Silent Witch

Chapter Volume 8 4: The House of Madame Cassandra

["Miss [Silent Monica], can you hear me?"]

Monica, who's been walking alongside Felix, heard Lynn's voice out of nowhere. She looked around in alarm, but Felix and the other passersby didn't seem to notice.

["Can you hear me? I am now speaking directly to your eardrums…"]

Apparently, Lynn could speak directly to Monica's eardrums through vibration. It looked simple but was a highly advanced technique. At the very least, it's not something a human being can do.

["I've confirmed that Miss [Silent Witch] has successfully met up with the Second Prince. I will be guarding the two of you in the air. If everything is all right, please raise your right hand."]

Monica raised her right hand, pretending to fix the rim of her hood, and found a small yellow bird on the roof of the store ahead.

["I may not be able to enter the building, but I can hear most of the conversations. If there's an emergency, please do not hesitate to summon me."]

Although Monica appreciated Lynn's support, one wrong move and she might break in as a man in a flamboyant costume, just like last time. She was making a mental note to keep Lynn's help as a last resort if possible when Felix tapped Monica on the shoulder.

"By the way, Monica, what kind of places do you usually hang out at?"


Felix laughed in a somewhat meaner way than usual.

Monica broke out in a lazy cold sweat, desperately trying to figure out what a night out is all about. As a person who basically never went out through the days facing the numbers and magic formulas, the word "hanging out" was unknown territory. Much less a night out. What is she supposed to do when she goes out at night?

"As bad girl, you should be used to the nights out, right? Can you tell me what kind of places do you usually go to?"

"W-Well… that's…"

Monica, who had been groaning, suddenly had an idea.

That's right, she had just experienced the "night out"! Moreover, it was the kind of experience that ordinary people can't afford. This must be the exemplary answer to a night out. Her eyes lit up like when she found the solution to a difficult mathematical equation, so she answered confidently.

"Having a drinking feast accompanied by handsome boys!"

Felix burst into a hearty laugh. Furthermore, there were tears welling up in the corners of his eyes. He wiped away his tears of laughter as Monica was stunned by his attitude, which was unthinkable from the usual Felix.

"If you prefer that kind of thing, I can take you to a nice place like that."

"No, I've had my fill of that sort of thing, so…"

In fact, just a few minutes ago, she had been attended by a beautiful boy at the [Star Oracle Witch]'s mansion.

"Your… I mean Lord Eig…I don't mind if you choose the place…"

"It's Eig."

"T-Then, E-Eig, I don't mind if you choose the place."

Responding meekly, Monica let out a small sneeze and shuddered. The blowing wind in the autumn where the winter was reaching can be so cold. Some of the people on the street were already wearing fur coats.

As Monica rubbed her numb fingers together, Felix wrapped his hand around hers and blew a breath of air. The white cloudy breath softly floated then disappearing as if it were melting to the dark night.

Monica tilted her head.

"Um… I think breathing on my hands won't make any difference…"

"Then, how about this?"

Felix loosened his scarf slightly and grabbed Monica's hand to touch his own neck.

Monica's small hand touched Felix's slender, white neck. The warmth of human skin spread slowly into Monica's numb fingertips. The comfort feeling made her mouth loosened… then she remembered the ridiculous reality that she had her hand touched Felix's neck before jumping away.

"Aaaaah, um, well, in times like this, if you open and close your hands, the blood will circulate and wa-wa-wa-warm your fingers."

"If you had to repeat your words like that… I guess it has to be very warm."

Felix chuckled as he removed the warm scarf and wrapped it around Monica's neck.

"Before that, I guess we should find you some warm clothes first. Follow me."

* * *

Felix brought her to the most gorgeous two-story building in the entertainment district. Upon entering the gorgeously decorated entrance, she was greeted by the intriguing scent of flowers in an opulent vase, mixed with the smell of incense.

Although he said he was looking for winter clothes, she assumed he was going to a clothing store, but it was pretty obvious to everyone that this place did not sell clothes. It was a store that offered an exciting time with beautifully dressed ladies.

"This, This, This, This, This…"

"Are you craving some fish?"

Monica shook her head as she struggled to speak.

"I-I mean, w-what kind of place is this…"

"The House of Madame Cassandra."

So Felix replied, and then a woman stepped out from the back of the store. She was dressed boldly, her amber hair in a loose updo, exposing her shoulders and chest. She giggled like a cat who's found a prize, nibbled on the base of Felix's neck, and kissed him passionately on the cheek.

"Sir Baron! I haven't seen you in a long time. You haven't shown up at all lately, I missed you so much."

"Hi, Doris. Sorry I've been so busy lately."

"Hey, why don't you pick me tonight? Since you're here, I'll turn down all other reservations for tonight."

The woman called Doris whispered in a tempting voice, to which Felix returned a kiss on Doris' cheek and said.

"Sorry, I have some business with Madame Cassandra."

"That's a shame."

Doris seemed to finally notice Monica's presence there, and with her body still entwined with Felix's, she turned her head to look at Monica. There was no malice in her gaze, simply to be genuinely assessing Monica's value.

"Hmmm… for a woman he brought, she doesn't look like she's going to get many customers…" muttered Doris before turning her gaze back to Felix.

"Whatever. Oh, right, Madame Cassandra's in the back room. This way, this way."

Doris wrapped her own arms around Felix's left arm and started walking. Then found Monica still confused there, so she yelled at her in exasperation.

"Come on, what are you standing there for? Look, his right arm is free right now."


Doris beckoned Monica to stand on the right side of Felix. She then grabbed Monica's hand and forcibly entangled it in Felix's right arm, while she herself clung back to his left arm.

"This is how you entwine your arms! Press your chest against his body more… and, uh… well, maybe you don't have any chest to press against."


What am I being forced to do? thought Monica before turning her gaze to Felix with a troubled look on her face, only to find him trying hard to hold his laughter.


"I guess I should introduce you to the madam first."

"R-Right…" Monica replied vaguely and started walking with her arm entwined in Felix's… or more like holding his hand like a lost child.

The house of Madame Cassandra was one of the most popular establishments in this entertainment district, and whether it was the decorations on the pillars, doors, or the carpets, the whole place was so gorgeous it hurt her eyes.

The mansion of Mary Harvey, the [Star Oracle Witch], was also luxurious but compared to this store, hers was much more elegant, Monica thought to herself.

Eventually, Doris stopped in front of a room at the end of the corridor.

"Madaaaame! Madame Cassandra! I brought you a good man after a long time, he's coming to see you!"

"Come in."

The voice coming from inside the room was that of a woman who had been drunk.

Doris opened the door in a good mood and let Felix and Monica in.

Though the corridor leading up to this place was quite gorgeous, the inside of that room was even more painful to the eyes.

Carpets in red tones, curtains made of velvet, the decorations and tassels, which had been crafted with a lot of goldwork and gold thread. And in the center of the room, a woman was sitting on a cat-legged couch. She, with beautifully coiffed gray hair, bright scarlet dress, and wide-brimmed hat, was already past her prime age, but far too vibrant to be considered old. Her amber eyes, glistening with a strong glow, were reflecting Felix's.

"Oh, my, Sir Baron. It's been a while since I've seen you. You know, the girls in the store have been losing motivation because you haven't been showing up lately."

"I apologize for that, Madam. A few things have come up in my business."

What kind of a business does he have, he's just a student. However, looking at Felix now, no one would think that he was a student. He was far too used to the nightlife.

…I'd better not say something unnecessary…

When Monica took a step back and hid behind Felix, the woman known as Madame Cassandra cocked her chin and looked at Monica.

"Who's that girl?"

"Oh, I was wondering if you could take care of her clothes. I want her looking more appropriate in this city."

This proved he was not lying when he told her that he was looking for warm clothes for Monica. Regular clothing stores would have long since closed by now. So, he figured it would be quicker to get some clothes and pay for them at this kind of store.

Doris said, "In that case, leave it to me," in response and grabbed Monica's wrist.

"Come on, this way!"

"But, I…"

Monica looked at Felix and Doris alternately in dismay, but Felix just smiled and waved at her.

"Have her get dressed beautifully."

"W-Wait, I…"

"Come on, get moving!"

Doris grabbed the flustered Monica's wrist and started walking with a big stride, half dragged to another room.

* * *

After watching Monica being dragged away by Doris, Felix sat down on the couch across from Madame Cassandra, which she then opened a locked drawer of her cabinet, took out a few envelopes from it, and placed them before him afterward.

"Baron Grimton, Count Morin, Count Aschente, Marquis Bardia… it was from the nobles you met in this store."

"Thanks for all your help as always, Madam."

Felix thanked her, took the envelopes, and put them in his pocket without checking the contents. The nobles that Madame Cassandra mentioned had one thing in common. They are all nobles affiliated with Duke Crockford. Of course, the perceptive Madame Cassandra must have been aware of this.

"I don't mean to pry too deeply, but… are you going to stop coming to this store?"

"I afraid so."

Felix placed a bag of gold coins in front of Madame Cassandra, who sighed, "My precious guest" in response.

"This should be enough for you to have a big party tonight."

"And of course you're going to be at that party, aren't you?"

"No, I've got other places to go. If you could just lend me a place to sleep tonight, that would be enough."

Madame Cassandra, with a sullen look on her face, took out a smoking pipe and sucked the tip of it into her bright red lips.

"For the last time. You can bring in as many girls from my store as you like to your room."

"That might not be a bad idea, though. On my way here, I made a night-out friend, albeit in an unexpected way, so I'd planning to take her as my priority today."


Madame Cassandra widened her eyes, which had been squinting moodily, and blinked.

"…could it be that the dull girl from earlier…"

"Yes, she's my friend."

When Felix answered plainly, Madame Cassandra put her hand on her forehead and looked up at the ceiling.

"What a bummer. I thought she was going to be sold to one of our stores…"

As Madame Cassandra blurted this out, she heard a clattering sound of running in the corridor. Moments later, Doris came running into the room with Monica by her side.

"Madame! Madame! Madaaame!"

In Doris's arms, who was raising her voice, Monica was mumbling numbers with vacant eyes. Felix rounded his eyes at the sight of her appearance in a flimsy dress, like the ones the girls in this store wear, which looked like underwear. A kind of revealing dress that would look good on a woman as voluptuous as Doris, but when worn by Monica, who's too skinny, it made her look impoverished and uncomfortably cold.

The dark Bordeaux fabric only accentuated Monica's pallor, and the shoulder straps had already slipped halfway down, almost exposing her scanty bosom.

Doris said to a surprised Felix, brushing her hair.

"I'm sorry, Sir Baron. I gave this little girl you came to sell us a little demonstration on how to please a man, and all of a sudden she's turning into a cripple. I'm really sorry, what should I do? Can I fix it by hitting her head?"

Doris's instruction, including the demonstration, was probably too intense for Monica. As a result, she seems to have tripped into the world of numbers, just like any other time.

"I'm sorry, Doris. I guess I was not clear enough."

"Hmm? You've come to sell this orphan girl to our store, right? Well, she's a little too skinny to be suitable for most men, but I'll make sure she's ready to take on customers, so don't worry about leaving her to me. This Doris will take good care of her."

"No, yeah, I mean…"

From then on, until Felix cleared up Doris's misunderstanding, while Monica kept muttering numbers with her empty eyes endlessly.

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