involved the military, of course. The ladies of grace are not fighters. But they want to be useful to the war effort. Auly can say no to them on something, and they would get mad at her! This was too much for Auly.

'Why, Miss Silver? Why give me this much responsibility?' Auly thought to herself.

Cliff, The Egg, Hanna all got their own messages. Hanna and Cliff don't know Auly very well, but they agreed to serve under Auly. The Egg did the same. Hanna and Cliff are not really fighters either. So they are all new to this. Sure, Hanna and Cliff can throw a punch, but they're no stronger than Auly. Because they are all weak, Auly was getting really worried she would fail everyone. She looked at them, they nodded at her. They were ready to take on whatever comes their way. Although they didn't expect the next blocked message.

* * * * *

New Flag's Decrees!

"Anyone who attacks the flag is considered an enemy to the whole flag."

"Enemies of the flag. Would forfeit the right to get the winnings of a deal from any of Jeopardy's dealers."

* * * * *

Auly went wide-eyed. She then looked at the assassins, and they all had Red Skulls over their heads.

'This is bad. If they knew that they wouldn't get anything from the coin, they'd just kill us all!' Auly thought to herself. 'We need to get out of here now.'

"Why do they have skulls over their heads?" Hanna asked. Auly looked at Hanna with fear on her face.

"Hmm? Who does?" Lavender asked. The four Guardians looked around. They didn't see the skulls.

"Um well, all of-” Hanna got cut off by Auly grabbing Hanna's rod.

"Shhh ~~ please..." Auly whispered to Hanna. "I'll do the talking; If you say anymore, you'll upset them."

"She was talking about the assassins that attacked us," Auly said to Lavender. "Can you give me and my team a moment alone, Lord Lavender? And remember, Lord Lavender, anything you do, like listening in on us. Would upset Silver. So please, allow me to talk with Miss Silver first. We'll get back to you when we can."

Lavender nodded, and then the four guardians took their leave. Auly didn't want them to know that Lavender and Chuckles. Also, had a red skull over their heads.

'Whew! That was close! I thought I was not going to make it!' Auly thought to herself. She only grabbed Hanna's rod because she saw Ala do it to her underlings. It was when Russ, Ala, and Auly were in the last war. When Ala did this, the guy got mad, but he got scared when Ala squeezed it and gave him her cold look. The man just walked off in fear after that. So Auly would just do the same thing. This could work, right? Auly squeezed Hanna's dick. That way, Hanna knows that Auly means business. Auly squeezes it, as hard as she could and with all her strength. 'Yes, that would teach Hanna to give information recklessly!'

Auly then looked at Hanna. Hanna didn't seem all that mad... 'Hmm? Maybe, I'm doing this wrong.' Auly squeezes the tip of it, then slides her hands down to Hanna's base- giving that a squeeze as well. Maybe doing it like this would work. Auly begins to squeeze up and down Hanna's rod with all of her strength. Auly then tries to scare Hanna. Auly tried to look at how Ala looked when she was angry. Auly put on a cold-looking face.

"Do you understand now, Hanna?" Auly said while looking mean at her. "Don't tell them that they are enemies or it'll start a problem."

Hanna nodded a reply while moaning.

'Good, she understands! But she’s making weird sounds?' Auly wondered. 'And why did Hanna's... thing get bigger for some reason? I am hurting her, am I?'

Auly squeezed harder. Auly was having fun with this a little. Auly looked at Hanna's dick by lifting and pointing it up, to see it better. It was so much bigger than Auly's. 'Wait, does Hanna have a vagina as well?'

Auly touches Hanna's vagina to see if it was real, and it was!

'This feels wrong. I should stop, but I don't want to...' Auly thought, also getting turned on by this. 'I wonder if it's okay that I'm jerking Hanna off like this?'

Auly went faster, she wanted to suck on it so badly.

"Um, can you two get a room or something? Please? That looks so gross..." Julia said to Auly.

Auly let go of Hanna's dick and then walked off.

"I'm sorry for being disgusting," Auly said.

She was having fun, but now, she realized she was a problem. 'You're a disgusting boy who should just die... A man shouldn't be touching someone else's dick. It's disgusting and wrong—no one cares for you, Auly. Just die already!'

Hanna grabs Auly.

"C-Can you sleep with me?" Hanna said shyly.

"You want to sleep with me?" Auly asked. Hanna nodded. Auly was not sure why Hanna wanted to sleep with her. Maybe Hanna gets night terrors. Auly sometimes wants to sleep with Margolin when Auly gets scared at night. 'But why with me?' Auly thought to herself. "If you really want to be with me... Then yes. I'll sleep with you! As much as you want!"

Hanna heavily started blushing.

If Hanna gets nightmares, maybe Auly can help with that. Auly finally feels wanted, and maybe being a Rory isn't so bad!

I 1st want to say, I am looking for an editor. If anyone what to try out for that role. We can talk about it in a message.

Other than that. I have nothing else to say. LOL

Wow, it's poll time already? I got 3 things to ask actually. LOL Oh, boy!

1. Should Auly turn to a girl, futa or stay the same?

I love Auly as she is. But if I'm going to hook her up with Hanna, I feel people would hate that. So, I'll leave it up to you readers. (Before anyone says I should pick for myself. I personally don't care what she is. And it won't change herself hate. And TLOG won't suddenly like her either. So her story would not change at all really.)

2. More sex or less sex in the story?

(Again, won't change much too me. If you readers see me ask anything on here. That means I have no problem with it either way.)

3. I plan to make more rooms and draw them? Do you readers like it to be in 3D as I had the last room done for me?

(I may still do it anyway. But I won't post it if no one cares.


Silver-kiss-R.gif I love you all in my own way! I hope you all keep safe out there! Thanks for reading!Silver-Kiss-L.gif


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