Silence the Hunger

Chapter 24

With a dull cracking noise, the wolf’s eyes popped out from its sockets. A thin string of optic nerve caused them to dangle until its body lay lifeless on the ground.

He felt a strange tugging sensation from his arm. The wolf pulled at his arm, almost jolted out of its socket. A set of teeth had clamped onto his hand, the feeling of bone scraping on bone sent a bolt of electricity into his mind.

There was no pain, only a throbbing sensation building up in his left hand. Alphonse quickly bent down and pulled his arm back. His mouth opened wide and slammed shut straight across the wolf's face. Half of the wolf's brain was in full view, its sharp teeth still holding on to Alphonse’s hand.

[ Dire Wolf consumed | 1.1 Dexterity added. ]

From the corner of his eyes, he spotted something and immediately dodged backwards. He didn’t dare let go of his mace to free his hand. All he could do was jostle the jaw from side to side. Finally, it let go as he sent another swing of his mace forwards. Alphonse’s muscles contracted as he catapulted his mace forwards, hitting the wolf square on the shoulder. It barely let out a whimper as it raked Alphonse straight across his chest. Blood was dripping everywhere as Alphonse huffed out air.

Alphonse looked around as wolves were littered on the ground; if they weren't already dead, they were convulsing at having their skulls brutally smashed open.

The one wolf remaining was the cold-eyed monster in front of him, his ironbark spears were scattered loosely around the wolves corpses.

‘They’ll do nothing against him, anyway.’ Strangely, the alpha-wolf was just staring at him. ‘Is it waiting for me to bleed to death? I know they are cunning, but shit…’

Alphonse cautiously knelt on the ground. His eyes never left the monster for even a second. He grabbed hold of a nearby wolf and chomped down, his teeth cracking through the bone like it was nothing, and swallowed. The tender flesh slid down his throat as he felt the warmth in his stomach.

[ Trait Extracted - Keen Smell [ Bloodline Trait ]

Alphonse smelt something… danger. His body dropped to the side as the Alpha wolf blasted forwards. He tried to react in time, but it was too late. The Alpha wolf used its huge head like a battering ram, propelling Alphonse off of his feet and crashing into the closest iron tree.

The tree didn’t budge as he felt the entire impact smash his ribs. Blood seeped from his mouth as he recklessly charged forwards. There was no thought, no plan. He just wanted to smash the damned mutt into the ground. They both charged, one faster than the other, but it didn’t matter. Alphonse’s blood was pumping faster than ever before. He waited for the perfect moment for his opponent to make a mistake.

The wolf made the first move, digging its paws deep into the ground. Its immense body halted and then lunged forwards. Alphonse didn’t stop. He didn’t even blink as the intimidation attempt from the wolf failed. He ducked to the ground and used his mace as a spear, thrusting up and into the jaw of the alpha. Without stopping, having deviated from the jaw of the wolf. His powerful arms clasped around the hulking fur body as his teeth clamped around the alpha's back. ‘You fucking mutt.’ Alphonse’s jaw clenched down, swallowing the mass of bone down his throat as his strong stomach acid instantly melted it down.

The alpha’s body collapsed. He had severed its spine in half. The wolf’s eyes looked at Alphonse with no fear. It was simply ready for death. Without waiting, his shadowed teeth sunk into the heavily furred wolf’s throat as he kept on biting down. Soon, he consumed the wolf's head entirely.

[ Trait Extracted - Keen Hearing [ Bloodline Trait ]

[ Alpha Dire Wolf consumed | 4.4 Dexterity added. ]


Alphonse’s body collapsed, unable to hold up his body any longer. His hand was mangled, pieces of flesh were dangling as blood dripped down. *cough* Alphonse spat out a glob of blood.

‘I need to stop the bleeding…’ Ripping off a piece of cloth of what was left of his shirt, he tied it around his hand and then slumped to the ground… There was nothing he could do about the wound on his chest.

Alphonse lay back amongst the ironwood tree’s leaves. They were comfortable. His new trait [ Keen Hearing ] picked up the sound of something crunching through leaves as it… no, they gradually got closer. One footstep after the other arrived, their smell, their sound… They were from the Classes. His eyes became heavy and before he saw who they were, he fell unconscious.


“Well, what do we do now? Follow the map?”

“It’s hardly a damned map. Hell, it’s barely a picture. They could mean anything.”

“Still, what the hell else are we going to do?”

“I agree with Markus, if not us, then who? Right now we don't even know if more of Class A are alive. For now we just need to rely on ourselves.”

“And him.”

“Can we even trust him? How did he kill them all? He’s from Class E”

The voices stopped, Alphonse’s eyes squirmed open, unsure of what time, date or even where he was. His head was in agony, and the sun only made it worse. ‘The boulder.’ Alphonse sat up. He felt a small amount of pain emitting from his ribs, but it was nothing too serious. They had bandaged his hand up, but he could feel that it was perfectly fine.

“My wounds?” His eyes rested on the group in front of him.

“Ah, don’t get up so quick!” A girl his age approached him. Her face was almost touching his as their eyes joined.

“Ahem, sorry. My name is Felecia. I restored your wounds!” She suddenly backed off, as her pink hair dazzled in the sun.

“Ah, it’s okay… Thank you.” Alphonse said as he gently smiled while shaking his head in response. ‘Is she a weirdo or what?’ He looked at her excitable nature. It was slightly infectious as he stood up onto his feet.

‘What?’ Alphonse looked at the girl as her lips squished together, forming a slight pouting face.

The girl suddenly laughed, looking at Alphonse’s confused visage.

“I want your name, stupid.” Her little pink tongue protruded from her mouth.

“Oh, of course, my name is Alphonse.” Said Alphonse..

“Oi Felecia, can’t you see he ain't interested? I told you, no normal guy likes that ridiculous hair colour.” A young man… ‘Holy fuck, he’s my age?!’ Alphonse screamed internally as a giant like man walked forward. He was literally like a walking mountain. A door sized shield adorned his back. His size compared to Dillan couldn’t even be compared.

“The names Markus. Did you really kill all those dire wolves, Class E recruit?” Markus said as his arms crossed, looking like ironwood logs.

“I did.”

“Then… how?” Markus shook his head. Every class E recruit he had come across was absolutely useless. They only had enough strength to set up camp, and that was it.

“Ahh, did you awaken your class?!” Felecia said, her hands clasped together in excitement.

“What is it? A nomad samurai?! If that's the case, we need to get you a kimono and one of those fancy hats! Or…” Her eyes fell onto his mace and her eyes lit up. “Oh, I know, a noble knight. How charming!”

“Uhh, I don’t have a class.” Alphonse’s sore head was becoming worse. ‘what’s her problem?’

“Guys, that’s enough playing around. It’s obvious you have strength. Will you join us?” A young man walked forward, he exuded self-confidence. He had a longsword that had beautiful engravings on the sheath. Alphonse could only guess the quality of such a weapon.

“My name’s Lucas. We are heading to where the markings lead us.” Lucas’ long, slender finger pointed towards the markings on the boulder.

”What if it’s a trap?” Said Alphonse.

“Trap or not, we need to go. We’re under time restraints, after all.”

“Alright, I’ll join you guys.”

“Yay!” Felecia jumped with joy, excited to torment another person.

“Alright, we’ll head out straight away now that you’re awake.” Lucas already started walking towards the other end of the forest.

“I guess we’re not waiting for anyone else?” Alphonse said.

“Nah, we’ve already looked around, but couldn’t find anyone.” Markus said as they all started walking, following the swordsman closely by.

Just before they entered the forest, Markus stopped. “Haydon, scout forward. Report back anything you find.” His words were directed towards a small man, even smaller than Alphonse. He was dressed in green, a hood covered most of his face.

“Alright.” His words were quick and to the point as he sprinted forwards, disappearing into the woodland.

‘They even have a scout, class A is different after all…’ Alphonse looked at the rest of the party. It was well rounded, comprising a frontline; supports, backline and even a healer.

‘I hope they’re alive…’ Alphonse and his newly formed party disappeared into the forest.

It had been a while now. Alphonse estimated they had been walking for around two hours. They had entered the grassy plains, finally leaving the trees behind. Class A, despite their confidence, they never once let their guard down. Hands were readied on their weapons. The healer and supports were directly in the middle of the formation alongside Alphonse.

Alphonse stopped. His keen hearing trait was working in overdrive. He heard something… Below them.

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