Silent Fruit of One Piece

Chapter 199

“Gaga, the god of death to the dragon king, it is really a rare side, how can the assassin be in the mood to watch the play here, the slave army outside has suffered heavy losses, if you don’t hurry, your master will be furious!”

When the Grim Reaper flew this scythe and cut out one death slash after another, the murderous ghost, Dao Lang, and the ghost warrior stepped into Area 1 one after another.

However, at this time, their bodies were a little embarrassed, and their men were even more dead and wounded, and there were not many left who could reach here.

“Or you go up and try it, see if you can join forces with the God of Death to win the Dragon King, if you can take the Dragon King, I will suggest to the lord, this time you will give you ten times more commission!” Dark Thorn said lightly.

“Then forget it, the Grim Reaper doesn’t need to join forces with others, he is a legend!” Looking at the death slash flying in the sky, the murderer also shivered and said.

The assassination was just casual talk, and there was no idea of killing ghosts to assist the Grim Reaper, so after a sentence, he was not saying anything.

If the Grim Reaper can’t do it in the end, he also needs the killer ghost and others to help him kill Rosie.

And Rosie is not alone, not to mention those people in the gray country, it is the Hades next to him who said that he was watching the play, saying that he would not make a move, but in the end, it was not necessarily.

It’s really tricky, there are not enough manpower, so the odds of winning are not high!

It’s just that the assassin didn’t expect a hundred thousand people, but only a few people arrived here.

Originally, their plan was to use these people to consume the strength of the Dragon King and the Gray Country, and in their plan, even if the Dragon King and those strengths were again, so many people were enough to consume them to death.

Even if it doesn’t consume them, it can consume a large part of the strength of the Gray Country.

But now it seems that it is obviously impossible to achieve, 100,000 people have not even seen each other’s faces, and they are almost dead, not the dragon king, the strength of the gray country is also a little beyond imagination.

However, there is no way to do it, who would have thought that the gray country not only has the ability to strike space, but also has the ability of strategic-level fruits such as the Thunder Fruit and the Cloud Cloud Fruit.

I hope that even if the Grim Reaper can’t kill Rosinandi, he will consume most of his strength, or else、、、

Just as Dark Thorn was thinking secretly, a voice came into his ears.

“Silence!” Rossi’s cheers rang out.

The Grim Reaper, who originally exuded this endless dead aura, suddenly stopped, and the attack also stopped, but at this moment of stopping, the long knife in Rossi’s hand was cut out.

“Sky Collapse!” Rossi’s eyes flashed, and a sword cut out.

A slash flew out from his long knife, and Death was still stunned at this time, and this slash hit Death’s body without accident.

Compared with the previous Heavenly Collapse, this Heavenly Collapse Slash can be described as a lot thinner.

In the past, the heavenly collapse was extremely huge, but this time the heavenly collapse was just similar to the ordinary sword hao’s slash, or even weaker.

But the moment it hit the Grim Reaper, it burst out violently, instantly engulfing the Grim Reaper.

The so-called Sky Collapse Slash is performed with a knife in the form of a collapse fist critical strike.

At that time, Luo Xi’s swordsmanship level was too low, and the so-called Sky Collapse Slash was just another kind of Collapse Fist Crit, in fact, after Rossi Shi exhibited the Collapse Fist Critical Attack, he cut out the power of this Collapse Fist Critical Strike through the blade body.

Such a slash seems huge, but the power is actually not great.

Even if Rosie is holding a moving brick in his hand, the power he exerts is not necessarily much weaker than the slash.

But now it’s different, Luo Xi, who is already in the realm of Jianhao, the heavenly collapse slash he unleashed is no longer a collapsed fist crit with a knife, but a real slash.

Charge all the power in the slash, and all the power sword qi is compressed in the slash, with strong penetrating and explosive nature.

Perhaps this heavenly collapse slash looks ordinary when it is cut out, but the power it contains is beyond imagination, and it instantly cuts off the scythe of the god of death and penetrates the body of the god of death.

While penetrating the body of the God of Death, the slashing blast emitted sword qi, leaving countless huge sword marks on the body of the God of Death.

But after this slash pierced the Grim Reaper, he did not stop there, and continued to slash outside.

The ground was cut by it with a long crack, straight out of Area One, and finally slashed through the lawless zone and struck a battleship.

Everything he cut in half everywhere he went, whether it was trees, stones, or people.

Other slashes are less and less powerful, and the slashes are getting smaller and smaller.

However, the slash of the Sky Collapse Slash was getting bigger and bigger, originally it was just the size of an ordinary slash, but when it pierced the God of Death, the power burst out and became bigger and bigger.

When he slashed through the lawless zone and slashed at the battleship, the entire slash had expanded tenfold, and the entire battleship was instantly cut in half by this huge slash.

Then the slash hit the second battleship, breaking the battleship again, and finally this slash fell into the sea after cutting four battleships in succession, and the sea surface was immediately torn open a huge chasm.

“Strange, monster? Is this really something we can fight against? Seeing such a powerful slash, the murderous ghost was stunned.

The assassin was also speechless for a long time.

And in the field, Dao Lang’s experience was the deepest, and the whole person trembled all over.

Also as a swordsman, seeing such a slash shocked Dao Lang, Rossi’s swordsman level may not be as good as Dao Lang, but his control and control of power, as well as the way Heavenly Collapse Slash applies sword qi, are far beyond Dao Lang’s imagination.

Even when Renly saw this heavenly collapse, he was slightly surprised.

It’s not that he hasn’t seen Rosie perform the Heavenly Collapse, but he didn’t expect that when this move Heavenly Collapse is truly transformed into a slash, it will have such power.

You must know that although no one has taught Rossi to cultivate, his insight, as well as his mutated perception of seeing and hearing, are far beyond this world.

With his ten years or so, he has constantly studied and introduced new attack methods, which is definitely the top move.

“Ho ho ho, it’s really a willful attack, powerful and desperate!” Doflamingo said with a wild laugh.

“It’s powerful, but there’s room for improvement!” Rossi was also very satisfied with this knife.

However, the powerful perception of seeing and hearing told him that this knife could be even stronger, and there was still room for improvement.

It’s just that with his current sword cultivation, he can’t make this move more powerful, and if he becomes a great sword master, maybe the power of this move will be raised to another level.

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