Silent Witch

Chapter Volume 6 7: Oh My, What A Capable Sister I Am, How About You Compliment Me, My-Dear-Bro-Ther.

Lately, it had become a regular occurrence for her to have lunch with Lana, Casey, and Claudia whenever lunchtime came around.

Today, as the four of them were having meals together, they could hear people around them talking about the school festival.

The school festival was only one month away. And all the students were busy preparing for it.

"The costumes for this year's show will be really amazing! After all, I supervised them myself!"

Lana proudly said as she tore off a piece of bread, and Casey smiled as she put a fish fry in her bread.

"Well, that was pretty intense. I mean, the battle between the students of the History Research Club and Lana…"

It seems that Lana, who was chosen to be a costume designer for the play that was the centerpiece of the school festival, had a heated discussion with the president of the History Research Club about costumes.

The debate between the president of the History Research Club, who insisted that the costumes should be based on folklore, and Lana, who insisted that the costumes should be trendy and glamorous, lasted for several days, and in the end, the two shook hands like war buddies.

"U-Um, what kind of play are you performing?"

In response to Monica's questioning voice, Casey said while taking a bite of bread.

"Ah, of course. This is your first time participating in this year's event. Every year, the play is decided to be a story about the Spirit Kings and the Founder King."

It's a story that everyone in this country has heard since childhood.

About a thousand years ago, the Founder King of the Kingdom of Ridill made a pact with the seven Spirit Kings of fire, water, earth, thunder, wind, light, and darkness to bring peace to a land ravaged by the dragon, by using their power to exterminate the Evil Dragon. And so, in this land of peace, he founded a kingdom… or so was the founding legend told.

According to the school, this play was the main highlight of the Serendia Academy Festival.

There will also be choral and music recitals, charity bazaars, tea parties, and finally a dance party at the end of the day.

And Monica, the treasurer, stared blankly at the draft budget because of the large amount of money involved.

Monica had thought that the students would have made their own stage sets and costumes for their play, but this was the Serendia Academy. Basically, once the students have decided on the design, the rest of the work was mostly outsourced. And the stage sets and costumes made by the professionals were said to be quite magnificent.

"I-I was so surprised when I read the report… they even set off fireworks…"

At Monica's words, Claudia, who had been quietly sipping her soup until now, blurted out.

"…that's right, there would be many sounds booming from morning until night… I find it more annoyance than anything."

"It would better be doing fireworks more flashy!"

In response to Claudia's comment, Lana clenched her fist and made a strong argument. From her response, it looks like Lana might have a hand in the stage production as well.

When Lana started to talk about the performance, Casey, who was listening to her, let out a big yawn. In response to an unladylike yawn, Lana's lips pursed.

"What? Is my story so boring that it makes you sleepy?"

"Sorry, I'm a little sleep-deprived. I was up late making embroidery for the charity bazaar."

"Y-You all seems, to be so busy."

When Monica commented, and Lana, Casey, and Claudia all looked at Monica at once. The three of them have a rare look of unanimity on their faces—a look of surprise.

Lana then spoke up on behalf of the three of them.

"Despite what you might think, the busiest person right now is probably you, Monica."

"…eh? I-Is that so?"

It was true that the workload had increased dramatically in the past few days, but in Monica's opinion, the amount of work she had been doing in the first place was not that great.

With the school festival approaching, the amount of work-related to accounting had increased, but it wasn't that hard for Monica. Ever since she was holed up in the mountain cabin, she had to deal with more complicated and cumbersome materials. Compared to that, it's not much work.

…If anything, it was probably more difficult when I was at Minerva.

At the Institution Training Magicians of Minerva, the main focus of the school festival was to present the results of each student's research. As a scholarship student, Monica was naturally required to make a presentation on her research, and she worked hard to prepare papers and materials.

At that time, she had prepared everything for the exhibition and stayed in her laboratory on the day of the festival, so she didn't really understand what kind of atmosphere the festival had.

But now, even more so than when she was at Minerva, she could feel the exuberance of her surroundings spreading to her.

Monica hates crowded places. The worst place for that is a festival…

…Now I think I might actually feel a little excited.

Although there was no clear image of what she wanted to do with the school festival, she hoped it would be successful.

Safely and without incident.

"Monica Norton."

Suddenly, a voice called out to her, and she looked up to see the vice president, Cyril, approaching her.

As Monica straightened her back unconsciously, Cyril held out a sheet of paper.

"After school today, we have work to supervise the incoming materials. We the student council members need to be present there, so come to the east gate after school. This is the list of materials. Try to get it into your head."

"The east gate?"

It was a gate that was usually closed and rarely used.

When Monica voiced her question, Cyril gave a small nod.

"We have so many materials to bring in, if all the suppliers use the main gate, they'll get in the way of the students."

According to Cyril, there will be three suppliers coming for today alone. There were fabrics for costumes, fireworks, and wood.

Of all the materials, wood has the biggest volume, so it had to be brought in through the east gate.

"The fireworks will be supervised by His Highness and Secretary Howard. Secretary Graham and General Manager Maywood will be in charge of clothing-related matters. While we're in charge of the wood."

"I-I understand."

Monica nodded, and Claudia, sitting next to her, sipped her tea and blurted out.

"…how careless of you to divulge the plans of the student council members to a third party."

Cyril's eyebrows twitched up at Claudia's words, and he glared at his sister.

"I have no problem with other students knowing our schedule."

"…so Neil will be alone with Bridget Graham for the verification process… alone with a woman other than me… I guess I have to intervene."

"Cut it out!!"

Claudia Ashley was a person who would seriously carry out what seemed like a bad joke.

Especially when his fiancée, Neil, was involved.

"The verification process is also witnessed by the supplier. They will never be alone. And don't you dare interfere with our work! …and Monica Norton. The amount of wood we are in charge of is quite a lot. Be there as soon as class is over."

"Yes, Lord Ashley."

As Monica nodded her head, a slender arm wrapped easily around Monica's round head—it was Claudia.

"Oh dear, what a problem. My name is Ashley, too."

"Uh, well, Lady Claudia is Lady Claudia, and… well, uh…"

"…oh dear, she won't call you by your name, will she, my dear brother? Since I am friends with Monica, she calls me by my first name, but she doesn't call you by your first name because you are just an acquaintance. I guess it can't be helped, since you just an acquaintance. Oh, how sad you are, for not be adored by your juniors, my-dear-bro-ther."

As Claudia smiled thinly looking up at Cyril, Cyril's cheeks twitched tensely.

She's been thinking for a while, but it seemed that these two siblings didn't get along very well. Both Lana and Casey looked troubled as they watched the interaction between the two siblings.

Monica was nervous. If she didn't do anything, Cyril would become a pitiful senior who wasn't adored by his junior.

"Um, Lord Ashley…I mean, the older brother, Lord Ashley, is very good at his job, he's a great person, and… I-I respect him."

At Monica's best follow-up, Cyril glared at Monica, moving his gleaming blue eyes. Scary.

"I-I'm s-s-s-s-sorry. That's right, I should have… just called you vice president, right? I'm sorry, vice president."

Cyril was glaring at Claudia with a bitter look on his face, but to Monica, it looked like he was the one being glared at.

Cyril exhaled deeply when he saw that Monica was shaking with tears in her eyes.

"…Cyril is fine."

"Y-Y-Yes, Lord Cyril."

When Monica said this in a quivering voice, Claudia giggled close to Monica's ear.

"…oh, my. My dear brother, who is just an acquaintance, is making a big deal about being called by his name."

"I've never thought of you to have a friend. Claudia."

"…of course I have. We're very good friends. Right, Mo-ni-ka?"

When Monica cocked her head up and down, Cyril's brow wrinkled.

"Monica Norton. You're not being forced by Claudia, are you?"

"N-N-N-N-Nooooo, t-t-t-t-that's not true…"

Monica now shook her head, and Claudia pressed her body even closer to Monica's.

Claudia gave off a very nice smell. And yet, it didn't make her feel any better.

"…How terrible. I can't believe you're jealous of our friendship… You're jealous of me and Monica because we're so close."

"Who would be jealous of the likes of you?!"

"Why don't you take a look? Maybe you should check it out for yourself because you look terrible with jealousy on your face."

Blue veins were popping up on Cyril's face. He was a step away before the rage burst.

Monica hurriedly spoke up.

"D-Don't worry! L-L-L-Lord Cyril looks the same as always!"

After all, Cyril always had that angry look on his face when he interacted with Monica.

Nothing to lie about, it's the same as always.

"…oh, my dear brother, you get jealous all the time regardless of who it is?"

"N-Nooooooo, I-I didn't mean it like that…"

"Monica Norton! If Claudia is causing you trouble, tell her so!"

"No, um…"

"You don't think I'm bothering you, do you, Mo-ni-ca?"

"I-I'd never…"

An older brother with a platinum blonde and a beautiful face, and a younger sister with black hair who was one of the three most beautiful girls in the school.

Even getting caught between the exchange of the beautiful siblings, Monica still looked as if she was about to die.

Casey, who was drinking tea after done eating her lunch, muttered in exasperation.

"…I guess Miss Claudia is playing with them."

Both Cyril and Monica were being played in Claudia's hands.

What a terrible personality, thought Lana as she's rubbing her forehead and let out a sigh.

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